
289 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# ~~~ Constants ~~~
LibName := "yary"
LibMsrv := "1.53"
# ~~~ Environment overrides ~~~
Color := env_var_or_default("YARY_COLOR", env_var_or_default("CARGO_TERM_COLOR", "1"))
Dryrun := env_var_or_default("YARY_DRYRUN", None)
Features := env_var_or_default("YARY_FEATURES", None)
Profile := env_var_or_default("YARY_PROFILE", None)
RustFlags := env_var_or_default("YARY_RUSTFLAGS", env_var_or_default("RUSTFLAGS", None))
DocFlags := env_var_or_default("YARY_RUSTDOCFLAGS", env_var_or_default("RUSTDOCFLAGS", None))
# Default to listing recipes
@just --list --list-prefix ' > '
# Display the recipe's steps
show recipe:
@just --show {{recipe}}
# Open library documentation in your browser
docs: (_build-docs "open")
# Check the library for syntax errors
@$Say "Checking library for syntax errors..."
@$Cargo check
# Print entire changelog
changelog range=None: (_changelog range)
# Print patch notes for unreleased changes
patchnotes range=None: (_changelog if range != None { range } else { LibVersion + ".." } "all")
# Build the library
build: (_build Profile Features)
# Build library documentation
build-docs: _build-docs
# Display dependency tree of the library
deps edges="normal": _need_tree
@$Cargo tree --edges {{edges}}
# Display reverse dependency tree of the given crate
rdeps crate=LibName edges="normal": _need_tree
@$Cargo tree --invert --package {{crate}} --edges {{edges}}
# Check for unused dependencies
udeps: _need_udeps
@$Say "Checking for unused dependencies..."
@$Cargo +nightly udeps
# Run unit tests
test selector=None: (_test "lib" Profile Features selector)
# Run documentation tests
test-docs: (_test "doc" Profile Features)
# Run example tests
test-examples: (_test "examples" Profile Features)
# Run entire test suite
test-all: test test-docs test-examples lint-docs
# Clean the local build artifacts
@$Say "Cleaning build artifacts..."
@$Cargo clean
# Clean the documentation artifacts
@$Say "Cleaning documentation artifacts..."
@$Cargo clean --doc
# Clean the cargo binaries used by this repo (modifies ~/.cargo/bin)
clean-bins: && _clean_deps
@$Say "Cleaning Cargo binaries..."
# Clean Cargo's cache (modifies ~/.cargo)
clean-cache: _need_cache
@$Say "Cleaning Cargo cache..."
@$Cargo cache --auto-clean
# Remove all local artifacts
clean-all: clean clean-docs
# Format library code
fmt: (_format)
# Initialize this library checkout, installing the required rustc version & components
fresh-system: (_fresh-system LibMsrv) install-bins check
# Install the cargo binaries used by this repo
install-bins update=None: (_build_deps update)
# Prune git local branches which previously had a tracking branch
@$Say "Pruning [gone] branches..."
@$Git fetch --prune --all --quiet && \
git for-each-ref --format '%(refname) %(upstream:track)' refs/heads \
| awk '$2 == "[gone]" {sub("refs/heads/", "", $1); print $1}' \
| xargs -n1 ${NODRYRUN:+$Git branch -D}
# Run comprehensive check suite
git-pre-push: lint build lint-docs udeps audit test-all
alias pp := git-pre-push
# Lint library code
lint: (_format "check") _clippy
# Lint library documentation
lint-docs: (_build-docs "no-open" "check")
# Audit dependencies, checking for any known vulnerabilities or CVEs
audit: _need_audit
@$Say "Auditing dependencies..."
@$Say "[{{C_RED}}SKIP{{C_RESET}}] Tool is seg-faulting. See {{C_YELLOW}}https://github.com/rustsec/rustsec/issues/466{{C_RESET}}"
@#$Cargo audit
# Update the library's version to the specified
bump-version to: (_bump-cargo-version "Cargo.toml" trim_start_match(to, "v")) check (_bump-git-version "v" + trim_start_match(to, "v"))
@$Say "Run the following command when ready"
@echo "{{C_RED}}==> {{C_GREEN}}git push --atomic origin master v{{trim_start_match(to, "v")}}{{C_RESET}}"
# ~~~ Private recipes ~~~
# Run cargo test with the given suite, profile, features and selector (if any)
_test $suite=None $profile=Profile $features=Features selector=None:
@$Say "Running tests" \
"${suite:+{{C_GREEN}}suite:{{C_YELLOW}}$suite{{C_RESET}}}" \
"${features:+{{C_GREEN}}features:{{C_YELLOW}}$features{{C_RESET}}}" \
{{ if selector != None { C_GREEN + "selector:" + C_YELLOW + selector + C_RESET } else { None } }} \
| xargs
@$Cargo test \
${suite:+--$suite} \
${features:+--features $features} \
{{ if profile =~ '(?i)^release$' { "--release" } else { None } }} \
# Run rustfmt with nightly so it understands our .rustfmt.toml rules
_format $check=None:
@$Say "Formating library..."
@$Cargo +nightly fmt ${check:+--check}
# Run clippy with the correct args
@$Say "Linting library..."
@$Cargo clippy -- -D clippy::all -W clippy::style
# Build the library
_build $profile=Profile $features=Features:
@$Say "Building library..."
@$Cargo build \
{{ if profile =~ '(?i)^release$' { "--release" } else { None } }} \
${features:+--features $features}
# Build our documentation
_build-docs open="no" check="no" features=Features:
set -eu
{{ if check =~ '(?i)^check|true|yes|1$' { 'export RUSTDOCFLAGS="$RUSTDOCFLAGS -Dwarnings"' } else { None } }}
$Say "Building library docs..."
$Cargo +nightly doc \
--document-private-items \
{{ if features != None { "--features " + features } else { "--all-features" } }} \
{{ if open =~ '(?i)^open|true|yes|1$' { "--open" } else { None } }}
@_changelog range=None $strip=None $output=None +extra=None: _need_cliff
$Cliff {{extra}} ${strip:+--strip $strip} ${output:+--output $output} {{range}}
# Tiny perl script to bump the Cargo version field
@_bump-cargo-version file $version temp=`mktemp`:
$Say "Bumping {{file}} version to $version"
$Perl -spe \
{{ if Dryrun != None { '"' } else { '' } }} \
'if (/^version/) { s/("[\w.]+")/"$version"/ }' \
-- -version=$version < {{file}} > {{temp}} \
&& mv -f {{temp}} {{file}} \
{{ if Dryrun != None { '"' } else { '' } }}
# Add commit + tag to Git for the provided version
@_bump-git-version version temp=`mktemp`: (_changelog LibVersion + ".." "all" temp "--tag" version "--body" '"$(cat .git-cliff/tag.tera)"') (_changelog None None "CHANGELOG.md" "--tag" version)
$Say "Adding git tag {{version}} to HEAD"
if ! git branch --show-current | grep -qF 'master'; then \
$Say 'Refusing to set git tag, branch is not master' && false; \
$Git add Cargo.toml Cargo.lock CHANGELOG.md
$Git commit -m 'chore: release {{version}}'
$Git tag -a {{version}} -F {{temp}}
# Install rustc version that we use in this repo + all the components we're expecting
@_fresh-system msrv=RustVersion:
$Say "Installing Rust version {{msrv}}..."
$Rustup install {{msrv}}
$Rustup install nightly
$Say "Setting override for {{justfile_directory()}}"
$Rustup override set {{msrv}}
$Say "Installing rustc components..."
$Rustup component add rustfmt clippy rust-src
$Rustup component add --toolchain nightly rustfmt clippy rust-docs
# ~~~ Cargo binary management ~~~
_build_deps update=None: (_need_cache update) (_need_udeps update) (_need_audit update) (_need_tree update) (_need_cliff update)
_clean_deps: _clean_cache _clean_udeps _clean_audit _clean_tree _clean_cliff
# Cargo udeps
_need_udeps update=None: (_need "udeps" update None "nightly")
_clean_udeps: (_clean_need "udeps" "nightly")
# Cargo cache
_need_cache update=None: (_need "cache" update "no-default-features,ci-autoclean" "nightly")
_clean_cache: (_clean_need "cache")
# Cargo audit
_need_audit update=None: (_need "audit" update None "nightly")
_clean_audit: (_clean_need "audit")
# Cargo tree
_need_tree update=None: (_need "tree" update None "nightly")
_clean_tree: (_clean_need "tree")
# Git-cliff
_need_cliff update=None: (_need "git-cliff" update None "nightly" None)
_clean_cliff: (_clean_need "git-cliff")
# Specify a dependency on a cargo binary
@_need crate $update=None features=None $nightly=None prefix="cargo-":
needed={{ if prefix != None { prefix + crate } else { crate } }}; \
{{ if update == None { "command -v $needed 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null" } else { "false" } }} \
|| $Cargo ${nightly:++nightly} install \
${update:+--force} \
{{ if features =~ "no-default-features" { "--no-default-features" } else { None } }} \
{{ if features != None { "--features " + replace(features, "no-default-features,", None)} else { None } }} \
# Clean a cargo binary
@_clean_need crate $nightly=None:
needed=cargo-{{crate}}; \
command -v $needed 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null \
&& $Cargo ${nightly:++nightly} uninstall $needed \
|| true
# ~~~ Global shell variables ~~~
export Say := "echo " + C_RED + "==> " + C_RESET + BuildId
export Cargo := if Dryrun == None { "cargo" } else { DryrunPrefix + "cargo" }
export Rustup := if Dryrun == None { "rustup" } else { DryrunPrefix + "cargo" }
export Git := if Dryrun == None { "git" } else { DryrunPrefix + "git" }
export Sed := if Dryrun == None { "sed" } else { DryrunPrefix + "sed" }
export Perl := if Dryrun == None { "perl" } else { DryrunPrefix + "perl" }
export Cliff := if Dryrun == None { "git-cliff" } else { DryrunPrefix + "git-cliff" }
export DRYRUN := if Dryrun == None { None } else { "1" }
export NODRYRUN := if Dryrun == None { "1" } else { None }
export RUSTFLAGS := RustFlags
export RUSTDOCFLAGS := DocFlags
# Nicer name for empty strings
None := ""
# ~~~ Contextual information ~~~
GitCommitish := if `git tag --points-at HEAD` != None {
`git tag --points-at HEAD`
} else if `git branch --show-current` != None {
`git branch --show-current`
} else {
`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
RustVersion := `rustc --version | cut -d' ' -f2`
LibVersion := `git describe --abbrev=0 2>/dev/null || echo -n "0.0.0"`
DryrunPrefix := "echo " + "[" + C_GREEN + "DRYRUN" + C_RESET + "] "
BuildId := "[" + C_YELLOW + RustVersion + C_RESET + "/" + C_GREEN + LibName + C_RESET + "@" + C_CYAN + GitCommitish + C_RESET + "]"
# ~~~ Color Codes ~~~
C_ENABLED := if Color =~ '(?i)^auto|always|yes|1$' { "1" } else { None }
C_RESET := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0m"` } else { None }
C_BLACK := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;30m"` } else { None }
C_RED := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;31m"` } else { None }
C_GREEN := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;32m"` } else { None }
C_YELLOW := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;33m"` } else { None }
C_BLUE := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;34m"` } else { None }
C_MAGENTA := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;35m"` } else { None }
C_CYAN := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;36m"` } else { None }
C_WHITE := if C_ENABLED == "1" { `echo -e "\033[0;37m"` } else { None }