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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package consul
import (
Protobuf Refactoring for Multi-Module Cleanliness (#16302) Protobuf Refactoring for Multi-Module Cleanliness This commit includes the following: Moves all packages that were within proto/ to proto/private Rewrites imports to account for the packages being moved Adds in to enable buf workspaces Names the proto-public buf module so that we can override the Go package imports within proto/buf.yaml Bumps the buf version dependency to 1.14.0 (I was trying out the version to see if it would get around an issue - it didn't but it also doesn't break things and it seemed best to keep up with the toolchain changes) Why: In the future we will need to consume other protobuf dependencies such as the Google HTTP annotations for openapi generation or grpc-gateway usage. There were some recent changes to have our own ratelimiting annotations. The two combined were not working when I was trying to use them together (attempting to rebase another branch) Buf workspaces should be the solution to the problem Buf workspaces means that each module will have generated Go code that embeds proto file names relative to the proto dir and not the top level repo root. This resulted in proto file name conflicts in the Go global protobuf type registry. The solution to that was to add in a private/ directory into the path within the proto/ directory. That then required rewriting all the imports. Is this safe? AFAICT yes The gRPC wire protocol doesn't seem to care about the proto file names (although the Go grpc code does tack on the proto file name as Metadata in the ServiceDesc) Other than imports, there were no changes to any generated code as a result of this.
2023-02-17 21:14:46 +00:00
type PeeringBackend struct {
// TODO(peering): accept a smaller interface; maybe just funcs from the server that we actually need: DC, IsLeader, etc
srv *Server
leaderAddrLock sync.RWMutex
leaderAddr string
var _ peering.Backend = (*PeeringBackend)(nil)
var _ peerstream.Backend = (*PeeringBackend)(nil)
// NewPeeringBackend returns a peering.Backend implementation that is bound to the given server.
func NewPeeringBackend(srv *Server) *PeeringBackend {
return &PeeringBackend{
srv: srv,
// SetLeaderAddress is called on a raft.LeaderObservation in a go routine
// in the consul server; see trackLeaderChanges()
func (b *PeeringBackend) SetLeaderAddress(addr string) {
b.leaderAddr = addr
// GetLeaderAddress provides the best hint for the current address of the
// leader. There is no guarantee that this is the actual address of the
// leader.
func (b *PeeringBackend) GetLeaderAddress() string {
defer b.leaderAddrLock.RUnlock()
return b.leaderAddr
// GetTLSMaterials returns the TLS materials for the dialer to dial the acceptor using TLS.
// It returns the server name to validate, and the CA certificate to validate with.
func (b *PeeringBackend) GetTLSMaterials(generatingToken bool) (string, []string, error) {
if generatingToken {
if !b.srv.config.ConnectEnabled {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("connect.enabled must be set to true in the server's configuration when generating peering tokens")
if b.srv.config.GRPCTLSPort <= 0 && !b.srv.tlsConfigurator.GRPCServerUseTLS() {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("TLS for gRPC must be enabled when generating peering tokens")
roots, err := b.srv.getCARoots(nil, b.srv.fsm.State())
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch roots: %w", err)
if len(roots.Roots) == 0 || roots.TrustDomain == "" {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("CA has not finished initializing")
serverName := connect.PeeringServerSAN(b.srv.config.Datacenter, roots.TrustDomain)
var caPems []string
for _, r := range roots.Roots {
caPems = append(caPems, lib.EnsureTrailingNewline(r.RootCert))
return serverName, caPems, nil
// GetLocalServerAddresses looks up server or mesh gateway addresses from the state store for a peer to dial.
func (b *PeeringBackend) GetLocalServerAddresses() ([]string, error) {
store := b.srv.fsm.State()
useGateways, err := b.PeerThroughMeshGateways(nil)
if err != nil {
// For inbound traffic we prefer to fail fast if we can't determine whether we should peer through MGW.
// This prevents unexpectedly sharing local server addresses when a user only intended to peer through gateways.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to determine if peering should happen through mesh gateways: %w", err)
if useGateways {
return meshGatewayAdresses(store, nil, true)
return serverAddresses(store)
// GetDialAddresses returns: the addresses to cycle through when dialing a peer's servers,
// an optional buffer of just gateway addresses, and an optional error.
// The resulting ring buffer is front-loaded with the local mesh gateway addresses if they are present.
func (b *PeeringBackend) GetDialAddresses(logger hclog.Logger, ws memdb.WatchSet, peerID string) (*ring.Ring, *ring.Ring, error) {
newRing, err := b.fetchPeerServerAddresses(ws, peerID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to refresh peer server addresses, will continue to use initial addresses: %w", err)
gatewayRing, err := b.maybeFetchGatewayAddresses(ws)
if err != nil {
// If we couldn't fetch the mesh gateway addresses we fall back to dialing the remote server addresses.
logger.Warn("failed to refresh local gateway addresses, will attempt to dial peer directly", "error", err)
return newRing, nil, nil
if gatewayRing != nil {
// The ordering is important here. We always want to start with the mesh gateway
// addresses and fallback to the remote addresses, so we append the server addresses
// in newRing to gatewayRing. We also need a new ring to prevent mixing up pointers
// with the gateway-only buffer
compositeRing := ring.New(gatewayRing.Len() + newRing.Len())
gatewayRing.Do(func(s any) {
compositeRing.Value = s.(string)
compositeRing = compositeRing.Next()
newRing.Do(func(s any) {
compositeRing.Value = s.(string)
compositeRing = compositeRing.Next()
newRing = compositeRing
return newRing, gatewayRing, nil
// fetchPeerServerAddresses will return a ring buffer with the latest peer server addresses.
// If the peering is no longer active or does not have addresses, then we return an error.
func (b *PeeringBackend) fetchPeerServerAddresses(ws memdb.WatchSet, peerID string) (*ring.Ring, error) {
_, peering, err := b.Store().PeeringReadByID(ws, peerID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch peer %q: %w", peerID, err)
if peering == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown peering %q", peerID)
if peering.DeletedAt != nil && !structs.IsZeroProtoTime(peering.DeletedAt) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("peering %q was deleted", peerID)
return bufferFromAddresses(peering.GetAddressesToDial())
// maybeFetchGatewayAddresses will return a ring buffer with the latest gateway addresses if the
// local datacenter is configured to peer through mesh gateways and there are local gateways registered.
// If neither of these are true then we return a nil buffer.
func (b *PeeringBackend) maybeFetchGatewayAddresses(ws memdb.WatchSet) (*ring.Ring, error) {
useGateways, err := b.PeerThroughMeshGateways(ws)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to determine if peering should happen through mesh gateways: %w", err)
if useGateways {
addresses, err := meshGatewayAdresses(b.srv.fsm.State(), ws, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error fetching local mesh gateway addresses: %w", err)
return bufferFromAddresses(addresses)
return nil, nil
// PeerThroughMeshGateways determines if the config entry to enable peering control plane
// traffic through a mesh gateway is set to enable.
func (b *PeeringBackend) PeerThroughMeshGateways(ws memdb.WatchSet) (bool, error) {
_, rawEntry, err := b.srv.fsm.State().ConfigEntry(ws, structs.MeshConfig, structs.MeshConfigMesh, acl.DefaultEnterpriseMeta())
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to read mesh config entry: %w", err)
mesh, ok := rawEntry.(*structs.MeshConfigEntry)
if rawEntry != nil && !ok {
return false, fmt.Errorf("got unexpected type for mesh config entry: %T", rawEntry)
return mesh.PeerThroughMeshGateways(), nil
func bufferFromAddresses(addresses []string) (*ring.Ring, error) {
// IMPORTANT: The address ring buffer must always be length > 0
if len(addresses) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no known addresses")
ring := ring.New(len(addresses))
for _, addr := range addresses {
ring.Value = addr
ring = ring.Next()
return ring, nil
func meshGatewayAdresses(state *state.Store, ws memdb.WatchSet, wan bool) ([]string, error) {
_, nodes, err := state.ServiceDump(ws, structs.ServiceKindMeshGateway, true, acl.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(), structs.DefaultPeerKeyword)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to dump gateway addresses: %w", err)
var addrs []string
for _, node := range nodes {
_, addr, port := node.BestAddress(wan)
addrs = append(addrs, ipaddr.FormatAddressPort(addr, port))
if len(addrs) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("servers are configured to PeerThroughMeshGateways, but no mesh gateway instances are registered")
return addrs, nil
func parseNodeAddr(node *structs.ServiceNode) string {
// Prefer the wan address
if v, ok := node.TaggedAddresses[structs.TaggedAddressWAN]; ok {
return v
return node.Address
func serverAddresses(state *state.Store) ([]string, error) {
2022-10-19 22:26:15 +00:00
_, nodes, err := state.ServiceNodes(nil, structs.ConsulServiceName, structs.DefaultEnterpriseMetaInDefaultPartition(), structs.DefaultPeerKeyword)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var addrs []string
for _, node := range nodes {
addr := parseNodeAddr(node)
// Prefer the TLS port if it is defined.
grpcPortStr := node.ServiceMeta["grpc_tls_port"]
if v, err := strconv.Atoi(grpcPortStr); err == nil && v > 0 {
addrs = append(addrs, addr+":"+grpcPortStr)
// Fallback to the standard port if TLS is not defined.
grpcPortStr = node.ServiceMeta["grpc_port"]
if v, err := strconv.Atoi(grpcPortStr); err == nil && v > 0 {
addrs = append(addrs, addr+":"+grpcPortStr)
// Skip node if neither defined.
if len(addrs) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("a grpc bind port must be specified in the configuration for all servers")
return addrs, nil
// EncodeToken encodes a peering token as a bas64-encoded representation of JSON (for now).
func (b *PeeringBackend) EncodeToken(tok *structs.PeeringToken) ([]byte, error) {
jsonToken, err := json.Marshal(tok)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal token: %w", err)
return []byte(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(jsonToken)), nil
// DecodeToken decodes a peering token from a base64-encoded JSON byte array (for now).
func (b *PeeringBackend) DecodeToken(tokRaw []byte) (*structs.PeeringToken, error) {
tokJSONRaw, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(tokRaw))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode token: %w", err)
var tok structs.PeeringToken
if err := json.Unmarshal(tokJSONRaw, &tok); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &tok, nil
func (s *PeeringBackend) Subscribe(req *stream.SubscribeRequest) (*stream.Subscription, error) {
return s.srv.publisher.Subscribe(req)
func (b *PeeringBackend) Store() peering.Store {
return b.srv.fsm.State()
func (b *PeeringBackend) EnterpriseCheckPartitions(partition string) error {
return b.enterpriseCheckPartitions(partition)
func (b *PeeringBackend) EnterpriseCheckNamespaces(namespace string) error {
return b.enterpriseCheckNamespaces(namespace)
func (b *PeeringBackend) IsLeader() bool {
return b.srv.IsLeader()
func (b *PeeringBackend) CheckPeeringUUID(id string) (bool, error) {
state := b.srv.fsm.State()
if _, existing, err := state.PeeringReadByID(nil, id); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if existing != nil {
return false, nil
return true, nil
func (b *PeeringBackend) ValidateProposedPeeringSecret(id string) (bool, error) {
return b.srv.fsm.State().ValidateProposedPeeringSecretUUID(id)
func (b *PeeringBackend) PeeringSecretsWrite(req *pbpeering.SecretsWriteRequest) error {
_, err := b.srv.raftApplyProtobuf(structs.PeeringSecretsWriteType, req)
return err
func (b *PeeringBackend) PeeringWrite(req *pbpeering.PeeringWriteRequest) error {
_, err := b.srv.raftApplyProtobuf(structs.PeeringWriteType, req)
return err
// TODO(peering): This needs RPC metrics interceptor since it's not triggered by an RPC.
func (b *PeeringBackend) PeeringTerminateByID(req *pbpeering.PeeringTerminateByIDRequest) error {
_, err := b.srv.raftApplyProtobuf(structs.PeeringTerminateByIDType, req)
return err
func (b *PeeringBackend) PeeringTrustBundleWrite(req *pbpeering.PeeringTrustBundleWriteRequest) error {
_, err := b.srv.raftApplyProtobuf(structs.PeeringTrustBundleWriteType, req)
return err
func (b *PeeringBackend) CatalogRegister(req *structs.RegisterRequest) error {
_, err := b.srv.leaderRaftApply("Catalog.Register", structs.RegisterRequestType, req)
return err
func (b *PeeringBackend) CatalogDeregister(req *structs.DeregisterRequest) error {
_, err := b.srv.leaderRaftApply("Catalog.Deregister", structs.DeregisterRequestType, req)
return err
func (b *PeeringBackend) ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token string, entMeta *acl.EnterpriseMeta, authzCtx *acl.AuthorizerContext) (resolver.Result, error) {
return b.srv.ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta(token, entMeta, authzCtx)