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package state
import (
// aclsTableSchema returns a new table schema used for storing ACL tokens.
func aclsTableSchema() *memdb.TableSchema {
return &memdb.TableSchema{
Name: "acls",
Indexes: map[string]*memdb.IndexSchema{
"id": &memdb.IndexSchema{
Name: "id",
AllowMissing: false,
Unique: true,
Indexer: &memdb.StringFieldIndex{
Field: "ID",
Lowercase: false,
// aclsBootstrapTableSchema returns a new schema used for tracking the ACL
// bootstrap status for a cluster. This is designed to have only a single
// row, so it has a somewhat unusual no-op indexer.
func aclsBootstrapTableSchema() *memdb.TableSchema {
return &memdb.TableSchema{
Name: "acls-bootstrap",
Indexes: map[string]*memdb.IndexSchema{
"id": &memdb.IndexSchema{
Name: "id",
AllowMissing: true,
Unique: true,
Indexer: &memdb.ConditionalIndex{
Conditional: func(obj interface{}) (bool, error) { return true, nil },
func init() {
// ACLs is used to pull all the ACLs from the snapshot.
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func (s *Snapshot) ACLs() (memdb.ResultIterator, error) {
iter, err := s.tx.Get("acls", "id")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return iter, nil
// ACL is used when restoring from a snapshot. For general inserts, use ACLSet.
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func (s *Restore) ACL(acl *structs.ACL) error {
if err := s.tx.Insert("acls", acl); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed restoring acl: %s", err)
if err := indexUpdateMaxTxn(s.tx, acl.ModifyIndex, "acls"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
return nil
// ACLBootstrap is used to pull the ACL bootstrap info from the snapshot. This
// might return nil, in which case nothing should be saved to the snapshot.
func (s *Snapshot) ACLBootstrap() (*structs.ACLBootstrap, error) {
existing, err := s.tx.First("acls-bootstrap", "id")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed acl bootstrap lookup: %s", err)
if existing != nil {
return existing.(*structs.ACLBootstrap), nil
return nil, nil
// ACLBootstrap is used to restore the ACL bootstrap info from the snapshot.
func (s *Restore) ACLBootstrap(bs *structs.ACLBootstrap) error {
if err := s.tx.Insert("acls-bootstrap", bs); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating acl bootstrap: %v", err)
return nil
// ACLBootstrapInit is used to perform a scan for existing tokens which will
// decide whether bootstrapping is allowed for a cluster. This is initiated by
// the leader when it steps up, if necessary. This is because the state store
// snapshots would become incompatible with older agents if we added this on
// the fly, so we rely on the leader to determine a safe time to add this so
// we can start tracking whether bootstrap is enabled. This will return an
// error if bootstrap is already initialized.
// This returns a boolean indicating if ACL boostrapping is enabled.
func (s *Store) ACLBootstrapInit(idx uint64) (bool, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Don't allow this to happen more than once.
existing, err := tx.First("acls-bootstrap", "id")
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed acl bootstrap lookup: %s", err)
if existing != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("acl bootstrap init already done")
// See if there are any management tokens, which means we shouldn't
// allow bootstrapping.
foundMgmt, err := s.aclHasManagementTokensTxn(tx)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed checking for management tokens: %v", err)
allowBootstrap := !foundMgmt
// Create a new bootstrap record.
bs := structs.ACLBootstrap{
AllowBootstrap: allowBootstrap,
RaftIndex: structs.RaftIndex{
CreateIndex: idx,
ModifyIndex: idx,
if err := tx.Insert("acls-bootstrap", &bs); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed creating acl bootstrap: %v", err)
return allowBootstrap, nil
// ACLBootstrap is used to perform a one-time ACL bootstrap operation on a
// cluster to get the first management token.
func (s *Store) ACLBootstrap(idx uint64, acl *structs.ACL) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// We must have initialized before this will ever be possible.
existing, err := tx.First("acls-bootstrap", "id")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed acl bootstrap lookup: %s", err)
if existing == nil {
return structs.ACLBootstrapNotInitializedErr
// See if this cluster has already been bootstrapped.
bs := *existing.(*structs.ACLBootstrap)
if !bs.AllowBootstrap {
return structs.ACLBootstrapNotAllowedErr
// This should not be required since we keep the boolean above in sync
// with any new management tokens that are added, but since this is such
// a critical thing for correct operation we perform a sanity check.
foundMgmt, err := s.aclHasManagementTokensTxn(tx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed checking for management tokens: %v", err)
if foundMgmt {
return fmt.Errorf("internal error: acl bootstrap enabled but existing management tokens were found")
// Bootstrap and then make sure we disable bootstrapping forever. The
// set will also disable this as a side effect but we want to be super
// explicit here.
if err := s.aclSetTxn(tx, idx, acl); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting bootstrap token: %v", err)
if disabled, err := s.aclDisableBootstrapTxn(tx, idx); err != nil || !disabled {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to disable acl bootstrap (disabled=%v): %v", disabled, err)
return nil
// aclDisableBootstrapTxn will disable ACL bootstrapping if the bootstrap init
// has been completed and bootstrap is currently enabled. This will return true
// if bootstrap is disabled.
func (s *Store) aclDisableBootstrapTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64) (bool, error) {
// If the init hasn't been done then we aren't tracking this yet, so we
// can bail out. When the init is done for the first time it will scan
// for management tokens to set the initial state correctly.
existing, err := tx.First("acls-bootstrap", "id")
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed acl bootstrap lookup: %s", err)
if existing == nil {
// Not yet init-ed, nothing to do.
return false, nil
// See if bootstrap is already disabled, which is the common case, so we
// can avoid a spurious write. We do a copy here in case we need to write
// down below, though.
bs := *existing.(*structs.ACLBootstrap)
if !bs.AllowBootstrap {
return true, nil
// Need to disable bootstrap!
bs.AllowBootstrap = false
bs.ModifyIndex = idx
if err := tx.Insert("acls-bootstrap", &bs); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed updating acl bootstrap: %v", err)
return true, nil
// aclHasManagementTokensTxn returns true if any management tokens are present
// in the state store.
func (s *Store) aclHasManagementTokensTxn(tx *memdb.Txn) (bool, error) {
iter, err := tx.Get("acls", "id")
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed acl lookup: %s", err)
for acl := iter.Next(); acl != nil; acl = iter.Next() {
if acl.(*structs.ACL).Type == structs.ACLTypeManagement {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// ACLGetBootstrap returns the ACL bootstrap status for the cluster, which might
// be nil if it hasn't yet been initialized.
func (s *Store) ACLGetBootstrap() (*structs.ACLBootstrap, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
existing, err := tx.First("acls-bootstrap", "id")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed acl bootstrap lookup: %s", err)
if existing != nil {
return existing.(*structs.ACLBootstrap), nil
return nil, nil
// ACLSet is used to insert an ACL rule into the state store.
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func (s *Store) ACLSet(idx uint64, acl *structs.ACL) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Call set on the ACL
if err := s.aclSetTxn(tx, idx, acl); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// aclSetTxn is the inner method used to insert an ACL rule with the
// proper indexes into the state store.
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func (s *Store) aclSetTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, acl *structs.ACL) error {
// Check that the ID is set
if acl.ID == "" {
return ErrMissingACLID
// Check for an existing ACL
existing, err := tx.First("acls", "id", acl.ID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed acl lookup: %s", err)
// Set the indexes
if existing != nil {
acl.CreateIndex = existing.(*structs.ACL).CreateIndex
acl.ModifyIndex = idx
} else {
acl.CreateIndex = idx
acl.ModifyIndex = idx
// Insert the ACL
if err := tx.Insert("acls", acl); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed inserting acl: %s", err)
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"acls", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
// If this is a management token, make sure bootstrapping gets disabled.
if acl.Type == structs.ACLTypeManagement {
if _, err := s.aclDisableBootstrapTxn(tx, idx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed disabling acl bootstrapping: %v", err)
return nil
// ACLGet is used to look up an existing ACL by ID.
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func (s *Store) ACLGet(ws memdb.WatchSet, aclID string) (uint64, *structs.ACL, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, "acls")
// Query for the existing ACL
watchCh, acl, err := tx.FirstWatch("acls", "id", aclID)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed acl lookup: %s", err)
if acl != nil {
return idx, acl.(*structs.ACL), nil
return idx, nil, nil
// ACLList is used to list out all of the ACLs in the state store.
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func (s *Store) ACLList(ws memdb.WatchSet) (uint64, structs.ACLs, error) {
tx := s.db.Txn(false)
defer tx.Abort()
// Get the table index.
idx := maxIndexTxn(tx, "acls")
// Return the ACLs.
acls, err := s.aclListTxn(tx, ws)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed acl lookup: %s", err)
return idx, acls, nil
// aclListTxn is used to list out all of the ACLs in the state store. This is a
// function vs. a method so it can be called from the snapshotter.
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func (s *Store) aclListTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, ws memdb.WatchSet) (structs.ACLs, error) {
// Query all of the ACLs in the state store
iter, err := tx.Get("acls", "id")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed acl lookup: %s", err)
// Go over all of the ACLs and build the response
var result structs.ACLs
for acl := iter.Next(); acl != nil; acl = iter.Next() {
a := acl.(*structs.ACL)
result = append(result, a)
return result, nil
// ACLDelete is used to remove an existing ACL from the state store. If
// the ACL does not exist this is a no-op and no error is returned.
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func (s *Store) ACLDelete(idx uint64, aclID string) error {
tx := s.db.Txn(true)
defer tx.Abort()
// Call the ACL delete
if err := s.aclDeleteTxn(tx, idx, aclID); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// aclDeleteTxn is used to delete an ACL from the state store within
// an existing transaction.
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func (s *Store) aclDeleteTxn(tx *memdb.Txn, idx uint64, aclID string) error {
// Look up the existing ACL
acl, err := tx.First("acls", "id", aclID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed acl lookup: %s", err)
if acl == nil {
return nil
// Delete the ACL from the state store and update indexes
if err := tx.Delete("acls", acl); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed deleting acl: %s", err)
if err := tx.Insert("index", &IndexEntry{"acls", idx}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed updating index: %s", err)
return nil