// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 package validate import ( "testing" envoy_admin_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/admin/v3" envoy_cluster_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/cluster/v3" envoy_aggregate_cluster_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/extensions/clusters/aggregate/v3" "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" "github.com/hashicorp/consul/envoyextensions/extensioncommon" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/anypb" ) func TestErrors(t *testing.T) { cases := map[string]struct { validate func() *Validate endpointValidator EndpointValidator err string }{ "success": { validate: func() *Validate { return &Validate{ envoyID: "db", snis: map[string]struct{}{ "db-sni": {}, }, listener: true, usesRDS: true, route: true, resources: map[string]*resource{ "db-sni": { required: true, cluster: true, }, }, } }, endpointValidator: func(r *resource, s string, clusters *envoy_admin_v3.Clusters) { r.loadAssignment = true r.endpoints = 1 }, }, "no clusters for listener or route": { validate: func() *Validate { return &Validate{ envoyID: "db", snis: map[string]struct{}{ "db-sni": {}, }, listener: true, usesRDS: true, route: true, resources: map[string]*resource{ "db-sni": { required: false, cluster: true, }, }, } }, endpointValidator: func(r *resource, s string, clusters *envoy_admin_v3.Clusters) { r.loadAssignment = true r.endpoints = 1 }, err: "No clusters found on route or listener", }, "no healthy endpoints": { validate: func() *Validate { return &Validate{ envoyID: "db", snis: map[string]struct{}{ "db-sni": {}, }, listener: true, usesRDS: true, route: true, resources: map[string]*resource{ "db-sni": { required: true, cluster: true, }, }, } }, endpointValidator: func(r *resource, s string, clusters *envoy_admin_v3.Clusters) { r.loadAssignment = true }, err: "No healthy endpoints for cluster \"db-sni\" for upstream \"db\"", }, "success: aggregate cluster with one target with endpoints": { validate: func() *Validate { return &Validate{ envoyID: "db", snis: map[string]struct{}{ "db-sni": {}, "db-fail-1-sni": {}, "db-fail-2-sni": {}, }, listener: true, usesRDS: true, route: true, resources: map[string]*resource{ "db-sni": { required: true, cluster: true, aggregateCluster: true, aggregateClusterChildren: []string{ "db-fail-1-sni", "db-fail-2-sni", }, }, "db-fail-1-sni": { required: true, cluster: true, parentCluster: "db-sni", // This doesn't usually get set here, but this tests that at least one child cluster has // healthy endpoints case. endpoints: 1, }, "db-fail-2-sni": { required: true, cluster: true, parentCluster: "db-sni", }, }, } }, endpointValidator: func(r *resource, s string, clusters *envoy_admin_v3.Clusters) { r.loadAssignment = true }, }, "aggregate cluster no healthy endpoints": { validate: func() *Validate { return &Validate{ envoyID: "db", snis: map[string]struct{}{ "db-sni": {}, "db-fail-1-sni": {}, "db-fail-2-sni": {}, }, listener: true, usesRDS: true, route: true, resources: map[string]*resource{ "db-sni": { required: true, cluster: true, aggregateCluster: true, aggregateClusterChildren: []string{ "db-fail-1-sni", "db-fail-2-sni", }, }, "db-fail-1-sni": { required: true, cluster: true, parentCluster: "db-sni", }, "db-fail-2-sni": { required: true, cluster: true, parentCluster: "db-sni", }, }, } }, endpointValidator: func(r *resource, s string, clusters *envoy_admin_v3.Clusters) { r.loadAssignment = true r.endpoints = 0 }, err: "No healthy endpoints for aggregate cluster \"db-sni\" for upstream \"db\"", }, "success: passthrough cluster doesn't error even though there are zero endpoints": { validate: func() *Validate { return &Validate{ envoyID: "db", snis: map[string]struct{}{ "passthrough~db-sni": {}, }, listener: true, usesRDS: true, route: true, resources: map[string]*resource{ "passthrough~db-sni": { required: true, cluster: true, }, }, } }, endpointValidator: func(r *resource, s string, clusters *envoy_admin_v3.Clusters) { r.loadAssignment = true }, }, } for n, tc := range cases { t.Run(n, func(t *testing.T) { v := tc.validate() messages := v.GetMessages(true, tc.endpointValidator, nil) var outputErrors string for _, msgError := range messages.Errors() { outputErrors += msgError.Message for _, action := range msgError.PossibleActions { outputErrors += action } } if tc.err == "" { require.True(t, messages.Success()) } else { require.Contains(t, outputErrors, tc.err) } }) } } func TestIsAggregateCluster(t *testing.T) { aggregateClusterConfig, err := anypb.New(&envoy_aggregate_cluster_v3.ClusterConfig{ Clusters: []string{"c1", "c2"}, }) require.NoError(t, err) cases := map[string]struct { input *envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster expectedAggregateCluster *envoy_aggregate_cluster_v3.ClusterConfig expectedOk bool }{ "non-aggregate cluster": { input: &envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster{ Name: "foo", ClusterDiscoveryType: &envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster_Type{Type: envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster_LOGICAL_DNS}, }, expectedOk: false, }, "valid aggregate cluster": { input: &envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster{ Name: "foo", ClusterDiscoveryType: &envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster_ClusterType{ ClusterType: &envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster_CustomClusterType{ Name: "foo", TypedConfig: aggregateClusterConfig, }, }, }, expectedOk: true, expectedAggregateCluster: &envoy_aggregate_cluster_v3.ClusterConfig{Clusters: []string{"c1", "c2"}}, }, } for n, tc := range cases { t.Run(n, func(t *testing.T) { ac, ok := isAggregateCluster(tc.input) require.Equal(t, tc.expectedOk, ok) if tc.expectedOk { require.Equal(t, tc.expectedAggregateCluster.Clusters, ac.Clusters) } }) } } func TestMakeValidate(t *testing.T) { cases := map[string]struct { extensionName string arguments map[string]interface{} expected *Validate snis map[string]struct{} ok bool }{ "with no arguments": { arguments: nil, ok: false, }, "with an invalid name": { arguments: map[string]interface{}{ "envoyID": "id", }, snis: map[string]struct{}{ "sni1": {}, "sni2": {}, }, extensionName: "bad", ok: false, }, "empty envoy ID": { arguments: map[string]interface{}{"envoyID": ""}, snis: map[string]struct{}{ "sni1": {}, "sni2": {}, }, ok: false, }, "missing snis": { arguments: map[string]interface{}{ "envoyID": "id", }, expected: &Validate{ envoyID: "id", resources: map[string]*resource{}, snis: map[string]struct{}{ "sni1": {}, "sni2": {}, }, }, ok: false, }, "valid everything": { arguments: map[string]interface{}{ "envoyID": "id", }, snis: map[string]struct{}{ "sni1": {}, "sni2": {}, }, expected: &Validate{ envoyID: "id", resources: map[string]*resource{}, snis: map[string]struct{}{ "sni1": {}, "sni2": {}, }, }, ok: true, }, } for n, tc := range cases { t.Run(n, func(t *testing.T) { extensionName := api.BuiltinValidateExtension if tc.extensionName != "" { extensionName = tc.extensionName } svc := api.CompoundServiceName{Name: "svc"} ext := extensioncommon.RuntimeConfig{ ServiceName: svc, EnvoyExtension: api.EnvoyExtension{ Name: extensionName, Arguments: tc.arguments, }, Upstreams: map[api.CompoundServiceName]*extensioncommon.UpstreamData{ svc: { SNIs: tc.snis, }, }, } patcher, err := MakeValidate(ext) if tc.ok { require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, tc.expected, patcher) } else { require.Error(t, err) } }) } }