Here we look for a TESTEM_AUTOLAUNCH environment variable, which can be
set to either Chrome, Firefox or Safari, which will control which
browser to automatically start when running testem tests.
If the variable is set to anything else, then it will not automatically
start a browser in order to run the tests and you will need to visit the
tests manually. e.g.:
TESTEM_AUTOLAUNCH=0 make test-oss-view
Previously we only ever tested in Chrome and therefore there are no
specific settings for Firefox or Safari. If specific settings are
required for these browsers they can be added at a later date.
* ui: Add the most basic workspace root in /ui
* We already have a LICENSE file in the repository root
* Change directory path in build scripts ui-v2 -> ui
* Make yarn install flags configurable from elsewhere
* Minimal workspace root makefile
* Call the new docker specific target
* Update yarn in the docker build image
* Reconfigure the netlify target and move to the higher makefile
* Move ui-v2 -> ui/packages/consul-ui
* Change repo root to refleect new folder structure
* Temporarily don't hoist consul-api-double
* Fixup CI configuration
* Fixup lint errors
* Fixup Netlify target