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Homepage use case redesign (#11728) * init homepage * adds tutorials * update subnav * adds intro background * add offerings * adds in practice cta * include radial gradient * cleanup gradient * Fix learn more button display * include use case pages * connect subnav menu items * extract in practice section for reuse * use Products type * fix type error * add neutral option * rework cta logic * Fix links map * fix use case path * updates accent method * fix button prop usage * refactor customer case study * refactor case studies component * cleanup margin * refactor data props * fix offering cta * spacing updates and introduce intro component * adds intro interface * removes footer border * fix intro description color * add revalidate code to homepage * cleanup unused imports * bump subnav * makes stats optional * adjust border radius based on customer story * redirect /home to homepage * fix: turtorials link * fix: logo alignment * fix: section background color * feat: home reorder and tuts and docs links * fix: flush padding * formatting * feat: sort use cases in nav * fix: card overflow * fix: adjust overflow method * fix: padding on desktop * fix: card container overflow padding on mobile * fix: intro cta conditional * fix: simplify conditional * fix: customer logo sizing * cleanup old data * accept isInternalLink as arg * remove chunk * fix: isInternalLink usage * fix: isInternalLink prop usage * fix: add lang to document * init homepage * adds tutorials * add offerings * cleanup unused imports * bump subnav * fix: flush padding * formatting * fix: intro cta conditional * fix: simplify conditional * cleanup old data * add consul on kubernetes to menu items * add use case redirect * Add use case redirect
2021-12-20 21:42:20 +00:00
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