
129 lines
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*Dressing* *dressing* *dressing.nvim*
CONFIGURATION *dressing-configuration*
Configure dressing.nvim by calling the setup() function.
input = {
-- Default prompt string
default_prompt = "➤ ",
-- When true, <Esc> will close the modal
insert_only = true,
-- These are passed to nvim_open_win
anchor = "SW",
relative = "cursor",
row = 0,
col = 0,
border = "rounded",
-- These can be integers or a float between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.4 for 40%)
prefer_width = 40,
max_width = nil,
min_width = 20,
-- see :help dressing_get_config
get_config = nil,
select = {
-- Priority list of preferred vim.select implementations
backend = { "telescope", "fzf", "builtin", "nui" },
-- Options for telescope selector
telescope = {
-- can be 'dropdown', 'cursor', or 'ivy'
theme = "dropdown",
-- Options for fzf selector
fzf = {
window = {
width = 0.5,
height = 0.4,
-- Options for nui Menu
nui = {
position = "50%",
size = nil,
relative = "editor",
border = {
style = "rounded",
max_width = 80,
max_height = 40,
-- Options for built-in selector
builtin = {
-- These are passed to nvim_open_win
anchor = "NW",
relative = "cursor",
row = 0,
col = 0,
border = "rounded",
-- Window options
winblend = 10,
-- These can be integers or a float between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.4 for 40%)
width = nil,
max_width = 0.8,
min_width = 40,
height = nil,
max_height = 0.9,
min_height = 10,
-- see :help dressing_get_config
get_config = nil,
dressing.get_config() *dressing_get_config()*
For each of the `input` and `select` configs, there is an option
`get_config`. This can be a function that accepts the `opts` parameter that
is passed in to `vim.select` or `vim.input`. It must return either `nil` (to
no-op) or config values to use in place of the global config values for that
For example, if you want to use a specific configuration for code actions:
select = {
get_config = function(opts)
if opts.kind == 'codeaction' then
return {
backend = 'nui',
nui = {
relative = 'cursor',
max_width = 40,
Vim has a mechanism that is built for getting input from the user: the
|prompt-buffer|. This is a specific |buftype| and comes with a lot of special
handling within vim. Neovim 0.6 and earlier has some bugs with the prompt
buffer (see https://github.com/stevearc/dressing.nvim/issues/2 and
https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/13715). For this reason, the default
implementation of |vim.ui.input| does NOT use the prompt buffer, and instead
mimics its behavior through other means. If you don't mind the bugs, or if
you're on a version of Neovim after 0.6 (nightly has the fixes now), you can
pass `prompt_buffer = true` to use that implementation.
There are slight visual differences in where the "prompt" text in placed, but
otherwise they should be functionally identical.