package config import ( "crypto/tls" "fmt" "net" "reflect" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" ) // RuntimeConfig specifies the configuration the consul agent actually // uses. Is is derived from one or more Config structures which can come // from files, flags and/or environment variables. type RuntimeConfig struct { // non-user configurable values AEInterval time.Duration ACLDisabledTTL time.Duration CheckDeregisterIntervalMin time.Duration CheckReapInterval time.Duration SegmentLimit int SegmentNameLimit int SyncCoordinateRateTarget float64 SyncCoordinateIntervalMin time.Duration Revision string Version string VersionPrerelease string // consul config ConsulCoordinateUpdateMaxBatches int ConsulCoordinateUpdateBatchSize int ConsulCoordinateUpdatePeriod time.Duration ConsulRaftElectionTimeout time.Duration ConsulRaftHeartbeatTimeout time.Duration ConsulRaftLeaderLeaseTimeout time.Duration ConsulSerfLANGossipInterval time.Duration ConsulSerfLANProbeInterval time.Duration ConsulSerfLANProbeTimeout time.Duration ConsulSerfLANSuspicionMult int ConsulSerfWANGossipInterval time.Duration ConsulSerfWANProbeInterval time.Duration ConsulSerfWANProbeTimeout time.Duration ConsulSerfWANSuspicionMult int ConsulServerHealthInterval time.Duration ACLAgentMasterToken string ACLAgentToken string ACLDatacenter string ACLDefaultPolicy string ACLDownPolicy string ACLEnforceVersion8 bool ACLEnableKeyListPolicy bool ACLMasterToken string ACLReplicationToken string ACLTTL time.Duration ACLToken string AutopilotCleanupDeadServers bool AutopilotDisableUpgradeMigration bool AutopilotLastContactThreshold time.Duration AutopilotMaxTrailingLogs int AutopilotRedundancyZoneTag string AutopilotServerStabilizationTime time.Duration AutopilotUpgradeVersionTag string DNSAllowStale bool DNSDisableCompression bool DNSDomain string DNSEnableTruncate bool DNSMaxStale time.Duration DNSNodeTTL time.Duration DNSOnlyPassing bool DNSRecursorTimeout time.Duration DNSServiceTTL map[string]time.Duration DNSUDPAnswerLimit int DNSRecursors []string HTTPBlockEndpoints []string HTTPResponseHeaders map[string]string TelemetryCirconusAPIApp string TelemetryCirconusAPIToken string TelemetryCirconusAPIURL string TelemetryCirconusBrokerID string TelemetryCirconusBrokerSelectTag string TelemetryCirconusCheckDisplayName string TelemetryCirconusCheckForceMetricActivation string TelemetryCirconusCheckID string TelemetryCirconusCheckInstanceID string TelemetryCirconusCheckSearchTag string TelemetryCirconusCheckTags string TelemetryCirconusSubmissionInterval string TelemetryCirconusSubmissionURL string TelemetryDisableHostname bool TelemetryDogstatsdAddr string TelemetryDogstatsdTags []string TelemetryFilterDefault bool TelemetryAllowedPrefixes []string TelemetryBlockedPrefixes []string TelemetryMetricsPrefix string TelemetryStatsdAddr string TelemetryStatsiteAddr string // Datacenter and NodeName are exposed via /v1/agent/self from here and // used in lots of places like CLI commands. Treat this as an interface // that must be stable. Datacenter string NodeName string AdvertiseAddrLAN *net.IPAddr AdvertiseAddrWAN *net.IPAddr BindAddr *net.IPAddr Bootstrap bool BootstrapExpect int CAFile string CAPath string CertFile string CheckUpdateInterval time.Duration Checks []*structs.CheckDefinition ClientAddrs []*net.IPAddr DNSAddrs []net.Addr DNSPort int DataDir string DevMode bool DisableAnonymousSignature bool DisableCoordinates bool DisableHostNodeID bool DisableKeyringFile bool DisableRemoteExec bool DisableUpdateCheck bool DiscardCheckOutput bool EnableACLReplication bool EnableDebug bool EnableScriptChecks bool EnableSyslog bool EnableUI bool EncryptKey string EncryptVerifyIncoming bool EncryptVerifyOutgoing bool HTTPAddrs []net.Addr HTTPPort int HTTPSAddrs []net.Addr HTTPSPort int KeyFile string LeaveDrainTime time.Duration LeaveOnTerm bool LogLevel string NodeID types.NodeID NodeMeta map[string]string NonVotingServer bool PidFile string RPCAdvertiseAddr *net.TCPAddr RPCBindAddr *net.TCPAddr RPCHoldTimeout time.Duration RPCMaxBurst int RPCProtocol int RPCRateLimit rate.Limit RaftProtocol int ReconnectTimeoutLAN time.Duration ReconnectTimeoutWAN time.Duration RejoinAfterLeave bool RetryJoinIntervalLAN time.Duration RetryJoinIntervalWAN time.Duration RetryJoinLAN []string RetryJoinMaxAttemptsLAN int RetryJoinMaxAttemptsWAN int RetryJoinWAN []string SegmentName string Segments []structs.NetworkSegment SerfAdvertiseAddrLAN *net.TCPAddr SerfAdvertiseAddrWAN *net.TCPAddr SerfBindAddrLAN *net.TCPAddr SerfBindAddrWAN *net.TCPAddr SerfPortLAN int SerfPortWAN int ServerMode bool ServerName string ServerPort int Services []*structs.ServiceDefinition SessionTTLMin time.Duration SkipLeaveOnInt bool StartJoinAddrsLAN []string StartJoinAddrsWAN []string SyslogFacility string TLSCipherSuites []uint16 TLSMinVersion string TLSPreferServerCipherSuites bool TaggedAddresses map[string]string TranslateWANAddrs bool UIDir string UnixSocketGroup string UnixSocketMode string UnixSocketUser string VerifyIncoming bool VerifyIncomingHTTPS bool VerifyIncomingRPC bool VerifyOutgoing bool VerifyServerHostname bool Watches []map[string]interface{} } // IncomingHTTPSConfig returns the TLS configuration for HTTPS // connections to consul. func (c *RuntimeConfig) IncomingHTTPSConfig() (*tls.Config, error) { tc := &tlsutil.Config{ VerifyIncoming: c.VerifyIncoming || c.VerifyIncomingHTTPS, VerifyOutgoing: c.VerifyOutgoing, CAFile: c.CAFile, CAPath: c.CAPath, CertFile: c.CertFile, KeyFile: c.KeyFile, NodeName: c.NodeName, ServerName: c.ServerName, TLSMinVersion: c.TLSMinVersion, CipherSuites: c.TLSCipherSuites, PreferServerCipherSuites: c.TLSPreferServerCipherSuites, } return tc.IncomingTLSConfig() } // Sanitized returns a JSON/HCL compatible representation of the runtime // configuration where all fields with potential secrets had their // values replaced by 'hidden'. In addition, network addresses and // time.Duration values are formatted to improve readability. func (c *RuntimeConfig) Sanitized() map[string]interface{} { return sanitize("rt", reflect.ValueOf(c)).Interface().(map[string]interface{}) } // isSecret determines whether a field name represents a field which // may contain a secret. func isSecret(name string) bool { name = strings.ToLower(name) return strings.Contains(name, "key") || strings.Contains(name, "token") || strings.Contains(name, "secret") } // cleanRetryJoin sanitizes the go-discover config strings key=val key=val... // by scrubbing the individual key=val combinations. func cleanRetryJoin(a string) string { var fields []string for _, f := range strings.Fields(a) { if isSecret(f) { kv := strings.SplitN(f, "=", 2) fields = append(fields, kv[0]+"=hidden") } else { fields = append(fields, f) } } return strings.Join(fields, " ") } func sanitize(name string, v reflect.Value) reflect.Value { typ := v.Type() switch { // check before isStruct and isPtr case isNetAddr(typ): if v.IsNil() { return reflect.ValueOf("") } switch x := v.Interface().(type) { case *net.TCPAddr: return reflect.ValueOf("tcp://" + x.String()) case *net.UDPAddr: return reflect.ValueOf("udp://" + x.String()) case *net.UnixAddr: return reflect.ValueOf("unix://" + x.String()) case *net.IPAddr: return reflect.ValueOf(x.IP.String()) default: return v } // check before isNumber case isDuration(typ): x := v.Interface().(time.Duration) return reflect.ValueOf(x.String()) case isString(typ): if strings.HasPrefix(name, "RetryJoinLAN[") || strings.HasPrefix(name, "RetryJoinWAN[") { x := v.Interface().(string) return reflect.ValueOf(cleanRetryJoin(x)) } if isSecret(name) { return reflect.ValueOf("hidden") } return v case isNumber(typ) || isBool(typ): return v case isPtr(typ): if v.IsNil() { return v } return sanitize(name, v.Elem()) case isStruct(typ): m := map[string]interface{}{} for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ { key := typ.Field(i).Name m[key] = sanitize(key, v.Field(i)).Interface() } return reflect.ValueOf(m) case isArray(typ) || isSlice(typ): ma := make([]interface{}, 0) for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ { ma = append(ma, sanitize(fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", name, i), v.Index(i)).Interface()) } return reflect.ValueOf(ma) case isMap(typ): m := map[string]interface{}{} for _, k := range v.MapKeys() { key := k.String() m[key] = sanitize(key, v.MapIndex(k)).Interface() } return reflect.ValueOf(m) default: return v } } func isDuration(t reflect.Type) bool { return t == reflect.TypeOf(time.Second) } func isMap(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.Map } func isNetAddr(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*net.Addr)(nil)).Elem()) } func isPtr(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr } func isArray(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.Array } func isSlice(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.Slice } func isString(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.String } func isStruct(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.Struct } func isBool(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.Bool } func isNumber(t reflect.Type) bool { return isInt(t) || isUint(t) || isFloat(t) || isComplex(t) } func isInt(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.Int || t.Kind() == reflect.Int8 || t.Kind() == reflect.Int16 || t.Kind() == reflect.Int32 || t.Kind() == reflect.Int64 } func isUint(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.Uint || t.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 || t.Kind() == reflect.Uint16 || t.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 || t.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 } func isFloat(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.Float32 || t.Kind() == reflect.Float64 } func isComplex(t reflect.Type) bool { return t.Kind() == reflect.Complex64 || t.Kind() == reflect.Complex128 }