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package structs
// QueryDatacenterOptions sets options about how we fail over if there are no
// healthy nodes in the local datacenter.
type QueryDatacenterOptions struct {
// NearestN is set to the number of remote datacenters to try, based on
// network coordinates.
NearestN int
// Datacenters is a fixed list of datacenters to try after NearestN. We
// never try a datacenter multiple times, so those are subtracted from
// this list before proceeding.
Datacenters []string
// QueryDNSOptions controls settings when query results are served over DNS.
type QueryDNSOptions struct {
// TTL is the time to live for the served DNS results.
TTL string
// ServiceQuery is used to query for a set of healthy nodes offering a specific
// service.
type ServiceQuery struct {
// Service is the service to query.
Service string
// Failover controls what we do if there are no healthy nodes in the
// local datacenter.
Failover QueryDatacenterOptions
// If OnlyPassing is true then we will only include nodes with passing
// health checks (critical AND warning checks will cause a node to be
// discarded)
OnlyPassing bool
// Tags are a set of required and/or disallowed tags. If a tag is in
// this list it must be present. If the tag is preceded with "!" then
// it is disallowed.
Tags []string
// PreparedQuery defines a complete prepared query, and is the structure we
// maintain in the state store.
type PreparedQuery struct {
// ID is this UUID-based ID for the query, always generated by Consul.
ID string
// Name is an optional friendly name for the query supplied by the
// user. NOTE - if this feature is used then it will reduce the security
// of any read ACL associated with this query/service since this name
// can be used to locate nodes with supplying any ACL.
Name string
// Session is an optional session to tie this query's lifetime to. If
// this is omitted then the query will not expire.
Session string
// Token is the ACL token used when the query was created, and it is
// used when a query is subsequently executed. This token, or a token
// with management privileges, must be used to change the query later.
Token string
// Service defines a service query (leaving things open for other types
// later).
Service ServiceQuery
// DNS has options that control how the results of this query are
// served over DNS.
DNS QueryDNSOptions
type PreparedQueries []*PreparedQuery
type IndexedPreparedQueries struct {
Queries PreparedQueries
type PreparedQueryOp string
const (
PreparedQueryCreate PreparedQueryOp = "create"
PreparedQueryUpdate PreparedQueryOp = "update"
PreparedQueryDelete PreparedQueryOp = "delete"
// QueryRequest is used to create or change prepared queries.
type PreparedQueryRequest struct {
// Datacenter is the target this request is intended for.
Datacenter string
// Op is the operation to apply.
Op PreparedQueryOp
// Query is the query itself.
Query *PreparedQuery
// WriteRequest holds the ACL token to go along with this request.
// RequestDatacenter returns the datacenter for a given request.
func (q *PreparedQueryRequest) RequestDatacenter() string {
return q.Datacenter
// PreparedQuerySpecificRequest is used to get information about a prepared
// query.
type PreparedQuerySpecificRequest struct {
// Datacenter is the target this request is intended for.
Datacenter string
// QueryID is the ID of a query.
QueryID string
// QueryOptions (unfortunately named here) controls the consistency
// settings for the query lookup itself, as well as the service lookups.
// RequestDatacenter returns the datacenter for a given request.
func (q *PreparedQuerySpecificRequest) RequestDatacenter() string {
return q.Datacenter
// PreparedQueryExecuteRequest is used to execute a prepared query.
type PreparedQueryExecuteRequest struct {
// Datacenter is the target this request is intended for.
Datacenter string
// QueryIDOrName is the ID of a query _or_ the name of one, either can
// be provided.
QueryIDOrName string
// Limit will trim the resulting list down to the given limit.
Limit int
// Source is used to sort the results relative to a given node using
// network coordinates.
Source QuerySource
// QueryOptions (unfortunately named here) controls the consistency
// settings for the query lookup itself, as well as the service lookups.
// RequestDatacenter returns the datacenter for a given request.
func (q *PreparedQueryExecuteRequest) RequestDatacenter() string {
return q.Datacenter
// PreparedQueryExecuteRemoteRequest is used when running a local query in a
// remote datacenter.
type PreparedQueryExecuteRemoteRequest struct {
// Datacenter is the target this request is intended for.
Datacenter string
// Query is a copy of the query to execute. We have to ship the entire
// query over since it won't be present in the remote state store.
Query PreparedQuery
// Limit will trim the resulting list down to the given limit.
Limit int
// QueryOptions (unfortunately named here) controls the consistency
// settings for the the service lookups.
// RequestDatacenter returns the datacenter for a given request.
func (q *PreparedQueryExecuteRemoteRequest) RequestDatacenter() string {
return q.Datacenter
// PreparedQueryExecuteResponse has the results of executing a query.
type PreparedQueryExecuteResponse struct {
// Service is the service that was queried.
Service string
// Nodes has the nodes that were output by the query.
Nodes CheckServiceNodes
// DNS has the options for serving these results over DNS.
DNS QueryDNSOptions
// Datacenter is the datacenter that these results came from.
Datacenter string
// Failovers is a count of how many times we had to query a remote
// datacenter.
Failovers int
// QueryMeta has freshness information about the query.