syntax = "proto3"; package config; option go_package = ""; message Config { string Datacenter = 1; string PrimaryDatacenter = 2; string NodeName = 3; string SegmentName = 4; string Partition = 9; ACL ACL = 5; AutoEncrypt AutoEncrypt = 6; Gossip Gossip = 7; TLS TLS = 8; } message Gossip { GossipEncryption Encryption = 1; repeated string RetryJoinLAN = 2; } message GossipEncryption { string Key = 1; bool VerifyIncoming = 2; bool VerifyOutgoing = 3; } message TLS { bool VerifyOutgoing = 1; bool VerifyServerHostname = 2; string CipherSuites = 3; string MinVersion = 4; // Deprecated_PreferServerCipherSuites is deprecated. It is no longer // populated and should be ignored by clients. bool Deprecated_PreferServerCipherSuites = 5 [deprecated = true]; } message ACL { bool Enabled = 1; string PolicyTTL = 2; string RoleTTL = 3; string TokenTTL = 4; string DownPolicy = 5; string DefaultPolicy = 6; bool EnableKeyListPolicy = 7; ACLTokens Tokens = 8; // Deprecated_DisabledTTL is deprecated. It is no longer populated and should // be ignored by clients. string Deprecated_DisabledTTL = 9 [deprecated = true]; bool EnableTokenPersistence = 10; bool MSPDisableBootstrap = 11; } message ACLTokens { string InitialManagement = 1; string Replication = 2; string AgentRecovery = 3; string Default = 4; string Agent = 5; repeated ACLServiceProviderToken ManagedServiceProvider = 6; } message ACLServiceProviderToken { string AccessorID = 1; string SecretID = 2; } message AutoEncrypt { bool TLS = 1; repeated string DNSSAN = 2; repeated string IPSAN = 3; bool AllowTLS = 4; }