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package xds
import (
envoy ""
envoyauth ""
envoycore ""
envoylistener ""
envoyroute ""
extauthz ""
envoyhttp ""
envoytcp ""
envoytype ""
// listenersFromSnapshot returns the xDS API representation of the "listeners"
// in the snapshot.
func (s *Server) listenersFromSnapshot(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, token string) ([]proto.Message, error) {
if cfgSnap == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil config given")
// One listener for each upstream plus the public one
resources := make([]proto.Message, len(cfgSnap.Proxy.Upstreams)+1)
// Configure public listener
var err error
resources[0], err = s.makePublicListener(cfgSnap, token)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, u := range cfgSnap.Proxy.Upstreams {
resources[i+1], err = s.makeUpstreamListener(&u)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resources, nil
// makeListener returns a listener with name and bind details set. Filters must
// be added before it's useful.
// Note on names: Envoy listeners attempt graceful transitions of connections
// when their config changes but that means they can't have their bind address
// or port changed in a running instance. Since our users might choose to change
// a bind address or port for the public or upstream listeners, we need to
// encode those into the unique name for the listener such that if the user
// changes them, we actually create a whole new listener on the new address and
// port. Envoy should take care of closing the old one once it sees it's no
// longer in the config.
func makeListener(name, addr string, port int) *envoy.Listener {
return &envoy.Listener{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%d", name, addr, port),
Address: makeAddress(addr, port),
// makeListenerFromUserConfig returns the listener config decoded from an
// arbitrary proto3 json format string or an error if it's invalid.
// For now we only support embedding in JSON strings because of the hcl parsing
// pain (see config.go comment above call to patchSliceOfMaps). Until we
// refactor config parser a _lot_ user's opaque config that contains arrays will
// be mangled. We could actually fix that up in mapstructure which knows the
// type of the target so could resolve the slices to singletons unambiguously
// and it would work for us here... but we still have the problem that the
// config would render incorrectly in general in our HTTP API responses so we
// really need to fix it "properly".
// When we do that we can support just nesting the config directly into the
// JSON/hcl naturally but this is a stop-gap that gets us an escape hatch
// immediately. It's also probably not a bad thing to support long-term since
// any config generated by other systems will likely be in canonical protobuf
// from rather than our slight variant in JSON/hcl.
func makeListenerFromUserConfig(configJSON string) (*envoy.Listener, error) {
// Figure out if there is an @type field. We don't require is since we know
// this will be a listener but unmarshalling into types.Any fails if it's not
// there and unmarshalling into listener directly fails if it is...
var jsonFields map[string]*json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(configJSON), &jsonFields); err != nil {
return nil, err
var l envoy.Listener
if _, ok := jsonFields["@type"]; ok {
// Type field is present so decode it as a types.Any
var any types.Any
err := jsonpb.UnmarshalString(configJSON, &any)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// And then unmarshal the listener again...
err = proto.Unmarshal(any.Value, &l)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &l, err
// No @type so try decoding as a straight listener.
err := jsonpb.UnmarshalString(configJSON, &l)
return &l, err
// Ensure that the first filter in each filter chain of a public listener is the
// authz filter to prevent unauthorized access and that every filter chain uses
// our TLS certs. We might allow users to work around this later if there is a
// good use case but this is actually a feature for now as it allows them to
// specify custom listener params in config but still get our certs delivered
// dynamically and intentions enforced without coming up with some complicated
// templating/merging solution.
func injectConnectFilters(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, token string, listener *envoy.Listener) error {
authFilter, err := makeExtAuthFilter(token)
if err != nil {
return err
for idx := range listener.FilterChains {
// Insert our authz filter before any others
listener.FilterChains[idx].Filters =
append([]envoylistener.Filter{authFilter}, listener.FilterChains[idx].Filters...)
// Force our TLS for all filter chains on a public listener
listener.FilterChains[idx].TlsContext = &envoyauth.DownstreamTlsContext{
CommonTlsContext: makeCommonTLSContext(cfgSnap),
RequireClientCertificate: &types.BoolValue{Value: true},
return nil
func (s *Server) makePublicListener(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, token string) (proto.Message, error) {
var l *envoy.Listener
var err error
cfg, err := ParseProxyConfig(cfgSnap.Proxy.Config)
if err != nil {
// Don't hard fail on a config typo, just warn. The parse func returns
// default config if there is an error so it's safe to continue.
s.Logger.Printf("[WARN] envoy: failed to parse Connect.Proxy.Config: %s", err)
if cfg.PublicListenerJSON != "" {
l, err = makeListenerFromUserConfig(cfg.PublicListenerJSON)
if err != nil {
return l, err
// In the happy path don't return yet as we need to inject TLS config still.
if l == nil {
// No user config, use default listener
addr := cfgSnap.Address
if addr == "" {
addr = ""
l = makeListener(PublicListenerName, addr, cfgSnap.Port)
filter, err := makeListenerFilter(cfg.Protocol, "public_listener", LocalAppClusterName, "", true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.FilterChains = []envoylistener.FilterChain{
Filters: []envoylistener.Filter{
err = injectConnectFilters(cfgSnap, token, l)
return l, err
func (s *Server) makeUpstreamListener(u *structs.Upstream) (proto.Message, error) {
cfg, err := ParseUpstreamConfig(u.Config)
if err != nil {
// Don't hard fail on a config typo, just warn. The parse func returns
// default config if there is an error so it's safe to continue.
s.Logger.Printf("[WARN] envoy: failed to parse Upstream[%s].Config: %s",
u.Identifier(), err)
if cfg.ListenerJSON != "" {
return makeListenerFromUserConfig(cfg.ListenerJSON)
addr := u.LocalBindAddress
if addr == "" {
addr = ""
l := makeListener(u.Identifier(), addr, u.LocalBindPort)
filter, err := makeListenerFilter(cfg.Protocol, u.Identifier(), u.Identifier(), "upstream_", false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.FilterChains = []envoylistener.FilterChain{
Filters: []envoylistener.Filter{
return l, nil
func makeListenerFilter(protocol, filterName, cluster, statPrefix string, ingress bool) (envoylistener.Filter, error) {
switch protocol {
case "grpc":
return makeHTTPFilter(filterName, cluster, statPrefix, ingress, true, true)
case "http2":
return makeHTTPFilter(filterName, cluster, statPrefix, ingress, false, true)
case "http":
return makeHTTPFilter(filterName, cluster, statPrefix, ingress, false, false)
case "tcp":
return makeTCPProxyFilter(filterName, cluster, statPrefix)
func makeTCPProxyFilter(filterName, cluster, statPrefix string) (envoylistener.Filter, error) {
cfg := &envoytcp.TcpProxy{
StatPrefix: makeStatPrefix("tcp", statPrefix, filterName),
ClusterSpecifier: &envoytcp.TcpProxy_Cluster{Cluster: cluster},
return makeFilter("envoy.tcp_proxy", cfg)
func makeStatPrefix(protocol, prefix, filterName string) string {
// Replace colons here because Envoy does that in the metrics for the actual
// clusters but doesn't in the stat prefix here while dashboards assume they
// will match.
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s_%s", prefix, strings.Replace(filterName, ":", "_", -1), protocol)
func makeHTTPFilter(filterName, cluster, statPrefix string, ingress, grpc, http2 bool) (envoylistener.Filter, error) {
op := envoyhttp.INGRESS
if !ingress {
op = envoyhttp.EGRESS
proto := "http"
if grpc {
proto = "grpc"
cfg := &envoyhttp.HttpConnectionManager{
StatPrefix: makeStatPrefix(proto, statPrefix, filterName),
CodecType: envoyhttp.AUTO,
RouteSpecifier: &envoyhttp.HttpConnectionManager_RouteConfig{
RouteConfig: &envoy.RouteConfiguration{
Name: filterName,
VirtualHosts: []envoyroute.VirtualHost{
Name: filterName,
Domains: []string{"*"},
Routes: []envoyroute.Route{
Match: envoyroute.RouteMatch{
PathSpecifier: &envoyroute.RouteMatch_Prefix{
Prefix: "/",
// TODO(banks) Envoy supports matching only valid GRPC
// requests which might be nice to add here for gRPC services
// but it's not supported in our current envoy SDK version
// although docs say it was supported by 1.8.0. Going to defer
// that until we've updated the deps.
Action: &envoyroute.Route_Route{
Route: &envoyroute.RouteAction{
ClusterSpecifier: &envoyroute.RouteAction_Cluster{
Cluster: cluster,
HttpFilters: []*envoyhttp.HttpFilter{
Name: "envoy.router",
Tracing: &envoyhttp.HttpConnectionManager_Tracing{
OperationName: op,
// Don't trace any requests by default unless the client application
// explicitly propagates trace headers that indicate this should be
// sampled.
RandomSampling: &envoytype.Percent{Value: 0.0},
if http2 {
cfg.Http2ProtocolOptions = &envoycore.Http2ProtocolOptions{}
if grpc {
// Add grpc bridge before router
cfg.HttpFilters = append([]*envoyhttp.HttpFilter{&envoyhttp.HttpFilter{
Name: "envoy.grpc_http1_bridge",
ConfigType: &envoyhttp.HttpFilter_Config{Config: &types.Struct{}},
}}, cfg.HttpFilters...)
return makeFilter("envoy.http_connection_manager", cfg)
func makeExtAuthFilter(token string) (envoylistener.Filter, error) {
cfg := &extauthz.ExtAuthz{
StatPrefix: "connect_authz",
GrpcService: &envoycore.GrpcService{
// Attach token header so we can authorize the callbacks. Technically
// authorize is not really protected data but we locked down the HTTP
// implementation to need service:write and since we have the token that
// has that it's pretty reasonable to set it up here.
InitialMetadata: []*envoycore.HeaderValue{
Key: "x-consul-token",
Value: token,
TargetSpecifier: &envoycore.GrpcService_EnvoyGrpc_{
EnvoyGrpc: &envoycore.GrpcService_EnvoyGrpc{
ClusterName: LocalAgentClusterName,
FailureModeAllow: false,
return makeFilter("envoy.ext_authz", cfg)
func makeFilter(name string, cfg proto.Message) (envoylistener.Filter, error) {
// Ridiculous dance to make that pbstruct into types.Struct by... encoding it
// as JSON and decoding again!!
cfgStruct, err := util.MessageToStruct(cfg)
if err != nil {
return envoylistener.Filter{}, err
return envoylistener.Filter{
Name: name,
ConfigType: &envoylistener.Filter_Config{Config: cfgStruct},
}, nil
func makeCommonTLSContext(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) *envoyauth.CommonTlsContext {
// Concatenate all the root PEMs into one.
// TODO(banks): verify this actually works with Envoy (docs are not clear).
rootPEMS := ""
if cfgSnap.Roots == nil {
return nil
for _, root := range cfgSnap.Roots.Roots {
rootPEMS += root.RootCert
return &envoyauth.CommonTlsContext{
TlsParams: &envoyauth.TlsParameters{},
TlsCertificates: []*envoyauth.TlsCertificate{
CertificateChain: &envoycore.DataSource{
Specifier: &envoycore.DataSource_InlineString{
InlineString: cfgSnap.Leaf.CertPEM,
PrivateKey: &envoycore.DataSource{
Specifier: &envoycore.DataSource_InlineString{
InlineString: cfgSnap.Leaf.PrivateKeyPEM,
ValidationContextType: &envoyauth.CommonTlsContext_ValidationContext{
ValidationContext: &envoyauth.CertificateValidationContext{
// TODO(banks): later for L7 support we may need to configure ALPN here.
TrustedCa: &envoycore.DataSource{
Specifier: &envoycore.DataSource_InlineString{
InlineString: rootPEMS,