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2024-04-20 12:23:50 +00:00
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package http
import (
func TestSysInit_get(t *testing.T) {
core := vault.TestCore(t)
ln, addr := TestServer(t, core)
defer ln.Close()
// Pre-init
resp, err := http.Get(addr + "/v1/sys/init")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
var actual map[string]interface{}
expected := map[string]interface{}{
"initialized": false,
testResponseStatus(t, resp, 200)
testResponseBody(t, resp, &actual)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) {
t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", actual)
vault.TestCoreInit(t, core)
// Post-init
resp, err := http.Get(addr + "/v1/sys/init")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
var actual map[string]interface{}
expected := map[string]interface{}{
"initialized": true,
testResponseStatus(t, resp, 200)
testResponseBody(t, resp, &actual)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) {
t.Fatalf("bad: %#v", actual)
// Test to check if the API errors out when wrong number of PGP keys are
// supplied
func TestSysInit_pgpKeysEntries(t *testing.T) {
core := vault.TestCore(t)
ln, addr := TestServer(t, core)
defer ln.Close()
resp := testHttpPut(t, "", addr+"/v1/sys/init", map[string]interface{}{
"secret_shares": 5,
"secret_threshold": 3,
"pgp_keys": []string{"pgpkey1"},
testResponseStatus(t, resp, 400)
// Test to check if the API errors out when wrong number of PGP keys are
// supplied for recovery config
func TestSysInit_pgpKeysEntriesForRecovery(t *testing.T) {
core := vault.TestCoreNewSeal(t)
ln, addr := TestServer(t, core)
defer ln.Close()
resp := testHttpPut(t, "", addr+"/v1/sys/init", map[string]interface{}{
"secret_shares": 1,
"secret_threshold": 1,
"stored_shares": 1,
"recovery_shares": 5,
"recovery_threshold": 3,
"recovery_pgp_keys": []string{"pgpkey1"},
testResponseStatus(t, resp, 400)
func TestSysInit_put(t *testing.T) {
core := vault.TestCore(t)
ln, addr := TestServer(t, core)
defer ln.Close()
resp := testHttpPut(t, "", addr+"/v1/sys/init", map[string]interface{}{
"secret_shares": 5,
"secret_threshold": 3,
var actual map[string]interface{}
testResponseStatus(t, resp, 200)
testResponseBody(t, resp, &actual)
keysRaw, ok := actual["keys"]
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("no keys: %#v", actual)
if _, ok := actual["root_token"]; !ok {
t.Fatal("no root token")
for _, key := range keysRaw.([]interface{}) {
keySlice, err := hex.DecodeString(key.(string))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("bad: %s", err)
if _, err := core.Unseal(keySlice); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("bad: %s", err)
if core.Sealed() {
t.Fatal("should not be sealed")
func TestSysInit_Put_ValidateParams(t *testing.T) {
core := vault.TestCore(t)
ln, addr := TestServer(t, core)
defer ln.Close()
resp := testHttpPut(t, "", addr+"/v1/sys/init", map[string]interface{}{
"secret_shares": 5,
"secret_threshold": 3,
"recovery_shares": 5,
"recovery_threshold": 3,
testResponseStatus(t, resp, http.StatusBadRequest)
body := map[string][]string{}
testResponseBody(t, resp, &body)
if body["errors"][0] != "parameters recovery_shares,recovery_threshold not applicable to seal type shamir" {
func TestSysInit_Put_ValidateParams_AutoUnseal(t *testing.T) {
testSeal, _ := seal.NewTestSeal(&seal.TestSealOpts{Name: "transit"})
autoSeal, err := vault.NewAutoSeal(testSeal)
if err != nil {
// Create the transit server.
conf := &vault.CoreConfig{
LogicalBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{
"transit": transit.Factory,
Seal: autoSeal,
opts := &vault.TestClusterOptions{
NumCores: 1,
HandlerFunc: Handler,
Logger: logging.NewVaultLogger(hclog.Trace).Named(t.Name()).Named("transit-seal" + strconv.Itoa(0)),
cluster := vault.NewTestCluster(t, conf, opts)
defer cluster.Cleanup()
cores := cluster.Cores
core := cores[0].Core
ln, addr := TestServer(t, core)
defer ln.Close()
resp := testHttpPut(t, "", addr+"/v1/sys/init", map[string]interface{}{
"secret_shares": 5,
"secret_threshold": 3,
"recovery_shares": 5,
"recovery_threshold": 3,
testResponseStatus(t, resp, http.StatusBadRequest)
body := map[string][]string{}
testResponseBody(t, resp, &body)
if body["errors"][0] != "parameters secret_shares,secret_threshold not applicable to seal type transit" {