require("plenary.async").tests.add_to_env() local dressing = require("dressing") local util = require("tests.util") local channel = local function run_input(keys, opts) opts = opts or {} local tx, rx = channel.oneshot() vim.ui.input(opts, tx) util.feedkeys(vim.list_extend( { "i" }, -- HACK have to do this because :startinsert doesn't work in tests, keys )) if opts.after_fn then opts.after_fn() end return rx() end a.describe("input modal", function() before_each(function() dressing.patch() dressing.setup() end) after_each(function() -- Clean up all floating windows so one test failure doesn't cascade for _, winid in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_wins()) do if vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(winid).relative ~= "" then vim.api.nvim_win_close(winid, true) end end end)"accepts input", function() local ret = run_input({ "my text", "", }) assert(ret == "my text", string.format("Got '%s' expected 'my text'", ret)) end)"Cancels input on ", function() local ret = run_input({ "my text", "", }) assert(ret == nil, string.format("Got '%s' expected nil", ret)) end)"cancels input when leaving the window", function() local ret = run_input({ "my text", }, { after_fn = function() vim.cmd([[wincmd p]]) end, }) assert(ret == nil, string.format("Got '%s' expected nil", ret)) end)"cancels on when insert_only = true", function() require("dressing.config").input.insert_only = true local ret = run_input({ "my text", "", }) assert(ret == nil, string.format("Got '%s' expected nil", ret)) end)"does not cancel on when insert_only = false", function() require("dressing.config").input.insert_only = false local ret = run_input({ "my text", "", "", }) assert(ret == "my text", string.format("Got '%s' expected 'my text'", ret)) end)"starts in normal mode when start_in_insert = false", function() local orig_cmd = vim.cmd local startinsert_called = false vim.cmd = function(cmd) if cmd == "startinsert!" then startinsert_called = true end orig_cmd(cmd) end require("dressing.config").input.start_in_insert = false run_input({ "my text", "", }, { after_fn = function() vim.cmd = orig_cmd end, }) assert(not startinsert_called, "Got 'true' expected 'false'") end)"cancels first callback if second input is opened", function() local tx, rx = channel.oneshot() vim.ui.input({}, tx) util.feedkeys({ "i", -- HACK have to do this because :startinsert doesn't work in tests, "my text", }) vim.ui.input({}, function() end) local ret = rx() assert(ret == nil, string.format("Got '%s' expected nil", ret)) end)"supports completion", function() vim.opt.completeopt = { "menu", "menuone", "noselect" } vim.cmd([[ function! CustomComplete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) return "first\nsecond\nthird" endfunction ]]) local ret = run_input({ "", -- Using tab twice to test both versions of the mapping }, { completion = "custom,CustomComplete", }) assert(ret == "second", string.format("Got '%s' expected 'second'", ret)) assert(vim.fn.pumvisible() == 0, "Popup menu should not be visible after leaving modal") end)"can cancel out when popup menu is open", function() vim.opt.completeopt = { "menu", "menuone", "noselect" } local ret = run_input({ "", "", }, { completion = "command", }) assert(ret == nil, string.format("Got '%s' expected nil", ret)) assert(vim.fn.pumvisible() == 0, "Popup menu should not be visible after leaving modal") end)"doesn't delete text in original buffer", function() -- This is a regression test for weird behavior I was seeing with the -- completion popup menu vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, 1, true, { "some text" }) vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { 1, 4 }) vim.opt.completeopt = { "menu", "menuone", "noselect" } local ret = run_input({ "", "", }, { completion = "command", }) assert(ret == nil, string.format("Got '%s' expected nil", ret)) local line = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, 1, true)[1] assert(line == "some text", "Doing with popup menu open deleted buffer text o.0") end) end)