1. When choosing Services/Nsmapces for intentions you can either choose
a service from autocomplete menus, or write any service name, existing
or not. We previous said this would be a 'Future' service, but it could
also be a service in another datacenter, or a 'virtual service'.
2. Reword the hints underneath the autocomplete menus to reflect point 1
Whilst we tried to do this with the smallest amount of changes possible,
our acceptance tests for trying to submit a blank form started failing
due to usage of `destroyRecord`, its seems that the correct way to
achieve the same thing is to use `rollbackAttributes` instead. We
changed that here and the tests pass once again. Furture work related to
this will involve change the rest of the UI where we use `destroyRecord`
to achieve the same thing, to use `rollbackAttributes` instead