1326 lines
36 KiB

// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package quotas
import (
log ""
// Type represents the quota kind
type Type string
const (
// TypeRateLimit represents the rate limiting quota type
TypeRateLimit Type = "rate-limit"
// TypeLeaseCount represents the lease count limiting quota type
TypeLeaseCount Type = "lease-count"
// LeaseAction is the action taken by the expiration manager on the lease. The
// quota manager will use this information to update the lease path cache and
// updating counters for relevant quota rules.
type LeaseAction uint32
// String converts each lease action into its string equivalent value
func (la LeaseAction) String() string {
switch la {
case LeaseActionLoaded:
return "loaded"
case LeaseActionCreated:
return "created"
case LeaseActionDeleted:
return "deleted"
case LeaseActionAllow:
return "allow"
return "unknown"
const (
_ LeaseAction = iota
// LeaseActionLoaded indicates loading of lease in the expiration manager after
// unseal.
// LeaseActionCreated indicates that a lease is created in the expiration manager.
// LeaseActionDeleted indicates that is lease is expired and deleted in the
// expiration manager.
// LeaseActionAllow will be used to indicate the lease count checker that
// incCounter is called from Allow(). All the rest of the actions indicate the
// action took place on the lease in the expiration manager.
type leaseWalkFunc func(context.Context, func(request *Request) bool) error
// String converts each quota type into its string equivalent value
func (q Type) String() string {
switch q {
case TypeLeaseCount:
return "lease-count"
case TypeRateLimit:
return "rate-limit"
return "unknown"
const (
indexID = "id"
indexName = "name"
indexNamespace = "ns"
indexNamespaceMount = "ns_mount"
indexNamespaceMountPath = "ns_mount_path"
indexNamespaceMountRole = "ns_mount_role"
const (
// StoragePrefix is the prefix for the physical location where quota rules are
// persisted.
StoragePrefix = "quotas/"
// ConfigPath is the physical location where the quota configuration is
// persisted.
ConfigPath = StoragePrefix + "config"
// DefaultRateLimitExemptPathsToggle is the path to a toggle that allows us to
// determine if a Vault operator explicitly modified the exempt paths set for
// rate limit resource quotas. Specifically, when this toggle is false, we can
// infer a Vault node is operating with an initial default set and on a subsequent
// update to that set, we should not overwrite it on Setup.
DefaultRateLimitExemptPathsToggle = StoragePrefix + "default_rate_limit_exempt_paths_toggle"
var (
// ErrLeaseCountQuotaExceeded is returned when a request is rejected due to a lease
// count quota being exceeded.
ErrLeaseCountQuotaExceeded = errors.New("lease count quota exceeded")
// ErrRateLimitQuotaExceeded is returned when a request is rejected due to a
// rate limit quota being exceeded.
ErrRateLimitQuotaExceeded = errors.New("rate limit quota exceeded")
var defaultExemptPaths = []string{
// Access provides information to reach back to the quota checker.
type Access interface {
// QuotaID is the identifier of the quota that issued this access.
QuotaID() string
// Ensure that access implements the Access interface.
var _ Access = (*access)(nil)
// access implements the Access interface
type access struct {
quotaID string
// QuotaID returns the identifier of the quota rule to which this access refers
// to.
func (a *access) QuotaID() string {
return a.quotaID
// Manager holds all the existing quota rules. For any given input. the manager
// checks them against any applicable quota rules.
type Manager struct {
// db holds the in memory instances of all active quota rules indexed by
// some of the quota properties.
db *memdb.MemDB
// config containing operator preferences and quota behaviors
config *Config
rateLimitPathManager *pathmanager.PathManager
storage logical.Storage
ctx context.Context
logger log.Logger
metricSink *metricsutil.ClusterMetricSink
// quotaLock is a lock for manipulating quotas and anything not covered by a more specific lock
quotaLock locking.RWMutex
// quotaConfigLock is a lock for accessing config items, such as RateLimitExemptPaths
quotaConfigLock locking.RWMutex
// dbAndCacheLock is a lock for db and path caches that need to be reset during Reset()
dbAndCacheLock locking.RWMutex
// QuotaLeaseInformation contains all of the information lease-count quotas require
// from a lease to uniquely identify the lease-count quota to increment/decrement
type QuotaLeaseInformation struct {
// We can determine path and namespace from leaseId
LeaseId string
// We need the role as it's not part of the leaseId, and is required
// to uniquely identify a lease count quota
Role string
// Quota represents the common properties of every quota type
type Quota interface {
// allow checks the if the request is allowed by the quota type implementation.
allow(context.Context, *Request) (Response, error)
// quotaID is the identifier of the quota rule
quotaID() string
// QuotaName is the name of the quota rule
QuotaName() string
// initialize sets up the fields in the quota type to begin operating
initialize(log.Logger, *metricsutil.ClusterMetricSink) error
// close defines any cleanup behavior that needs to be executed when a quota
// rule is deleted.
close(context.Context) error
// Clone creates a clone of the calling quota
Clone() Quota
// handleRemount updates the mount and namesapce paths of the quota
handleRemount(string, string)
// Response holds information about the result of the Allow() call. The response
// can optionally have the Access field set, which is used to reach back into
// the quota rule that sent this response.
type Response struct {
// Allowed is set if the quota allows the request
Allowed bool
// Access is the handle to reach back into the quota rule that processed the
// quota request. This may not be set all the time.
Access Access
// Headers defines any optional headers that may be returned by the quota rule
// to clients.
Headers map[string]string
// Config holds operator preferences around quota behaviors
type Config struct {
// EnableRateLimitAuditLogging, if set, starts audit logging of the
// request rejections that arise due to rate limit quota violations.
EnableRateLimitAuditLogging bool `json:"enable_rate_limit_audit_logging"`
// EnableRateLimitResponseHeaders dictates if rate limit quota HTTP headers
// should be added to responses.
EnableRateLimitResponseHeaders bool `json:"enable_rate_limit_response_headers"`
// RateLimitExemptPaths defines the set of exempt paths used for all rate limit
// quotas. Any request path that exists in this set is exempt from rate limiting.
// If the set is empty, no paths are exempt.
RateLimitExemptPaths []string `json:"rate_limit_exempt_paths"`
// Request contains information required by the quota manager to query and
// apply the quota rules.
type Request struct {
// Type is the quota type
Type Type
// Path is the request path to which quota rules are being queried for
Path string
// Role is the role given as part of the request to a login endpoint
Role string
// NamespacePath is the namespace path to which the request belongs
NamespacePath string
// MountPath is the mount path to which the request is made
MountPath string
// ClientAddress is client unique addressable string (e.g. IP address). It can
// be empty if the quota type does not need it.
ClientAddress string
// NewManager creates and initializes a new quota manager to hold all the quota
// rules and to process incoming requests.
func NewManager(logger log.Logger, walkFunc leaseWalkFunc, ms *metricsutil.ClusterMetricSink, detectDeadlocks bool) (*Manager, error) {
db, err := memdb.NewMemDB(dbSchema())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
manager := &Manager{
db: db,
logger: logger,
metricSink: ms,
rateLimitPathManager: pathmanager.New(),
config: new(Config),
quotaLock: &locking.SyncRWMutex{},
quotaConfigLock: &locking.SyncRWMutex{},
dbAndCacheLock: &locking.SyncRWMutex{},
if detectDeadlocks {
logger.Debug("enabling deadlock detection")
manager.quotaLock = &locking.DeadlockRWMutex{}
manager.quotaConfigLock = &locking.DeadlockRWMutex{}
manager.dbAndCacheLock = &locking.DeadlockRWMutex{}
return manager, nil
// SetQuota adds or updates a quota rule.
func (m *Manager) SetQuota(ctx context.Context, qType string, quota Quota, loading bool) error {
defer m.quotaLock.Unlock()
defer m.dbAndCacheLock.RUnlock()
return m.setQuotaLocked(ctx, qType, quota, loading)
// setQuotaLocked creates a transaction, passes it into setQuotaLockedWithTxn and manages its lifecycle
// along with updating lease quota counts
func (m *Manager) setQuotaLocked(ctx context.Context, qType string, quota Quota, loading bool) error {
txn := m.db.Txn(true)
defer txn.Abort()
err := m.setQuotaLockedWithTxn(ctx, qType, quota, loading, txn)
if err != nil {
return err
if loading {
return nil
// For the lease count type, recompute the counters
if !loading && qType == TypeLeaseCount.String() {
if err := m.recomputeLeaseCounts(ctx, txn); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// setQuotaLockedWithTxn adds or updates a quota rule, modifying the db as well as
// any runtime elements such as goroutines, using the transaction passed in
// It should be called with the write lock held.
func (m *Manager) setQuotaLockedWithTxn(ctx context.Context, qType string, quota Quota, loading bool, txn *memdb.Txn) error {
if qType == TypeLeaseCount.String() {
raw, err := txn.First(qType, indexID, quota.quotaID())
if err != nil {
return err
// If there already exists an entry in the db, remove that first.
if raw != nil {
quota := raw.(Quota)
if err := quota.close(ctx); err != nil {
return err
err = txn.Delete(qType, raw)
if err != nil {
return err
// Initialize the quota type implementation
if err := quota.initialize(m.logger, m.metricSink); err != nil {
return err
// Add the initialized quota type implementation to the db
if err := txn.Insert(qType, quota); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// QuotaNames returns the names of all the quota rules for a given type
func (m *Manager) QuotaNames(qType Type) ([]string, error) {
defer m.dbAndCacheLock.RUnlock()
return m.quotaNamesLocked(qType)
// quotaNamesLocked returns the names of all the quota rules for a given type, and must be called with the lock
func (m *Manager) quotaNamesLocked(qType Type) ([]string, error) {
txn := m.db.Txn(false)
iter, err := txn.Get(qType.String(), indexID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var names []string
for raw := iter.Next(); raw != nil; raw = iter.Next() {
names = append(names, raw.(Quota).QuotaName())
return names, nil
// QuotaByID queries for a quota rule in the db for a given quota ID
func (m *Manager) QuotaByID(qType string, id string) (Quota, error) {
defer m.dbAndCacheLock.RUnlock()
txn := m.db.Txn(false)
quotaRaw, err := txn.First(qType, indexID, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if quotaRaw == nil {
return nil, nil
return quotaRaw.(Quota), nil
// QuotaByName queries for a quota rule in the db for a given quota name
func (m *Manager) QuotaByName(qType string, name string) (Quota, error) {
defer m.dbAndCacheLock.RUnlock()
return m.quotaByNameLocked(qType, name)
// quotaByNameLocked queries for a quota rule in the db for a given quota name, and must be called with the lock
func (m *Manager) quotaByNameLocked(qType string, name string) (Quota, error) {
txn := m.db.Txn(false)
quotaRaw, err := txn.First(qType, indexName, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if quotaRaw == nil {
return nil, nil
return quotaRaw.(Quota), nil
// QuotaByFactors returns the quota rule that matches the provided factors
func (m *Manager) QuotaByFactors(ctx context.Context, qType, nsPath, mountPath, pathSuffix, role string) (Quota, error) {
defer m.dbAndCacheLock.RUnlock()
// nsPath would have been made non-empty during insertion. Use non-empty value
// during query as well.
if nsPath == "" {
nsPath = "root"
idx := indexNamespace
args := []interface{}{nsPath, false, false, false}
if mountPath != "" {
if pathSuffix != "" {
idx = indexNamespaceMountPath
args = []interface{}{nsPath, mountPath, pathSuffix, false}
} else if role != "" {
idx = indexNamespaceMountRole
args = []interface{}{nsPath, mountPath, false, role}
} else {
idx = indexNamespaceMount
args = []interface{}{nsPath, mountPath, false, false}
txn := m.db.Txn(false)
iter, err := txn.Get(qType, idx, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var quotas []Quota
for raw := iter.Next(); raw != nil; raw = iter.Next() {
quotas = append(quotas, raw.(Quota))
if len(quotas) > 1 {
m.logger.Debug("conflicting quotas in QuotaByFactors", "matching_quotas", quotas)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("conflicting quota definitions detected")
if len(quotas) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return quotas[0], nil
// QueryQuota returns the most specific applicable quota for a given request.
func (m *Manager) QueryQuota(req *Request) (Quota, error) {
defer m.dbAndCacheLock.RUnlock()
return m.queryQuota(nil, req)
// queryQuota returns the quota rule that is applicable for the given request. It
// queries all the quota rules that are defined against request values and finds
// the quota rule that takes priority.
// Priority rules are as follows:
// - namespace specific quota takes precedence over global quota
// - mount specific quota takes precedence over namespace specific quota
// - path suffix specific quota takes precedence over mount specific quota
// - role based quota takes precedence over path suffix/mount specific quota
func (m *Manager) queryQuota(txn *memdb.Txn, req *Request) (Quota, error) {
if txn == nil {
txn = m.db.Txn(false)
// ns would have been made non-empty during insertion. Use non-empty
// value during query as well.
if req.NamespacePath == "" {
req.NamespacePath = "root"
// Find a match from most specific applicable quota rule to less specific one.
quotaFetchFunc := func(idx string, args ...interface{}) (Quota, error) {
iter, err := txn.Get(req.Type.String(), idx, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var quotas []Quota
for raw := iter.Next(); raw != nil; raw = iter.Next() {
quota := raw.(Quota)
quotas = append(quotas, quota)
if len(quotas) > 1 {
m.logger.Debug("conflicting quotas in queryQuota", "matching_quotas", quotas, "args", args)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("conflicting quota definitions detected")
if len(quotas) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return quotas[0], nil
// Fetch role suffix quota
quota, err := quotaFetchFunc(indexNamespaceMountRole, req.NamespacePath, req.MountPath, false, req.Role)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if quota != nil {
return quota, nil
// Fetch path suffix quota
pathSuffix := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(req.Path, req.NamespacePath), req.MountPath), "/")
quota, err = quotaFetchFunc(indexNamespaceMountPath, req.NamespacePath, req.MountPath, pathSuffix, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if quota != nil {
return quota, nil
// Fetch path suffix quotas with globbing
// Request paths which match the resulting glob (i.e. share the same prefix prior to the glob) are in scope for the quota
for i := 0; i <= len(pathSuffix); i++ {
trimmedSuffixWithGlob := pathSuffix[:len(pathSuffix)-i] + "*"
// Check to see if a quota exists with this particular pattern
quota, err = quotaFetchFunc(indexNamespaceMountPath, req.NamespacePath, req.MountPath, trimmedSuffixWithGlob, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if quota != nil {
return quota, nil
// Fetch mount quota
quota, err = quotaFetchFunc(indexNamespaceMount, req.NamespacePath, req.MountPath, false, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if quota != nil {
return quota, nil
// Fetch ns quota. If NamespacePath is root, this will return the global quota.
quota, err = quotaFetchFunc(indexNamespace, req.NamespacePath, false, false, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if quota != nil {
return quota, nil
// If the request belongs to "root" namespace, then we have already looked at
// global quotas when fetching namespace specific quota rule. When the request
// belongs to a non-root namespace, and when there are no namespace specific
// quota rules present, we fallback on the global quotas.
if req.NamespacePath == "root" {
return nil, nil
// Fetch global quota
quota, err = quotaFetchFunc(indexNamespace, "root", false, false, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if quota != nil {
return quota, nil
return nil, nil
// QueryResolveRoleQuotas checks if there's a quota for the request mount path
// which requires ResolveRoleOperation.
func (m *Manager) QueryResolveRoleQuotas(req *Request) (bool, error) {
defer m.dbAndCacheLock.RUnlock()
txn := m.db.Txn(false)
// ns would have been made non-empty during insertion. Use non-empty
// value during query as well.
if req.NamespacePath == "" {
req.NamespacePath = "root"
// Check for any role-based quotas on the request namespaces/mount path.
for _, qType := range quotaTypes() {
// Use the namespace and mount as indexes and find all matches with a
// set Role field (see: 'true' as the last argument). We can't use
// indexNamespaceMountRole for this, because Role is a StringFieldIndex,
// which won't match on an empty string.
quota, err := txn.First(qType, indexNamespaceMount, req.NamespacePath, req.MountPath, false, true)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if quota != nil {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// DeleteQuota removes a quota rule from the db for a given name
func (m *Manager) DeleteQuota(ctx context.Context, qType string, name string) error {
defer m.quotaLock.Unlock()
defer m.dbAndCacheLock.RUnlock()
txn := m.db.Txn(true)
defer txn.Abort()
raw, err := txn.First(qType, indexName, name)
if err != nil {
return err
if raw == nil {
return nil
quota := raw.(Quota)
if err := quota.close(ctx); err != nil {
return err
err = txn.Delete(qType, raw)
if err != nil {
return err
// For the lease count type, recompute the counters
if qType == TypeLeaseCount.String() {
if err := m.recomputeLeaseCounts(ctx, txn); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ApplyQuota runs the request against any quota rule that is applicable to it. If
// there are multiple quota rule that matches the request parameters, rule that
// takes precedence will be used to allow/reject the request.
func (m *Manager) ApplyQuota(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (Response, error) {
var resp Response
quota, err := m.QueryQuota(req)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
// If there is no quota defined, allow the request.
if quota == nil {
resp.Allowed = true
return resp, nil
// If the quota type is lease count, and if the path is not known to
// generate leases, allow the request.
if req.Type == TypeLeaseCount && !m.inLeasePathCache(req.Path) {
resp.Allowed = true
return resp, nil
return quota.allow(ctx, req)
// SetEnableRateLimitAuditLogging updates the operator preference regarding the
// audit logging behavior.
func (m *Manager) SetEnableRateLimitAuditLogging(val bool) {
defer m.quotaLock.Unlock()
func (m *Manager) setEnableRateLimitAuditLoggingLocked(val bool) {
m.config.EnableRateLimitAuditLogging = val
// SetEnableRateLimitResponseHeaders updates the operator preference regarding
// the rate limit quota HTTP header behavior.
func (m *Manager) SetEnableRateLimitResponseHeaders(val bool) {
defer m.quotaConfigLock.Unlock()
func (m *Manager) setEnableRateLimitResponseHeadersLocked(val bool) {
m.config.EnableRateLimitResponseHeaders = val
// SetRateLimitExemptPaths updates the rate limit exempt paths in the Manager's
// configuration in addition to updating the path manager. Every call to
// SetRateLimitExemptPaths will wipe out the existing path manager and set the
// paths based on the provided argument.
func (m *Manager) SetRateLimitExemptPaths(vals []string) {
defer m.quotaConfigLock.Unlock()
func (m *Manager) setRateLimitExemptPathsLocked(vals []string) {
if vals == nil {
vals = []string{}
m.config.RateLimitExemptPaths = vals
m.rateLimitPathManager = pathmanager.New()
// RateLimitAuditLoggingEnabled returns if the quota configuration allows audit
// logging of request rejections due to rate limiting quota rule violations.
func (m *Manager) RateLimitAuditLoggingEnabled() bool {
defer m.quotaConfigLock.RUnlock()
return m.config.EnableRateLimitAuditLogging
// RateLimitResponseHeadersEnabled returns if the quota configuration allows for
// rate limit quota HTTP headers to be added to responses.
func (m *Manager) RateLimitResponseHeadersEnabled() bool {
defer m.quotaConfigLock.RUnlock()
return m.config.EnableRateLimitResponseHeaders
// RateLimitPathExempt returns a boolean dictating if a given path is exempt from
// any rate limit quota. If not rate limit path manager is defined, false is
// returned.
func (m *Manager) RateLimitPathExempt(path string) bool {
defer m.quotaConfigLock.RUnlock()
if m.rateLimitPathManager == nil {
return false
return m.rateLimitPathManager.HasPath(path)
// Config returns the operator preferences in the quota manager
func (m *Manager) Config() *Config {
return m.config
// Reset will clear all the quotas from the db and clear the lease path cache.
func (m *Manager) Reset() error {
defer m.quotaLock.Unlock()
defer m.dbAndCacheLock.Unlock()
err := m.resetCache()
if err != nil {
return err
} = nil
m.ctx = nil
return m.entManager.Reset()
// Must be called with the lock held
func (m *Manager) resetCache() error {
names, err := m.quotaNamesLocked(TypeRateLimit)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, name := range names {
quota, err := m.quotaByNameLocked(TypeRateLimit.String(), name)
if err != nil {
return err
if quota != nil {
rlq := quota.(*RateLimitQuota)
// Cancel the quota's purgeBlockedClients goroutine
err = rlq.close(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return err
err =
if err != nil {
return err
db, err := memdb.NewMemDB(dbSchema())
if err != nil {
return err
m.db = db
return nil
// dbSchema creates a DB schema for holding all the quota rules. It creates
// table for each supported type of quota.
func dbSchema() *memdb.DBSchema {
schema := &memdb.DBSchema{
Tables: make(map[string]*memdb.TableSchema),
commonSchema := func(name string) *memdb.TableSchema {
return &memdb.TableSchema{
Name: name,
Indexes: map[string]*memdb.IndexSchema{
indexID: {
Name: indexID,
Unique: true,
Indexer: &memdb.StringFieldIndex{
Field: "ID",
indexName: {
Name: indexName,
Unique: true,
Indexer: &memdb.StringFieldIndex{
Field: "Name",
indexNamespace: {
Name: indexNamespace,
Indexer: &memdb.CompoundMultiIndex{
Indexes: []memdb.Indexer{
Field: "NamespacePath",
// By sending false as the query parameter, we can
// query just the namespace specific quota.
Field: "MountPath",
// By sending false as the query parameter, we can
// query just the namespace specific quota.
Field: "PathSuffix",
// By sending false as the query parameter, we can
// query just the namespace specific quota.
Field: "Role",
indexNamespaceMount: {
Name: indexNamespaceMount,
AllowMissing: true,
Indexer: &memdb.CompoundMultiIndex{
Indexes: []memdb.Indexer{
Field: "NamespacePath",
Field: "MountPath",
// By sending false as the query parameter, we can
// query just the namespace specific quota.
Field: "PathSuffix",
// By sending false as the query parameter, we can
// query just the namespace specific quota.
Field: "Role",
indexNamespaceMountRole: {
Name: indexNamespaceMountRole,
AllowMissing: true,
Indexer: &memdb.CompoundMultiIndex{
Indexes: []memdb.Indexer{
Field: "NamespacePath",
Field: "MountPath",
// By sending false as the query parameter, we can
// query just the role specific quota.
Field: "PathSuffix",
Field: "Role",
indexNamespaceMountPath: {
Name: indexNamespaceMountPath,
AllowMissing: true,
Indexer: &memdb.CompoundMultiIndex{
Indexes: []memdb.Indexer{
Field: "NamespacePath",
Field: "MountPath",
Field: "PathSuffix",
// By sending false as the query parameter, we can
// query just the namespace specific quota.
Field: "Role",
// Create a table per quota type. This allows names to be reused between
// different quota types and querying a bit easier.
for _, name := range quotaTypes() {
schema.Tables[name] = commonSchema(name)
return schema
// Invalidate receives notifications from the replication sub-system when a key
// is updated in the storage. This function will read the key from storage and
// updates the caches and data structures to reflect those updates.
func (m *Manager) Invalidate(key string) {
switch key {
case "config":
config, err := LoadConfig(m.ctx,
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to invalidate quota config", "error", err)
splitKeys := strings.Split(key, "/")
if len(splitKeys) != 2 {
m.logger.Error("incorrect key while invalidating quota rule", "key", key)
qType := splitKeys[0]
name := splitKeys[1]
if qType == TypeLeaseCount.String() && m.isDRSecondary {
// lease count invalidation not supported on DR Secondary
// Read quota rule from storage
quota, err := Load(m.ctx,, qType, name)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to read invalidated quota rule", "error", err)
switch {
case quota == nil:
// Handle quota deletion
if err := m.DeleteQuota(m.ctx, qType, name); err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to delete invalidated quota rule", "error", err)
// Handle quota update
if err := m.SetQuota(m.ctx, qType, quota, false); err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to update invalidated quota rule", "error", err)
// LoadConfig reads the quota configuration from the underlying storage
func LoadConfig(ctx context.Context, storage logical.Storage) (*Config, error) {
var config Config
entry, err := storage.Get(ctx, ConfigPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if entry == nil {
return &config, nil
err = entry.DecodeJSON(&config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &config, nil
// Load reads the quota rule from the underlying storage
func Load(ctx context.Context, storage logical.Storage, qType, name string) (Quota, error) {
var quota Quota
entry, err := storage.Get(ctx, QuotaStoragePath(qType, name))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if entry == nil {
return nil, nil
switch qType {
case TypeRateLimit.String():
quota = &RateLimitQuota{}
case TypeLeaseCount.String():
quota = &LeaseCountQuota{}
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type: %v", qType)
err = entry.DecodeJSON(quota)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return quota, nil
// Setup loads the quota configuration and all the quota rules into the
// quota manager.
func (m *Manager) Setup(ctx context.Context, storage logical.Storage, isPerfStandby, isDRSecondary bool) error {
defer m.quotaLock.Unlock()
defer m.quotaConfigLock.Unlock()
defer m.dbAndCacheLock.Unlock() = storage
m.ctx = ctx
m.isPerfStandby = isPerfStandby
m.isDRSecondary = isDRSecondary
// Load the quota configuration from storage and load it into the quota
// manager.
config, err := LoadConfig(ctx, storage)
if err != nil {
return err
entry, err := storage.Get(ctx, DefaultRateLimitExemptPathsToggle)
if err != nil {
return err
// Determine if we need to set the default set of exempt paths for rate limit
// resource quotas. We use a default set introduced in 1.5 when the toggle
// entry does not exist in storage or is false. The toggle is flipped , i.e.
// set to true when SetRateLimitExemptPaths is called during a config update.
var toggle bool
if entry != nil {
if err := entry.DecodeJSON(&toggle); err != nil {
return err
exemptPaths := defaultExemptPaths
if toggle {
exemptPaths = config.RateLimitExemptPaths
if err = m.resetCache(); err != nil {
return err
for _, qType := range quotaTypes() {
m.setupQuotaType(ctx, storage, qType)
return nil
func (m *Manager) setupQuotaType(ctx context.Context, storage logical.Storage, quotaType string) error {
if quotaType == TypeLeaseCount.String() && m.isDRSecondary {
m.logger.Trace("lease count quotas are not processed on DR Secondaries")
return nil
names, err := logical.CollectKeys(ctx, logical.NewStorageView(storage, StoragePrefix+quotaType+"/"))
if err != nil {
return err
for _, name := range names {
quota, err := Load(ctx,, quotaType, name)
if err != nil {
return err
if quota == nil {
err = m.setQuotaLocked(ctx, quotaType, quota, true)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// QuotaStoragePath returns the storage path suffix for persisting the quota
// rule.
func QuotaStoragePath(quotaType, name string) string {
return path.Join(StoragePrefix+quotaType, name)
// HandleRemount updates the quota subsystem about the remount operation that
// took place. Quota manager will trigger the quota specific updates including
// the mount path update and the namespace update
func (m *Manager) HandleRemount(ctx context.Context, from, to namespace.MountPathDetails) error {
defer m.quotaLock.Unlock()
defer m.dbAndCacheLock.RUnlock()
// Grab a write transaction, as we want to save the updated quota in memdb
txn := m.db.Txn(true)
defer txn.Abort()
// quota namespace would have been made non-empty during insertion. Use non-empty value
// during query as well.
fromNs := from.Namespace.Path
if fromNs == "" {
fromNs = namespace.RootNamespaceID
toNs := to.Namespace.Path
if toNs == "" {
toNs = namespace.RootNamespaceID
leaseQuotaUpdated := false
updateMounts := func(idx string, args ...interface{}) error {
for _, quotaType := range quotaTypes() {
iter, err := txn.Get(quotaType, idx, args...)
if err != nil {
return err
for raw := iter.Next(); raw != nil; raw = iter.Next() {
quota := raw.(Quota)
// Clone the object and update it
clonedQuota := quota.Clone()
clonedQuota.handleRemount(to.MountPath, toNs)
// Update both underlying storage and memdb with the quota change
entry, err := logical.StorageEntryJSON(QuotaStoragePath(quotaType, quota.QuotaName()), quota)
if err != nil {
return err
if err :=, entry); err != nil {
return err
if err := m.setQuotaLockedWithTxn(ctx, quotaType, clonedQuota, false, txn); err != nil {
return err
if quotaType == TypeLeaseCount.String() {
leaseQuotaUpdated = true
return nil
// Update mounts for everything without a path prefix or role
err := updateMounts(indexNamespaceMount, fromNs, from.MountPath, false, false)
if err != nil {
return err
// Update mounts for everything with a path prefix
err = updateMounts(indexNamespaceMount, fromNs, from.MountPath, true, false)
if err != nil {
return err
// Update mounts for everything with a role
err = updateMounts(indexNamespaceMount, fromNs, from.MountPath, false, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if leaseQuotaUpdated {
if err := m.recomputeLeaseCounts(ctx, txn); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// HandleBackendDisabling updates the quota subsystem with the disabling of auth
// or secret engine disabling. This should only be called on the primary cluster
// node.
func (m *Manager) HandleBackendDisabling(ctx context.Context, nsPath, mountPath string) error {
defer m.quotaLock.Unlock()
defer m.dbAndCacheLock.RUnlock()
txn := m.db.Txn(true)
defer txn.Abort()
// nsPath would have been made non-empty during insertion. Use non-empty value
// during query as well.
if nsPath == "" {
nsPath = "root"
leaseQuotaDeleted := false
updateMounts := func(idx string, args ...interface{}) error {
for _, quotaType := range quotaTypes() {
iter, err := txn.Get(quotaType, idx, args...)
if err != nil {
return err
for raw := iter.Next(); raw != nil; raw = iter.Next() {
if err := txn.Delete(quotaType, raw); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete quota from db after mount disabling; namespace %q, err %v", nsPath, err)
quota := raw.(Quota)
if err :=, QuotaStoragePath(quotaType, quota.QuotaName())); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete quota from storage after mount disabling; namespace %q, err %v", nsPath, err)
if quotaType == TypeLeaseCount.String() {
leaseQuotaDeleted = true
return nil
// Update mounts for everything without a path prefix or role
err := updateMounts(indexNamespaceMount, nsPath, mountPath, false, false)
if err != nil {
return err
// Update mounts for everything with a path prefix
err = updateMounts(indexNamespaceMount, nsPath, mountPath, true, false)
if err != nil {
return err
// Update mounts for everything with a role
err = updateMounts(indexNamespaceMount, nsPath, mountPath, false, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if leaseQuotaDeleted {
if err := m.recomputeLeaseCounts(ctx, txn); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Manager) DetectDeadlocks() bool {
if _, ok := m.quotaLock.(*locking.DeadlockRWMutex); ok {
return true
return false