TLDR with many modules the versions included in each diverged quite a bit. Attempting to use Go Workspaces produces a bunch of errors.
This commit:
1. Fixes to work again
2. Ensures we are pulling in go-control-plane@v0.11.0 everywhere (previously it was at that version in some modules and others were much older)
3. Remove one usage of golang/protobuf that caused us to have a direct dependency on it.
4. Remove deprecated usage of the Endpoint field in the grpc resolver.Target struct. The current version of grpc (v1.55.0) has removed that field and recommended replacement with URL.Opaque and calls to the Endpoint() func when needing to consume the previous field.
4. `go work init <all the paths to go.mod files>` && `go work sync`. This syncrhonized versions of dependencies from the main workspace/root module to all submodules
5. Updated .gitignore to ignore the and files. This seems to be standard practice at the moment.
6. Update doc comments in protoc-gen-consul-rate-limit to be go fmt compatible
7. Upgraded makefile infra to perform linting, testing and go mod tidy on all modules in a flexible manner.
8. Updated linter rules to prevent usage of golang/protobuf
9. Updated a leader peering test to account for an extra colon in a grpc error message.
* Protobuf Modernization
Remove direct usage of golang/protobuf in favor of
Marshallers (protobuf and json) needed some changes to account for different APIs.
Moved to using the* for the well known types including replacing some custom Struct manipulation with whats available in the structpb well known type package.
This also updates our devtools script to install protoc-gen-go from the right location so that files it generates conform to the correct interfaces.
* Fix go-mod-tidy make target to work on all modules
Adds automation for generating the map of `gRPC Method Name → Rate Limit Type`
used by the middleware introduced in #15550, and will ensure we don't forget
to add new endpoints.
Engineers must annotate their RPCs in the proto file like so:
rpc Foo(FooRequest) returns (FooResponse) {
option (consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = {
operation_type: READ,
When they run `make proto` a protoc plugin `protoc-gen-consul-rate-limit` will
be installed that writes rate-limit specs as a JSON array to a file called
`.ratelimit.tmp` (one per protobuf package/directory).
After running Buf, `make proto` will execute a post-process script that will
ingest all of the `.ratelimit.tmp` files and generate a Go file containing the
mappings in the `agent/grpc-middleware` package. In the enterprise repository,
it will write an additional file with the enterprise-only endpoints.
If an engineer forgets to add the annotation to a new RPC, the plugin will
return an error like so:
RPC Foo is missing rate-limit specification, fix it with:
import "proto-public/annotations/ratelimit/ratelimit.proto";
service Bar {
rpc Foo(...) returns (...) {
option (hashicorp.consul.internal.ratelimit.spec) = {
In the future, this annotation can be extended to support rate-limit
category (e.g. KV vs Catalog) and to determine the retry policy.