Previously, we'd begin a session with the xDS concurrency limiter
regardless of whether the proxy was registered in the catalog or in
the server's local agent state.
This caused problems for users who run `consul connect envoy` directly
against a server rather than a client agent, as the server's locally
registered proxies wouldn't be included in the limiter's capacity.
Now, the `ConfigSource` is responsible for beginning the session and we
only do so for services in the catalog.
* Protobuf Modernization
Remove direct usage of golang/protobuf in favor of
Marshallers (protobuf and json) needed some changes to account for different APIs.
Moved to using the* for the well known types including replacing some custom Struct manipulation with whats available in the structpb well known type package.
This also updates our devtools script to install protoc-gen-go from the right location so that files it generates conform to the correct interfaces.
* Fix go-mod-tidy make target to work on all modules
Adds automation for generating the map of `gRPC Method Name → Rate Limit Type`
used by the middleware introduced in #15550, and will ensure we don't forget
to add new endpoints.
Engineers must annotate their RPCs in the proto file like so:
rpc Foo(FooRequest) returns (FooResponse) {
option (consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = {
operation_type: READ,
When they run `make proto` a protoc plugin `protoc-gen-consul-rate-limit` will
be installed that writes rate-limit specs as a JSON array to a file called
`.ratelimit.tmp` (one per protobuf package/directory).
After running Buf, `make proto` will execute a post-process script that will
ingest all of the `.ratelimit.tmp` files and generate a Go file containing the
mappings in the `agent/grpc-middleware` package. In the enterprise repository,
it will write an additional file with the enterprise-only endpoints.
If an engineer forgets to add the annotation to a new RPC, the plugin will
return an error like so:
RPC Foo is missing rate-limit specification, fix it with:
import "proto-public/annotations/ratelimit/ratelimit.proto";
service Bar {
rpc Foo(...) returns (...) {
option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = {
In the future, this annotation can be extended to support rate-limit
category (e.g. KV vs Catalog) and to determine the retry policy.