/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model'; export default class MountConfigModel extends Model { @attr({ label: 'Default Lease TTL', editType: 'ttl', }) defaultLeaseTtl; @attr({ label: 'Max Lease TTL', editType: 'ttl', }) maxLeaseTtl; @attr({ label: 'Request keys excluded from HMACing in audit', editType: 'stringArray', helpText: "Keys that will not be HMAC'd by audit devices in the request data object.", }) auditNonHmacRequestKeys; @attr({ label: 'Response keys excluded from HMACing in audit', editType: 'stringArray', helpText: "Keys that will not be HMAC'd by audit devices in the response data object.", }) auditNonHmacResponseKeys; @attr('string', { editType: 'boolean', label: 'List method when unauthenticated', trueValue: 'unauth', falseValue: 'hidden', }) listingVisibility; @attr({ label: 'Allowed passthrough request headers', helpText: 'Headers to allow and pass from the request to the backend', editType: 'stringArray', }) passthroughRequestHeaders; @attr({ label: 'Allowed response headers', helpText: 'Headers to allow, allowing a plugin to include them in the response.', editType: 'stringArray', }) allowedResponseHeaders; @attr('string', { label: 'Token Type', helpText: 'The type of token that should be generated via this role. For `default-service` and `default-batch` service and batch tokens will be issued respectively, unless the auth method explicitly requests a different type.', possibleValues: ['default-service', 'default-batch', 'batch', 'service'], noDefault: true, }) tokenType; @attr({ editType: 'stringArray', }) allowedManagedKeys; }