package members import ( "flag" "fmt" "net" "regexp" "sort" "strings" "" "" "" "" consulapi "" "" ) // cmd is a Command implementation that queries a running // Consul agent what members are part of the cluster currently. type cmd struct { UI cli.Ui help string flags *flag.FlagSet http *flags.HTTPFlags // flags detailed bool wan bool statusFilter string segment string } func New(ui cli.Ui) *cmd { c := &cmd{UI: ui} c.init() return c } func (c *cmd) init() { c.flags = flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError) c.flags.BoolVar(&c.detailed, "detailed", false, "Provides detailed information about nodes.") c.flags.BoolVar(&c.wan, "wan", false, "If the agent is in server mode, this can be used to return the other "+ "peers in the WAN pool.") c.flags.StringVar(&c.statusFilter, "status", ".*", "If provided, output is filtered to only nodes matching the regular "+ "expression for status.") c.flags.StringVar(&c.segment, "segment", consulapi.AllSegments, "(Enterprise-only) If provided, output is filtered to only nodes in"+ "the given segment.") c.http = &flags.HTTPFlags{} flags.Merge(c.flags, c.http.ClientFlags()) flags.Merge(c.flags, c.http.PartitionFlag()) = flags.Usage(help, c.flags) } func (c *cmd) Run(args []string) int { if err := c.flags.Parse(args); err != nil { return 1 } // Compile the regexp statusRe, err := regexp.Compile(c.statusFilter) if err != nil { c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to compile status regexp: %v", err)) return 1 } client, err := c.http.APIClient() if err != nil { c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error connecting to Consul agent: %s", err)) return 1 } // Make the request. opts := consulapi.MembersOpts{ Segment: c.segment, WAN: c.wan, } members, err := client.Agent().MembersOpts(opts) if err != nil { c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving members: %s", err)) return 1 } // Filter the results n := len(members) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { member := members[i] if member.Tags[consulapi.MemberTagKeyPartition] == "" { member.Tags[consulapi.MemberTagKeyPartition] = "default" } if acl.IsDefaultPartition(member.Tags[consulapi.MemberTagKeyPartition]) { if c.segment == consulapi.AllSegments && member.Tags[consulapi.MemberTagKeyRole] == consulapi.MemberTagValueRoleServer { member.Tags[consulapi.MemberTagKeySegment] = "" } else if member.Tags[consulapi.MemberTagKeySegment] == "" { member.Tags[consulapi.MemberTagKeySegment] = "" } } else { member.Tags[consulapi.MemberTagKeySegment] = "" } statusString := serf.MemberStatus(member.Status).String() if !statusRe.MatchString(statusString) { members[i], members[n-1] = members[n-1], members[i] i-- n-- continue } } members = members[:n] // No matching members if len(members) == 0 { return 2 } sort.Sort(ByMemberNamePartitionAndSegment(members)) // Generate the output var result []string if c.detailed { result = c.detailedOutput(members) } else { result = c.standardOutput(members) } // Generate the columnized version output := columnize.Format(result, &columnize.Config{Delim: string([]byte{0x1f})}) c.UI.Output(output) return 0 } // ByMemberNamePartitionAndSegment sorts members by name with a stable sort. // // 1. servers go at the top // 2. members of the default partition go next (including segments) // 3. members of partitions follow type ByMemberNamePartitionAndSegment []*consulapi.AgentMember func (m ByMemberNamePartitionAndSegment) Len() int { return len(m) } func (m ByMemberNamePartitionAndSegment) Swap(i, j int) { m[i], m[j] = m[j], m[i] } func (m ByMemberNamePartitionAndSegment) Less(i, j int) bool { tags_i := parseTags(m[i].Tags) tags_j := parseTags(m[j].Tags) // put role=consul first switch { case tags_i.role == consulapi.MemberTagValueRoleServer && tags_j.role != consulapi.MemberTagValueRoleServer: return true case tags_i.role != consulapi.MemberTagValueRoleServer && tags_j.role == consulapi.MemberTagValueRoleServer: return false } // then the default partitions switch { case isDefault(tags_i.partition) && !isDefault(tags_j.partition): return true case !isDefault(tags_i.partition) && isDefault(tags_j.partition): return false } // then by segments within the default switch { case tags_i.segment < tags_j.segment: return true case tags_i.segment > tags_j.segment: return false } // then by partitions switch { case tags_i.partition < tags_j.partition: return true case tags_i.partition > tags_j.partition: return false } // finally by name return m[i].Name < m[j].Name } func isDefault(s string) bool { // NOTE: we can't use structs.IsDefaultPartition since that discards the input return s == "" || s == "default" } // standardOutput is used to dump the most useful information about nodes // in a more human-friendly format func (c *cmd) standardOutput(members []*consulapi.AgentMember) []string { result := make([]string, 0, len(members)) header := "Node\x1fAddress\x1fStatus\x1fType\x1fBuild\x1fProtocol\x1fDC\x1fPartition\x1fSegment" result = append(result, header) for _, member := range members { tags := parseTags(member.Tags) addr := net.TCPAddr{IP: net.ParseIP(member.Addr), Port: int(member.Port)} protocol := member.Tags["vsn"] build := member.Tags["build"] if build == "" { build = "< 0.3" } else if idx := strings.Index(build, ":"); idx != -1 { build = build[:idx] } statusString := serf.MemberStatus(member.Status).String() switch tags.role { case consulapi.MemberTagValueRoleClient: line := fmt.Sprintf("%s\x1f%s\x1f%s\x1fclient\x1f%s\x1f%s\x1f%s\x1f%s\x1f%s", member.Name, addr.String(), statusString, build, protocol, tags.datacenter, tags.partition, tags.segment) result = append(result, line) case consulapi.MemberTagValueRoleServer: line := fmt.Sprintf("%s\x1f%s\x1f%s\x1fserver\x1f%s\x1f%s\x1f%s\x1f%s\x1f%s", member.Name, addr.String(), statusString, build, protocol, tags.datacenter, tags.partition, tags.segment) result = append(result, line) default: line := fmt.Sprintf("%s\x1f%s\x1f%s\x1funknown\x1f\x1f\x1f\x1f\x1f", member.Name, addr.String(), statusString) result = append(result, line) } } return result } type decodedTags struct { role string segment string partition string datacenter string } func parseTags(tags map[string]string) decodedTags { return decodedTags{ role: tags[consulapi.MemberTagKeyRole], segment: tags[consulapi.MemberTagKeySegment], partition: tags[consulapi.MemberTagKeyPartition], datacenter: tags[consulapi.MemberTagKeyDatacenter], } } // detailedOutput is used to dump all known information about nodes in // their raw format func (c *cmd) detailedOutput(members []*consulapi.AgentMember) []string { result := make([]string, 0, len(members)) header := "Node\x1fAddress\x1fStatus\x1fTags" result = append(result, header) for _, member := range members { // Get the tags sorted by key tagKeys := make([]string, 0, len(member.Tags)) for key := range member.Tags { tagKeys = append(tagKeys, key) } sort.Strings(tagKeys) // Format the tags as tag1=v1,tag2=v2,... var tagPairs []string for _, key := range tagKeys { tagPairs = append(tagPairs, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", key, member.Tags[key])) } tags := strings.Join(tagPairs, ",") addr := net.TCPAddr{IP: net.ParseIP(member.Addr), Port: int(member.Port)} line := fmt.Sprintf("%s\x1f%s\x1f%s\x1f%s", member.Name, addr.String(), serf.MemberStatus(member.Status).String(), tags) result = append(result, line) } return result } func (c *cmd) Synopsis() string { return synopsis } func (c *cmd) Help() string { return } const synopsis = "Lists the members of a Consul cluster" const help = ` Usage: consul members [options] Outputs the members of a running Consul agent. `