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2018-06-21 14:49:35 +00:00
package plugin
import (
hclog ""
// If this is 1, then we've called CleanupClients. This can be used
// by plugin RPC implementations to change error behavior since you
// can expected network connection errors at this point. This should be
// read by using sync/atomic.
var Killed uint32 = 0
// This is a slice of the "managed" clients which are cleaned up when
// calling Cleanup
var managedClients = make([]*Client, 0, 5)
var managedClientsLock sync.Mutex
// Error types
var (
// ErrProcessNotFound is returned when a client is instantiated to
// reattach to an existing process and it isn't found.
ErrProcessNotFound = errors.New("Reattachment process not found")
// ErrChecksumsDoNotMatch is returned when binary's checksum doesn't match
// the one provided in the SecureConfig.
ErrChecksumsDoNotMatch = errors.New("checksums did not match")
// ErrSecureNoChecksum is returned when an empty checksum is provided to the
// SecureConfig.
ErrSecureConfigNoChecksum = errors.New("no checksum provided")
// ErrSecureNoHash is returned when a nil Hash object is provided to the
// SecureConfig.
ErrSecureConfigNoHash = errors.New("no hash implementation provided")
// ErrSecureConfigAndReattach is returned when both Reattach and
// SecureConfig are set.
ErrSecureConfigAndReattach = errors.New("only one of Reattach or SecureConfig can be set")
// Client handles the lifecycle of a plugin application. It launches
// plugins, connects to them, dispenses interface implementations, and handles
// killing the process.
// Plugin hosts should use one Client for each plugin executable. To
// dispense a plugin type, use the `Client.Client` function, and then
// cal `Dispense`. This awkward API is mostly historical but is used to split
// the client that deals with subprocess management and the client that
// does RPC management.
// See NewClient and ClientConfig for using a Client.
type Client struct {
config *ClientConfig
exited bool
doneLogging chan struct{}
l sync.Mutex
address net.Addr
process *os.Process
client ClientProtocol
protocol Protocol
logger hclog.Logger
doneCtx context.Context
// ClientConfig is the configuration used to initialize a new
// plugin client. After being used to initialize a plugin client,
// that configuration must not be modified again.
type ClientConfig struct {
// HandshakeConfig is the configuration that must match servers.
// Plugins are the plugins that can be consumed.
Plugins map[string]Plugin
// One of the following must be set, but not both.
// Cmd is the unstarted subprocess for starting the plugin. If this is
// set, then the Client starts the plugin process on its own and connects
// to it.
// Reattach is configuration for reattaching to an existing plugin process
// that is already running. This isn't common.
Cmd *exec.Cmd
Reattach *ReattachConfig
// SecureConfig is configuration for verifying the integrity of the
// executable. It can not be used with Reattach.
SecureConfig *SecureConfig
// TLSConfig is used to enable TLS on the RPC client.
TLSConfig *tls.Config
// Managed represents if the client should be managed by the
// plugin package or not. If true, then by calling CleanupClients,
// it will automatically be cleaned up. Otherwise, the client
// user is fully responsible for making sure to Kill all plugin
// clients. By default the client is _not_ managed.
Managed bool
// The minimum and maximum port to use for communicating with
// the subprocess. If not set, this defaults to 10,000 and 25,000
// respectively.
MinPort, MaxPort uint
// StartTimeout is the timeout to wait for the plugin to say it
// has started successfully.
StartTimeout time.Duration
// If non-nil, then the stderr of the client will be written to here
// (as well as the log). This is the original os.Stderr of the subprocess.
// This isn't the output of synced stderr.
Stderr io.Writer
// SyncStdout, SyncStderr can be set to override the
// respective os.Std* values in the plugin. Care should be taken to
// avoid races here. If these are nil, then this will automatically be
// hooked up to os.Stdin, Stdout, and Stderr, respectively.
// If the default values (nil) are used, then this package will not
// sync any of these streams.
SyncStdout io.Writer
SyncStderr io.Writer
// AllowedProtocols is a list of allowed protocols. If this isn't set,
// then only netrpc is allowed. This is so that older go-plugin systems
// can show friendly errors if they see a plugin with an unknown
// protocol.
// By setting this, you can cause an error immediately on plugin start
// if an unsupported protocol is used with a good error message.
// If this isn't set at all (nil value), then only net/rpc is accepted.
// This is done for legacy reasons. You must explicitly opt-in to
// new protocols.
AllowedProtocols []Protocol
// Logger is the logger that the client will used. If none is provided,
// it will default to hclog's default logger.
Logger hclog.Logger
// ReattachConfig is used to configure a client to reattach to an
// already-running plugin process. You can retrieve this information by
// calling ReattachConfig on Client.
type ReattachConfig struct {
Protocol Protocol
Addr net.Addr
Pid int
// SecureConfig is used to configure a client to verify the integrity of an
// executable before running. It does this by verifying the checksum is
// expected. Hash is used to specify the hashing method to use when checksumming
// the file. The configuration is verified by the client by calling the
// SecureConfig.Check() function.
// The host process should ensure the checksum was provided by a trusted and
// authoritative source. The binary should be installed in such a way that it
// can not be modified by an unauthorized user between the time of this check
// and the time of execution.
type SecureConfig struct {
Checksum []byte
Hash hash.Hash
// Check takes the filepath to an executable and returns true if the checksum of
// the file matches the checksum provided in the SecureConfig.
func (s *SecureConfig) Check(filePath string) (bool, error) {
if len(s.Checksum) == 0 {
return false, ErrSecureConfigNoChecksum
if s.Hash == nil {
return false, ErrSecureConfigNoHash
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer file.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(s.Hash, file)
if err != nil {
return false, err
sum := s.Hash.Sum(nil)
return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(sum, s.Checksum) == 1, nil
// This makes sure all the managed subprocesses are killed and properly
// logged. This should be called before the parent process running the
// plugins exits.
// This must only be called _once_.
func CleanupClients() {
// Set the killed to true so that we don't get unexpected panics
atomic.StoreUint32(&Killed, 1)
// Kill all the managed clients in parallel and use a WaitGroup
// to wait for them all to finish up.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, client := range managedClients {
go func(client *Client) {
// Creates a new plugin client which manages the lifecycle of an external
// plugin and gets the address for the RPC connection.
// The client must be cleaned up at some point by calling Kill(). If
// the client is a managed client (created with NewManagedClient) you
// can just call CleanupClients at the end of your program and they will
// be properly cleaned.
func NewClient(config *ClientConfig) (c *Client) {
if config.MinPort == 0 && config.MaxPort == 0 {
config.MinPort = 10000
config.MaxPort = 25000
if config.StartTimeout == 0 {
config.StartTimeout = 1 * time.Minute
if config.Stderr == nil {
config.Stderr = ioutil.Discard
if config.SyncStdout == nil {
config.SyncStdout = ioutil.Discard
if config.SyncStderr == nil {
config.SyncStderr = ioutil.Discard
if config.AllowedProtocols == nil {
config.AllowedProtocols = []Protocol{ProtocolNetRPC}
if config.Logger == nil {
config.Logger = hclog.New(&hclog.LoggerOptions{
Output: hclog.DefaultOutput,
Level: hclog.Trace,
Name: "plugin",
c = &Client{
config: config,
logger: config.Logger,
if config.Managed {
managedClients = append(managedClients, c)
// Client returns the protocol client for this connection.
// Subsequent calls to this will return the same client.
func (c *Client) Client() (ClientProtocol, error) {
_, err := c.Start()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer c.l.Unlock()
if c.client != nil {
return c.client, nil
switch c.protocol {
case ProtocolNetRPC:
c.client, err = newRPCClient(c)
case ProtocolGRPC:
c.client, err = newGRPCClient(c.doneCtx, c)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown server protocol: %s", c.protocol)
if err != nil {
c.client = nil
return nil, err
return c.client, nil
// Tells whether or not the underlying process has exited.
func (c *Client) Exited() bool {
defer c.l.Unlock()
return c.exited
// End the executing subprocess (if it is running) and perform any cleanup
// tasks necessary such as capturing any remaining logs and so on.
// This method blocks until the process successfully exits.
// This method can safely be called multiple times.
func (c *Client) Kill() {
// Grab a lock to read some private fields.
process := c.process
addr := c.address
doneCh := c.doneLogging
// If there is no process, we never started anything. Nothing to kill.
if process == nil {
// We need to check for address here. It is possible that the plugin
// started (process != nil) but has no address (addr == nil) if the
// plugin failed at startup. If we do have an address, we need to close
// the plugin net connections.
graceful := false
if addr != nil {
// Close the client to cleanly exit the process.
client, err := c.Client()
if err == nil {
err = client.Close()
// If there is no error, then we attempt to wait for a graceful
// exit. If there was an error, we assume that graceful cleanup
// won't happen and just force kill.
graceful = err == nil
if err != nil {
// If there was an error just log it. We're going to force
// kill in a moment anyways.
c.logger.Warn("error closing client during Kill", "err", err)
// If we're attempting a graceful exit, then we wait for a short period
// of time to allow that to happen. To wait for this we just wait on the
// doneCh which would be closed if the process exits.
if graceful {
select {
case <-doneCh:
case <-time.After(250 * time.Millisecond):
// If graceful exiting failed, just kill it
// Wait for the client to finish logging so we have a complete log
// Starts the underlying subprocess, communicating with it to negotiate
// a port for RPC connections, and returning the address to connect via RPC.
// This method is safe to call multiple times. Subsequent calls have no effect.
// Once a client has been started once, it cannot be started again, even if
// it was killed.
func (c *Client) Start() (addr net.Addr, err error) {
defer c.l.Unlock()
if c.address != nil {
return c.address, nil
// If one of cmd or reattach isn't set, then it is an error. We wrap
// this in a {} for scoping reasons, and hopeful that the escape
// analysis will pop the stock here.
cmdSet := c.config.Cmd != nil
attachSet := c.config.Reattach != nil
secureSet := c.config.SecureConfig != nil
if cmdSet == attachSet {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Only one of Cmd or Reattach must be set")
if secureSet && attachSet {
return nil, ErrSecureConfigAndReattach
// Create the logging channel for when we kill
c.doneLogging = make(chan struct{})
// Create a context for when we kill
var ctxCancel context.CancelFunc
c.doneCtx, ctxCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
if c.config.Reattach != nil {
// Verify the process still exists. If not, then it is an error
p, err := os.FindProcess(c.config.Reattach.Pid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Attempt to connect to the addr since on Unix systems FindProcess
// doesn't actually return an error if it can't find the process.
conn, err := net.Dial(
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrProcessNotFound
// Goroutine to mark exit status
go func(pid int) {
// Wait for the process to die
// Log so we can see it
c.logger.Debug("reattached plugin process exited")
// Mark it
defer c.l.Unlock()
c.exited = true
// Close the logging channel since that doesn't work on reattach
// Cancel the context
// Set the address and process
c.address = c.config.Reattach.Addr
c.process = p
c.protocol = c.config.Reattach.Protocol
if c.protocol == "" {
// Default the protocol to net/rpc for backwards compatibility
c.protocol = ProtocolNetRPC
return c.address, nil
env := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", c.config.MagicCookieKey, c.config.MagicCookieValue),
fmt.Sprintf("PLUGIN_MIN_PORT=%d", c.config.MinPort),
fmt.Sprintf("PLUGIN_MAX_PORT=%d", c.config.MaxPort),
stdout_r, stdout_w := io.Pipe()
stderr_r, stderr_w := io.Pipe()
cmd := c.config.Cmd
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, os.Environ()...)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, env...)
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stderr = stderr_w
cmd.Stdout = stdout_w
if c.config.SecureConfig != nil {
if ok, err := c.config.SecureConfig.Check(cmd.Path); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error verifying checksum: %s", err)
} else if !ok {
return nil, ErrChecksumsDoNotMatch
c.logger.Debug("starting plugin", "path", cmd.Path, "args", cmd.Args)
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
// Set the process
c.process = cmd.Process
// Make sure the command is properly cleaned up if there is an error
defer func() {
r := recover()
if err != nil || r != nil {
if r != nil {
// Start goroutine to wait for process to exit
exitCh := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
// Make sure we close the write end of our stderr/stdout so
// that the readers send EOF properly.
defer stderr_w.Close()
defer stdout_w.Close()
// Wait for the command to end.
// Log and make sure to flush the logs write away
c.logger.Debug("plugin process exited", "path", cmd.Path)
// Mark that we exited
// Cancel the context, marking that we exited
// Set that we exited, which takes a lock
defer c.l.Unlock()
c.exited = true
// Start goroutine that logs the stderr
go c.logStderr(stderr_r)
// Start a goroutine that is going to be reading the lines
// out of stdout
linesCh := make(chan []byte)
go func() {
defer close(linesCh)
buf := bufio.NewReader(stdout_r)
for {
line, err := buf.ReadBytes('\n')
if line != nil {
linesCh <- line
if err == io.EOF {
// Make sure after we exit we read the lines from stdout forever
// so they don't block since it is an io.Pipe
defer func() {
go func() {
for _ = range linesCh {
// Some channels for the next step
timeout := time.After(c.config.StartTimeout)
// Start looking for the address
c.logger.Debug("waiting for RPC address", "path", cmd.Path)
select {
case <-timeout:
err = errors.New("timeout while waiting for plugin to start")
case <-exitCh:
err = errors.New("plugin exited before we could connect")
case lineBytes := <-linesCh:
// Trim the line and split by "|" in order to get the parts of
// the output.
line := strings.TrimSpace(string(lineBytes))
parts := strings.SplitN(line, "|", 6)
if len(parts) < 4 {
err = fmt.Errorf(
"Unrecognized remote plugin message: %s\n\n"+
"This usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply\n"+
"needs to be recompiled to support the latest protocol.", line)
// Check the core protocol. Wrapped in a {} for scoping.
var coreProtocol int64
coreProtocol, err = strconv.ParseInt(parts[0], 10, 0)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Error parsing core protocol version: %s", err)
if int(coreProtocol) != CoreProtocolVersion {
err = fmt.Errorf("Incompatible core API version with plugin. "+
"Plugin version: %s, Core version: %d\n\n"+
"To fix this, the plugin usually only needs to be recompiled.\n"+
"Please report this to the plugin author.", parts[0], CoreProtocolVersion)
// Parse the protocol version
var protocol int64
protocol, err = strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 0)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Error parsing protocol version: %s", err)
// Test the API version
if uint(protocol) != c.config.ProtocolVersion {
err = fmt.Errorf("Incompatible API version with plugin. "+
"Plugin version: %s, Core version: %d", parts[1], c.config.ProtocolVersion)
switch parts[2] {
case "tcp":
addr, err = net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", parts[3])
case "unix":
addr, err = net.ResolveUnixAddr("unix", parts[3])
err = fmt.Errorf("Unknown address type: %s", parts[3])
// If we have a server type, then record that. We default to net/rpc
// for backwards compatibility.
c.protocol = ProtocolNetRPC
if len(parts) >= 5 {
c.protocol = Protocol(parts[4])
found := false
for _, p := range c.config.AllowedProtocols {
if p == c.protocol {
found = true
if !found {
err = fmt.Errorf("Unsupported plugin protocol %q. Supported: %v",
c.protocol, c.config.AllowedProtocols)
c.address = addr
// ReattachConfig returns the information that must be provided to NewClient
// to reattach to the plugin process that this client started. This is
// useful for plugins that detach from their parent process.
// If this returns nil then the process hasn't been started yet. Please
// call Start or Client before calling this.
func (c *Client) ReattachConfig() *ReattachConfig {
defer c.l.Unlock()
if c.address == nil {
return nil
if c.config.Cmd != nil && c.config.Cmd.Process == nil {
return nil
// If we connected via reattach, just return the information as-is
if c.config.Reattach != nil {
return c.config.Reattach
return &ReattachConfig{
Protocol: c.protocol,
Addr: c.address,
Pid: c.config.Cmd.Process.Pid,
// Protocol returns the protocol of server on the remote end. This will
// start the plugin process if it isn't already started. Errors from
// starting the plugin are surpressed and ProtocolInvalid is returned. It
// is recommended you call Start explicitly before calling Protocol to ensure
// no errors occur.
func (c *Client) Protocol() Protocol {
_, err := c.Start()
if err != nil {
return ProtocolInvalid
return c.protocol
func netAddrDialer(addr net.Addr) func(string, time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
return func(_ string, _ time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
// Connect to the client
conn, err := net.Dial(addr.Network(), addr.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if tcpConn, ok := conn.(*net.TCPConn); ok {
// Make sure to set keep alive so that the connection doesn't die
return conn, nil
// dialer is compatible with grpc.WithDialer and creates the connection
// to the plugin.
func (c *Client) dialer(_ string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
conn, err := netAddrDialer(c.address)("", timeout)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If we have a TLS config we wrap our connection. We only do this
// for net/rpc since gRPC uses its own mechanism for TLS.
if c.protocol == ProtocolNetRPC && c.config.TLSConfig != nil {
conn = tls.Client(conn, c.config.TLSConfig)
return conn, nil
func (c *Client) logStderr(r io.Reader) {
bufR := bufio.NewReader(r)
l := c.logger.Named(filepath.Base(c.config.Cmd.Path))
for {
line, err := bufR.ReadString('\n')
if line != "" {
line = strings.TrimRightFunc(line, unicode.IsSpace)
entry, err := parseJSON(line)
// If output is not JSON format, print directly to Debug
if err != nil {
} else {
out := flattenKVPairs(entry.KVPairs)
out = append(out, "timestamp", entry.Timestamp.Format(hclog.TimeFormat))
switch hclog.LevelFromString(entry.Level) {
case hclog.Trace:
l.Trace(entry.Message, out...)
case hclog.Debug:
l.Debug(entry.Message, out...)
case hclog.Info:
l.Info(entry.Message, out...)
case hclog.Warn:
l.Warn(entry.Message, out...)
case hclog.Error:
l.Error(entry.Message, out...)
if err == io.EOF {
// Flag that we've completed logging for others