
3658 lines
142 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "cache/clock_cache.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <bitset>
#include <cassert>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <exception>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <type_traits>
#include "cache/cache_key.h"
#include "cache/secondary_cache_adapter.h"
#include "logging/logging.h"
#include "monitoring/perf_context_imp.h"
#include "monitoring/statistics_impl.h"
#include "port/lang.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "util/hash.h"
#include "util/math.h"
#include "util/random.h"
namespace clock_cache {
namespace {
inline uint64_t GetRefcount(uint64_t meta) {
return ((meta >> ClockHandle::kAcquireCounterShift) -
(meta >> ClockHandle::kReleaseCounterShift)) &
inline uint64_t GetInitialCountdown(Cache::Priority priority) {
// Set initial clock data from priority
// TODO: configuration parameters for priority handling and clock cycle
// count?
switch (priority) {
case Cache::Priority::HIGH:
return ClockHandle::kHighCountdown;
case Cache::Priority::LOW:
return ClockHandle::kLowCountdown;
case Cache::Priority::BOTTOM:
return ClockHandle::kBottomCountdown;
// Switch should have been exhaustive.
// For release build, fall back on something reasonable.
return ClockHandle::kLowCountdown;
inline void MarkEmpty(ClockHandle& h) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Mark slot as empty, with assertion
uint64_t meta = h.meta.Exchange(0);
assert(meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift == ClockHandle::kStateConstruction);
// Mark slot as empty
inline void FreeDataMarkEmpty(ClockHandle& h, MemoryAllocator* allocator) {
// NOTE: in theory there's more room for parallelism if we copy the handle
// data and delay actions like this until after marking the entry as empty,
// but performance tests only show a regression by copying the few words
// of data.
// Called to undo the effect of referencing an entry for internal purposes,
// so it should not be marked as having been used.
inline void Unref(const ClockHandle& h, uint64_t count = 1) {
// Pretend we never took the reference
// WART: there's a tiny chance we release last ref to invisible
// entry here. If that happens, we let eviction take care of it.
uint64_t old_meta = h.meta.FetchSub(ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement * count);
assert(GetRefcount(old_meta) != 0);
inline bool ClockUpdate(ClockHandle& h, BaseClockTable::EvictionData* data,
bool* purgeable = nullptr) {
uint64_t meta;
if (purgeable) {
assert(*purgeable == false);
// In AutoHCC, our eviction process follows the chain structure, so we
// should ensure that we see the latest state of each entry, at least for
// assertion checking.
meta = h.meta.Load();
} else {
// In FixedHCC, our eviction process is a simple iteration without regard
// to probing order, displacements, etc., so it doesn't matter if we see
// somewhat stale data.
meta = h.meta.LoadRelaxed();
if (((meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) & ClockHandle::kStateShareableBit) ==
0) {
// Only clock update Shareable entries
if (purgeable) {
*purgeable = true;
// AutoHCC only: make sure we only attempt to update non-empty slots
assert((meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) &
return false;
uint64_t acquire_count =
(meta >> ClockHandle::kAcquireCounterShift) & ClockHandle::kCounterMask;
uint64_t release_count =
(meta >> ClockHandle::kReleaseCounterShift) & ClockHandle::kCounterMask;
if (acquire_count != release_count) {
// Only clock update entries with no outstanding refs
return false;
if ((meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift == ClockHandle::kStateVisible) &&
acquire_count > 0) {
// Decrement clock
uint64_t new_count =
std::min(acquire_count - 1, uint64_t{ClockHandle::kMaxCountdown} - 1);
// Compare-exchange in the decremented clock info, but
// not aggressively
uint64_t new_meta =
(uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateVisible} << ClockHandle::kStateShift) |
(meta & ClockHandle::kHitBitMask) |
(new_count << ClockHandle::kReleaseCounterShift) |
(new_count << ClockHandle::kAcquireCounterShift);
h.meta.CasStrongRelaxed(meta, new_meta);
return false;
// Otherwise, remove entry (either unreferenced invisible or
// unreferenced and expired visible).
if (h.meta.CasStrong(meta, (uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateConstruction}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift) |
(meta & ClockHandle::kHitBitMask))) {
// Took ownership.
data->freed_charge += h.GetTotalCharge();
data->freed_count += 1;
return true;
} else {
// Compare-exchange failing probably
// indicates the entry was used, so skip it in that case.
return false;
// If an entry doesn't receive clock updates but is repeatedly referenced &
// released, the acquire and release counters could overflow without some
// intervention. This is that intervention, which should be inexpensive
// because it only incurs a simple, very predictable check. (Applying a bit
// mask in addition to an increment to every Release likely would be
// relatively expensive, because it's an extra atomic update.)
// We do have to assume that we never have many millions of simultaneous
// references to a cache handle, because we cannot represent so many
// references with the difference in counters, masked to the number of
// counter bits. Similarly, we assume there aren't millions of threads
// holding transient references (which might be "undone" rather than
// released by the way).
// Consider these possible states for each counter:
// low: less than kMaxCountdown
// medium: kMaxCountdown to half way to overflow + kMaxCountdown
// high: half way to overflow + kMaxCountdown, or greater
// And these possible states for the combination of counters:
// acquire / release
// ------- -------
// low low - Normal / common, with caveats (see below)
// medium low - Can happen while holding some refs
// high low - Violates assumptions (too many refs)
// low medium - Violates assumptions (refs underflow, etc.)
// medium medium - Normal (very read heavy cache)
// high medium - Can happen while holding some refs
// low high - This function is supposed to prevent
// medium high - Violates assumptions (refs underflow, etc.)
// high high - Needs CorrectNearOverflow
// Basically, this function detects (high, high) state (inferred from
// release alone being high) and bumps it back down to (medium, medium)
// state with the same refcount and the same logical countdown counter
// (everything > kMaxCountdown is logically the same). Note that bumping
// down to (low, low) would modify the countdown counter, so is "reserved"
// in a sense.
// If near-overflow correction is triggered here, there's no guarantee
// that another thread hasn't freed the entry and replaced it with another.
// Therefore, it must be the case that the correction does not affect
// entries unless they are very old (many millions of acquire-release cycles).
// (Our bit manipulation is indeed idempotent and only affects entries in
// exceptional cases.) We assume a pre-empted thread will not stall that long.
// If it did, the state could be corrupted in the (unlikely) case that the top
// bit of the acquire counter is set but not the release counter, and thus
// we only clear the top bit of the acquire counter on resumption. It would
// then appear that there are too many refs and the entry would be permanently
// pinned (which is not terrible for an exceptionally rare occurrence), unless
// it is referenced enough (at least kMaxCountdown more times) for the release
// counter to reach "high" state again and bumped back to "medium." (This
// motivates only checking for release counter in high state, not both in high
// state.)
inline void CorrectNearOverflow(uint64_t old_meta,
AcqRelAtomic<uint64_t>& meta) {
// We clear both top-most counter bits at the same time.
constexpr uint64_t kCounterTopBit = uint64_t{1}
<< (ClockHandle::kCounterNumBits - 1);
constexpr uint64_t kClearBits =
(kCounterTopBit << ClockHandle::kAcquireCounterShift) |
(kCounterTopBit << ClockHandle::kReleaseCounterShift);
// A simple check that allows us to initiate clearing the top bits for
// a large portion of the "high" state space on release counter.
constexpr uint64_t kCheckBits =
(kCounterTopBit | (ClockHandle::kMaxCountdown + 1))
<< ClockHandle::kReleaseCounterShift;
if (UNLIKELY(old_meta & kCheckBits)) {
inline bool BeginSlotInsert(const ClockHandleBasicData& proto, ClockHandle& h,
uint64_t initial_countdown, bool* already_matches) {
assert(*already_matches == false);
// Optimistically transition the slot from "empty" to
// "under construction" (no effect on other states)
uint64_t old_meta = h.meta.FetchOr(uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateOccupiedBit}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift);
uint64_t old_state = old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift;
if (old_state == ClockHandle::kStateEmpty) {
// We've started inserting into an available slot, and taken
// ownership.
return true;
} else if (old_state != ClockHandle::kStateVisible) {
// Slot not usable / touchable now
return false;
// Existing, visible entry, which might be a match.
// But first, we need to acquire a ref to read it. In fact, number of
// refs for initial countdown, so that we boost the clock state if
// this is a match.
old_meta =
h.meta.FetchAdd(ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement * initial_countdown);
// Like Lookup
if ((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) == ClockHandle::kStateVisible) {
// Acquired a read reference
if (h.hashed_key == proto.hashed_key) {
// Match. Release in a way that boosts the clock state
old_meta =
h.meta.FetchAdd(ClockHandle::kReleaseIncrement * initial_countdown);
// Correct for possible (but rare) overflow
CorrectNearOverflow(old_meta, h.meta);
// Insert detached instead (only if return handle needed)
*already_matches = true;
return false;
} else {
// Mismatch.
Unref(h, initial_countdown);
} else if (UNLIKELY((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) ==
ClockHandle::kStateInvisible)) {
// Pretend we never took the reference
Unref(h, initial_countdown);
} else {
// For other states, incrementing the acquire counter has no effect
// so we don't need to undo it.
// Slot not usable / touchable now.
return false;
inline void FinishSlotInsert(const ClockHandleBasicData& proto, ClockHandle& h,
uint64_t initial_countdown, bool keep_ref) {
// Save data fields
ClockHandleBasicData* h_alias = &h;
*h_alias = proto;
// Transition from "under construction" state to "visible" state
uint64_t new_meta = uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateVisible}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift;
// Maybe with an outstanding reference
new_meta |= initial_countdown << ClockHandle::kAcquireCounterShift;
new_meta |= (initial_countdown - keep_ref)
<< ClockHandle::kReleaseCounterShift;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Save the state transition, with assertion
uint64_t old_meta = h.meta.Exchange(new_meta);
assert(old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift ==
// Save the state transition
bool TryInsert(const ClockHandleBasicData& proto, ClockHandle& h,
uint64_t initial_countdown, bool keep_ref,
bool* already_matches) {
bool b = BeginSlotInsert(proto, h, initial_countdown, already_matches);
if (b) {
FinishSlotInsert(proto, h, initial_countdown, keep_ref);
return b;
// Func must be const HandleImpl& -> void callable
template <class HandleImpl, class Func>
void ConstApplyToEntriesRange(const Func& func, const HandleImpl* begin,
const HandleImpl* end,
bool apply_if_will_be_deleted) {
uint64_t check_state_mask = ClockHandle::kStateShareableBit;
if (!apply_if_will_be_deleted) {
check_state_mask |= ClockHandle::kStateVisibleBit;
for (const HandleImpl* h = begin; h < end; ++h) {
// Note: to avoid using compare_exchange, we have to be extra careful.
uint64_t old_meta = h->meta.LoadRelaxed();
// Check if it's an entry visible to lookups
if ((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) & check_state_mask) {
// Increment acquire counter. Note: it's possible that the entry has
// completely changed since we loaded old_meta, but incrementing acquire
// count is always safe. (Similar to optimistic Lookup here.)
old_meta = h->meta.FetchAdd(ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement);
// Check whether we actually acquired a reference.
if ((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) &
ClockHandle::kStateShareableBit) {
// Apply func if appropriate
if ((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) & check_state_mask) {
// Pretend we never took the reference
// No net change, so don't need to check for overflow
} else {
// For other states, incrementing the acquire counter has no effect
// so we don't need to undo it. Furthermore, we cannot safely undo
// it because we did not acquire a read reference to lock the
// entry in a Shareable state.
constexpr uint32_t kStrictCapacityLimitBit = 1u << 31;
uint32_t SanitizeEncodeEecAndScl(int eviction_effort_cap,
bool strict_capacit_limit) {
eviction_effort_cap = std::max(int{1}, eviction_effort_cap);
eviction_effort_cap =
std::min(static_cast<int>(~kStrictCapacityLimitBit), eviction_effort_cap);
uint32_t eec_and_scl = static_cast<uint32_t>(eviction_effort_cap);
eec_and_scl |= strict_capacit_limit ? kStrictCapacityLimitBit : 0;
return eec_and_scl;
} // namespace
void ClockHandleBasicData::FreeData(MemoryAllocator* allocator) const {
if (helper->del_cb) {
helper->del_cb(value, allocator);
template <class HandleImpl>
HandleImpl* BaseClockTable::StandaloneInsert(
const ClockHandleBasicData& proto) {
// Heap allocated separate from table
HandleImpl* h = new HandleImpl();
ClockHandleBasicData* h_alias = h;
*h_alias = proto;
// Single reference (standalone entries only created if returning a refed
// Handle back to user)
uint64_t meta = uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateInvisible}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift;
meta |= uint64_t{1} << ClockHandle::kAcquireCounterShift;
// Keep track of how much of usage is standalone
return h;
template <class Table>
typename Table::HandleImpl* BaseClockTable::CreateStandalone(
ClockHandleBasicData& proto, size_t capacity, uint32_t eec_and_scl,
bool allow_uncharged) {
Table& derived = static_cast<Table&>(*this);
typename Table::InsertState state;
const size_t total_charge = proto.GetTotalCharge();
// NOTE: we can use eec_and_scl as eviction_effort_cap below because
// strict_capacity_limit=true is supposed to disable the limit on eviction
// effort, and a large value effectively does that.
if (eec_and_scl & kStrictCapacityLimitBit) {
Status s = ChargeUsageMaybeEvictStrict<Table>(
total_charge, capacity,
/*need_evict_for_occupancy=*/false, eec_and_scl, state);
if (!s.ok()) {
if (allow_uncharged) {
proto.total_charge = 0;
} else {
return nullptr;
} else {
// Case strict_capacity_limit == false
bool success = ChargeUsageMaybeEvictNonStrict<Table>(
total_charge, capacity,
/*need_evict_for_occupancy=*/false, eec_and_scl, state);
if (!success) {
// Force the issue
return StandaloneInsert<typename Table::HandleImpl>(proto);
template <class Table>
Status BaseClockTable::ChargeUsageMaybeEvictStrict(
size_t total_charge, size_t capacity, bool need_evict_for_occupancy,
uint32_t eviction_effort_cap, typename Table::InsertState& state) {
if (total_charge > capacity) {
return Status::MemoryLimit(
"Cache entry too large for a single cache shard: " +
std::to_string(total_charge) + " > " + std::to_string(capacity));
// Grab any available capacity, and free up any more required.
size_t old_usage = usage_.LoadRelaxed();
size_t new_usage;
do {
new_usage = std::min(capacity, old_usage + total_charge);
if (new_usage == old_usage) {
// No change needed
} while (!usage_.CasWeakRelaxed(old_usage, new_usage));
// How much do we need to evict then?
size_t need_evict_charge = old_usage + total_charge - new_usage;
size_t request_evict_charge = need_evict_charge;
if (UNLIKELY(need_evict_for_occupancy) && request_evict_charge == 0) {
// Require at least 1 eviction.
request_evict_charge = 1;
if (request_evict_charge > 0) {
EvictionData data;
static_cast<Table*>(this)->Evict(request_evict_charge, state, &data,
if (LIKELY(data.freed_charge > need_evict_charge)) {
assert(data.freed_count > 0);
// Evicted more than enough
usage_.FetchSubRelaxed(data.freed_charge - need_evict_charge);
} else if (data.freed_charge < need_evict_charge ||
(UNLIKELY(need_evict_for_occupancy) && data.freed_count == 0)) {
// Roll back to old usage minus evicted
usage_.FetchSubRelaxed(data.freed_charge + (new_usage - old_usage));
if (data.freed_charge < need_evict_charge) {
return Status::MemoryLimit(
"Insert failed because unable to evict entries to stay within "
"capacity limit.");
} else {
return Status::MemoryLimit(
"Insert failed because unable to evict entries to stay within "
"table occupancy limit.");
// If we needed to evict something and we are proceeding, we must have
// evicted something.
assert(data.freed_count > 0);
return Status::OK();
template <class Table>
inline bool BaseClockTable::ChargeUsageMaybeEvictNonStrict(
size_t total_charge, size_t capacity, bool need_evict_for_occupancy,
uint32_t eviction_effort_cap, typename Table::InsertState& state) {
// For simplicity, we consider that either the cache can accept the insert
// with no evictions, or we must evict enough to make (at least) enough
// space. It could lead to unnecessary failures or excessive evictions in
// some extreme cases, but allows a fast, simple protocol. If we allow a
// race to get us over capacity, then we might never get back to capacity
// limit if the sizes of entries allow each insertion to evict the minimum
// charge. Thus, we should evict some extra if it's not a signifcant
// portion of the shard capacity. This can have the side benefit of
// involving fewer threads in eviction.
size_t old_usage = usage_.LoadRelaxed();
size_t need_evict_charge;
// NOTE: if total_charge > old_usage, there isn't yet enough to evict
// `total_charge` amount. Even if we only try to evict `old_usage` amount,
// there's likely something referenced and we would eat CPU looking for
// enough to evict.
if (old_usage + total_charge <= capacity || total_charge > old_usage) {
// Good enough for me (might run over with a race)
need_evict_charge = 0;
} else {
// Try to evict enough space, and maybe some extra
need_evict_charge = total_charge;
if (old_usage > capacity) {
// Not too much to avoid thundering herd while avoiding strict
// synchronization, such as the compare_exchange used with strict
// capacity limit.
need_evict_charge += std::min(capacity / 1024, total_charge) + 1;
if (UNLIKELY(need_evict_for_occupancy) && need_evict_charge == 0) {
// Special case: require at least 1 eviction if we only have to
// deal with occupancy
need_evict_charge = 1;
EvictionData data;
if (need_evict_charge > 0) {
static_cast<Table*>(this)->Evict(need_evict_charge, state, &data,
// Deal with potential occupancy deficit
if (UNLIKELY(need_evict_for_occupancy) && data.freed_count == 0) {
assert(data.freed_charge == 0);
// Can't meet occupancy requirement
return false;
} else {
// Update occupancy for evictions
// Track new usage even if we weren't able to evict enough
usage_.FetchAddRelaxed(total_charge - data.freed_charge);
// No underflow
assert(usage_.LoadRelaxed() < SIZE_MAX / 2);
// Success
return true;
void BaseClockTable::TrackAndReleaseEvictedEntry(ClockHandle* h) {
bool took_value_ownership = false;
if (eviction_callback_) {
// For key reconstructed from hash
UniqueId64x2 unhashed;
took_value_ownership =
h->GetHash(), &unhashed, hash_seed_),
h->meta.LoadRelaxed() & ClockHandle::kHitBitMask);
if (!took_value_ownership) {
bool IsEvictionEffortExceeded(const BaseClockTable::EvictionData& data,
uint32_t eviction_effort_cap) {
// Basically checks whether the ratio of useful effort to wasted effort is
// too low, with a start-up allowance for wasted effort before any useful
// effort.
return (data.freed_count + 1U) * uint64_t{eviction_effort_cap} <=
template <class Table>
Status BaseClockTable::Insert(const ClockHandleBasicData& proto,
typename Table::HandleImpl** handle,
Cache::Priority priority, size_t capacity,
uint32_t eec_and_scl) {
using HandleImpl = typename Table::HandleImpl;
Table& derived = static_cast<Table&>(*this);
typename Table::InsertState state;
// Do we have the available occupancy? Optimistically assume we do
// and deal with it if we don't.
size_t old_occupancy = occupancy_.FetchAdd(1);
// Whether we over-committed and need an eviction to make up for it
bool need_evict_for_occupancy =
!derived.GrowIfNeeded(old_occupancy + 1, state);
// Usage/capacity handling is somewhat different depending on
// strict_capacity_limit, but mostly pessimistic.
bool use_standalone_insert = false;
const size_t total_charge = proto.GetTotalCharge();
// NOTE: we can use eec_and_scl as eviction_effort_cap below because
// strict_capacity_limit=true is supposed to disable the limit on eviction
// effort, and a large value effectively does that.
if (eec_and_scl & kStrictCapacityLimitBit) {
Status s = ChargeUsageMaybeEvictStrict<Table>(
total_charge, capacity, need_evict_for_occupancy, eec_and_scl, state);
if (!s.ok()) {
// Revert occupancy
return s;
} else {
// Case strict_capacity_limit == false
bool success = ChargeUsageMaybeEvictNonStrict<Table>(
total_charge, capacity, need_evict_for_occupancy, eec_and_scl, state);
if (!success) {
// Revert occupancy
if (handle == nullptr) {
// Don't insert the entry but still return ok, as if the entry
// inserted into cache and evicted immediately.
return Status::OK();
} else {
// Need to track usage of fallback standalone insert
use_standalone_insert = true;
if (!use_standalone_insert) {
// Attempt a table insert, but abort if we find an existing entry for the
// key. If we were to overwrite old entries, we would either
// * Have to gain ownership over an existing entry to overwrite it, which
// would only work if there are no outstanding (read) references and would
// create a small gap in availability of the entry (old or new) to lookups.
// * Have to insert into a suboptimal location (more probes) so that the
// old entry can be kept around as well.
uint64_t initial_countdown = GetInitialCountdown(priority);
assert(initial_countdown > 0);
HandleImpl* e =
derived.DoInsert(proto, initial_countdown, handle != nullptr, state);
if (e) {
// Successfully inserted
if (handle) {
*handle = e;
return Status::OK();
// Not inserted
// Revert occupancy
// Maybe fall back on standalone insert
if (handle == nullptr) {
// Revert usage
// No underflow
assert(usage_.LoadRelaxed() < SIZE_MAX / 2);
// As if unrefed entry immdiately evicted
return Status::OK();
use_standalone_insert = true;
// Run standalone insert
*handle = StandaloneInsert<HandleImpl>(proto);
// The OkOverwritten status is used to count "redundant" insertions into
// block cache. This implementation doesn't strictly check for redundant
// insertions, but we instead are probably interested in how many insertions
// didn't go into the table (instead "standalone"), which could be redundant
// Insert or some other reason (use_standalone_insert reasons above).
return Status::OkOverwritten();
void BaseClockTable::Ref(ClockHandle& h) {
// Increment acquire counter
uint64_t old_meta = h.meta.FetchAdd(ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement);
assert((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) &
// Must have already had a reference
assert(GetRefcount(old_meta) > 0);
#ifndef NDEBUG
void BaseClockTable::TEST_RefN(ClockHandle& h, size_t n) {
// Increment acquire counter
uint64_t old_meta = h.meta.FetchAdd(n * ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement);
assert((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) &
void BaseClockTable::TEST_ReleaseNMinus1(ClockHandle* h, size_t n) {
assert(n > 0);
// Like n-1 Releases, but assumes one more will happen in the caller to take
// care of anything like erasing an unreferenced, invisible entry.
uint64_t old_meta =
h->meta.FetchAdd((n - 1) * ClockHandle::kReleaseIncrement);
assert((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) &
size_t capacity, CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy,
MemoryAllocator* allocator,
const Cache::EvictionCallback* eviction_callback, const uint32_t* hash_seed,
const Opts& opts)
: BaseClockTable(metadata_charge_policy, allocator, eviction_callback,
length_bits_(CalcHashBits(capacity, opts.estimated_value_size,
length_bits_mask_((size_t{1} << length_bits_) - 1),
occupancy_limit_(static_cast<size_t>((uint64_t{1} << length_bits_) *
array_(new HandleImpl[size_t{1} << length_bits_]) {
if (metadata_charge_policy ==
CacheMetadataChargePolicy::kFullChargeCacheMetadata) {
usage_.FetchAddRelaxed(size_t{GetTableSize()} * sizeof(HandleImpl));
static_assert(sizeof(HandleImpl) == 64U,
"Expecting size / alignment with common cache line size");
FixedHyperClockTable::~FixedHyperClockTable() {
// Assumes there are no references or active operations on any slot/element
// in the table.
for (size_t i = 0; i < GetTableSize(); i++) {
HandleImpl& h = array_[i];
switch (h.meta.LoadRelaxed() >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) {
case ClockHandle::kStateEmpty:
// noop
case ClockHandle::kStateInvisible: // rare but possible
case ClockHandle::kStateVisible:
assert(GetRefcount(h.meta.LoadRelaxed()) == 0);
#ifndef NDEBUG
Rollback(h.hashed_key, &h);
// otherwise
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (size_t i = 0; i < GetTableSize(); i++) {
assert(array_[i].displacements.LoadRelaxed() == 0);
assert(usage_.LoadRelaxed() == 0 ||
usage_.LoadRelaxed() == size_t{GetTableSize()} * sizeof(HandleImpl));
assert(occupancy_.LoadRelaxed() == 0);
void FixedHyperClockTable::StartInsert(InsertState&) {}
bool FixedHyperClockTable::GrowIfNeeded(size_t new_occupancy, InsertState&) {
return new_occupancy <= occupancy_limit_;
FixedHyperClockTable::HandleImpl* FixedHyperClockTable::DoInsert(
const ClockHandleBasicData& proto, uint64_t initial_countdown,
bool keep_ref, InsertState&) {
bool already_matches = false;
HandleImpl* e = FindSlot(
[&](HandleImpl* h) {
return TryInsert(proto, *h, initial_countdown, keep_ref,
[&](HandleImpl* h) {
if (already_matches) {
// Stop searching & roll back displacements
Rollback(proto.hashed_key, h);
return true;
} else {
// Keep going
return false;
[&](HandleImpl* h, bool is_last) {
if (is_last) {
// Search is ending. Roll back displacements
Rollback(proto.hashed_key, h);
} else {
if (already_matches) {
// Insertion skipped
return nullptr;
if (e != nullptr) {
// Successfully inserted
return e;
// Else, no available slot found. Occupancy check should generally prevent
// this, except it's theoretically possible for other threads to evict and
// replace entries in the right order to hit every slot when it is populated.
// Assuming random hashing, the chance of that should be no higher than
// pow(kStrictLoadFactor, n) for n slots. That should be infeasible for
// roughly n >= 256, so if this assertion fails, that suggests something is
// going wrong.
assert(GetTableSize() < 256);
return nullptr;
FixedHyperClockTable::HandleImpl* FixedHyperClockTable::Lookup(
const UniqueId64x2& hashed_key) {
HandleImpl* e = FindSlot(
[&](HandleImpl* h) {
// Mostly branch-free version (similar performance)
uint64_t old_meta = h->meta.FetchAdd(ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement,
bool Shareable = (old_meta >> (ClockHandle::kStateShift + 1)) & 1U;
bool visible = (old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) & 1U;
bool match = (h->key == key) & visible;
h->meta.FetchSub(static_cast<uint64_t>(Shareable & !match) <<
ClockHandle::kAcquireCounterShift); return
// Optimistic lookup should pay off when the table is relatively
// sparse.
constexpr bool kOptimisticLookup = true;
uint64_t old_meta;
if (!kOptimisticLookup) {
old_meta = h->meta.Load();
if ((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) !=
ClockHandle::kStateVisible) {
return false;
// (Optimistically) increment acquire counter
old_meta = h->meta.FetchAdd(ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement);
// Check if it's an entry visible to lookups
if ((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) ==
ClockHandle::kStateVisible) {
// Acquired a read reference
if (h->hashed_key == hashed_key) {
// Match
// Update the hit bit
if (eviction_callback_) {
h->meta.FetchOrRelaxed(uint64_t{1} << ClockHandle::kHitBitShift);
return true;
} else {
// Mismatch. Pretend we never took the reference
} else if (UNLIKELY((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) ==
ClockHandle::kStateInvisible)) {
// Pretend we never took the reference
} else {
// For other states, incrementing the acquire counter has no effect
// so we don't need to undo it. Furthermore, we cannot safely undo
// it because we did not acquire a read reference to lock the
// entry in a Shareable state.
return false;
[&](HandleImpl* h) { return h->displacements.LoadRelaxed() == 0; },
[&](HandleImpl* /*h*/, bool /*is_last*/) {});
return e;
bool FixedHyperClockTable::Release(HandleImpl* h, bool useful,
bool erase_if_last_ref) {
// In contrast with LRUCache's Release, this function won't delete the handle
// when the cache is above capacity and the reference is the last one. Space
// is only freed up by EvictFromClock (called by Insert when space is needed)
// and Erase. We do this to avoid an extra atomic read of the variable usage_.
uint64_t old_meta;
if (useful) {
// Increment release counter to indicate was used
old_meta = h->meta.FetchAdd(ClockHandle::kReleaseIncrement);
} else {
// Decrement acquire counter to pretend it never happened
old_meta = h->meta.FetchSub(ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement);
assert((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) &
// No underflow
assert(((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kAcquireCounterShift) &
ClockHandle::kCounterMask) !=
((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kReleaseCounterShift) &
if (erase_if_last_ref || UNLIKELY(old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift ==
ClockHandle::kStateInvisible)) {
// FIXME: There's a chance here that another thread could replace this
// entry and we end up erasing the wrong one.
// Update for last FetchAdd op
if (useful) {
old_meta += ClockHandle::kReleaseIncrement;
} else {
old_meta -= ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement;
// Take ownership if no refs
do {
if (GetRefcount(old_meta) != 0) {
// Not last ref at some point in time during this Release call
// Correct for possible (but rare) overflow
CorrectNearOverflow(old_meta, h->meta);
return false;
if ((old_meta & (uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateShareableBit}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift)) == 0) {
// Someone else took ownership
return false;
// Note that there's a small chance that we release, another thread
// replaces this entry with another, reaches zero refs, and then we end
// up erasing that other entry. That's an acceptable risk / imprecision.
} while (
!h->meta.CasWeak(old_meta, uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateConstruction}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift));
// Took ownership
size_t total_charge = h->GetTotalCharge();
if (UNLIKELY(h->IsStandalone())) {
// Delete standalone handle
delete h;
} else {
Rollback(h->hashed_key, h);
FreeDataMarkEmpty(*h, allocator_);
return true;
} else {
// Correct for possible (but rare) overflow
CorrectNearOverflow(old_meta, h->meta);
return false;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void FixedHyperClockTable::TEST_ReleaseN(HandleImpl* h, size_t n) {
if (n > 0) {
// Do n-1 simple releases first
TEST_ReleaseNMinus1(h, n);
// Then the last release might be more involved
Release(h, /*useful*/ true, /*erase_if_last_ref*/ false);
void FixedHyperClockTable::Erase(const UniqueId64x2& hashed_key) {
[&](HandleImpl* h) {
// Could be multiple entries in rare cases. Erase them all.
// Optimistically increment acquire counter
uint64_t old_meta = h->meta.FetchAdd(ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement);
// Check if it's an entry visible to lookups
if ((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) ==
ClockHandle::kStateVisible) {
// Acquired a read reference
if (h->hashed_key == hashed_key) {
// Match. Set invisible.
old_meta =
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift));
// Apply update to local copy
old_meta &= ~(uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateVisibleBit}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift);
for (;;) {
uint64_t refcount = GetRefcount(old_meta);
assert(refcount > 0);
if (refcount > 1) {
// Not last ref at some point in time during this Erase call
// Pretend we never took the reference
} else if (h->meta.CasWeak(
old_meta, uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateConstruction}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift)) {
// Took ownership
assert(hashed_key == h->hashed_key);
size_t total_charge = h->GetTotalCharge();
FreeDataMarkEmpty(*h, allocator_);
// We already have a copy of hashed_key in this case, so OK to
// delay Rollback until after releasing the entry
Rollback(hashed_key, h);
} else {
// Mismatch. Pretend we never took the reference
} else if (UNLIKELY((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) ==
ClockHandle::kStateInvisible)) {
// Pretend we never took the reference
} else {
// For other states, incrementing the acquire counter has no effect
// so we don't need to undo it.
return false;
[&](HandleImpl* h) { return h->displacements.LoadRelaxed() == 0; },
[&](HandleImpl* /*h*/, bool /*is_last*/) {});
void FixedHyperClockTable::EraseUnRefEntries() {
for (size_t i = 0; i <= this->length_bits_mask_; i++) {
HandleImpl& h = array_[i];
uint64_t old_meta = h.meta.LoadRelaxed();
if (old_meta & (uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateShareableBit}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift) &&
GetRefcount(old_meta) == 0 &&
h.meta.CasStrong(old_meta, uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateConstruction}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift)) {
// Took ownership
size_t total_charge = h.GetTotalCharge();
Rollback(h.hashed_key, &h);
FreeDataMarkEmpty(h, allocator_);
template <typename MatchFn, typename AbortFn, typename UpdateFn>
inline FixedHyperClockTable::HandleImpl* FixedHyperClockTable::FindSlot(
const UniqueId64x2& hashed_key, const MatchFn& match_fn,
const AbortFn& abort_fn, const UpdateFn& update_fn) {
// NOTE: upper 32 bits of hashed_key[0] is used for sharding
// We use double-hashing probing. Every probe in the sequence is a
// pseudorandom integer, computed as a linear function of two random hashes,
// which we call base and increment. Specifically, the i-th probe is base + i
// * increment modulo the table size.
size_t base = static_cast<size_t>(hashed_key[1]);
// We use an odd increment, which is relatively prime with the power-of-two
// table size. This implies that we cycle back to the first probe only
// after probing every slot exactly once.
// TODO: we could also reconsider linear probing, though locality benefits
// are limited because each slot is a full cache line
size_t increment = static_cast<size_t>(hashed_key[0]) | 1U;
size_t first = ModTableSize(base);
size_t current = first;
bool is_last;
do {
HandleImpl* h = &array_[current];
if (match_fn(h)) {
return h;
if (abort_fn(h)) {
return nullptr;
current = ModTableSize(current + increment);
is_last = current == first;
update_fn(h, is_last);
} while (!is_last);
// We looped back.
return nullptr;
inline void FixedHyperClockTable::Rollback(const UniqueId64x2& hashed_key,
const HandleImpl* h) {
size_t current = ModTableSize(hashed_key[1]);
size_t increment = static_cast<size_t>(hashed_key[0]) | 1U;
while (&array_[current] != h) {
current = ModTableSize(current + increment);
inline void FixedHyperClockTable::ReclaimEntryUsage(size_t total_charge) {
auto old_occupancy = occupancy_.FetchSub(1U);
// No underflow
assert(old_occupancy > 0);
auto old_usage = usage_.FetchSubRelaxed(total_charge);
// No underflow
assert(old_usage >= total_charge);
inline void FixedHyperClockTable::Evict(size_t requested_charge, InsertState&,
EvictionData* data,
uint32_t eviction_effort_cap) {
// precondition
assert(requested_charge > 0);
// TODO: make a tuning parameter?
constexpr size_t step_size = 4;
// First (concurrent) increment clock pointer
uint64_t old_clock_pointer = clock_pointer_.FetchAddRelaxed(step_size);
// Cap the eviction effort at this thread (along with those operating in
// parallel) circling through the whole structure kMaxCountdown times.
// In other words, this eviction run must find something/anything that is
// unreferenced at start of and during the eviction run that isn't reclaimed
// by a concurrent eviction run.
uint64_t max_clock_pointer =
old_clock_pointer + (ClockHandle::kMaxCountdown << length_bits_);
for (;;) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < step_size; i++) {
HandleImpl& h = array_[ModTableSize(Lower32of64(old_clock_pointer + i))];
bool evicting = ClockUpdate(h, data);
if (evicting) {
Rollback(h.hashed_key, &h);
// Loop exit condition
if (data->freed_charge >= requested_charge) {
if (old_clock_pointer >= max_clock_pointer) {
if (IsEvictionEffortExceeded(*data, eviction_effort_cap)) {
// Advance clock pointer (concurrently)
old_clock_pointer = clock_pointer_.FetchAddRelaxed(step_size);
template <class Table>
size_t capacity, bool strict_capacity_limit,
CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy,
MemoryAllocator* allocator,
const Cache::EvictionCallback* eviction_callback, const uint32_t* hash_seed,
const typename Table::Opts& opts)
: CacheShardBase(metadata_charge_policy),
table_(capacity, metadata_charge_policy, allocator, eviction_callback,
hash_seed, opts),
strict_capacity_limit)) {
// Initial charge metadata should not exceed capacity
assert(table_.GetUsage() <= capacity_.LoadRelaxed() ||
capacity_.LoadRelaxed() < sizeof(HandleImpl));
template <class Table>
void ClockCacheShard<Table>::EraseUnRefEntries() {
template <class Table>
void ClockCacheShard<Table>::ApplyToSomeEntries(
const std::function<void(const Slice& key, Cache::ObjectPtr value,
size_t charge,
const Cache::CacheItemHelper* helper)>& callback,
size_t average_entries_per_lock, size_t* state) {
// The state will be a simple index into the table. Even with a dynamic
// hyper clock cache, entries will generally stay in their existing
// slots, so we don't need to be aware of the high-level organization
// that makes lookup efficient.
size_t length = table_.GetTableSize();
assert(average_entries_per_lock > 0);
size_t index_begin = *state;
size_t index_end = index_begin + average_entries_per_lock;
if (index_end >= length) {
// Going to end.
index_end = length;
*state = SIZE_MAX;
} else {
*state = index_end;
auto hash_seed = table_.GetHashSeed();
[callback, hash_seed](const HandleImpl& h) {
UniqueId64x2 unhashed;
callback(ReverseHash(h.hashed_key, &unhashed, hash_seed), h.value,
h.GetTotalCharge(), h.helper);
table_.HandlePtr(index_begin), table_.HandlePtr(index_end), false);
int FixedHyperClockTable::CalcHashBits(
size_t capacity, size_t estimated_value_size,
CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy) {
double average_slot_charge = estimated_value_size * kLoadFactor;
if (metadata_charge_policy == kFullChargeCacheMetadata) {
average_slot_charge += sizeof(HandleImpl);
assert(average_slot_charge > 0.0);
uint64_t num_slots =
static_cast<uint64_t>(capacity / average_slot_charge + 0.999999);
int hash_bits = FloorLog2((num_slots << 1) - 1);
if (metadata_charge_policy == kFullChargeCacheMetadata) {
// For very small estimated value sizes, it's possible to overshoot
while (hash_bits > 0 &&
uint64_t{sizeof(HandleImpl)} << hash_bits > capacity) {
return hash_bits;
template <class Table>
void ClockCacheShard<Table>::SetCapacity(size_t capacity) {
// next Insert will take care of any necessary evictions
template <class Table>
void ClockCacheShard<Table>::SetStrictCapacityLimit(
bool strict_capacity_limit) {
if (strict_capacity_limit) {
} else {
// next Insert will take care of any necessary evictions
template <class Table>
Status ClockCacheShard<Table>::Insert(const Slice& key,
const UniqueId64x2& hashed_key,
Cache::ObjectPtr value,
const Cache::CacheItemHelper* helper,
size_t charge, HandleImpl** handle,
Cache::Priority priority) {
if (UNLIKELY(key.size() != kCacheKeySize)) {
return Status::NotSupported("ClockCache only supports key size " +
std::to_string(kCacheKeySize) + "B");
ClockHandleBasicData proto;
proto.hashed_key = hashed_key;
proto.value = value;
proto.helper = helper;
proto.total_charge = charge;
return table_.template Insert<Table>(proto, handle, priority,
template <class Table>
typename Table::HandleImpl* ClockCacheShard<Table>::CreateStandalone(
const Slice& key, const UniqueId64x2& hashed_key, Cache::ObjectPtr obj,
const Cache::CacheItemHelper* helper, size_t charge, bool allow_uncharged) {
if (UNLIKELY(key.size() != kCacheKeySize)) {
return nullptr;
ClockHandleBasicData proto;
proto.hashed_key = hashed_key;
proto.value = obj;
proto.helper = helper;
proto.total_charge = charge;
return table_.template CreateStandalone<Table>(proto, capacity_.LoadRelaxed(),
template <class Table>
typename ClockCacheShard<Table>::HandleImpl* ClockCacheShard<Table>::Lookup(
const Slice& key, const UniqueId64x2& hashed_key) {
if (UNLIKELY(key.size() != kCacheKeySize)) {
return nullptr;
return table_.Lookup(hashed_key);
template <class Table>
bool ClockCacheShard<Table>::Ref(HandleImpl* h) {
if (h == nullptr) {
return false;
return true;
template <class Table>
bool ClockCacheShard<Table>::Release(HandleImpl* handle, bool useful,
bool erase_if_last_ref) {
if (handle == nullptr) {
return false;
return table_.Release(handle, useful, erase_if_last_ref);
#ifndef NDEBUG
template <class Table>
void ClockCacheShard<Table>::TEST_RefN(HandleImpl* h, size_t n) {
table_.TEST_RefN(*h, n);
template <class Table>
void ClockCacheShard<Table>::TEST_ReleaseN(HandleImpl* h, size_t n) {
table_.TEST_ReleaseN(h, n);
template <class Table>
bool ClockCacheShard<Table>::Release(HandleImpl* handle,
bool erase_if_last_ref) {
return Release(handle, /*useful=*/true, erase_if_last_ref);
template <class Table>
void ClockCacheShard<Table>::Erase(const Slice& key,
const UniqueId64x2& hashed_key) {
if (UNLIKELY(key.size() != kCacheKeySize)) {
template <class Table>
size_t ClockCacheShard<Table>::GetUsage() const {
return table_.GetUsage();
template <class Table>
size_t ClockCacheShard<Table>::GetStandaloneUsage() const {
return table_.GetStandaloneUsage();
template <class Table>
size_t ClockCacheShard<Table>::GetCapacity() const {
return capacity_.LoadRelaxed();
template <class Table>
size_t ClockCacheShard<Table>::GetPinnedUsage() const {
// Computes the pinned usage by scanning the whole hash table. This
// is slow, but avoids keeping an exact counter on the clock usage,
// i.e., the number of not externally referenced elements.
// Why avoid this counter? Because Lookup removes elements from the clock
// list, so it would need to update the pinned usage every time,
// which creates additional synchronization costs.
size_t table_pinned_usage = 0;
const bool charge_metadata =
metadata_charge_policy_ == kFullChargeCacheMetadata;
[&table_pinned_usage, charge_metadata](const HandleImpl& h) {
uint64_t meta = h.meta.LoadRelaxed();
uint64_t refcount = GetRefcount(meta);
// Holding one ref for ConstApplyToEntriesRange
assert(refcount > 0);
if (refcount > 1) {
table_pinned_usage += h.GetTotalCharge();
if (charge_metadata) {
table_pinned_usage += sizeof(HandleImpl);
table_.HandlePtr(0), table_.HandlePtr(table_.GetTableSize()), true);
return table_pinned_usage + table_.GetStandaloneUsage();
template <class Table>
size_t ClockCacheShard<Table>::GetOccupancyCount() const {
return table_.GetOccupancy();
template <class Table>
size_t ClockCacheShard<Table>::GetOccupancyLimit() const {
return table_.GetOccupancyLimit();
template <class Table>
size_t ClockCacheShard<Table>::GetTableAddressCount() const {
return table_.GetTableSize();
// Explicit instantiation
template class ClockCacheShard<FixedHyperClockTable>;
template class ClockCacheShard<AutoHyperClockTable>;
template <class Table>
const HyperClockCacheOptions& opts)
: ShardedCache<ClockCacheShard<Table>>(opts) {
// TODO: should not need to go through two levels of pointer indirection to
// get to table entries
size_t per_shard = this->GetPerShardCapacity();
MemoryAllocator* alloc = this->memory_allocator();
this->InitShards([&](Shard* cs) {
typename Table::Opts table_opts{opts};
new (cs) Shard(per_shard, opts.strict_capacity_limit,
opts.metadata_charge_policy, alloc,
&this->eviction_callback_, &this->hash_seed_, table_opts);
template <class Table>
Cache::ObjectPtr BaseHyperClockCache<Table>::Value(Handle* handle) {
return static_cast<const typename Table::HandleImpl*>(handle)->value;
template <class Table>
size_t BaseHyperClockCache<Table>::GetCharge(Handle* handle) const {
return static_cast<const typename Table::HandleImpl*>(handle)
template <class Table>
const Cache::CacheItemHelper* BaseHyperClockCache<Table>::GetCacheItemHelper(
Handle* handle) const {
auto h = static_cast<const typename Table::HandleImpl*>(handle);
return h->helper;
namespace {
// For each cache shard, estimate what the table load factor would be if
// cache filled to capacity with average entries. This is considered
// indicative of a potential problem if the shard is essentially operating
// "at limit", which we define as high actual usage (>80% of capacity)
// or actual occupancy very close to limit (>95% of limit).
// Also, for each shard compute the recommended estimated_entry_charge,
// and keep the minimum one for use as overall recommendation.
void AddShardEvaluation(const FixedHyperClockCache::Shard& shard,
std::vector<double>& predicted_load_factors,
size_t& min_recommendation) {
size_t usage = shard.GetUsage() - shard.GetStandaloneUsage();
size_t capacity = shard.GetCapacity();
double usage_ratio = 1.0 * usage / capacity;
size_t occupancy = shard.GetOccupancyCount();
size_t occ_limit = shard.GetOccupancyLimit();
double occ_ratio = 1.0 * occupancy / occ_limit;
if (usage == 0 || occupancy == 0 || (usage_ratio < 0.8 && occ_ratio < 0.95)) {
// Skip as described above
// If filled to capacity, what would the occupancy ratio be?
double ratio = occ_ratio / usage_ratio;
// Given max load factor, what that load factor be?
double lf = ratio * FixedHyperClockTable::kStrictLoadFactor;
// Update min_recommendation also
size_t recommendation = usage / occupancy;
min_recommendation = std::min(min_recommendation, recommendation);
bool IsSlotOccupied(const ClockHandle& h) {
return (h.meta.LoadRelaxed() >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) != 0;
} // namespace
// NOTE: GCC might warn about subobject linkage if this is in anon namespace
template <size_t N = 500>
class LoadVarianceStats {
std::string Report() const {
return "Overall " + PercentStr(positive_count_, samples_) + " (" +
std::to_string(positive_count_) + "/" + std::to_string(samples_) +
"), Min/Max/Window = " + PercentStr(min_, N) + "/" +
PercentStr(max_, N) + "/" + std::to_string(N) +
", MaxRun{Pos/Neg} = " + std::to_string(max_pos_run_) + "/" +
void Add(bool positive) {
recent_[samples_ % N] = positive;
if (positive) {
max_pos_run_ = std::max(max_pos_run_, cur_pos_run_);
cur_neg_run_ = 0;
} else {
max_neg_run_ = std::max(max_neg_run_, cur_neg_run_);
cur_pos_run_ = 0;
if (samples_ >= N) {
size_t count_set = recent_.count();
max_ = std::max(max_, count_set);
min_ = std::min(min_, count_set);
size_t max_ = 0;
size_t min_ = N;
size_t positive_count_ = 0;
size_t samples_ = 0;
size_t max_pos_run_ = 0;
size_t cur_pos_run_ = 0;
size_t max_neg_run_ = 0;
size_t cur_neg_run_ = 0;
std::bitset<N> recent_;
static std::string PercentStr(size_t a, size_t b) {
if (b == 0) {
return "??%";
} else {
return std::to_string(uint64_t{100} * a / b) + "%";
template <class Table>
void BaseHyperClockCache<Table>::ReportProblems(
const std::shared_ptr<Logger>& info_log) const {
if (info_log->GetInfoLogLevel() <= InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL) {
LoadVarianceStats slot_stats;
uint64_t eviction_effort_exceeded_count = 0;
this->ForEachShard([&](const BaseHyperClockCache<Table>::Shard* shard) {
size_t count = shard->GetTableAddressCount();
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
eviction_effort_exceeded_count +=
"Slot occupancy stats: %s", slot_stats.Report().c_str());
"Eviction effort exceeded: %" PRIu64,
void FixedHyperClockCache::ReportProblems(
const std::shared_ptr<Logger>& info_log) const {
uint32_t shard_count = GetNumShards();
std::vector<double> predicted_load_factors;
size_t min_recommendation = SIZE_MAX;
ForEachShard([&](const FixedHyperClockCache::Shard* shard) {
AddShardEvaluation(*shard, predicted_load_factors, min_recommendation);
if (predicted_load_factors.empty()) {
// None operating "at limit" -> nothing to report
std::sort(predicted_load_factors.begin(), predicted_load_factors.end());
// First, if the average load factor is within spec, we aren't going to
// complain about a few shards being out of spec.
// NOTE: this is only the average among cache shards operating "at limit,"
// which should be representative of what we care about. It it normal, even
// desirable, for a cache to operate "at limit" so this should not create
// selection bias. See AddShardEvaluation().
// TODO: Consider detecting cases where decreasing the number of shards
// would be good, e.g. serious imbalance among shards.
double average_load_factor =
predicted_load_factors.end(), 0.0) /
constexpr double kLowSpecLoadFactor = FixedHyperClockTable::kLoadFactor / 2;
constexpr double kMidSpecLoadFactor =
FixedHyperClockTable::kLoadFactor / 1.414;
if (average_load_factor > FixedHyperClockTable::kLoadFactor) {
// Out of spec => Consider reporting load factor too high
// Estimate effective overall capacity loss due to enforcing occupancy limit
double lost_portion = 0.0;
int over_count = 0;
for (double lf : predicted_load_factors) {
if (lf > FixedHyperClockTable::kStrictLoadFactor) {
lost_portion +=
(lf - FixedHyperClockTable::kStrictLoadFactor) / lf / shard_count;
// >= 20% loss -> error
// >= 10% loss -> consistent warning
// >= 1% loss -> intermittent warning
InfoLogLevel level = InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL;
bool report = true;
if (lost_portion > 0.2) {
level = InfoLogLevel::ERROR_LEVEL;
} else if (lost_portion > 0.1) {
level = InfoLogLevel::WARN_LEVEL;
} else if (lost_portion > 0.01) {
int report_percent = static_cast<int>(lost_portion * 100.0);
if (Random::GetTLSInstance()->PercentTrue(report_percent)) {
level = InfoLogLevel::WARN_LEVEL;
} else {
// don't report
report = false;
if (report) {
info_log, level,
"FixedHyperClockCache@%p unable to use estimated %.1f%% capacity "
"because of full occupancy in %d/%u cache shards "
"(estimated_entry_charge too high). "
"Recommend estimated_entry_charge=%zu",
this, lost_portion * 100.0, over_count, (unsigned)shard_count,
} else if (average_load_factor < kLowSpecLoadFactor) {
// Out of spec => Consider reporting load factor too low
// But cautiously because low is not as big of a problem.
// Only report if highest occupancy shard is also below
// spec and only if average is substantially out of spec
if (predicted_load_factors.back() < kLowSpecLoadFactor &&
average_load_factor < kLowSpecLoadFactor / 1.414) {
InfoLogLevel level = InfoLogLevel::INFO_LEVEL;
if (average_load_factor < kLowSpecLoadFactor / 2) {
level = InfoLogLevel::WARN_LEVEL;
info_log, level,
"FixedHyperClockCache@%p table has low occupancy at full capacity. "
"Higher estimated_entry_charge (about %.1fx) would likely improve "
"performance. Recommend estimated_entry_charge=%zu",
this, kMidSpecLoadFactor / average_load_factor, min_recommendation);
// =======================================================================
// AutoHyperClockCache
// =======================================================================
// See AutoHyperClockTable::length_info_ etc. for how the linear hashing
// metadata is encoded. Here are some example values:
// Used length | min shift | threshold | max shift
// 2 | 1 | 0 | 1
// 3 | 1 | 1 | 2
// 4 | 2 | 0 | 2
// 5 | 2 | 1 | 3
// 6 | 2 | 2 | 3
// 7 | 2 | 3 | 3
// 8 | 3 | 0 | 3
// 9 | 3 | 1 | 4
// ...
// Note:
// * min shift = floor(log2(used length))
// * max shift = ceil(log2(used length))
// * used length == (1 << shift) + threshold
// Also, shift=0 is never used in practice, so is reserved for "unset"
namespace {
inline int LengthInfoToMinShift(uint64_t length_info) {
int mask_shift = BitwiseAnd(length_info, int{255});
assert(mask_shift <= 63);
assert(mask_shift > 0);
return mask_shift;
inline size_t LengthInfoToThreshold(uint64_t length_info) {
return static_cast<size_t>(length_info >> 8);
inline size_t LengthInfoToUsedLength(uint64_t length_info) {
size_t threshold = LengthInfoToThreshold(length_info);
int shift = LengthInfoToMinShift(length_info);
assert(threshold < (size_t{1} << shift));
size_t used_length = (size_t{1} << shift) + threshold;
assert(used_length >= 2);
return used_length;
inline uint64_t UsedLengthToLengthInfo(size_t used_length) {
assert(used_length >= 2);
int shift = FloorLog2(used_length);
uint64_t threshold = BottomNBits(used_length, shift);
uint64_t length_info =
(uint64_t{threshold} << 8) + static_cast<uint64_t>(shift);
assert(LengthInfoToUsedLength(length_info) == used_length);
assert(LengthInfoToMinShift(length_info) == shift);
assert(LengthInfoToThreshold(length_info) == threshold);
return length_info;
inline size_t GetStartingLength(size_t capacity) {
if (capacity > port::kPageSize) {
// Start with one memory page
return port::kPageSize / sizeof(AutoHyperClockTable::HandleImpl);
} else {
// Mostly to make unit tests happy
return 4;
inline size_t GetHomeIndex(uint64_t hash, int shift) {
return static_cast<size_t>(BottomNBits(hash, shift));
inline void GetHomeIndexAndShift(uint64_t length_info, uint64_t hash,
size_t* home, int* shift) {
int min_shift = LengthInfoToMinShift(length_info);
size_t threshold = LengthInfoToThreshold(length_info);
bool extra_shift = GetHomeIndex(hash, min_shift) < threshold;
*home = GetHomeIndex(hash, min_shift + extra_shift);
*shift = min_shift + extra_shift;
assert(*home < LengthInfoToUsedLength(length_info));
inline int GetShiftFromNextWithShift(uint64_t next_with_shift) {
return BitwiseAnd(next_with_shift,
inline size_t GetNextFromNextWithShift(uint64_t next_with_shift) {
return static_cast<size_t>(next_with_shift >>
inline uint64_t MakeNextWithShift(size_t next, int shift) {
return (uint64_t{next} << AutoHyperClockTable::HandleImpl::kNextShift) |
inline uint64_t MakeNextWithShiftEnd(size_t head, int shift) {
return AutoHyperClockTable::HandleImpl::kNextEndFlags |
MakeNextWithShift(head, shift);
// Helper function for Lookup
inline bool MatchAndRef(const UniqueId64x2* hashed_key, const ClockHandle& h,
int shift = 0, size_t home = 0,
bool* full_match_or_unknown = nullptr) {
// Must be at least something to match
assert(hashed_key || shift > 0);
uint64_t old_meta;
// (Optimistically) increment acquire counter.
old_meta = h.meta.FetchAdd(ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement);
// Check if it's a referencable (sharable) entry
if ((old_meta & (uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateShareableBit}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift)) == 0) {
// For non-sharable states, incrementing the acquire counter has no effect
// so we don't need to undo it. Furthermore, we cannot safely undo
// it because we did not acquire a read reference to lock the
// entry in a Shareable state.
if (full_match_or_unknown) {
*full_match_or_unknown = true;
return false;
// Else acquired a read reference
assert(GetRefcount(old_meta + ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement) > 0);
if (hashed_key && h.hashed_key == *hashed_key &&
LIKELY(old_meta & (uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateVisibleBit}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift))) {
// Match on full key, visible
if (full_match_or_unknown) {
*full_match_or_unknown = true;
return true;
} else if (shift > 0 && home == BottomNBits(h.hashed_key[1], shift)) {
// NOTE: upper 32 bits of hashed_key[0] is used for sharding
// Match on home address, possibly invisible
if (full_match_or_unknown) {
*full_match_or_unknown = false;
return true;
} else {
// Mismatch. Pretend we never took the reference
if (full_match_or_unknown) {
*full_match_or_unknown = false;
return false;
// Assumes a chain rewrite lock prevents concurrent modification of
// these chain pointers
void UpgradeShiftsOnRange(AutoHyperClockTable::HandleImpl* arr,
size_t& frontier, uint64_t stop_before_or_new_tail,
int old_shift, int new_shift) {
assert(frontier != SIZE_MAX);
assert(new_shift == old_shift + 1);
using HandleImpl = AutoHyperClockTable::HandleImpl;
for (;;) {
uint64_t next_with_shift = arr[frontier].chain_next_with_shift.Load();
assert(GetShiftFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift) == old_shift);
if (next_with_shift == stop_before_or_new_tail) {
// Stopping at entry with pointer matching "stop before"
if (HandleImpl::IsEnd(next_with_shift)) {
// Also update tail to new tail
// Mark nothing left to upgrade
frontier = SIZE_MAX;
// Next is another entry to process, so upgrade and advance frontier
assert(GetShiftFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift + 1) == new_shift);
frontier = GetNextFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift);
size_t CalcOccupancyLimit(size_t used_length) {
return static_cast<size_t>(used_length * AutoHyperClockTable::kMaxLoadFactor +
} // namespace
// An RAII wrapper for locking a chain of entries (flag bit on the head)
// so that there is only one thread allowed to remove entries from the
// chain, or to rewrite it by splitting for Grow. Without the lock,
// all lookups and insertions at the head can proceed wait-free.
// The class also provides functions for safely manipulating the head pointer
// while holding the lock--or wanting to should it become non-empty.
// The flag bits on the head are such that the head cannot be locked if it
// is an empty chain, so that a "blind" FetchOr will try to lock a non-empty
// chain but have no effect on an empty chain. When a potential rewrite
// operation see an empty head pointer, there is no need to lock as the
// operation is a no-op. However, there are some cases such as CAS-update
// where locking might be required after initially not being needed, if the
// operation is forced to revisit the head pointer.
class AutoHyperClockTable::ChainRewriteLock {
using HandleImpl = AutoHyperClockTable::HandleImpl;
// Acquire lock if head of h is not an end
explicit ChainRewriteLock(HandleImpl* h, RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t>& yield_count)
: head_ptr_(&h->head_next_with_shift) {
// RAII wrap existing lock held (or end)
explicit ChainRewriteLock(HandleImpl* h,
RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t>& /*yield_count*/,
uint64_t already_locked_or_end)
: head_ptr_(&h->head_next_with_shift) {
saved_head_ = already_locked_or_end;
// already locked or end
assert(saved_head_ & HandleImpl::kHeadLocked);
~ChainRewriteLock() {
if (!IsEnd()) {
// Release lock
uint64_t old = head_ptr_->FetchAnd(~HandleImpl::kHeadLocked);
assert((old & HandleImpl::kNextEndFlags) == HandleImpl::kHeadLocked);
void Reset(HandleImpl* h, RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t>& yield_count) {
new (this) ChainRewriteLock(h, yield_count);
// Expected current state, assuming no parallel updates.
uint64_t GetSavedHead() const { return saved_head_; }
bool CasUpdate(uint64_t next_with_shift,
RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t>& yield_count) {
uint64_t new_head = next_with_shift | HandleImpl::kHeadLocked;
uint64_t expected = GetSavedHead();
bool success = head_ptr_->CasStrong(expected, new_head);
if (success) {
// Ensure IsEnd() is kept up-to-date, including for dtor
saved_head_ = new_head;
} else {
// Parallel update to head, such as Insert()
if (IsEnd()) {
// Didn't previously hold a lock
if (HandleImpl::IsEnd(expected)) {
// Still don't need to
saved_head_ = expected;
} else {
// Need to acquire lock before proceeding
} else {
// Parallel update must preserve our lock
assert((expected & HandleImpl::kNextEndFlags) ==
saved_head_ = expected;
return success;
bool IsEnd() const { return HandleImpl::IsEnd(saved_head_); }
void Acquire(RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t>& yield_count) {
for (;;) {
// Acquire removal lock on the chain
uint64_t old_head = head_ptr_->FetchOr(HandleImpl::kHeadLocked);
if ((old_head & HandleImpl::kNextEndFlags) != HandleImpl::kHeadLocked) {
// Either acquired the lock or lock not needed (end)
assert((old_head & HandleImpl::kNextEndFlags) == 0 ||
(old_head & HandleImpl::kNextEndFlags) ==
saved_head_ = old_head | HandleImpl::kHeadLocked;
// NOTE: one of the few yield-wait loops, which is rare enough in practice
// for its performance to be insignificant. (E.g. using C++20 atomic
// wait/notify would likely be worse because of wasted notify costs.)
AcqRelAtomic<uint64_t>* head_ptr_;
uint64_t saved_head_;
size_t capacity, CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy,
MemoryAllocator* allocator,
const Cache::EvictionCallback* eviction_callback, const uint32_t* hash_seed,
const Opts& opts)
: BaseClockTable(metadata_charge_policy, allocator, eviction_callback,
sizeof(HandleImpl) * CalcMaxUsableLength(capacity,
BottomNBits(UINT64_MAX, LengthInfoToMinShift(length_info_.Load()))) {
if (metadata_charge_policy ==
CacheMetadataChargePolicy::kFullChargeCacheMetadata) {
// NOTE: ignoring page boundaries for simplicity
usage_.FetchAddRelaxed(size_t{GetTableSize()} * sizeof(HandleImpl));
static_assert(sizeof(HandleImpl) == 64U,
"Expecting size / alignment with common cache line size");
// Populate head pointers
uint64_t length_info = length_info_.Load();
int min_shift = LengthInfoToMinShift(length_info);
int max_shift = min_shift + 1;
size_t major = uint64_t{1} << min_shift;
size_t used_length = GetTableSize();
assert(major <= used_length);
assert(used_length <= major * 2);
// Initialize the initial usable set of slots. This slightly odd iteration
// order makes it easier to get the correct shift amount on each head.
for (size_t i = 0; i < major; ++i) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
int shift;
size_t home;
if (major + i < used_length) {
MakeNextWithShiftEnd(i, max_shift));
array_[major + i].head_next_with_shift.StoreRelaxed(
MakeNextWithShiftEnd(major + i, max_shift));
#ifndef NDEBUG // Extra invariant checking
GetHomeIndexAndShift(length_info, i, &home, &shift);
assert(home == i);
assert(shift == max_shift);
GetHomeIndexAndShift(length_info, major + i, &home, &shift);
assert(home == major + i);
assert(shift == max_shift);
} else {
MakeNextWithShiftEnd(i, min_shift));
#ifndef NDEBUG // Extra invariant checking
GetHomeIndexAndShift(length_info, i, &home, &shift);
assert(home == i);
assert(shift == min_shift);
GetHomeIndexAndShift(length_info, major + i, &home, &shift);
assert(home == i);
assert(shift == min_shift);
AutoHyperClockTable::~AutoHyperClockTable() {
// As usual, destructor assumes there are no references or active operations
// on any slot/element in the table.
// It's possible that there were not enough Insert() after final concurrent
// Grow to ensure length_info_ (published GetTableSize()) is fully up to
// date. Probe for first unused slot to ensure we see the whole structure.
size_t used_end = GetTableSize();
while (used_end < array_.Count() &&
array_[used_end].head_next_with_shift.LoadRelaxed() !=
HandleImpl::kUnusedMarker) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (size_t i = used_end; i < array_.Count(); i++) {
assert(array_[i].head_next_with_shift.LoadRelaxed() == 0);
assert(array_[i].chain_next_with_shift.LoadRelaxed() == 0);
assert(array_[i].meta.LoadRelaxed() == 0);
std::vector<bool> was_populated(used_end);
std::vector<bool> was_pointed_to(used_end);
for (size_t i = 0; i < used_end; i++) {
HandleImpl& h = array_[i];
switch (h.meta.LoadRelaxed() >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) {
case ClockHandle::kStateEmpty:
// noop
case ClockHandle::kStateInvisible: // rare but possible
case ClockHandle::kStateVisible:
assert(GetRefcount(h.meta.LoadRelaxed()) == 0);
#ifndef NDEBUG // Extra invariant checking
was_populated[i] = true;
if (!HandleImpl::IsEnd(h.chain_next_with_shift.LoadRelaxed())) {
assert((h.chain_next_with_shift.LoadRelaxed() &
HandleImpl::kHeadLocked) == 0);
size_t next =
was_pointed_to[next] = true;
// otherwise
#ifndef NDEBUG // Extra invariant checking
if (!HandleImpl::IsEnd(h.head_next_with_shift.LoadRelaxed())) {
size_t next =
was_pointed_to[next] = true;
#ifndef NDEBUG // Extra invariant checking
// This check is not perfect, but should detect most reasonable cases
// of abandonned or floating entries, etc. (A floating cycle would not
// be reported as bad.)
for (size_t i = 0; i < used_end; i++) {
if (was_populated[i]) {
} else {
// Metadata charging only follows the published table size
assert(usage_.LoadRelaxed() == 0 ||
usage_.LoadRelaxed() == GetTableSize() * sizeof(HandleImpl));
assert(occupancy_.LoadRelaxed() == 0);
size_t AutoHyperClockTable::GetTableSize() const {
return LengthInfoToUsedLength(length_info_.Load());
size_t AutoHyperClockTable::GetOccupancyLimit() const {
return occupancy_limit_.LoadRelaxed();
void AutoHyperClockTable::StartInsert(InsertState& state) {
state.saved_length_info = length_info_.Load();
// Because we have linked lists, bugs or even hardware errors can make it
// possible to create a cycle, which would lead to infinite loop.
// Furthermore, when we have retry cases in the code, we want to be sure
// these are not (and do not become) spin-wait loops. Given the assumption
// of quality hashing and the infeasibility of consistently recurring
// concurrent modifications to an entry or chain, we can safely bound the
// number of loop iterations in feasible operation, whether following chain
// pointers or retrying with some backtracking. A smaller limit is used for
// stress testing, to detect potential issues such as cycles or spin-waits,
// and a larger limit is used to break cycles should they occur in production.
{ \
assert(i < 768); \
if (UNLIKELY(i >= 4096)) { \
std::terminate(); \
} \
bool AutoHyperClockTable::GrowIfNeeded(size_t new_occupancy,
InsertState& state) {
// new_occupancy has taken into account other threads that are also trying
// to insert, so as soon as we see sufficient *published* usable size, we
// can declare success even if we aren't the one that grows the table.
// However, there's an awkward state where other threads own growing the
// table to sufficient usable size, but the udpated size is not yet
// published. If we wait, then that likely slows the ramp-up cache
// performance. If we unblock ourselves by ensuring we grow by at least one
// slot, we could technically overshoot required size by number of parallel
// threads accessing block cache. On balance considering typical cases and
// the modest consequences of table being slightly too large, the latter
// seems preferable.
// So if the published occupancy limit is too small, we unblock ourselves
// by committing to growing the table by at least one slot. Also note that
// we might need to grow more than once to actually increase the occupancy
// limit (due to max load factor < 1.0)
while (UNLIKELY(new_occupancy > occupancy_limit_.LoadRelaxed())) {
// At this point we commit the thread to growing unless we've reached the
// limit (returns false).
if (!Grow(state)) {
return false;
// Success (didn't need to grow, or did successfully)
return true;
bool AutoHyperClockTable::Grow(InsertState& state) {
// Allocate the next grow slot
size_t grow_home = grow_frontier_.FetchAddRelaxed(1);
if (grow_home >= array_.Count()) {
// Can't grow any more.
// (Tested by unit test ClockCacheTest/Limits)
// Make sure we don't overflow grow_frontier_ by reaching here repeatedly
return false;
// This is useful in reproducing concurrency issues in Grow()
while (Random::GetTLSInstance()->OneIn(2)) {
// Basically, to implement
// entries that belong in a new chain starting at grow_home will be
// split off from the chain starting at old_home, which is computed here.
int old_shift = FloorLog2(grow_home);
size_t old_home = BottomNBits(grow_home, old_shift);
assert(old_home + (size_t{1} << old_shift) == grow_home);
// Wait here to ensure any Grow operations that would directly feed into
// this one are finished, though the full waiting actually completes in
// acquiring the rewrite lock for old_home in SplitForGrow. Here we ensure
// the expected shift amount has been reached, and there we ensure the
// chain rewrite lock has been released.
size_t old_old_home = BottomNBits(grow_home, old_shift - 1);
for (;;) {
uint64_t old_old_head = array_[old_old_home].head_next_with_shift.Load();
if (GetShiftFromNextWithShift(old_old_head) >= old_shift) {
if ((old_old_head & HandleImpl::kNextEndFlags) !=
HandleImpl::kHeadLocked) {
// NOTE: one of the few yield-wait loops, which is rare enough in practice
// for its performance to be insignificant.
// Do the dirty work of splitting the chain, including updating heads and
// chain nexts for new shift amounts.
SplitForGrow(grow_home, old_home, old_shift);
// length_info_ can be updated any time after the new shift amount is
// published to both heads, potentially before the end of SplitForGrow.
// But we also can't update length_info_ until the previous Grow operation
// (with grow_home := this grow_home - 1) has published the new shift amount
// to both of its heads. However, we don't want to artificially wait here
// on that Grow that is otherwise irrelevant.
// We could have each Grow operation advance length_info_ here as far as it
// can without waiting, by checking for updated shift on the corresponding
// old home and also stopping at an empty head value for possible grow_home.
// However, this could increase CPU cache line sharing and in 1/64 cases
// bring in an extra page from our mmap.
// Instead, part of the strategy is delegated to DoInsert():
// * Here we try to bring length_info_ up to date with this grow_home as
// much as we can without waiting. It will fall short if a previous Grow
// is still between reserving the grow slot and making the first big step
// to publish the new shift amount.
// * To avoid length_info_ being perpetually out-of-date (for a small number
// of heads) after our last Grow, we do the same when Insert has to "fall
// forward" due to length_info_ being out-of-date.
// See usage in DoInsert()
state.likely_empty_slot = grow_home;
// Success
return true;
// See call in Grow()
void AutoHyperClockTable::CatchUpLengthInfoNoWait(
size_t known_usable_grow_home) {
uint64_t current_length_info = length_info_.Load();
size_t published_usable_size = LengthInfoToUsedLength(current_length_info);
while (published_usable_size <= known_usable_grow_home) {
// For when published_usable_size was grow_home
size_t next_usable_size = published_usable_size + 1;
uint64_t next_length_info = UsedLengthToLengthInfo(next_usable_size);
// known_usable_grow_home is known to be ready for Lookup/Insert with
// the new shift amount, but between that and published usable size, we
// need to check.
if (published_usable_size < known_usable_grow_home) {
int old_shift = FloorLog2(next_usable_size - 1);
size_t old_home = BottomNBits(published_usable_size, old_shift);
int shift = GetShiftFromNextWithShift(
if (shift <= old_shift) {
// Not ready
// CAS update length_info_. This only moves in one direction, so if CAS
// fails, someone else made progress like we are trying, and we can just
// pick up the new value and keep going as appropriate.
if (length_info_.CasStrong(current_length_info, next_length_info)) {
current_length_info = next_length_info;
// Update usage_ if metadata charge policy calls for it
if (metadata_charge_policy_ ==
CacheMetadataChargePolicy::kFullChargeCacheMetadata) {
// NOTE: ignoring page boundaries for simplicity
published_usable_size = LengthInfoToUsedLength(current_length_info);
// After updating lengh_info_ we can update occupancy_limit_,
// allowing for later operations to update it before us.
// Note: there is no AcqRelAtomic max operation, so we have to use a CAS loop
size_t old_occupancy_limit = occupancy_limit_.LoadRelaxed();
size_t new_occupancy_limit = CalcOccupancyLimit(published_usable_size);
while (old_occupancy_limit < new_occupancy_limit) {
if (occupancy_limit_.CasWeakRelaxed(old_occupancy_limit,
new_occupancy_limit)) {
void AutoHyperClockTable::SplitForGrow(size_t grow_home, size_t old_home,
int old_shift) {
int new_shift = old_shift + 1;
HandleImpl* const arr = array_.Get();
// We implement a somewhat complicated splitting algorithm to ensure that
// entries are always wait-free visible to Lookup, without Lookup needing
// to double-check length_info_ to ensure every potentially relevant
// existing entry is seen. This works step-by-step, carefully sharing
// unmigrated parts of the chain between the source chain and the new
// destination chain. This means that Lookup might see a partially migrated
// chain so has to take that into consideration when checking that it hasn't
// "jumped off" its intended chain (due to a parallel modification to an
// "under (de)construction" entry that was found on the chain but has
// been reassigned).
// We use a "rewrite lock" on the source and desination chains to exclude
// removals from those, and we have a prior waiting step that ensures any Grow
// operations feeding into this one have completed. But this process does have
// to gracefully handle concurrent insertions to the head of the source chain,
// and once marked ready, the destination chain.
// With those considerations, the migration starts with one "big step,"
// potentially with retries to deal with insertions in parallel. Part of the
// big step is to mark the two chain heads as updated with the new shift
// amount, which redirects Lookups to the appropriate new chain.
// After that big step that updates the heads, the rewrite lock makes it
// relatively easy to deal with the rest of the migration. Big
// simplifications come from being able to read the hashed_key of each
// entry on the chain without needing to hold a read reference, and
// from never "jumping our to another chain." Concurrent insertions only
// happen at the chain head, which is outside of what is left to migrate.
// A series of smaller steps finishes splitting apart the existing chain into
// two distinct chains, followed by some steps to fully commit the result.
// Except for trivial cases in which all entries (or remaining entries)
// on the input chain go to one output chain, there is an important invariant
// after each step of migration, including after the initial "big step":
// For each output chain, the "zero chain" (new hash bit is zero) and the
// "one chain" (new hash bit is one) we have a "frontier" entry marking the
// boundary between what has been migrated and what has not. One of the
// frontiers is along the old chain after the other, and all entries between
// them are for the same target chain as the earlier frontier. Thus, the
// chains share linked list tails starting at the latter frontier. All
// pointers from the new head locations to the frontier entries are marked
// with the new shift amount, while all pointers after the frontiers use the
// old shift amount.
// And after each step there is a strengthening step to reach a stronger
// invariant: the frontier earlier in the original chain is advanced to be
// immediately before the other frontier.
// Consider this original input chain,
// OldHome -Old-> A0 -Old-> B0 -Old-> A1 -Old-> C0 -Old-> OldHome(End)
// GrowHome (empty)
// == BIG STEP ==
// The initial big step finds the first entry that will be on the each
// output chain (in this case A0 and A1). We use brackets ([]) to mark them
// as our prospective frontiers.
// OldHome -Old-> [A0] -Old-> B0 -Old-> [A1] -Old-> C0 -Old-> OldHome(End)
// GrowHome (empty)
// Next we speculatively update grow_home head to point to the first entry for
// the one chain. This will not be used by Lookup until the head at old_home
// uses the new shift amount.
// OldHome -Old-> [A0] -Old-> B0 -Old-> [A1] -Old-> C0 -Old-> OldHome(End)
// GrowHome --------------New------------/
// Observe that if Lookup were to use the new head at GrowHome, it would be
// able to find all relevant entries. Finishing the initial big step
// requires a CAS (compare_exchange) of the OldHome head because there
// might have been parallel insertions there, in which case we roll back
// and try again. (We might need to point GrowHome head differently.)
// OldHome -New-> [A0] -Old-> B0 -Old-> [A1] -Old-> C0 -Old-> OldHome(End)
// GrowHome --------------New------------/
// Upgrading the OldHome head pointer with the new shift amount, with a
// compare_exchange, completes the initial big step, with [A0] as zero
// chain frontier and [A1] as one chain frontier. Links before the frontiers
// use the new shift amount and links after use the old shift amount.
// == END BIG STEP==
// Zero chain frontier is advanced to [B0] (immediately before other
// frontier) by updating pointers with new shift amounts.
// OldHome -New-> A0 -New-> [B0] -Old-> [A1] -Old-> C0 -Old-> OldHome(End)
// GrowHome -------------New-----------/
// == SMALL STEP #1 ==
// From the strong invariant state, we need to find the next entry for
// the new chain with the earlier frontier. In this case, we need to find
// the next entry for the zero chain that comes after [B0], which in this
// case is C0. This will be our next zero chain frontier, at least under
// the weak invariant. To get there, we simply update the link between
// the current two frontiers to skip over the entries irreleveant to the
// ealier frontier chain. In this case, the zero chain skips over A1. As a
// result, he other chain is now the "earlier."
// OldHome -New-> A0 -New-> B0 -New-> [C0] -Old-> OldHome(End)
// GrowHome -New-> [A1] ------Old-----/
// == END SMALL STEP #1 ==
// Repeating the cycle and end handling is not as interesting.
// Acquire rewrite lock on zero chain (if it's non-empty)
ChainRewriteLock zero_head_lock(&arr[old_home], yield_count_);
// Used for locking the one chain below
uint64_t saved_one_head;
// One head has not been written to
assert(arr[grow_home].head_next_with_shift.Load() == 0);
// old_home will also the head of the new "zero chain" -- all entries in the
// "from" chain whose next hash bit is 0. grow_home will be head of the new
// "one chain".
// For these, SIZE_MAX is like nullptr (unknown)
size_t zero_chain_frontier = SIZE_MAX;
size_t one_chain_frontier = SIZE_MAX;
size_t cur = SIZE_MAX;
// Set to 0 (zero chain frontier earlier), 1 (one chain), or -1 (unknown)
int chain_frontier_first = -1;
// Might need to retry initial update of heads
for (int i = 0;; ++i) {
assert(zero_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX);
assert(one_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX);
assert(cur == SIZE_MAX);
assert(chain_frontier_first == -1);
uint64_t next_with_shift = zero_head_lock.GetSavedHead();
// Find a single representative for each target chain, or scan the whole
// chain if some target chain has no representative.
for (;; ++i) {
// Loop invariants
assert((chain_frontier_first < 0) == (zero_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX &&
one_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX));
assert((cur == SIZE_MAX) == (zero_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX &&
one_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX));
assert(GetShiftFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift) == old_shift);
// Check for end of original chain
if (HandleImpl::IsEnd(next_with_shift)) {
cur = SIZE_MAX;
// next_with_shift is not End
cur = GetNextFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift);
if (BottomNBits(arr[cur].hashed_key[1], new_shift) == old_home) {
// Entry for zero chain
if (zero_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX) {
zero_chain_frontier = cur;
if (one_chain_frontier != SIZE_MAX) {
// Ready to update heads
// Nothing yet for one chain
chain_frontier_first = 0;
} else {
assert(BottomNBits(arr[cur].hashed_key[1], new_shift) == grow_home);
// Entry for one chain
if (one_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX) {
one_chain_frontier = cur;
if (zero_chain_frontier != SIZE_MAX) {
// Ready to update heads
// Nothing yet for zero chain
chain_frontier_first = 1;
next_with_shift = arr[cur].chain_next_with_shift.Load();
// Try to update heads for initial migration info
// We only reached the end of the migrate-from chain already if one of the
// target chains will be empty.
assert((cur == SIZE_MAX) ==
(zero_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX || one_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX));
assert((chain_frontier_first < 0) ==
(zero_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX && one_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX));
// Always update one chain's head first (safe), and mark it as locked
saved_one_head = HandleImpl::kHeadLocked |
(one_chain_frontier != SIZE_MAX
? MakeNextWithShift(one_chain_frontier, new_shift)
: MakeNextWithShiftEnd(grow_home, new_shift));
// Make sure length_info_ hasn't been updated too early, as we're about
// to make the change that makes it safe to update (e.g. in DoInsert())
assert(LengthInfoToUsedLength(length_info_.Load()) <= grow_home);
// Try to set zero's head.
if (zero_head_lock.CasUpdate(
zero_chain_frontier != SIZE_MAX
? MakeNextWithShift(zero_chain_frontier, new_shift)
: MakeNextWithShiftEnd(old_home, new_shift),
yield_count_)) {
// Both heads successfully updated to new shift
} else {
// Concurrent insertion. This should not happen too many times.
// The easiest solution is to restart.
zero_chain_frontier = SIZE_MAX;
one_chain_frontier = SIZE_MAX;
cur = SIZE_MAX;
chain_frontier_first = -1;
// Create an RAII wrapper for the one chain rewrite lock we are already
// holding (if was not end) and is now "published" after successful CAS on
// zero chain head.
ChainRewriteLock one_head_lock(&arr[grow_home], yield_count_, saved_one_head);
// Except for trivial cases, we have something like
// AHome -New-> [A0] -Old-> [B0] -Old-> [C0] \ |
// BHome --------------------New------------> [A1] -Old-> ...
// And we need to upgrade as much as we can on the "first" chain
// (the one eventually pointing to the other's frontier). This will
// also finish off any case in which one of the target chains will be empty.
if (chain_frontier_first >= 0) {
size_t& first_frontier = chain_frontier_first == 0
? /*&*/ zero_chain_frontier
: /*&*/ one_chain_frontier;
size_t& other_frontier = chain_frontier_first != 0
? /*&*/ zero_chain_frontier
: /*&*/ one_chain_frontier;
uint64_t stop_before_or_new_tail =
other_frontier != SIZE_MAX
? /*stop before*/ MakeNextWithShift(other_frontier, old_shift)
: /*new tail*/ MakeNextWithShiftEnd(
chain_frontier_first == 0 ? old_home : grow_home, new_shift);
UpgradeShiftsOnRange(arr, first_frontier, stop_before_or_new_tail,
old_shift, new_shift);
if (zero_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX) {
// Already finished migrating
assert(one_chain_frontier == SIZE_MAX);
assert(cur == SIZE_MAX);
} else {
// Still need to migrate between two target chains
for (int i = 0;; ++i) {
// Overall loop invariants
assert(zero_chain_frontier != SIZE_MAX);
assert(one_chain_frontier != SIZE_MAX);
assert(cur != SIZE_MAX);
assert(chain_frontier_first >= 0);
size_t& first_frontier = chain_frontier_first == 0
? /*&*/ zero_chain_frontier
: /*&*/ one_chain_frontier;
size_t& other_frontier = chain_frontier_first != 0
? /*&*/ zero_chain_frontier
: /*&*/ one_chain_frontier;
assert(cur != first_frontier);
arr[first_frontier].chain_next_with_shift.Load()) ==
uint64_t next_with_shift = arr[cur].chain_next_with_shift.Load();
// Check for end of original chain
if (HandleImpl::IsEnd(next_with_shift)) {
// Can set upgraded tail on first chain
uint64_t first_new_tail = MakeNextWithShiftEnd(
chain_frontier_first == 0 ? old_home : grow_home, new_shift);
// And upgrade remainder of other chain
uint64_t other_new_tail = MakeNextWithShiftEnd(
chain_frontier_first != 0 ? old_home : grow_home, new_shift);
UpgradeShiftsOnRange(arr, other_frontier, other_new_tail, old_shift,
assert(other_frontier == SIZE_MAX); // Finished
// next_with_shift is not End
cur = GetNextFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift);
int target_chain;
if (BottomNBits(arr[cur].hashed_key[1], new_shift) == old_home) {
// Entry for zero chain
target_chain = 0;
} else {
assert(BottomNBits(arr[cur].hashed_key[1], new_shift) == grow_home);
// Entry for one chain
target_chain = 1;
if (target_chain == chain_frontier_first) {
// Found next entry to skip to on the first chain
uint64_t skip_to = MakeNextWithShift(cur, new_shift);
first_frontier = cur;
// Upgrade other chain up to entry before that one
UpgradeShiftsOnRange(arr, other_frontier, next_with_shift, old_shift,
// Swap which is marked as first
chain_frontier_first = 1 - chain_frontier_first;
} else {
// Nothing to do yet, as we need to keep old generation pointers in
// place for lookups
// Variant of PurgeImplLocked: Removes all "under (de) construction" entries
// from a chain where already holding a rewrite lock
using PurgeLockedOpData = void;
// Variant of PurgeImplLocked: Clock-updates all entries in a chain, in
// addition to functionality of PurgeLocked, where already holding a rewrite
// lock. (Caller finalizes eviction on entries added to the autovector, in part
// so that we don't hold the rewrite lock while doing potentially expensive
// callback and allocator free.)
using ClockUpdateChainLockedOpData =
template <class OpData>
void AutoHyperClockTable::PurgeImplLocked(OpData* op_data,
ChainRewriteLock& rewrite_lock,
size_t home,
BaseClockTable::EvictionData* data) {
constexpr bool kIsPurge = std::is_same_v<OpData, PurgeLockedOpData>;
constexpr bool kIsClockUpdateChain =
std::is_same_v<OpData, ClockUpdateChainLockedOpData>;
// Exactly one op specified
static_assert(kIsPurge + kIsClockUpdateChain == 1);
HandleImpl* const arr = array_.Get();
uint64_t next_with_shift = rewrite_lock.GetSavedHead();
int home_shift = GetShiftFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift);
size_t next = GetNextFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift);
assert(next < array_.Count());
HandleImpl* h = &arr[next];
HandleImpl* prev_to_keep = nullptr;
#ifndef NDEBUG
uint64_t prev_to_keep_next_with_shift = 0;
// Whether there are entries between h and prev_to_keep that should be
// purged from the chain.
bool pending_purge = false;
// Walk the chain, and stitch together any entries that are still
// "shareable," possibly after clock update. prev_to_keep tells us where
// the last "stitch back to" location is (nullptr => head).
for (size_t i = 0;; ++i) {
bool purgeable = false;
// In last iteration, h will be nullptr, to stitch together the tail of
// the chain.
if (h) {
// NOTE: holding a rewrite lock on the chain prevents any "under
// (de)construction" entries in the chain from being marked empty, which
// allows us to access the hashed_keys without holding a read ref.
assert(home == BottomNBits(h->hashed_key[1], home_shift));
if constexpr (kIsClockUpdateChain) {
// Clock update and/or check for purgeable (under (de)construction)
if (ClockUpdate(*h, data, &purgeable)) {
// Remember for finishing eviction
// Entries for eviction become purgeable
purgeable = true;
assert((h->meta.Load() >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) ==
} else {
purgeable = ((h->meta.Load() >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) &
ClockHandle::kStateShareableBit) == 0;
if (purgeable) {
assert((h->meta.Load() >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) ==
pending_purge = true;
} else if (pending_purge) {
if (prev_to_keep) {
// Update chain next to skip purgeable entries
assert(prev_to_keep->chain_next_with_shift.Load() ==
} else if (rewrite_lock.CasUpdate(next_with_shift, yield_count_)) {
// Managed to update head without any parallel insertions
} else {
// Parallel insertion must have interfered. Need to do a purge
// from updated head to here. Since we have no prev_to_keep, there's
// no risk of duplicate clock updates to entries. Any entries already
// updated must have been evicted (purgeable) and it's OK to clock
// update any new entries just inserted in parallel.
// Can simply restart (GetSavedHead() already updated from CAS failure).
next_with_shift = rewrite_lock.GetSavedHead();
next = GetNextFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift);
assert(next < array_.Count());
h = &arr[next];
pending_purge = false;
assert(prev_to_keep == nullptr);
assert(GetShiftFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift) == home_shift);
pending_purge = false;
prev_to_keep = h;
} else {
prev_to_keep = h;
if (h == nullptr) {
// Reached end of the chain
// Read chain pointer
next_with_shift = h->chain_next_with_shift.Load();
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (prev_to_keep == h) {
prev_to_keep_next_with_shift = next_with_shift;
assert(GetShiftFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift) == home_shift);
// Check for end marker
if (HandleImpl::IsEnd(next_with_shift)) {
h = nullptr;
} else {
next = GetNextFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift);
assert(next < array_.Count());
h = &arr[next];
assert(h != prev_to_keep);
// Variant of PurgeImpl: Removes all "under (de) construction" entries in a
// chain, such that any entry with the given key must have been purged.
using PurgeOpData = const UniqueId64x2;
// Variant of PurgeImpl: Clock-updates all entries in a chain, in addition to
// purging as appropriate. (Caller finalizes eviction on entries added to the
// autovector, in part so that we don't hold the rewrite lock while doing
// potentially expensive callback and allocator free.)
using ClockUpdateChainOpData = ClockUpdateChainLockedOpData;
template <class OpData>
void AutoHyperClockTable::PurgeImpl(OpData* op_data, size_t home,
BaseClockTable::EvictionData* data) {
// Early efforts to make AutoHCC fully wait-free ran into too many problems
// that needed obscure and potentially inefficient work-arounds to have a
// chance at working.
// The implementation settled on "essentially wait-free" which can be
// achieved by locking at the level of each probing chain and only for
// operations that might remove entries from the chain. Because parallel
// clock updates and Grow operations are ordered, contention is very rare.
// However, parallel insertions at any chain head have to be accommodated
// to keep them wait-free.
// This function implements Purge and ClockUpdateChain functions (see above
// OpData type definitions) as part of higher-level operations. This function
// ensures the correct chain is (eventually) covered and handles rewrite
// locking the chain. PurgeImplLocked has lower level details.
// In general, these operations and Grow are kept simpler by allowing eager
// purging of under (de-)construction entries. For example, an Erase
// operation might find that another thread has purged the entry from the
// chain by the time its own purge operation acquires the rewrite lock and
// proceeds. This is OK, and potentially reduces the number of lock/unlock
// cycles because empty chains are not rewrite-lockable.
constexpr bool kIsPurge = std::is_same_v<OpData, PurgeOpData>;
constexpr bool kIsClockUpdateChain =
std::is_same_v<OpData, ClockUpdateChainOpData>;
// Exactly one op specified
static_assert(kIsPurge + kIsClockUpdateChain == 1);
int home_shift = 0;
if constexpr (kIsPurge) {
// Purge callers leave home unspecified, to be determined from key
assert(home == SIZE_MAX);
GetHomeIndexAndShift(length_info_.Load(), (*op_data)[1], &home,
assert(home_shift > 0);
} else {
// Evict callers must specify home
assert(home < SIZE_MAX);
HandleImpl* const arr = array_.Get();
// Acquire the RAII rewrite lock (if not an empty chain)
ChainRewriteLock rewrite_lock(&arr[home], yield_count_);
if constexpr (kIsPurge) {
// Ensure we are at the correct home for the shift in effect for the
// chain head.
for (;;) {
int shift = GetShiftFromNextWithShift(rewrite_lock.GetSavedHead());
if (shift > home_shift) {
// Found a newer shift at candidate head, which must apply to us.
// Newer shift might not yet be reflected in length_info_ (an atomicity
// gap in Grow), so operate as if it is. Note that other insertions
// could happen using this shift before length_info_ is updated, and
// it's possible (though unlikely) that multiple generations of Grow
// have occurred. If shift is more than one generation ahead of
// home_shift, it's possible that not all descendent homes have
// reached the `shift` generation. Thus, we need to advance only one
// shift at a time looking for a home+head with a matching shift
// amount.
home = GetHomeIndex((*op_data)[1], home_shift);
rewrite_lock.Reset(&arr[home], yield_count_);
} else {
assert(shift == home_shift);
// If the chain is empty, nothing to do
if (!rewrite_lock.IsEnd()) {
if constexpr (kIsPurge) {
PurgeLockedOpData* locked_op_data{};
PurgeImplLocked(locked_op_data, rewrite_lock, home, data);
} else {
PurgeImplLocked(op_data, rewrite_lock, home, data);
AutoHyperClockTable::HandleImpl* AutoHyperClockTable::DoInsert(
const ClockHandleBasicData& proto, uint64_t initial_countdown,
bool take_ref, InsertState& state) {
size_t home;
int orig_home_shift;
GetHomeIndexAndShift(state.saved_length_info, proto.hashed_key[1], &home,
HandleImpl* const arr = array_.Get();
// We could go searching through the chain for any duplicate, but that's
// not typically helpful, except for the REDUNDANT block cache stats.
// (Inferior duplicates will age out with eviction.) However, we do skip
// insertion if the home slot (or some other we happen to probe) already
// has a match (already_matches below). This helps to keep better locality
// when we can.
// And we can do that as part of searching for an available slot to
// insert the new entry, because our preferred location and first slot
// checked will be the home slot.
// As the table initially grows to size, few entries will be in the same
// cache line as the chain head. However, churn in the cache relatively
// quickly improves the proportion of entries sharing that cache line with
// the chain head. Data:
// Initial population only: (cache_bench with -ops_per_thread=1)
// Entries at home count: 29,202 (out of 129,170 entries in 94,411 chains)
// Approximate average cache lines read to find an existing entry:
// 129.2 / 94.4 [without the heads]
// + (94.4 - 29.2) / 94.4 [the heads not included with entries]
// = 2.06 cache lines
// After 10 million ops: (-threads=10 -ops_per_thread=100000)
// Entries at home count: 67,556 (out of 129,359 entries in 94,756 chains)
// That's a majority of entries and more than 2/3rds of chains.
// Approximate average cache lines read to find an existing entry:
// = 1.65 cache lines
// Even if we aren't saving a ref to this entry (take_ref == false), we need
// to keep a reference while we are inserting the entry into a chain, so that
// it is not erased by another thread while trying to insert it on the chain.
constexpr bool initial_take_ref = true;
size_t used_length = LengthInfoToUsedLength(state.saved_length_info);
assert(home < used_length);
size_t idx = home;
bool already_matches = false;
bool already_matches_ignore = false;
if (TryInsert(proto, arr[idx], initial_countdown, initial_take_ref,
&already_matches)) {
assert(idx == home);
} else if (already_matches) {
return nullptr;
// Here we try to populate newly-opened slots in the table, but not
// when we can add something to its home slot. This makes the structure
// more performant more quickly on (initial) growth. We ignore "already
// matches" in this case because it is unlikely and difficult to
// incorporate logic for here cleanly and efficiently.
} else if (UNLIKELY(state.likely_empty_slot > 0) &&
TryInsert(proto, arr[state.likely_empty_slot], initial_countdown,
initial_take_ref, &already_matches_ignore)) {
idx = state.likely_empty_slot;
} else {
// We need to search for an available slot outside of the home.
// Linear hashing provides nice resizing but does typically mean
// that some heads (home locations) have (in expectation) twice as
// many entries mapped to them as other heads. For example if the
// usable length is 80, then heads 16-63 are (in expectation) twice
// as loaded as heads 0-15 and 64-79, which are using another hash bit.
// This means that if we just use linear probing (by a small constant)
// to find an available slot, part of the structure could easily fill up
// and resort to linear time operations even when the overall load factor
// is only modestly high, like 70%. Even though each slot has its own CPU
// cache line, there appears to be a small locality benefit (e.g. TLB and
// paging) to iterating one by one, as long as we don't afoul of the
// linear hashing imbalance.
// In a traditional non-concurrent structure, we could keep a "free list"
// to ensure immediate access to an available slot, but maintaining such
// a structure could require more cross-thread coordination to ensure
// all entries are eventually available to all threads.
// The way we solve this problem is to use unit-increment linear probing
// with a small bound, and then fall back on big jumps to have a good
// chance of finding a slot in an under-populated region quickly if that
// doesn't work.
size_t i = 0;
constexpr size_t kMaxLinearProbe = 4;
for (; i < kMaxLinearProbe; i++) {
if (idx >= used_length) {
idx -= used_length;
if (TryInsert(proto, arr[idx], initial_countdown, initial_take_ref,
&already_matches)) {
if (already_matches) {
return nullptr;
if (i == kMaxLinearProbe) {
// Keep searching, but change to a search method that should quickly
// find any under-populated region. Switching to an increment based
// on the golden ratio helps with that, but we also inject some minor
// variation (less than 2%, 1 in 2^6) to avoid clustering effects on
// this larger increment (if it were a fixed value in steady state
// operation). Here we are primarily using upper bits of hashed_key[1]
// while home is based on lowest bits.
uint64_t incr_ratio = 0x9E3779B185EBCA87U + (proto.hashed_key[1] >> 6);
size_t incr = FastRange64(incr_ratio, used_length);
assert(incr > 0);
size_t start = idx;
for (;; i++) {
idx += incr;
if (idx >= used_length) {
// Wrap around (faster than %)
idx -= used_length;
if (idx == start) {
// We have just completed a cycle that might not have covered all
// slots. (incr and used_length could have common factors.)
// Increment for the next cycle, which eventually ensures complete
// iteration over the set of slots before repeating.
if (idx >= used_length) {
idx -= used_length;
if (start >= used_length) {
start -= used_length;
if (i >= used_length) {
used_length = LengthInfoToUsedLength(length_info_.Load());
if (i >= used_length * 2) {
// Cycling back should not happen unless there is enough random
// churn in parallel that we happen to hit each slot at a time
// that it's occupied, which is really only feasible for small
// structures, though with linear probing to find empty slots,
// "small" here might be larger than for double hashing.
assert(used_length <= 256);
// Fall back on standalone insert in case something goes awry to
// cause this
return nullptr;
if (TryInsert(proto, arr[idx], initial_countdown, initial_take_ref,
&already_matches)) {
if (already_matches) {
return nullptr;
// Now insert into chain using head pointer
uint64_t next_with_shift;
int home_shift = orig_home_shift;
// Might need to retry
for (int i = 0;; ++i) {
next_with_shift = arr[home].head_next_with_shift.Load();
int shift = GetShiftFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift);
if (UNLIKELY(shift != home_shift)) {
// NOTE: shift increases with table growth
if (shift > home_shift) {
// Must be grow in progress or completed since reading length_info.
// Pull out one more hash bit. (See Lookup() for why we can't
// safely jump to the shift that was read.)
uint64_t hash_bit_mask = uint64_t{1} << (home_shift - 1);
assert((home & hash_bit_mask) == 0);
// BEGIN leftover updates to length_info_ for Grow()
size_t grow_home = home + hash_bit_mask;
assert(arr[grow_home].head_next_with_shift.Load() !=
// END leftover updates to length_info_ for Grow()
home += proto.hashed_key[1] & hash_bit_mask;
} else {
// Should not happen because length_info_ is only updated after both
// old and new home heads are marked with new shift
// Values to update to
uint64_t head_next_with_shift = MakeNextWithShift(idx, home_shift);
uint64_t chain_next_with_shift = next_with_shift;
// Preserve the locked state in head, without propagating to chain next
// where it is meaningless (and not allowed)
if (UNLIKELY((next_with_shift & HandleImpl::kNextEndFlags) ==
HandleImpl::kHeadLocked)) {
head_next_with_shift |= HandleImpl::kHeadLocked;
chain_next_with_shift &= ~HandleImpl::kHeadLocked;
if (arr[home].head_next_with_shift.CasWeak(next_with_shift,
head_next_with_shift)) {
// Success
if (!take_ref) {
return arr + idx;
AutoHyperClockTable::HandleImpl* AutoHyperClockTable::Lookup(
const UniqueId64x2& hashed_key) {
// Lookups are wait-free with low occurrence of retries, back-tracking,
// and fallback. We do not have the benefit of holding a rewrite lock on
// the chain so must be prepared for many kinds of mayhem, most notably
// "falling off our chain" where a slot that Lookup has identified but
// has not read-referenced is removed from one chain and inserted into
// another. The full algorithm uses the following mitigation strategies to
// ensure every relevant entry inserted before this Lookup, and not yet
// evicted, is seen by Lookup, without excessive backtracking etc.:
// * Keep a known good read ref in the chain for "island hopping." When
// we observe that a concurrent write takes us off to another chain, we
// only need to fall back to our last known good read ref (most recent
// entry on the chain that is not "under construction," which is a transient
// state). We don't want to compound the CPU toil of a long chain with
// operations that might need to retry from scratch, with probability
// in proportion to chain length.
// * Only detect a chain is potentially incomplete because of a Grow in
// progress by looking at shift in the next pointer tags (rather than
// re-checking length_info_).
// * SplitForGrow, Insert, and PurgeImplLocked ensure that there are no
// transient states that might cause this full Lookup algorithm to skip over
// live entries.
// Reading length_info_ is not strictly required for Lookup, if we were
// to increment shift sizes until we see a shift size match on the
// relevant head pointer. Thus, reading with relaxed memory order gives
// us a safe and almost always up-to-date jump into finding the correct
// home and head.
size_t home;
int home_shift;
GetHomeIndexAndShift(length_info_.LoadRelaxed(), hashed_key[1], &home,
assert(home_shift > 0);
// The full Lookup algorithm however is not great for hot path efficiency,
// because of the extra careful tracking described above. Overwhelmingly,
// we can find what we're looking for with a naive linked list traversal
// of the chain. Even if we "fall off our chain" to another, we don't
// violate memory safety. We just won't match the key we're looking for.
// And we would eventually reach an end state, possibly even experiencing a
// cycle as an entry is freed and reused during our traversal (though at
// any point in time the structure doesn't have cycles).
// So for hot path efficiency, we start with a naive Lookup attempt, and
// then fall back on full Lookup if we don't find the correct entry. To
// cap how much we invest into the naive Lookup, we simply cap the traversal
// length before falling back. Also, when we do fall back on full Lookup,
// we aren't paying much penalty by starting over. Much or most of the cost
// of Lookup is memory latency in following the chain pointers, and the
// naive Lookup has warmed the CPU cache for these entries, using as tight
// of a loop as possible.
HandleImpl* const arr = array_.Get();
uint64_t next_with_shift = arr[home].head_next_with_shift.LoadRelaxed();
for (size_t i = 0; !HandleImpl::IsEnd(next_with_shift) && i < 10; ++i) {
HandleImpl* h = &arr[GetNextFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift)];
// Attempt cheap key match without acquiring a read ref. This could give a
// false positive, which is re-checked after acquiring read ref, or false
// negative, which is re-checked in the full Lookup. Also, this is a
// technical UB data race according to TSAN, but we don't need to read
// a "correct" value here for correct overall behavior.
bool probably_equal = Random::GetTLSInstance()->OneIn(2);
bool probably_equal = h->hashed_key == hashed_key;
if (probably_equal) {
// Increment acquire counter for definitive check
uint64_t old_meta = h->meta.FetchAdd(ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement);
// Check if it's a referencable (sharable) entry
if (LIKELY(old_meta & (uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateShareableBit}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift))) {
assert(GetRefcount(old_meta + ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement) > 0);
if (LIKELY(h->hashed_key == hashed_key) &&
LIKELY(old_meta & (uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateVisibleBit}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift))) {
return h;
} else {
} else {
// For non-sharable states, incrementing the acquire counter has no
// effect so we don't need to undo it. Furthermore, we cannot safely
// undo it because we did not acquire a read reference to lock the entry
// in a Shareable state.
next_with_shift = h->chain_next_with_shift.LoadRelaxed();
// If we get here, falling back on full Lookup algorithm.
HandleImpl* h = nullptr;
HandleImpl* read_ref_on_chain = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0;; ++i) {
// Read head or chain pointer
next_with_shift = h ? h->chain_next_with_shift.Load()
: arr[home].head_next_with_shift.Load();
int shift = GetShiftFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift);
// Make sure it's usable
size_t effective_home = home;
if (UNLIKELY(shift != home_shift)) {
// We have potentially gone awry somehow, but it's possible we're just
// hitting old data that is not yet completed Grow.
// NOTE: shift bits goes up with table growth.
if (shift < home_shift) {
// To avoid waiting on Grow in progress, an old shift amount needs
// to be processed as if we were still using it and (potentially
// different or the same) the old home.
// We can assert it's not too old, because each generation of Grow
// waits on its ancestor in the previous generation.
assert(shift + 1 == home_shift);
effective_home = GetHomeIndex(home, shift);
} else if (h == read_ref_on_chain) {
assert(shift > home_shift);
// At head or coming from an entry on our chain where we're holding
// a read reference. Thus, we know the newer shift applies to us.
// Newer shift might not yet be reflected in length_info_ (an atomicity
// gap in Grow), so operate as if it is. Note that other insertions
// could happen using this shift before length_info_ is updated, and
// it's possible (though unlikely) that multiple generations of Grow
// have occurred. If shift is more than one generation ahead of
// home_shift, it's possible that not all descendent homes have
// reached the `shift` generation. Thus, we need to advance only one
// shift at a time looking for a home+head with a matching shift
// amount.
// Update home in case it has changed
home = GetHomeIndex(hashed_key[1], home_shift);
// This should be rare enough occurrence that it's simplest just
// to restart (TODO: improve in some cases?)
h = nullptr;
if (read_ref_on_chain) {
read_ref_on_chain = nullptr;
// Didn't make progress & retry
} else {
assert(shift > home_shift);
assert(h != nullptr);
// An "under (de)construction" entry has a new shift amount, which
// means we have either gotten off our chain or our home shift is out
// of date. If we revert back to saved ref, we will get updated info.
h = read_ref_on_chain;
// Didn't make progress & retry
// Check for end marker
if (HandleImpl::IsEnd(next_with_shift)) {
// To ensure we didn't miss anything in the chain, the end marker must
// point back to the correct home.
if (LIKELY(GetNextFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift) == effective_home)) {
// Complete, clean iteration of the chain, not found.
// Clean up.
if (read_ref_on_chain) {
return nullptr;
} else {
// Something went awry. Revert back to a safe point (if we have it)
h = read_ref_on_chain;
// Didn't make progress & retry
// Follow the next and check for full key match, home match, or neither
h = &arr[GetNextFromNextWithShift(next_with_shift)];
bool full_match_or_unknown = false;
if (MatchAndRef(&hashed_key, *h, shift, effective_home,
&full_match_or_unknown)) {
// Got a read ref on next (h).
// There is a very small chance that between getting the next pointer
// (now h) and doing MatchAndRef on it, another thread erased/evicted it
// reinserted it into the same chain, causing us to cycle back in the
// same chain and potentially see some entries again if we keep walking.
// Newly-inserted entries are inserted before older ones, so we are at
// least guaranteed not to miss anything. Here in Lookup, it's just a
// transient, slight hiccup in performance.
if (full_match_or_unknown) {
// Full match.
// Release old read ref on chain if applicable
if (read_ref_on_chain) {
// Pretend we never took the reference.
// Update the hit bit
if (eviction_callback_) {
h->meta.FetchOrRelaxed(uint64_t{1} << ClockHandle::kHitBitShift);
// All done.
return h;
} else if (UNLIKELY(shift != home_shift) &&
home != BottomNBits(h->hashed_key[1], home_shift)) {
// This chain is in a Grow operation and we've landed on an entry
// that belongs to the wrong destination chain. We can keep going, but
// there's a chance we'll need to backtrack back *before* this entry,
// if the Grow finishes before this Lookup. We cannot save this entry
// for backtracking because it might soon or already be on the wrong
// chain.
// NOTE: if we simply backtrack rather than continuing, we would
// be in a wait loop (not allowed in Lookup!) until the other thread
// finishes its Grow.
} else {
// Correct home location, so we are on the right chain.
// With new usable read ref, can release old one (if applicable).
if (read_ref_on_chain) {
// Pretend we never took the reference.
// And keep the new one.
read_ref_on_chain = h;
} else {
if (full_match_or_unknown) {
// Must have been an "under construction" entry. Can safely skip it,
// but there's a chance we'll have to backtrack later
} else {
// Home mismatch! Revert back to a safe point (if we have it)
h = read_ref_on_chain;
// Didn't make progress & retry
void AutoHyperClockTable::Remove(HandleImpl* h) {
assert((h->meta.Load() >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) ==
const HandleImpl& c_h = *h;
bool AutoHyperClockTable::TryEraseHandle(HandleImpl* h, bool holding_ref,
bool mark_invisible) {
uint64_t meta;
if (mark_invisible) {
// Set invisible
meta = h->meta.FetchAnd(
~(uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateVisibleBit} << ClockHandle::kStateShift));
// To local variable also
meta &=
~(uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateVisibleBit} << ClockHandle::kStateShift);
} else {
meta = h->meta.Load();
// Take ownership if no other refs
do {
if (GetRefcount(meta) != uint64_t{holding_ref}) {
// Not last ref at some point in time during this call
return false;
if ((meta & (uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateShareableBit}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift)) == 0) {
// Someone else took ownership
return false;
// Note that if !holding_ref, there's a small chance that we release,
// another thread replaces this entry with another, reaches zero refs, and
// then we end up erasing that other entry. That's an acceptable risk /
// imprecision.
} while (!h->meta.CasWeak(meta, uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateConstruction}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift));
// Took ownership
// TODO? Delay freeing?
size_t total_charge = h->total_charge;
if (UNLIKELY(h->IsStandalone())) {
// Delete detached handle
delete h;
} else {
assert(usage_.LoadRelaxed() < SIZE_MAX / 2);
return true;
bool AutoHyperClockTable::Release(HandleImpl* h, bool useful,
bool erase_if_last_ref) {
// In contrast with LRUCache's Release, this function won't delete the handle
// when the cache is above capacity and the reference is the last one. Space
// is only freed up by Evict/PurgeImpl (called by Insert when space
// is needed) and Erase. We do this to avoid an extra atomic read of the
// variable usage_.
uint64_t old_meta;
if (useful) {
// Increment release counter to indicate was used
old_meta = h->meta.FetchAdd(ClockHandle::kReleaseIncrement);
// Correct for possible (but rare) overflow
CorrectNearOverflow(old_meta, h->meta);
} else {
// Decrement acquire counter to pretend it never happened
old_meta = h->meta.FetchSub(ClockHandle::kAcquireIncrement);
assert((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift) &
// No underflow
assert(((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kAcquireCounterShift) &
ClockHandle::kCounterMask) !=
((old_meta >> ClockHandle::kReleaseCounterShift) &
if ((erase_if_last_ref || UNLIKELY(old_meta >> ClockHandle::kStateShift ==
ClockHandle::kStateInvisible))) {
// FIXME: There's a chance here that another thread could replace this
// entry and we end up erasing the wrong one.
return TryEraseHandle(h, /*holding_ref=*/false, /*mark_invisible=*/false);
} else {
return false;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void AutoHyperClockTable::TEST_ReleaseN(HandleImpl* h, size_t n) {
if (n > 0) {
// Do n-1 simple releases first
TEST_ReleaseNMinus1(h, n);
// Then the last release might be more involved
Release(h, /*useful*/ true, /*erase_if_last_ref*/ false);
void AutoHyperClockTable::Erase(const UniqueId64x2& hashed_key) {
// Don't need to be efficient.
// Might be one match masking another, so loop.
while (HandleImpl* h = Lookup(hashed_key)) {
bool gone =
TryEraseHandle(h, /*holding_ref=*/true, /*mark_invisible=*/true);
if (!gone) {
// Only marked invisible, which is ok.
// Pretend we never took the reference from Lookup.
void AutoHyperClockTable::EraseUnRefEntries() {
size_t usable_size = GetTableSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < usable_size; i++) {
HandleImpl& h = array_[i];
uint64_t old_meta = h.meta.LoadRelaxed();
if (old_meta & (uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateShareableBit}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift) &&
GetRefcount(old_meta) == 0 &&
h.meta.CasStrong(old_meta, uint64_t{ClockHandle::kStateConstruction}
<< ClockHandle::kStateShift)) {
// Took ownership
// NOTE: could be more efficient with a dedicated variant of
// PurgeImpl, but this is not a common operation
void AutoHyperClockTable::Evict(size_t requested_charge, InsertState& state,
EvictionData* data,
uint32_t eviction_effort_cap) {
// precondition
assert(requested_charge > 0);
// We need the clock pointer to seemlessly "wrap around" at the end of the
// table, and to be reasonably stable under Grow operations. This is
// challenging when the linear hashing progressively opens additional
// most-significant-hash-bits in determining home locations.
// TODO: make a tuning parameter?
// Up to 2x this number of homes will be evicted per step. In very rare
// cases, possibly more, as homes of an out-of-date generation will be
// resolved to multiple in a newer generation.
constexpr size_t step_size = 4;
// A clock_pointer_mask_ field separate from length_info_ enables us to use
// the same mask (way of dividing up the space among evicting threads) for
// iterating over the whole structure before considering changing the mask
// at the beginning of each pass. This ensures we do not have a large portion
// of the space that receives redundant or missed clock updates. However,
// with two variables, for each update to clock_pointer_mask (< 64 ever in
// the life of the cache), there will be a brief period where concurrent
// eviction threads could use the old mask value, possibly causing redundant
// or missed clock updates for a *small* portion of the table.
size_t clock_pointer_mask = clock_pointer_mask_.LoadRelaxed();
uint64_t max_clock_pointer = 0; // unset
// TODO: consider updating during a long eviction
size_t used_length = LengthInfoToUsedLength(state.saved_length_info);
autovector<HandleImpl*> to_finish_eviction;
// Loop until enough freed, or limit reached (see bottom of loop)
for (;;) {
// First (concurrent) increment clock pointer
uint64_t old_clock_pointer = clock_pointer_.FetchAddRelaxed(step_size);
if (UNLIKELY((old_clock_pointer & clock_pointer_mask) == 0)) {
// Back at the beginning. See if clock_pointer_mask should be updated.
uint64_t mask = BottomNBits(
UINT64_MAX, LengthInfoToMinShift(state.saved_length_info));
if (clock_pointer_mask != mask) {
clock_pointer_mask = static_cast<size_t>(mask);
size_t major_step = clock_pointer_mask + 1;
assert((major_step & clock_pointer_mask) == 0);
for (size_t base_home = old_clock_pointer & clock_pointer_mask;
base_home < used_length; base_home += major_step) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < step_size; i++) {
size_t home = base_home + i;
if (home >= used_length) {
PurgeImpl(&to_finish_eviction, home, data);
for (HandleImpl* h : to_finish_eviction) {
// NOTE: setting likely_empty_slot here can cause us to reduce the
// portion of "at home" entries, probably because an evicted entry
// is more likely to come back than a random new entry and would be
// unable to go into its home slot.
// Loop exit conditions
if (data->freed_charge >= requested_charge) {
if (max_clock_pointer == 0) {
// Cap the eviction effort at this thread (along with those operating in
// parallel) circling through the whole structure kMaxCountdown times.
// In other words, this eviction run must find something/anything that is
// unreferenced at start of and during the eviction run that isn't
// reclaimed by a concurrent eviction run.
// TODO: Does HyperClockCache need kMaxCountdown + 1?
max_clock_pointer =
old_clock_pointer +
(uint64_t{ClockHandle::kMaxCountdown + 1} * major_step);
if (old_clock_pointer + step_size >= max_clock_pointer) {
if (IsEvictionEffortExceeded(*data, eviction_effort_cap)) {
size_t AutoHyperClockTable::CalcMaxUsableLength(
size_t capacity, size_t min_avg_value_size,
CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy) {
double min_avg_slot_charge = min_avg_value_size * kMaxLoadFactor;
if (metadata_charge_policy == kFullChargeCacheMetadata) {
min_avg_slot_charge += sizeof(HandleImpl);
assert(min_avg_slot_charge > 0.0);
size_t num_slots =
static_cast<size_t>(capacity / min_avg_slot_charge + 0.999999);
const size_t slots_per_page = port::kPageSize / sizeof(HandleImpl);
// Round up to page size
return ((num_slots + slots_per_page - 1) / slots_per_page) * slots_per_page;
namespace {
bool IsHeadNonempty(const AutoHyperClockTable::HandleImpl& h) {
return !AutoHyperClockTable::HandleImpl::IsEnd(
bool IsEntryAtHome(const AutoHyperClockTable::HandleImpl& h, int shift,
size_t home) {
if (MatchAndRef(nullptr, h, shift, home)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} // namespace
void AutoHyperClockCache::ReportProblems(
const std::shared_ptr<Logger>& info_log) const {
if (info_log->GetInfoLogLevel() <= InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL) {
LoadVarianceStats head_stats;
size_t entry_at_home_count = 0;
uint64_t yield_count = 0;
this->ForEachShard([&](const Shard* shard) {
size_t count = shard->GetTableAddressCount();
uint64_t length_info = UsedLengthToLengthInfo(count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
const auto& h = *shard->GetTable().HandlePtr(i);
int shift;
size_t home;
GetHomeIndexAndShift(length_info, i, &home, &shift);
assert(home == i);
entry_at_home_count += IsEntryAtHome(h, shift, home);
yield_count += shard->GetTable().GetYieldCount();
"Head occupancy stats: %s", head_stats.Report().c_str());
"Entries at home count: %zu", entry_at_home_count);
"Yield count: %" PRIu64, yield_count);
} // namespace clock_cache
// DEPRECATED (see public API)
std::shared_ptr<Cache> NewClockCache(
size_t capacity, int num_shard_bits, bool strict_capacity_limit,
CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy) {
return NewLRUCache(capacity, num_shard_bits, strict_capacity_limit,
/* high_pri_pool_ratio */ 0.5, nullptr,
kDefaultToAdaptiveMutex, metadata_charge_policy,
/* low_pri_pool_ratio */ 0.0);
std::shared_ptr<Cache> HyperClockCacheOptions::MakeSharedCache() const {
// For sanitized options
HyperClockCacheOptions opts = *this;
if (opts.num_shard_bits >= 20) {
return nullptr; // The cache cannot be sharded into too many fine pieces.
if (opts.num_shard_bits < 0) {
// Use larger shard size to reduce risk of large entries clustering
// or skewing individual shards.
constexpr size_t min_shard_size = 32U * 1024U * 1024U;
opts.num_shard_bits =
GetDefaultCacheShardBits(opts.capacity, min_shard_size);
std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache;
if (opts.estimated_entry_charge == 0) {
cache = std::make_shared<clock_cache::AutoHyperClockCache>(opts);
} else {
cache = std::make_shared<clock_cache::FixedHyperClockCache>(opts);
if (opts.secondary_cache) {
cache = std::make_shared<CacheWithSecondaryAdapter>(cache,
return cache;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE