You can generate cluster peering tokens using the [`consul peering generate-token`](/commands/peering/generate-token) command or the [HTTP API](/api-docs/peering#generate-a-peering-token).
- `-name=<string>` - (Required) Specifies a local name for the cluster you are establishing a connection with. The `name` is only used to identify the connection with the peer.
- `-peering-token=<string>` - (Required) Specifies the peering token from the cluster that generated the token.
- `-meta=<string>=<string>` - Specifies key/value pairs to associate with the peering connection in `-meta="key"="value"` format. You can use the flag multiple times to set multiple metadata fields.
#### Enterprise Options
@include 'http_api_partition_options.mdx'
#### API Options
@include 'http_api_options_client.mdx'
## Examples
The following examples establishes a peering connection with a cluster locally referred to as "cluster-01":
```shell-session hideClipboard
$ consul peering establish -name cluster-01 -peering-token eyJDQSI6bnVs...5Yi0wNzk5NTA1YTRmYjYifQ==
Successfully established peering connection with cluster-01