79 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# If you want to add a new pre-commit check, here are the rules:
# 1. Create a bash function for your check (see e.g. ui_lint below).
# NOTE: Each function will be called in a sub-shell so you can freely
# change directory without worrying about interference.
# 2. Add the name of the function to the CHECKS variable.
# 3. If no changes relevant to your new check are staged, then
# do not output anything at all - this would be annoying noise.
# In this case, call 'return 0' from your check function to return
# early without blocking the commit.
# 4. If any non-trivial check-specific thing has to be invoked,
# then output '==> [check description]' as the first line of
# output. Each sub-check should output '--> [subcheck description]'
# after it has run, indicating success or failure.
# 5. Call 'block [reason]' to block the commit. This ensures the last
# line of output calls out that the commit was blocked - which may not
# be obvious from random error messages generated in 4.
# At the moment, there are no automated tests for this hook, so please run it
# locally to check you have not broken anything - breaking this will interfere
# with other peoples' workflows significantly, so be sure, check everything twice.
set -euo pipefail
# Call block to block the commit with a message.
block() {
echo "$@"
echo "Commit blocked - see errors above."
exit 1
# Add all check functions to this space separated list.
# They are executed in this order (see end of file).
CHECKS="ui_lint backend_lint"
# Run ui linter if changes in that dir detected.
ui_lint() {
local DIR=ui LINTER=node_modules/.bin/lint-staged
# Silently succeed if no changes staged for $DIR
if git diff --name-only --cached --exit-code -- $DIR/; then
return 0
# Silently succeed if the linter has not been installed.
# We assume that if you're doing UI dev, you will have installed the linter
# by running yarn.
if [ ! -x $DIR/$LINTER ]; then
return 0
echo "==> Changes detected in $DIR/: Running linter..."
# Run the linter from the UI dir.
cd $DIR
$LINTER || block "UI lint failed"
backend_lint() {
# Silently succeed if no changes staged for Go code files.
staged=$(git diff --name-only --cached --exit-code -- '*.go')
if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
return 0
# Only run fmtcheck on staged files
./scripts/ "${staged}" || block "Backend linting failed; run 'make fmt' to fix."
for CHECK in $CHECKS; do
# Force each check into a subshell to avoid crosstalk.
( $CHECK ) || exit $?