#!/usr/bin/env bats load helpers @test "s1 has lambda cluster for l1" { assert_lambda_envoy_dynamic_cluster_exists localhost:19000 l1 } @test "s1 has lambda http filter for l1" { assert_lambda_envoy_dynamic_http_filter_exists localhost:19000 $AWS_LAMBDA_ARN } @test "terminating gateway has lambda cluster for l2" { assert_lambda_envoy_dynamic_cluster_exists localhost:20000 l2 } @test "terminating gateway has lambda http filter for l2" { assert_lambda_envoy_dynamic_http_filter_exists localhost:20000 $AWS_LAMBDA_ARN } @test "s1 can call l1 through its sidecar-proxy" { run retry_default curl -s -f -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '"hello"' 'localhost:1234' [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # l1 is configured with payload_passthrough = true so the response needs to be unwrapped [ $(echo "$output" | jq -r '.statusCode') -eq 200 ] [ $(echo "$output" | jq -r '.body') == "hello" ] } @test "s1 can call l2 through the terminating gateway" { run retry_default curl -s -f -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '"hello"' 'localhost:5678' [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "$output" == '"hello"' ] # Omitting the Content-type in the request will cause envoy to base64 encode the request. run curl -s -f -d '{"message":"hello"}' 'localhost:5678' [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "$output" == '{"message":"hello"}' ] }