894 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package command
import (
var (
_ cli.Command = (*SSHCommand)(nil)
_ cli.CommandAutocomplete = (*SSHCommand)(nil)
type SSHCommand struct {
// Common SSH options
flagMode string
flagRole string
flagNoExec bool
flagMountPoint string
flagStrictHostKeyChecking string
flagSSHExecutable string
flagUserKnownHostsFile string
// SSH CA Mode options
flagPublicKeyPath string
flagPrivateKeyPath string
flagHostKeyMountPoint string
flagHostKeyHostnames string
flagValidPrincipals string
func (c *SSHCommand) Synopsis() string {
return "Initiate an SSH session"
func (c *SSHCommand) Help() string {
helpText := `
Usage: vault ssh [options] username@ip [ssh options]
Establishes an SSH connection with the target machine.
This command uses one of the SSH secrets engines to authenticate and
automatically establish an SSH connection to a host. This operation requires
that the SSH secrets engine is mounted and configured.
SSH using the OTP mode (requires sshpass for full automation):
$ vault ssh -mode=otp -role=my-role user@
SSH using the CA mode:
$ vault ssh -mode=ca -role=my-role user@
SSH using CA mode with host key verification:
$ vault ssh \
-mode=ca \
-role=my-role \
-host-key-mount-point=host-signer \ \
For the full list of options and arguments, please see the documentation.
` + c.Flags().Help()
return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)
func (c *SSHCommand) Flags() *FlagSets {
set := c.flagSet(FlagSetHTTP | FlagSetOutputField | FlagSetOutputFormat)
f := set.NewFlagSet("SSH Options")
// TODO: doc field?
// General
Name: "mode",
Target: &c.flagMode,
Default: "",
EnvVar: "",
Completion: complete.PredictSet("ca", "dynamic", "otp"),
Usage: "Name of the authentication mode (ca, dynamic, otp).",
Name: "role",
Target: &c.flagRole,
Default: "",
EnvVar: "",
Completion: complete.PredictAnything,
Usage: "Name of the role to use to generate the key.",
Name: "no-exec",
Target: &c.flagNoExec,
Default: false,
EnvVar: "",
Completion: complete.PredictNothing,
Usage: "Print the generated credentials, but do not establish a " +
Name: "mount-point",
Target: &c.flagMountPoint,
Default: "ssh/",
EnvVar: "",
Completion: complete.PredictAnything,
Usage: "Mount point to the SSH secrets engine.",
Name: "strict-host-key-checking",
Target: &c.flagStrictHostKeyChecking,
Default: "ask",
Completion: complete.PredictSet("ask", "no", "yes"),
Usage: "Value to use for the SSH configuration option " +
Name: "user-known-hosts-file",
Target: &c.flagUserKnownHostsFile,
Default: "",
Completion: complete.PredictFiles("*"),
Usage: "Value to use for the SSH configuration option " +
f = set.NewFlagSet("CA Mode Options")
Name: "public-key-path",
Target: &c.flagPublicKeyPath,
Default: "~/.ssh/",
EnvVar: "",
Completion: complete.PredictFiles("*"),
Usage: "Path to the SSH public key to send to Vault for signing.",
Name: "private-key-path",
Target: &c.flagPrivateKeyPath,
Default: "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
EnvVar: "",
Completion: complete.PredictFiles("*"),
Usage: "Path to the SSH private key to use for authentication. This must " +
"be the corresponding private key to -public-key-path.",
Name: "host-key-mount-point",
Target: &c.flagHostKeyMountPoint,
Default: "",
Completion: complete.PredictAnything,
Usage: "Mount point to the SSH secrets engine where host keys are signed. " +
"When given a value, Vault will generate a custom \"known_hosts\" file " +
"with delegation to the CA at the provided mount point to verify the " +
"SSH connection's host keys against the provided CA. By default, host " +
"keys are validated against the user's local \"known_hosts\" file. " +
"This flag forces strict key host checking and ignores a custom user " +
"known hosts file.",
Name: "host-key-hostnames",
Target: &c.flagHostKeyHostnames,
Default: "*",
Completion: complete.PredictAnything,
Usage: "List of hostnames to delegate for the CA. The default value " +
"allows all domains and IPs. This is specified as a comma-separated " +
"list of values.",
Name: "valid-principals",
Target: &c.flagValidPrincipals,
Default: "",
EnvVar: "",
Completion: complete.PredictAnything,
Usage: "List of valid principal names to include in the generated " +
"user certificate. This is specified as a comma-separated list of values.",
Name: "ssh-executable",
Target: &c.flagSSHExecutable,
Default: "ssh",
Completion: complete.PredictAnything,
Usage: "Path to the SSH executable to use when connecting to the host",
return set
func (c *SSHCommand) AutocompleteArgs() complete.Predictor {
return nil
func (c *SSHCommand) AutocompleteFlags() complete.Flags {
return c.Flags().Completions()
// Structure to hold the fields returned when asked for a credential from SSH
// secrets engine.
type SSHCredentialResp struct {
KeyType string `mapstructure:"key_type"`
Key string `mapstructure:"key"`
Username string `mapstructure:"username"`
IP string `mapstructure:"ip"`
Port string `mapstructure:"port"`
func (c *SSHCommand) Run(args []string) int {
f := c.Flags()
if err := f.Parse(args, DisableDisplayFlagWarning(true)); err != nil {
return 1
// Use homedir to expand any relative paths such as ~/.ssh
c.flagUserKnownHostsFile = expandPath(c.flagUserKnownHostsFile)
c.flagPublicKeyPath = expandPath(c.flagPublicKeyPath)
c.flagPrivateKeyPath = expandPath(c.flagPrivateKeyPath)
args = f.Args()
if len(args) < 1 {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Not enough arguments, (expected 1-n, got %d)", len(args)))
return 1
// Extract the hostname, username and port from the ssh command
hostname, username, port, err := c.parseSSHCommand(args)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing the ssh command: %q", err))
return 1
// Use the current user if no user was specified in the ssh command
if username == "" {
u, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting the current user: %q", err))
return 1
username = u.Username
ip, err := c.resolveHostname(hostname)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error resolving the ssh hostname: %q", err))
return 1
// Set the client in the command
_, err = c.Client()
if err != nil {
return 1
// Credentials are generated only against a registered role. If user
// does not specify a role with the SSH command, then lookup API is used
// to fetch all the roles with which this IP is associated. If there is
// only one role associated with it, use it to establish the connection.
// TODO: remove in 0.9.0, convert to validation error
if c.flagRole == "" {
"WARNING: No -role specified. Use -role to tell Vault which ssh role " +
"to use for authentication. In the future, you will need to tell " +
"Vault which role to use. For now, Vault will attempt to guess based " +
"on the API response. This will be removed in the Vault 1.1."))
role, err := c.defaultRole(c.flagMountPoint, ip)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error choosing role: %v", err))
return 1
// Print the default role chosen so that user knows the role name
// if something doesn't work. If the role chosen is not allowed to
// be used by the user (ACL enforcement), then user should see an
// error message accordingly.
c.UI.Output(fmt.Sprintf("Vault SSH: Role: %q", role))
c.flagRole = role
// If no mode was given, perform the old-school lookup. Keep this now for
// backwards-compatibility, but print a warning.
// TODO: remove in 0.9.0, convert to validation error
if c.flagMode == "" {
"WARNING: No -mode specified. Use -mode to tell Vault which ssh " +
"authentication mode to use. In the future, you will need to tell " +
"Vault which mode to use. For now, Vault will attempt to guess based " +
"on the API response. This guess involves creating a temporary " +
"credential, reading its type, and then revoking it. To reduce the " +
"number of API calls and surface area, specify -mode directly. This " +
"will be removed in Vault 1.1."))
secret, cred, err := c.generateCredential(username, ip)
if err != nil {
// This is _very_ hacky, but is the only sane backwards-compatible way
// to do this. If the error is "key type unknown", we just assume the
// type is "ca". In the future, mode will be required as an option.
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "key type unknown") {
c.flagMode = ssh.KeyTypeCA
} else {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting credential: %s", err))
return 1
} else {
c.flagMode = cred.KeyType
// Revoke the secret, since the child functions will generate their own
// credential. Users wishing to avoid this should specify -mode.
if secret != nil {
if err := c.client.Sys().Revoke(secret.LeaseID); err != nil {
c.UI.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to revoke temporary key: %s", err))
switch strings.ToLower(c.flagMode) {
case ssh.KeyTypeCA:
return c.handleTypeCA(username, ip, port, args)
case ssh.KeyTypeOTP:
return c.handleTypeOTP(username, ip, port, args)
case ssh.KeyTypeDynamic:
return c.handleTypeDynamic(username, ip, port, args)
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown SSH mode: %s", c.flagMode))
return 1
// handleTypeCA is used to handle SSH logins using the "CA" key type.
func (c *SSHCommand) handleTypeCA(username, ip, port string, sshArgs []string) int {
// Read the key from disk
publicKey, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.flagPublicKeyPath)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to read public key %s: %s",
c.flagPublicKeyPath, err))
return 1
sshClient := c.client.SSHWithMountPoint(c.flagMountPoint)
principals := username
if c.flagValidPrincipals != "" {
principals = c.flagValidPrincipals
// Attempt to sign the public key
secret, err := sshClient.SignKey(c.flagRole, map[string]interface{}{
// WARNING: publicKey is []byte, which is b64 encoded on JSON upload. We
// have to convert it to a string. SV lost many hours to this...
"public_key": string(publicKey),
"valid_principals": principals,
"cert_type": "user",
// TODO: let the user configure these. In the interim, if users want to
// customize these values, they can produce the key themselves.
"extensions": map[string]string{
"permit-X11-forwarding": "",
"permit-agent-forwarding": "",
"permit-port-forwarding": "",
"permit-pty": "",
"permit-user-rc": "",
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to sign public key %s: %s",
c.flagPublicKeyPath, err))
return 2
if secret == nil || secret.Data == nil {
c.UI.Error("missing signed key")
return 2
// Handle no-exec
if c.flagNoExec {
if c.flagField != "" {
return PrintRawField(c.UI, secret, c.flagField)
return OutputSecret(c.UI, secret)
// Extract public key
key, ok := secret.Data["signed_key"].(string)
if !ok || key == "" {
c.UI.Error("signed key is empty")
return 2
// Capture the current value - this could be overwritten later if the user
// enabled host key signing verification.
userKnownHostsFile := c.flagUserKnownHostsFile
strictHostKeyChecking := c.flagStrictHostKeyChecking
// Handle host key signing verification. If the user specified a mount point,
// download the public key, trust it with the given domains, and use that
// instead of the user's regular known_hosts file.
if c.flagHostKeyMountPoint != "" {
secret, err := c.client.Logical().Read(c.flagHostKeyMountPoint + "/config/ca")
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get host signing key: %s", err))
return 2
if secret == nil || secret.Data == nil {
c.UI.Error("missing host signing key")
return 2
publicKey, ok := secret.Data["public_key"].(string)
if !ok || publicKey == "" {
c.UI.Error("host signing key is empty")
return 2
// Write the known_hosts file
name := fmt.Sprintf("vault_ssh_ca_known_hosts_%s_%s", username, ip)
data := fmt.Sprintf("@cert-authority %s %s", c.flagHostKeyHostnames, publicKey)
knownHosts, err, closer := c.writeTemporaryFile(name, []byte(data), 0o644)
defer closer()
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to write host public key: %s", err))
return 1
// Update the variables
userKnownHostsFile = knownHosts
strictHostKeyChecking = "yes"
// Write the signed public key to disk
name := fmt.Sprintf("vault_ssh_ca_%s_%s", username, ip)
signedPublicKeyPath, err, closer := c.writeTemporaryKey(name, []byte(key))
defer closer()
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to write signed public key: %s", err))
return 2
args := []string{
"-i", c.flagPrivateKeyPath,
"-i", signedPublicKeyPath,
"-o StrictHostKeyChecking=" + strictHostKeyChecking,
if userKnownHostsFile != "" {
args = append(args,
"-o UserKnownHostsFile="+userKnownHostsFile,
// Add extra user defined ssh arguments
args = append(args, sshArgs...)
cmd := exec.Command(c.flagSSHExecutable, args...)
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
err = cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
exitCode := 2
if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
if exitError.Success() {
return 0
if ws, ok := exitError.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
exitCode = ws.ExitStatus()
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to run ssh command: %s", err))
return exitCode
// There is no secret to revoke, since it's a certificate signing
return 0
// handleTypeOTP is used to handle SSH logins using the "otp" key type.
func (c *SSHCommand) handleTypeOTP(username, ip, port string, sshArgs []string) int {
secret, cred, err := c.generateCredential(username, ip)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to generate credential: %s", err))
return 2
// Handle no-exec
if c.flagNoExec {
if c.flagField != "" {
return PrintRawField(c.UI, secret, c.flagField)
return OutputSecret(c.UI, secret)
var cmd *exec.Cmd
// Check if the application 'sshpass' is installed in the client machine. If
// it is then, use it to automate typing in OTP to the prompt. Unfortunately,
// it was not possible to automate it without a third-party application, with
// only the Go libraries. Feel free to try and remove this dependency.
args := make([]string, 0)
env := os.Environ()
sshCmd := c.flagSSHExecutable
sshpassPath, err := exec.LookPath("sshpass")
if err != nil {
// No sshpass available so using normal ssh client
"Vault could not locate \"sshpass\". The OTP code for the session is " +
"displayed below. Enter this code in the SSH password prompt. If you " +
"install sshpass, Vault can automatically perform this step for you."))
c.UI.Output("OTP for the session is: " + cred.Key)
} else {
// sshpass is available so lets use it instead
sshCmd = sshpassPath
args = append(args,
"-e", // Read password for SSHPASS environment variable
env = append(env, fmt.Sprintf("SSHPASS=%s", string(cred.Key)))
// Only harcode the knownhostsfile path if it has been set
if c.flagUserKnownHostsFile != "" {
args = append(args,
"-o UserKnownHostsFile="+c.flagUserKnownHostsFile,
// If a port wasn't specified in the ssh arguments lets use the port we got back from vault
if port == "" {
args = append(args, "-p", cred.Port)
args = append(args,
"-o StrictHostKeyChecking="+c.flagStrictHostKeyChecking,
// Add the rest of the ssh args appended by the user
args = append(args, sshArgs...)
cmd = exec.Command(sshCmd, args...)
cmd.Env = env
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
err = cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
exitCode := 2
if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
if exitError.Success() {
return 0
if ws, ok := exitError.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
exitCode = ws.ExitStatus()
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to run ssh command: %s", err))
return exitCode
// Revoke the key if it's longer than expected
if err := c.client.Sys().Revoke(secret.LeaseID); err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to revoke key: %s", err))
return 2
return 0
// handleTypeDynamic is used to handle SSH logins using the "dyanmic" key type.
func (c *SSHCommand) handleTypeDynamic(username, ip, port string, sshArgs []string) int {
// Generate the credential
secret, cred, err := c.generateCredential(username, ip)
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to generate credential: %s", err))
return 2
// Handle no-exec
if c.flagNoExec {
if c.flagField != "" {
return PrintRawField(c.UI, secret, c.flagField)
return OutputSecret(c.UI, secret)
// Write the dynamic key to disk
name := fmt.Sprintf("vault_ssh_dynamic_%s_%s", username, ip)
keyPath, err, closer := c.writeTemporaryKey(name, []byte(cred.Key))
defer closer()
if err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to write dynamic key: %s", err))
return 1
args := make([]string, 0)
// If a port wasn't specified in the ssh arguments lets use the port we got back from vault
if port == "" {
args = append(args, "-p", cred.Port)
args = append(args,
"-i", keyPath,
"-o UserKnownHostsFile="+c.flagUserKnownHostsFile,
"-o StrictHostKeyChecking="+c.flagStrictHostKeyChecking,
// Add extra user defined ssh arguments
args = append(args, sshArgs...)
cmd := exec.Command(c.flagSSHExecutable, args...)
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
err = cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
exitCode := 2
if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
if exitError.Success() {
return 0
if ws, ok := exitError.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
exitCode = ws.ExitStatus()
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to run ssh command: %s", err))
return exitCode
// Revoke the key if it's longer than expected
if err := c.client.Sys().Revoke(secret.LeaseID); err != nil {
c.UI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed to revoke key: %s", err))
return 2
return 0
// generateCredential generates a credential for the given role and returns the
// decoded secret data.
func (c *SSHCommand) generateCredential(username, ip string) (*api.Secret, *SSHCredentialResp, error) {
sshClient := c.client.SSHWithMountPoint(c.flagMountPoint)
// Attempt to generate the credential.
secret, err := sshClient.Credential(c.flagRole, map[string]interface{}{
"username": username,
"ip": ip,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get credentials")
if secret == nil || secret.Data == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("vault returned empty credentials")
// Port comes back as a json.Number which mapstructure doesn't like, so
// convert it
if d, ok := secret.Data["port"].(json.Number); ok {
secret.Data["port"] = d.String()
// Use mapstructure to decode the response
var resp SSHCredentialResp
if err := mapstructure.Decode(secret.Data, &resp); err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to decode credential")
// Check for an empty key response
if len(resp.Key) == 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("vault returned an invalid key")
return secret, &resp, nil
// writeTemporaryFile writes a file to a temp location with the given data and
// file permissions.
func (c *SSHCommand) writeTemporaryFile(name string, data []byte, perms os.FileMode) (string, error, func() error) {
// default closer to prevent panic
closer := func() error { return nil }
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", name)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "creating temporary file"), closer
closer = func() error { return os.Remove(f.Name()) }
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(f.Name(), data, perms); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "writing temporary key"), closer
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "closing temporary key"), closer
return f.Name(), nil, closer
// writeTemporaryKey writes the key to a temporary file and returns the path.
// The caller should defer the closer to cleanup the key.
func (c *SSHCommand) writeTemporaryKey(name string, data []byte) (string, error, func() error) {
return c.writeTemporaryFile(name, data, 0o600)
// If user did not provide the role with which SSH connection has
// to be established and if there is only one role associated with
// the IP, it is used by default.
func (c *SSHCommand) defaultRole(mountPoint, ip string) (string, error) {
data := map[string]interface{}{
"ip": ip,
secret, err := c.client.Logical().Write(mountPoint+"/lookup", data)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error finding roles for IP %q: %w", ip, err)
if secret == nil || secret.Data == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error finding roles for IP %q: %w", ip, err)
if secret.Data["roles"] == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("no matching roles found for IP %q", ip)
if len(secret.Data["roles"].([]interface{})) == 1 {
return secret.Data["roles"].([]interface{})[0].(string), nil
} else {
var roleNames string
for _, item := range secret.Data["roles"].([]interface{}) {
roleNames += item.(string) + ", "
roleNames = strings.TrimRight(roleNames, ", ")
return "", fmt.Errorf("Roles: %q. "+`
Multiple roles are registered for this IP.
Select a role using '-role' option.
Note that all roles may not be permitted, based on ACLs.`, roleNames)
func (c *SSHCommand) isSingleSSHArg(arg string) bool {
// list of single SSH arguments is taken from
singleArgs := []string{
"4", "6", "A", "a", "C", "f", "G", "g", "K", "k", "M", "N", "n", "q",
"s", "T", "t", "V", "v", "X", "x", "Y", "y",
// We want to get the first character after the dash. This is so args like -vvv are picked up as just being -v
flag := string(arg[1])
for _, a := range singleArgs {
if flag == a {
return true
return false
// Finds the hostname, username (optional) and port (optional) from any valid ssh command
// Supports usrname@hostname but also specifying valid ssh flags like -o User=username,
// -o Port=2222 and -p 2222 anywhere in the command
func (c *SSHCommand) parseSSHCommand(args []string) (hostname string, username string, port string, err error) {
lastArg := ""
for _, i := range args {
arg := lastArg
lastArg = ""
// If -p has been specified then this is our ssh port
if arg == "-p" {
port = i
// this is an ssh option, lets see if User or Port have been set and use it
if arg == "-o" {
split := strings.Split(i, "=")
key := split[0]
// Incase the value contains = signs we want to get all of them
value := strings.Join(split[1:], " ")
if key == "User" {
// Don't overwrite the user if it is already set by username@hostname
// This matches the behaviour for how regular ssh reponds when both are specified
if username == "" {
username = value
if key == "Port" {
// Don't overwrite the port if it is already set by -p
// This matches the behaviour for how regular ssh reponds when both are specified
if port == "" {
port = value
// This isn't an ssh argument that we care about. Lets keep on parsing the command
if arg != "" {
// If this is an ssh argument with a value we want to look at it in the next loop
if strings.HasPrefix(i, "-") {
// If this isn't a single SSH arg we want to store the flag to we can look at the value next loop
if !c.isSingleSSHArg(i) {
lastArg = i
// If we have gotten this far it means this is a bare argument
// The first bare argument is the hostname
// The second bare argument is the command to run on the remote host
// If the hostname hasn't been set yet than it means we have found the first bare argument
if hostname == "" {
if strings.Contains(i, "@") {
split := strings.Split(i, "@")
username = split[0]
hostname = split[1]
} else {
hostname = i
} else {
// The second bare argument is the command to run on the remote host.
// We need to break out and stop parsing arguments now
if hostname == "" {
return "", "", "", errors.Wrap(
fmt.Sprintf("failed to find a hostname in ssh command %q", strings.Join(args, " ")),
return hostname, username, port, nil
func (c *SSHCommand) resolveHostname(hostname string) (ip string, err error) {
// Resolving domain names to IP address on the client side.
// Vault only deals with IP addresses.
ipAddr, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("ip", hostname)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to resolve IP address")
ip = ipAddr.String()
return ip, nil