local config = require("dressing.config") local patch = require("dressing.patch") local M = {} -- The "report_" functions have been deprecated, so use the new ones if defined. ---@diagnostic disable: deprecated local health_start = vim.health.start or vim.health.report_start local health_warn = vim.health.warn or vim.health.report_warn local health_ok = vim.health.ok or vim.health.report_ok M.check = function() health_start("dressing.nvim") if patch.is_enabled("input") then health_ok("vim.ui.input active") else health_warn("vim.ui.input not enabled") end if patch.is_enabled("select") then local _, name = require("dressing.select").get_backend(config.select.backend) health_ok("vim.ui.select active: " .. name) else health_warn("vim.ui.select not enabled") end end return M