add(&f.ConfigFiles,"config-dir","Path to a directory to read configuration files from. This will read every file ending in '.json' as configuration in this directory in alphabetical order. Can be specified multiple times.")
add(&f.ConfigFiles,"config-file","Path to a JSON file to read configuration from. Can be specified multiple times.")
add(&f.Config.DataDir,"data-dir","Path to a data directory to store agent state.")
add(&f.Config.Datacenter,"datacenter","Datacenter of the agent.")
add(&f.DevMode,"dev","Starts the agent in development mode.")
add(&f.Config.DisableHostNodeID,"disable-host-node-id","Setting this to true will prevent Consul from using information from the host to generate a node ID, and will cause Consul to generate a random node ID instead.")
add(&f.Config.DisableKeyringFile,"disable-keyring-file","Disables the backing up of the keyring to a file.")
add(&f.Config.Ports.DNS,"dns-port","DNS port to use.")
add(&f.Config.DNSDomain,"domain","Domain to use for DNS interface.")
add(&f.Config.EnableScriptChecks,"enable-script-checks","Enables health check scripts.")
add(&f.Config.HTTPConfig.AllowWriteHTTPFrom,"allow-write-http-from","Only allow write endpoint calls from given network. CIDR format, can be specified multiple times.")
add(&f.Config.NodeName,"node","Name of this node. Must be unique in the cluster.")
add(&f.Config.NodeID,"node-id","A unique ID for this node across space and time. Defaults to a randomly-generated ID that persists in the data-dir.")
add(&f.Config.NodeMeta,"node-meta","An arbitrary metadata key/value pair for this node, of the format `key:value`. Can be specified multiple times.")
add(&f.Config.NonVotingServer,"non-voting-server","(Enterprise-only) This flag is used to make the server not participate in the Raft quorum, and have it only receive the data replication stream. This can be used to add read scalability to a cluster in cases where a high volume of reads to servers are needed.")
add(&f.Config.PidFile,"pid-file","Path to file to store agent PID.")
add(&f.Config.RPCProtocol,"protocol","Sets the protocol version. Defaults to latest.")
add(&f.Config.RaftProtocol,"raft-protocol","Sets the Raft protocol version. Defaults to latest.")
add(&f.Config.DNSRecursors,"recursor","Address of an upstream DNS server. Can be specified multiple times.")
add(&f.Config.RejoinAfterLeave,"rejoin","Ignores a previous leave and attempts to rejoin the cluster.")
add(&f.Config.RetryJoinIntervalLAN,"retry-interval","Time to wait between join attempts.")
add(&f.Config.RetryJoinIntervalWAN,"retry-interval-wan","Time to wait between join -wan attempts.")
add(&f.Config.RetryJoinLAN,"retry-join","Address of an agent to join at start time with retries enabled. Can be specified multiple times.")
add(&f.Config.RetryJoinWAN,"retry-join-wan","Address of an agent to join -wan at start time with retries enabled. Can be specified multiple times.")
add(&f.Config.RetryJoinMaxAttemptsLAN,"retry-max","Maximum number of join attempts. Defaults to 0, which will retry indefinitely.")
add(&f.Config.RetryJoinMaxAttemptsWAN,"retry-max-wan","Maximum number of join -wan attempts. Defaults to 0, which will retry indefinitely.")
add(&f.Config.SerfBindAddrLAN,"serf-lan-bind","Address to bind Serf LAN listeners to.")