Some of the select implementations, due to the fact that they switch
from normal mode to insert mode and back, cause the cursor to move
backwards by one column. This can have unfortunate effects if you are
relying on the cursor position to perform some operation.
Removing DressingInputText and DressingSelectText highlight groups that
were added for #8. I added them before I learned about winhighlight, and
it turns out that winhighlight is the better way to do this. Previously
I was using `nvim_buf_add_highlight` to directly add the highlight
group, but that has multiple downsides (can't highlight bg of regions
with no text, overrides other relevate highlight groups e.g.
CursorLine). None of that is needed because Neovim will be setting the
highlight group of this text to NormalFloat, and if the user wants to
customize it we already expose an easy option in config to do
`winhighlight = "NormalFloat:MyCustomHighlightGroup"`.
Support passing extra telescope configurations as well as custom theme
function + backward compatibility for current state. So hopefully no
breaking changes.
Removed the row & col options for input and select.builtin. If you want
to tweak the values sent to nvim_open_win, use the `override` function.
* min_width/height and max_width/height can be a list of values. Useful
for mixing raw integers (e.g. for cols) and floats (e.g. for % of
* can specify an exact width or height for the windows
* when using relative = 'win' or 'editor', the row & col will by default
be calculated to center the floating win
Per, it seems we cannot
open *and* enter a floating window during vim startup. To work around
that, we use vim.schedule_wrap() on the entrypoints. This should not
produce any noticeable effect in functionality.
This is perhaps ambiguous from the core docs, but format_item can return
values that are not strings and they will then be stringified. So we
should do the same