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package xds
import (
envoy ""
envoyauthz ""
envoyauthzalpha ""
envoydisco ""
// ADSStream is a shorter way of referring to this thing...
type ADSStream = envoydisco.AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResourcesServer
const (
// Resource types in xDS v2. These are copied from
// envoyproxy/go-control-plane/pkg/cache/resource.go since we don't need any of
// the rest of that package.
typePrefix = ""
// EndpointType is the TypeURL for Endpoint discovery responses.
EndpointType = typePrefix + "ClusterLoadAssignment"
// ClusterType is the TypeURL for Cluster discovery responses.
ClusterType = typePrefix + "Cluster"
// RouteType is the TypeURL for Route discovery responses.
RouteType = typePrefix + "RouteConfiguration"
// ListenerType is the TypeURL for Listener discovery responses.
ListenerType = typePrefix + "Listener"
// PublicListenerName is the name we give the public listener in Envoy config.
PublicListenerName = "public_listener"
// LocalAppClusterName is the name we give the local application "cluster" in
// Envoy config. Note that all cluster names may collide with service names
// since we want cluster names and service names to match to enable nice
// metrics correlation without massaging prefixes on cluster names.
// We should probably make this more unlikely to collide however changing it
// potentially breaks upgrade compatibility without restarting all Envoy's as
// it will no longer match their existing cluster name. Changing this will
// affect metrics output so could break dashboards (for local app traffic).
// We should probably just make it configurable if anyone actually has
// services named "local_app" in the future.
LocalAppClusterName = "local_app"
// LocalAgentClusterName is the name we give the local agent "cluster" in
// Envoy config. Note that all cluster names may collide with service names
// since we want cluster names and service names to match to enable nice
// metrics correlation without massaging prefixes on cluster names.
// We should probably make this more unlikely to collied however changing it
// potentially breaks upgrade compatibility without restarting all Envoy's as
// it will no longer match their existing cluster name. Changing this will
// affect metrics output so could break dashboards (for local agent traffic).
// We should probably just make it configurable if anyone actually has
// services named "local_agent" in the future.
LocalAgentClusterName = "local_agent"
// DefaultAuthCheckFrequency is the default value for
// Server.AuthCheckFrequency to use when the zero value is provided.
DefaultAuthCheckFrequency = 5 * time.Minute
// ACLResolverFunc is a shim to resolve ACLs. Since ACL enforcement is so far
// entirely agent-local and all uses private methods this allows a simple shim
// to be written in the agent package to allow resolving without tightly
// coupling this to the agent.
New ACLs (#4791) This PR is almost a complete rewrite of the ACL system within Consul. It brings the features more in line with other HashiCorp products. Obviously there is quite a bit left to do here but most of it is related docs, testing and finishing the last few commands in the CLI. I will update the PR description and check off the todos as I finish them over the next few days/week. Description At a high level this PR is mainly to split ACL tokens from Policies and to split the concepts of Authorization from Identities. A lot of this PR is mostly just to support CRUD operations on ACLTokens and ACLPolicies. These in and of themselves are not particularly interesting. The bigger conceptual changes are in how tokens get resolved, how backwards compatibility is handled and the separation of policy from identity which could lead the way to allowing for alternative identity providers. On the surface and with a new cluster the ACL system will look very similar to that of Nomads. Both have tokens and policies. Both have local tokens. The ACL management APIs for both are very similar. I even ripped off Nomad's ACL bootstrap resetting procedure. There are a few key differences though. Nomad requires token and policy replication where Consul only requires policy replication with token replication being opt-in. In Consul local tokens only work with token replication being enabled though. All policies in Nomad are globally applicable. In Consul all policies are stored and replicated globally but can be scoped to a subset of the datacenters. This allows for more granular access management. Unlike Nomad, Consul has legacy baggage in the form of the original ACL system. The ramifications of this are: A server running the new system must still support other clients using the legacy system. A client running the new system must be able to use the legacy RPCs when the servers in its datacenter are running the legacy system. The primary ACL DC's servers running in legacy mode needs to be a gate that keeps everything else in the entire multi-DC cluster running in legacy mode. So not only does this PR implement the new ACL system but has a legacy mode built in for when the cluster isn't ready for new ACLs. Also detecting that new ACLs can be used is automatic and requires no configuration on the part of administrators. This process is detailed more in the "Transitioning from Legacy to New ACL Mode" section below.
2018-10-19 16:04:07 +00:00
type ACLResolverFunc func(id string) (acl.Authorizer, error)
// ConnectAuthz is the interface the agent needs to expose to be able to re-use
// the authorization logic between both APIs.
type ConnectAuthz interface {
// ConnectAuthorize is implemented by Agent.ConnectAuthorize
ConnectAuthorize(token string, req *structs.ConnectAuthorizeRequest) (authz bool, reason string, m *cache.ResultMeta, err error)
// ConfigManager is the interface xds.Server requires to consume proxy config
// updates. It's satisfied normally by the agent's proxycfg.Manager, but allows
// easier testing without several layers of mocked cache, local state and
// proxycfg.Manager.
type ConfigManager interface {
Watch(proxyID string) (<-chan *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, proxycfg.CancelFunc)
// Server represents a gRPC server that can handle both XDS and ext_authz
// requests from Envoy. All of it's public members must be set before the gRPC
// server is started.
// A full description of the XDS protocol can be found at
type Server struct {
Logger *log.Logger
CfgMgr ConfigManager
Authz ConnectAuthz
ResolveToken ACLResolverFunc
// AuthCheckFrequency is how often we should re-check the credentials used
// during a long-lived gRPC Stream after it has been initially established.
// This is only used during idle periods of stream interactions (i.e. when
// there has been no recent DiscoveryRequest).
AuthCheckFrequency time.Duration
// Initialize will finish configuring the Server for first use.
func (s *Server) Initialize() {
if s.AuthCheckFrequency == 0 {
s.AuthCheckFrequency = DefaultAuthCheckFrequency
// StreamAggregatedResources implements
// envoydisco.AggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer. This is the ADS endpoint which is
// the only xDS API we directly support for now.
func (s *Server) StreamAggregatedResources(stream ADSStream) error {
// a channel for receiving incoming requests
reqCh := make(chan *envoy.DiscoveryRequest)
reqStop := int32(0)
go func() {
for {
req, err := stream.Recv()
if atomic.LoadInt32(&reqStop) != 0 {
if err != nil {
reqCh <- req
err := s.process(stream, reqCh)
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Printf("[DEBUG] Error handling ADS stream: %s", err)
// prevents writing to a closed channel if send failed on blocked recv
atomic.StoreInt32(&reqStop, 1)
return err
const (
stateInit int = iota
func (s *Server) process(stream ADSStream, reqCh <-chan *envoy.DiscoveryRequest) error {
// xDS requires a unique nonce to correlate response/request pairs
var nonce uint64
// xDS works with versions of configs. Internally we don't have a consistent
// version. We could just hash the config since versions don't have to be
// ordered as far as I can tell, but it's cheaper just to increment a counter
// every time we observe a new config since the upstream proxycfg package only
// delivers updates when there are actual changes.
var configVersion uint64
// Loop state
var cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot
var req *envoy.DiscoveryRequest
var ok bool
var stateCh <-chan *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot
var watchCancel func()
var proxyID string
// need to run a small state machine to get through initial authentication.
var state = stateInit
// Configure handlers for each type of request
handlers := map[string]*xDSType{
EndpointType: &xDSType{
typeURL: EndpointType,
resources: endpointsFromSnapshot,
stream: stream,
ClusterType: &xDSType{
typeURL: ClusterType,
resources: s.clustersFromSnapshot,
stream: stream,
RouteType: &xDSType{
typeURL: RouteType,
resources: routesFromSnapshot,
stream: stream,
ListenerType: &xDSType{
typeURL: ListenerType,
resources: s.listenersFromSnapshot,
stream: stream,
var authTimer <-chan time.Time
extendAuthTimer := func() {
authTimer = time.After(s.AuthCheckFrequency)
checkStreamACLs := func(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot) error {
if cfgSnap == nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "unauthenticated: no config snapshot")
token := tokenFromStream(stream)
rule, err := s.ResolveToken(token)
if acl.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "unauthenticated: %v", err)
} else if acl.IsErrPermissionDenied(err) {
return status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "permission denied: %v", err)
} else if err != nil {
return err
if rule != nil && !rule.ServiceWrite(cfgSnap.Proxy.DestinationServiceName, nil) {
return status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "permission denied")
// Authed OK!
return nil
for {
select {
case <-authTimer:
// It's been too long since a Discovery{Request,Response} so recheck ACLs.
if err := checkStreamACLs(cfgSnap); err != nil {
return err
case req, ok = <-reqCh:
if !ok {
// reqCh is closed when stream.Recv errors which is how we detect client
// going away. AFAICT the stream.Context() is only canceled once the
// RPC method returns which it can't until we return from this one so
// there's no point in blocking on that.
return nil
if req.TypeUrl == "" {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "type URL is required for ADS")
if handler, ok := handlers[req.TypeUrl]; ok {
case cfgSnap = <-stateCh:
// We got a new config, update the version counter
// Trigger state machine
switch state {
case stateInit:
if req == nil {
// This can't happen (tm) since stateCh is nil until after the first req
// is received but lets not panic about it.
// Start authentication process, we need the proxyID
proxyID = req.Node.Id
// Start watching config for that proxy
stateCh, watchCancel = s.CfgMgr.Watch(proxyID)
// Note that in this case we _intend_ the defer to only be triggered when
// this whole process method ends (i.e. when streaming RPC aborts) not at
// the end of the current loop iteration. We have to do it in the loop
// here since we can't start watching until we get to this state in the
// state machine.
defer watchCancel()
// Now wait for the config so we can check ACL
state = statePendingInitialConfig
case statePendingInitialConfig:
if cfgSnap == nil {
// Nothing we can do until we get the initial config
// Got config, try to authenticate next.
state = stateRunning
// Lets actually process the config we just got or we'll mis responding
case stateRunning:
// Check ACLs on every Discovery{Request,Response}.
if err := checkStreamACLs(cfgSnap); err != nil {
return err
// For the first time through the state machine, this is when the
// timer is first started.
// See if any handlers need to have the current (possibly new) config
// sent. Note the order here is actually significant so we can't just
// range the map which has no determined order. It's important because:
// 1. Envoy needs to see a consistent snapshot to avoid potentially
// dropping traffic due to inconsistencies. This is the
// main win of ADS after all - we get to control this order.
// 2. Non-determinsic order of complex protobuf responses which are
// compared for non-exact JSON equivalence makes the tests uber-messy
// to handle
for _, typeURL := range []string{ClusterType, EndpointType, RouteType, ListenerType} {
handler := handlers[typeURL]
if err := handler.SendIfNew(cfgSnap, configVersion, &nonce); err != nil {
return err
type xDSType struct {
typeURL string
stream ADSStream
req *envoy.DiscoveryRequest
lastNonce string
// lastVersion is the version that was last sent to the proxy. It is needed
// because we don't want to send the same version more than once.
// req.VersionInfo may be an older version than the most recent once sent in
// two cases: 1) if the ACK wasn't received yet and `req` still points to the
// previous request we already responded to and 2) if the proxy rejected the
// last version we sent with a Nack then req.VersionInfo will be the older
// version it's hanging on to.
lastVersion uint64
resources func(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, token string) ([]proto.Message, error)
func (t *xDSType) Recv(req *envoy.DiscoveryRequest) {
if t.lastNonce == "" || t.lastNonce == req.GetResponseNonce() {
t.req = req
func (t *xDSType) SendIfNew(cfgSnap *proxycfg.ConfigSnapshot, version uint64, nonce *uint64) error {
if t.req == nil {
return nil
if t.lastVersion >= version {
// Already sent this version
return nil
resources, err := t.resources(cfgSnap, tokenFromStream(
if err != nil {
return err
// Zero length resource responses should be ignored and are the result of no
// data yet. Notice that this caused a bug originally where we had zero
// healthy endpoints for an upstream that would cause Envoy to hang waiting
// for the EDS response. This is fixed though by ensuring we send an explicit
// empty LoadAssignment resource for the cluster rather than allowing junky
// empty resources.
if len(resources) == 0 {
// Nothing to send yet
return nil
// Note we only increment nonce when we actually send - not important for
// correctness but makes tests much simpler when we skip a type like Routes
// with nothing to send.
nonceStr := fmt.Sprintf("%08x", *nonce)
versionStr := fmt.Sprintf("%08x", version)
resp, err := createResponse(t.typeURL, versionStr, nonceStr, resources)
if err != nil {
return err
err =
if err != nil {
return err
t.lastVersion = version
t.lastNonce = nonceStr
return nil
func tokenFromStream(stream ADSStream) string {
return tokenFromContext(stream.Context())
func tokenFromContext(ctx context.Context) string {
md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return ""
toks, ok := md["x-consul-token"]
if ok && len(toks) > 0 {
return toks[0]
return ""
// DeltaAggregatedResources implements envoydisco.AggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer
func (s *Server) DeltaAggregatedResources(_ envoydisco.AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResourcesServer) error {
return errors.New("not implemented")
func deniedResponse(reason string) (*envoyauthz.CheckResponse, error) {
return &envoyauthz.CheckResponse{
Status: &rpc.Status{
Code: int32(rpc.PERMISSION_DENIED),
Message: "Denied: " + reason,
}, nil
// Check implements envoyauthz.AuthorizationServer.
func (s *Server) Check(ctx context.Context, r *envoyauthz.CheckRequest) (*envoyauthz.CheckResponse, error) {
// Sanity checks
if r.Attributes == nil || r.Attributes.Source == nil || r.Attributes.Destination == nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "source and destination attributes are required")
if r.Attributes.Source.Principal == "" || r.Attributes.Destination.Principal == "" {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "source and destination Principal are required")
// Parse destination to know the target service
dest, err := connect.ParseCertURIFromString(r.Attributes.Destination.Principal)
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Printf("[DEBUG] grpc: Connect AuthZ DENIED: bad destination URI: src=%s dest=%s",
r.Attributes.Source.Principal, r.Attributes.Destination.Principal)
// Treat this as an auth error since Envoy has sent something it considers
// valid, it's just not an identity we trust.
2019-01-18 21:00:54 +00:00
return deniedResponse("Destination Principal is not a valid Connect identity")
destID, ok := dest.(*connect.SpiffeIDService)
if !ok {
s.Logger.Printf("[DEBUG] grpc: Connect AuthZ DENIED: bad destination service ID: src=%s dest=%s",
r.Attributes.Source.Principal, r.Attributes.Destination.Principal)
2019-01-18 21:00:54 +00:00
return deniedResponse("Destination Principal is not a valid Service identity")
// For now we don't validate the trust domain of the _destination_ at all -
// the HTTP Authorize endpoint just accepts a target _service_ and it's
// implicit that the request is for the correct cluster. We might want to
// reconsider this later but plumbing in additional machinery to check the
// clusterID here is not really necessary for now unless Envoys are badly
// configured. Our threat model _requires_ correctly configured and well
// behaved proxies given that they have ACLs to fetch certs and so can do
// whatever they want including not authorizing traffic at all or routing it
// do a different service than they auth'd against.
// Create an authz request
req := &structs.ConnectAuthorizeRequest{
Target: destID.Service,
ClientCertURI: r.Attributes.Source.Principal,
// TODO(banks): need Envoy to support sending cert serial/hash to enforce
// revocation later.
token := tokenFromContext(ctx)
authed, reason, _, err := s.Authz.ConnectAuthorize(token, req)
if err != nil {
if err == acl.ErrPermissionDenied {
s.Logger.Printf("[DEBUG] grpc: Connect AuthZ failed ACL check: %s: src=%s dest=%s",
err, r.Attributes.Source.Principal, r.Attributes.Destination.Principal)
return nil, status.Error(codes.PermissionDenied, err.Error())
s.Logger.Printf("[DEBUG] grpc: Connect AuthZ failed: %s: src=%s dest=%s",
err, r.Attributes.Source.Principal, r.Attributes.Destination.Principal)
return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error())
if !authed {
s.Logger.Printf("[DEBUG] grpc: Connect AuthZ DENIED: src=%s dest=%s reason=%s",
r.Attributes.Source.Principal, r.Attributes.Destination.Principal, reason)
return deniedResponse(reason)
s.Logger.Printf("[DEBUG] grpc: Connect AuthZ ALLOWED: src=%s dest=%s reason=%s",
r.Attributes.Source.Principal, r.Attributes.Destination.Principal, reason)
return &envoyauthz.CheckResponse{
Status: &rpc.Status{
Code: int32(rpc.OK),
Message: "ALLOWED: " + reason,
}, nil
// GRPCServer returns a server instance that can handle XDS and ext_authz
// requests.
func (s *Server) GRPCServer(certFile, keyFile string) (*grpc.Server, error) {
opts := []grpc.ServerOption{
if certFile != "" && keyFile != "" {
creds, err := credentials.NewServerTLSFromFile(certFile, keyFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts = append(opts, grpc.Creds(creds))
srv := grpc.NewServer(opts...)
envoydisco.RegisterAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer(srv, s)
// Envoy 1.10 changed the package for ext_authz from v2alpha to v2. We still
// need to be compatible with 1.9.1 and earlier which only uses v2alpha. While
// there is a deprecated compatibility shim option in 1.10, we want to support
// first class. Fortunately they are wire-compatible so we can just register a
// single service implementation (using the new v2 package definitions) but
// using the old v2alpha regiatration function which just exports it on the
// old path as well.
envoyauthz.RegisterAuthorizationServer(srv, s)
envoyauthzalpha.RegisterAuthorizationServer(srv, s)
return srv, nil