--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Encryption" sidebar_current: "docs-agent-encryption" --- # Encryption The Consul agent supports encrypting all of its network traffic. The exact method of this encryption is described on the [encryption internals page](/docs/internals/security.html). ## Enabling Encryption Enabling encryption only requires that you set an encryption key when starting the Consul agent. The key can be set using the `-encrypt` flag on `consul agent` or by setting the `encrypt_key` in a configuration file. It is advisable to put the key in a configuration file to avoid other users from being able to discover it by inspecting running processes. The key must be 16-bytes that are base64 encoded. The easiest method to obtain a cryptographically suitable key is by using `consul keygen`. ``` $ consul keygen cg8StVXbQJ0gPvMd9o7yrg== ``` With that key, you can enable encryption on the agent. You can verify encryption is enabled because the output will include "Encrypted: true". ``` $ consul agent -data=/tmp/consul -encrypt=cg8StVXbQJ0gPvMd9o7yrg== ==> Starting Consul agent... ==> Starting Consul agent RPC... ==> Consul agent running! Node name: 'Armons-MacBook-Air.local' Datacenter: 'dc1' Advertise addr: '' RPC addr: '' HTTP addr: '' DNS addr: '' Encrypted: true Server: false (bootstrap: false) ... ``` All nodes within a Consul cluster must share the same encryption key in order to send and receive cluster information.