#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail # DEBUG=1 enables set -x for this script so echos every command run DEBUG=${DEBUG:-} # FILTER_TESTS="" skips any test whose CASENAME doesn't match the # pattern. CASENAME is combination of the name from the case- dir and the # envoy version for example: "http, envoy 1.8.0". The pattern is passed to grep # over that string. FILTER_TESTS=${FILTER_TESTS:-} # LEAVE_CONSUL_UP=1 leaves the consul container running at the end which can be # useful for debugging. LEAVE_CONSUL_UP=${LEAVE_CONSUL_UP:-} # QUIESCE_SECS=1 will cause the runner to sleep for 1 second after setup but # before verify container is run this is useful for CI which seems to pass more # reliably with this even though docker-compose up waits for containers to # start, and our tests retry. QUIESCE_SECS=${QUIESCE_SECS:-} # ENVOY_VERSIONS is the list of envoy versions to run each test against ENVOY_VERSIONS=${ENVOY_VERSIONS:-"1.8.0 1.9.1"} if [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] ; then set -x fi DIR=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P) cd $DIR FILTER_TESTS=${FILTER_TESTS:-} LEAVE_CONSUL_UP=${LEAVE_CONSUL_UP:-} PROXY_LOGS_ON_FAIL=${PROXY_LOGS_ON_FAIL:-} source helpers.bash RESULT=1 CLEANED_UP=0 PREV_CMD="" THIS_CMD="" function cleanup { local STATUS="$?" local CMD="$THIS_CMD" if [ "$CLEANED_UP" != 0 ] ; then return fi CLEANED_UP=1 # We failed due to set -e catching an error, output some useful info about # that error. echo "ERR: command exited with $STATUS" echo " command: $CMD" if [ -z "$LEAVE_CONSUL_UP" ] ; then docker-compose down fi } trap cleanup EXIT # Magic to capture commands and statuses so we can show them when we exit due to # set -e This is useful for debugging setup.sh failures. trap 'PREV_CMD=$THIS_CMD; THIS_CMD=$BASH_COMMAND' DEBUG # Start the volume container docker-compose up -d workdir for c in ./case-*/ ; do for ev in $ENVOY_VERSIONS ; do CASENAME="$( basename $c | cut -c6- ), envoy $ev" echo "" echo "==> CASE $CASENAME" export ENVOY_VERSION=$ev if [ ! -z "$FILTER_TESTS" ] && echo "$CASENAME" | grep -v "$FILTER_TESTS" > /dev/null ; then echo " SKIPPED: doesn't match FILTER_TESTS=$FILTER_TESTS" continue 1 fi # Wipe state docker-compose up wipe-volumes rm -rf workdir/* mkdir -p workdir/{consul,envoy,bats,statsd,logs} # Reload consul config from defaults cp consul-base-cfg/* workdir/consul # Add any overrides if there are any (no op if not) cp -f ${c}*.hcl workdir/consul 2>/dev/null || : # Push the state to the shared docker volume (note this is because CircleCI # can't use shared volumes) docker cp workdir/. envoy_workdir_1:/workdir # Start Consul first we do this here even though typically nothing stopped # it because it sometimes seems to be killed by something else (OOM killer)? docker-compose up -d consul # Reload consul echo "Reloading Consul config" if ! retry 10 2 docker_consul reload ; then # Clean up everything before we abort #docker-compose down echored "⨯ FAIL - couldn't reload consul config" exit 1 fi # Copy all the test files cp ${c}*.bats workdir/bats cp helpers.bash workdir/bats # Run test case setup (e.g. generating Envoy bootstrap, starting containers) source ${c}setup.sh # Push the state to the shared docker volume (note this is because CircleCI # can't use shared volumes) docker cp workdir/. envoy_workdir_1:/workdir # Start containers required if [ ! -z "$REQUIRED_SERVICES" ] ; then docker-compose up -d $REQUIRED_SERVICES fi if [ ! -z "$QUIESCE_SECS" ] ; then echo "Sleeping for $QUIESCE_SECS seconds" sleep $QUIESCE_SECS fi # Execute tests THISRESULT=1 if docker-compose up --build --abort-on-container-exit --exit-code-from verify verify ; then echo -n "==> CASE $CASENAME: " echogreen "✓ PASS" else echo -n "==> CASE $CASENAME: " echored "⨯ FAIL" if [ $RESULT -eq 1 ] ; then RESULT=0 fi THISRESULT=0 fi # Teardown if [ -f "${c}teardown.sh" ] ; then source "${c}teardown.sh" fi if [ ! -z "$REQUIRED_SERVICES" ] ; then if [[ "$THISRESULT" == 0 ]] ; then mkdir -p workdir/logs/$c/$ENVOY_VERSION for cont in $REQUIRED_SERVICES; do docker-compose logs --no-color $cont 2>&1 > workdir/logs/$c/$ENVOY_VERSION/$cont.log done fi docker-compose stop $REQUIRED_SERVICES fi done done cleanup if [ $RESULT -eq 1 ] ; then echogreen "✓ PASS" else echored "⨯ FAIL" exit 1 fi