# Terraform Consul Load Testing ## How to use 1. Build an image with the desired Consul version and a load test image in the Packer folder [here](../packer). 2. Create your own `vars.tfvars` file in this directory. 3. Place the appropriate AMI IDs in the `consul_ami_id` and `test_server_ami` variables. If no AMI ID is specified it will default to pulling from latest. 4. Set either `consul_version` or `consul_download_url`. If neither is set it will default to utilizing Consul 1.9.0 5. AWS Variables are set off of environment variables. Make sure to export necessary variables [shown here](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs#environment-variables). 6. Run `terraform init` once to setup the working directory. 7. Run `terraform plan -var-file=vars.tfvars`, and then `terraform apply -var-file=vars.tfvars` when ready. 8. Upon completion k6 should run and push metrics to the desired Datadog dashboard. An example of a `vars.tfvars` : ``` vpc_name = "consul-test-vpc" vpc_cidr = "" vpc_allwed_ssh_cidr = "" public_subnet_cidrs = ["", ""] private_subnet_cidrs = [""] vpc_az = ["us-east-2a", "us-east-2b"] test_instance_type = "t2.micro" test_server_ami = "ami-0ad7711e837ebe166" cluster_name = "ctest" test_public_ip = "true" instance_type = "t2.micro" ami_owners = ["******"] consul_ami_id = "ami-016d80ff5472346f0" ```` Note that `vpc_allwed_ssh_cidr` must be set to allowed the test server to be accessible from the machine running the load test, e.g., "" (It is disabled by default). ## Customization All customization for infrastructure that is available can be found by looking through the `variables.tf` file. ## How to SSH After `terraform apply` is run Terraform should create a `keys/` directory which will give access to all instances created. For example, `ssh -i "keys/[cluster-name]-spicy-banana.pem" ubuntu@[IPADDRESS]`