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package controller
import (
// much of this is a re-implementation of
// WorkQueue is an interface for a work queue with semantics to help with
// retries and rate limiting.
type WorkQueue interface {
// Get retrieves the next Request in the queue, blocking until a Request is
// available, if shutdown is true, then the queue is shutting down and should
// no longer be used by the caller.
Get() (item Request, shutdown bool)
// Add immediately adds a Request to the work queue.
Add(item Request)
// AddAfter adds a Request to the work queue after a given amount of time.
AddAfter(item Request, duration time.Duration)
// AddRateLimited adds a Request to the work queue after the amount of time
// specified by applying the queue's rate limiter.
AddRateLimited(item Request)
// Forget signals the queue to reset the rate-limiting for the given Request.
Forget(item Request)
// Done tells the work queue that the Request has been successfully processed
// and can be deleted from the queue.
Done(item Request)
// queue implements a rate-limited work queue
type queue struct {
// queue holds an ordered list of Requests needing to be processed
queue []Request
// dirty holds the working set of all Requests, whether they are being
// processed or not
dirty map[Request]struct{}
// processing holds the set of current requests being processed
processing map[Request]struct{}
// deferred is an internal priority queue that tracks deferred
// Requests
deferred DeferQueue
// ratelimiter is the internal rate-limiter for the queue
ratelimiter Limiter
// cond synchronizes queue access and handles signalling for when
// data is available in the queue
cond *sync.Cond
// ctx is the top-level context that, when canceled, shuts down the queue
ctx context.Context
// RunWorkQueue returns a started WorkQueue that has per-Request exponential backoff rate-limiting.
// When the passed in context is canceled, the queue shuts down.
func RunWorkQueue(ctx context.Context, baseBackoff, maxBackoff time.Duration) WorkQueue {
q := &queue{
ratelimiter: NewRateLimiter(baseBackoff, maxBackoff),
dirty: make(map[Request]struct{}),
processing: make(map[Request]struct{}),
cond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),
deferred: NewDeferQueue(500 * time.Millisecond),
ctx: ctx,
go q.start()
return q
// start begins the asynchronous processing loop for the deferral queue
func (q *queue) start() {
go q.deferred.Process(q.ctx, func(item Request) {
// shuttingDown returns whether the queue is in the process of shutting down
func (q *queue) shuttingDown() bool {
select {
case <-q.ctx.Done():
return true
return false
// Get returns the next Request to be processed by the caller, blocking until
// an item is available in the queue. If the returned shutdown parameter is true,
// then the caller should stop using the queue. Any Requests returned by a call
// to Get must be explicitly marked as processed via the Done method.
func (q *queue) Get() (item Request, shutdown bool) {
defer q.cond.L.Unlock()
for len(q.queue) == 0 && !q.shuttingDown() {
if len(q.queue) == 0 {
// We must be shutting down.
return Request{}, true
item, q.queue = q.queue[0], q.queue[1:]
q.processing[item] = struct{}{}
delete(q.dirty, item)
return item, false
// Add puts the given Request in the queue. If the Request is already in
// the queue or the queue is stopping, then this is a no-op.
func (q *queue) Add(item Request) {
defer q.cond.L.Unlock()
if q.shuttingDown() {
if _, ok := q.dirty[item]; ok {
q.dirty[item] = struct{}{}
if _, ok := q.processing[item]; ok {
q.queue = append(q.queue, item)
// AddAfter adds a Request to the work queue after a given amount of time.
func (q *queue) AddAfter(item Request, duration time.Duration) {
// don't add if we're already shutting down
if q.shuttingDown() {
// immediately add if there is no delay
if duration <= 0 {
q.deferred.Defer(q.ctx, item, time.Now().Add(duration))
// AddRateLimited adds the given Request to the queue after applying the
// rate limiter to determine when the Request should next be processed.
func (q *queue) AddRateLimited(item Request) {
q.AddAfter(item, q.ratelimiter.NextRetry(item))
// Forget signals the queue to reset the rate-limiting for the given Request.
func (q *queue) Forget(item Request) {
// Done removes the item from the queue, if it has been marked dirty
// again while being processed, it is re-added to the queue.
func (q *queue) Done(item Request) {
defer q.cond.L.Unlock()
delete(q.processing, item)
if _, ok := q.dirty[item]; ok {
q.queue = append(q.queue, item)