- **Cluster Peering (Beta)**: This release introduces support for cluster peering, which allows service connectivity between two independent clusters. When you enable cluster peering, Consul deploys the peering controllers and `PeeringAcceptor` and `PeeringDialer` CRDs. The new CRDs are used to establish a peering connection between two clusters. Refer to [Cluster Peering Overview](/consul/docs/connect/cluster-peering) for full instructions on using Cluster Peering on Kubernetes.
- **Envoy Proxy Debugging CLI Commands**: This release introduces new commands to quickly identify proxies and troubleshoot Envoy proxies for sidecars and gateways.
* Add `consul-k8s proxy list` command for displaying pods running Envoy managed by Consul.
* Add `consul-k8s proxy read podname` command for displaying Envoy configuration for a given pod
- **Transparent Proxy Egress**: Adds support for destinations on the Service Defaults CRD when using transparent proxy for terminating gateways.