* **Launch Type:** Fargate and EC2 launch types are supported.
* **Subnets:** ECS Tasks can run in private or public subnets. Tasks must have [network access](https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/ecs-pull-container-api-error-ecr/) to Amazon ECR or other public container registries to pull images.
* **Consul Servers:** You can use your own Consul servers running on virtual machines or use [HashiCorp Cloud Platform Consul](https://www.hashicorp.com/cloud-platform) to host the servers for you. For development purposes or testing, you may use the `dev-server` [Terraform module](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-aws-consul-ecs/tree/main) that runs the Consul server as an ECS task. The `dev-server` does not support persistent storage.
* **ACL Controller:** If you are running a secure Consul installation with ACLs enabled, configure the ACL controller.
* **Admin Partitions:** <EnterpriseAlert inline />Consul on ECS supports [admin partitions](/docs/enterprise/admin-partitions) when ACLs are enabled and the ACL controller is configured.
The ACL controller manages one admin partition and each ECS cluster requires an ACL controller.
Each `mesh-task` must also be configured to use a Consul Enterprise client.
* **Namespaces:** <EnterpriseAlert inline />[Namespaces](/docs/enterprise/namespaces) are supported when ACLs are enabled and the ACL controller is configured.
Each `mesh-task` must also be configured to use a Consul Enterprise client.
* **Sidecar containers:** Consul on ECS requires two sidecar containers to run in each ECS task: a