To use Vault as the server TLS certificate provider on Kubernetes, complete a modified version of the steps outlined in the [Data Integration](/docs/k8s/deployment-configurations/vault/data-integration) section.
1. Read and completed the steps in the [Systems Integration](/docs/k8s/deployment-configurations/vault/systems-integration) section of [Vault as a Secrets Backend](/docs/k8s/deployment-configurations/vault).
2. Read the [Data Integration Overview](/docs/k8s/deployment-configurations/vault/data-integration) section of [Vault as a Secrets Backend](/docs/k8s/deployment-configurations/vault).
The path to the secret referenced in the `path` resource is the same value that you will configure in the `server.serverCert.secretName` Helm configuration (refer to [Update Consul on Kubernetes Helm chart](#update-consul-on-kubernetes-helm-chart)).
The path to the secret referenced in the `path` resource is the same value that you will configure in the `global.tls.caCert.secretName` Helm configuration (refer to [Update Consul on Kubernetes Helm chart](#update-consul-on-kubernetes-helm-chart)).
<CodeBlockConfig filename="ca-policy.hcl">
path "pki/cert/ca" {
capabilities = ["read"]
$ vault policy write ca-policy ca-policy.hcl
1. Configure allowed domains for PKI certificates.
Next, a Vault role for the PKI engine will set the default certificate issuance parameters:
$ vault write pki/roles/consul-server \
allowed_domains="<Allowed-domains-string>" \
allow_subdomains=true \
allow_bare_domains=true \
allow_localhost=true \
generate_lease=true \
To generate the `<Allowed-domains-string>` use the following script as a template:
# NAME is set to either the value from `` from your Consul K8s value file, or your $HELM_RELEASE_NAME-consul
export NAME=consulk8s
# NAMESPACE is where the Consul on Kubernetes is installed
export NAMESPACE=consul
# DATACENTER is the value of `global.datacenter` from your Helm values config file
The `vaultCASecret` is the Kubernetes secret that stores the CA Certificate that is used for Vault communication. To provide a CA, you first need to create a Kubernetes secret containing the CA. For example, you may create a secret with the Vault CA like so: