Adds the ability to simply check whether a TCP socket accepts
connections to determine if it is healthy. This is a light-weight -
though less comprehensive than scripting - method of checking network
service health.
The check parameter `tcp` should be set to the `address:port`
combination for the service to be tested. Supports both IPv6 and IPv4,
in the case of a hostname that resolves to both, connections will be
attempted via both protocol versions, with the first successful
connection returning a successful check result.
Example check:
"check": {
"id": "ssh",
"name": "SSH (TCP)",
"tcp": "",
"interval": "10s"
This status must be one of the valid check statuses: 'passing', 'warning', 'critical', 'unknown'.
If the status field is not present or the empty string, the default of 'critical' is used.
For long (>10s) interval checks the http timeout is 10s, otherwise thetimeout is the interval. This means that a check *should* return
before the next check begins.
These checks make an `HTTP GET` request every Interval to the specified URL.
The status of the service depends on the HTTP Response Code.
`200` is passing, `503` is warning and anything else is failing.