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// Copyright (c) 2021, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "rocksdb/advanced_cache.h"
#include "rocksdb/customizable.h"
#include "rocksdb/options.h"
#include "rocksdb/slice.h"
#include "rocksdb/statistics.h"
#include "rocksdb/status.h"
// A handle for lookup result. Immediately after SecondaryCache::Lookup() with
// wait=false (and depending on the implementation), the handle could be in any
// of the below states. It must not be destroyed while in the pending state.
// * Pending state (IsReady() == false): result is not ready. Value() and Size()
// must not be called.
// * Ready + not found state (IsReady() == true, Value() == nullptr): the lookup
// has completed, finding no match. Or an error occurred that prevented
// normal completion of the Lookup.
// * Ready + found state (IsReady() == false, Value() != nullptr): the lookup
// has completed, finding an entry that has been loaded into an object that is
// now owned by the caller.
// Wait() or SecondaryCache::WaitAll() may be skipped if IsReady() happens to
// return true, but (depending on the implementation) IsReady() might never
// return true without Wait() or SecondaryCache::WaitAll(). After the handle
// is known ready, calling Value() is required to avoid a memory leak in case
// of a cache hit.
class SecondaryCacheResultHandle {
virtual ~SecondaryCacheResultHandle() = default;
// Returns whether the handle is ready or not
virtual bool IsReady() = 0;
// Block until handle becomes ready
virtual void Wait() = 0;
// Return the cache entry object (also known as value). If nullptr, it means
// the lookup was unsuccessful.
virtual Cache::ObjectPtr Value() = 0;
// Return the out_charge from the helper->create_cb used to construct the
// object.
// WART: potentially confusing name
virtual size_t Size() = 0;
// SecondaryCache
// Cache interface for caching blocks on a secondary tier (which can include
// non-volatile media, or alternate forms of caching such as compressed data)
// Exceptions MUST NOT propagate out of overridden functions into RocksDB,
// because RocksDB is not exception-safe. This could cause undefined behavior
// including data loss, unreported corruption, deadlocks, and more.
class SecondaryCache : public Customizable {
~SecondaryCache() override = default;
static const char* Type() { return "SecondaryCache"; }
static Status CreateFromString(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
const std::string& id,
std::shared_ptr<SecondaryCache>* result);
// Suggest inserting an entry into this cache. The caller retains ownership
// of `obj` (also called the "value"), so is only used directly by the
// SecondaryCache during Insert(). When the cache chooses to perform the
// suggested insertion, it uses the size_cb and saveto_cb provided by
// `helper` to extract the persistable data (typically an uncompressed block)
// and writes it to this cache tier. OK may be returned even if the insertion
// is not made.
virtual Status Insert(const Slice& key, Cache::ObjectPtr obj,
const Cache::CacheItemHelper* helper,
bool force_insert) = 0;
// Insert a value from its saved/persistable data (typically uncompressed
// block), as if generated by SaveToCallback/SizeCallback. The data can be
// compressed, in which case the type argument should specify the
// compression algorithm used. Additionally, the source argument should
// be set to the appropriate tier that will be responsible for
// uncompressing the data.
// This method can be used in "warming up" the cache from some auxiliary
// source, and like Insert() may or may not write it to cache depending on
// the admission control policy, even if the return status is success.
virtual Status InsertSaved(
const Slice& key, const Slice& saved,
CompressionType type = CompressionType::kNoCompression,
CacheTier source = CacheTier::kVolatileTier) = 0;
// Lookup the data for the given key in this cache. The create_cb
// will be used to create the object. The handle returned may not be
// ready yet, unless wait=true, in which case Lookup() will block until
// the handle is ready.
// advise_erase is a hint from the primary cache indicating that the handle
// will be cached there, so the secondary cache is advised to drop it from
// the cache as an optimization. To use this feature, SupportForceErase()
// needs to return true.
// This hint can also be safely ignored.
// kept_in_sec_cache is to indicate whether the entry will be kept in the
// secondary cache after the Lookup (rather than erased because of Lookup)
virtual std::unique_ptr<SecondaryCacheResultHandle> Lookup(
const Slice& key, const Cache::CacheItemHelper* helper,
Cache::CreateContext* create_context, bool wait, bool advise_erase,
bool& kept_in_sec_cache) = 0;
// Indicate whether a handle can be erased in this secondary cache.
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool SupportForceErase() const = 0;
// At the discretion of the implementation, erase the data associated
// with key.
virtual void Erase(const Slice& key) = 0;
// Wait for a collection of handles to become ready.
virtual void WaitAll(std::vector<SecondaryCacheResultHandle*> handles) = 0;
// Set the maximum configured capacity of the cache.
// When the new capacity is less than the old capacity and the existing usage
// is greater than new capacity, the implementation will do its best job to
// purge the released entries from the cache in order to lower the usage.
// The derived class can make this function no-op and return NotSupported().
virtual Status SetCapacity(size_t /* capacity */) {
return Status::NotSupported();
// The derived class can make this function no-op and return NotSupported().
virtual Status GetCapacity(size_t& /* capacity */) {
return Status::NotSupported();
// Temporarily decrease the cache capacity in RAM by the specified amount.
// The caller should call Inflate() to restore the cache capacity. This is
// intended to be lighter weight than SetCapacity(). The latter evenly
// distributes the new capacity across all shards and is meant for large
// changes in capacity, whereas the former is meant for relatively small
// changes and may be uneven by lowering capacity in a single shard.
virtual Status Deflate(size_t /*decrease*/) { return Status::NotSupported(); }
// Restore the capacity reduced by a prior call to Deflate().
virtual Status Inflate(size_t /*increase*/) { return Status::NotSupported(); }
// A wrapper around a SecondaryCache object. A derived class may selectively
// override methods to implement a different behavior.
class SecondaryCacheWrapper : public SecondaryCache {
explicit SecondaryCacheWrapper(std::shared_ptr<SecondaryCache> target)
: target_(std::move(target)) {}
virtual Status Insert(const Slice& key, Cache::ObjectPtr obj,
const Cache::CacheItemHelper* helper,
bool force_insert) override {
return target()->Insert(key, obj, helper, force_insert);
virtual Status InsertSaved(
const Slice& key, const Slice& saved,
CompressionType type = CompressionType::kNoCompression,
CacheTier source = CacheTier::kVolatileTier) override {
return target()->InsertSaved(key, saved, type, source);
virtual std::unique_ptr<SecondaryCacheResultHandle> Lookup(
const Slice& key, const Cache::CacheItemHelper* helper,
Cache::CreateContext* create_context, bool wait, bool advise_erase,
bool& kept_in_sec_cache) override {
return target()->Lookup(key, helper, create_context, wait, advise_erase,
virtual bool SupportForceErase() const override {
return target()->SupportForceErase();
virtual void Erase(const Slice& key) override { target()->Erase(key); }
virtual void WaitAll(
std::vector<SecondaryCacheResultHandle*> handles) override {
virtual Status SetCapacity(size_t capacity) override {
return target()->SetCapacity(capacity);
virtual Status GetCapacity(size_t& capacity) override {
return target()->GetCapacity(capacity);
virtual Status Deflate(size_t decrease) override {
return target()->Deflate(decrease);
virtual Status Inflate(size_t increase) override {
return target()->Inflate(increase);
SecondaryCache* target() const { return target_.get(); }
std::shared_ptr<SecondaryCache> target_;
// Useful for cache entries that just need to be copied into a
// secondary cache, such as compressed blocks
extern const Cache::CacheItemHelper kSliceCacheItemHelper;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE