* ui: Add the most basic workspace root in /ui
* We already have a LICENSE file in the repository root
* Change directory path in build scripts ui-v2 -> ui
* Make yarn install flags configurable from elsewhere
* Minimal workspace root makefile
* Call the new docker specific target
* Update yarn in the docker build image
* Reconfigure the netlify target and move to the higher makefile
* Move ui-v2 -> ui/packages/consul-ui
* Change repo root to refleect new folder structure
* Temporarily don't hoist consul-api-double
* Fixup CI configuration
* Fixup lint errors
* Fixup Netlify target
* Docker based builds can now use the module cache
* Simplify building the consul-dev docker image.
* Make sure to pull the latest consul image.
* Allow selecting base image version for the dev image
Adds additional 'enterprise' text underneath the 'startup' logo if the
ui is built with a CONSUL_BINARY_TYPE environment variable that doesn't
equal `oss`.
make XC_OS=linux XC_ARCH=amd64 when running on macos puts its binaries in ${GOPATH}/bin/linux_amd64/consul and not ${GOPATH}/bin/consul
This makes the build pull the binary from the right location.
1. Prints the $version that you are passing through to the docker
2. Prints the CONSUL_VERSION that is used in the UI v2 footer
3. Additionally added a `mkdir -p` so so `make ui-docker` runs with a
clean exit if run in isolation