PROJ := kdnotify PROJPATH := $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) BUILD ?= $(PROJPATH)build GO ?= $(shell command -v go) GOOS ?= $(shell go env GOOS) GOARCH ?= $(shell go env GOARCH) SRC := $(shell find . -iname "*.go" -not -iname '*_test.go') TEST_SRC := $(shell find . -iname '*_test.go') CONFIGURE := $(BUILD)/.B.configure BUILDFLAGS := $(BUILD)/.B.buildflags BUILDINFO := Version ?= $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0 2>/dev/null) Commit ?= $(shell git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null) Features ?= "" Prefix ?= /bin Systemd ?= /usr/lib/systemd $(shell mkdir -p $(BUILD)) .DEFAULT_GOAL := help .PHONY: help help: @FILE=Makefile ./tool/ ## Build the project ## ## @param GOOS Compile for a different OS than the current ## @param GOARCH Compile for a different architecture than the current ## Also, see T:configure's docs for other compile time configuration .PHONY: build build: $(BUILD)/$(PROJ) @echo "==> Built $(PROJ) -> $(BUILD)/$(PROJ)" ## Configure the build ## ## You can override the autodetected defaults with the following params ## @param Version=v Version of this binary [Most recent Git tag] ## @param Commit= Commit SHA of this binary [Git HEAD] ## @param Features=<,list> Comma separated list of features to enable [None] ## @param Prefix=/bin Path install binaries in ## @param Systemd=/usr/lib/systemd Path to systemd installation, empty to skip .PHONY: configure configure: @$(MAKE) --silent -B $(CONFIGURE) ## Install this project .PHONY: install install: $(BUILD)/$(PROJ) @. $(CONFIGURE) && \ install -Dm 755 $< $$BIN_PATH/$(PROJ) && \ install -Dm 644 -t $$SYSTEMD_PATH/system/ \ ./systemd/kdnotify.* ## Clean build artifacts .PHONY: clean clean: @rm -rvf $(BUILD) ## Format the project .PHONY: fmt fmt: @$(GO) fmt ./... ## Check for code issues .PHONY: vet vet: @$(GO) vet -c=8 ./... ## Run project fast checks .PHONY: check check: test.fmt vet test.unit ## Run unit tests .PHONY: test.unit test.unit: @$(GO) test ./... ## Check code formatting .PHONY: test.fmt test.fmt: @./tool/ $(SRC) $(TEST_SRC) $(BUILD)/$(PROJ): $(CONFIGURE) $(SRC) @. $(CONFIGURE) && $(GO) \ build \ -o $@ \ -buildmode=pie \ -ldflags "-linkmode=external -extldflags=$$LDFLAGS $$BUILDFLAGS" $(CONFIGURE): $(BUILDFLAGS) @cat $@ >$@ @echo "BUILDFLAGS='$$(xargs <$(BUILDFLAGS))'" >>$@ @echo "BIN_PATH=$(Prefix)" >>$@ @echo "SYSTEMD_PATH=$(Systemd)" >>$@ $(BUILDFLAGS): @cat $@ >$@ @echo '-X $(BUILDINFO).Version=$(Version)' >>$@ @echo '-X $(BUILDINFO).CommitHash=$(Commit)' >>$@ @echo '-X $(BUILDINFO).Features=$(Features)' >>$@ # vim: ts=4 sts=4