
User Documentation for

This directory will contain the user and feature documentation for RocksDB. The documentation will be hosted on GitHub pages.

Run the Site Locally

The requirements for running a GitHub pages site locally is described in GitHub help. The steps below summarize these steps.

  1. Make sure you have Ruby and RubyGems installed.

    Ruby >= 2.2 is required for the gems. On the latest versions of Mac OS X, Ruby 2.0 is the default. Use brew install ruby (or your preferred upgrade mechanism) to install a newer version of Ruby for your Mac OS X system.

  2. Make sure you have Bundler installed.

    # may require sudo
    gem install bundler
  3. Install the project's dependencies

    # run this in the 'docs' directory
    bundle install

    If you get an error when installing nokogiri, you may be running into the problem described in this nokogiri issue. You can either brew uninstall xz (and then brew install xz after the bundle is installed) or xcode-select --install (although this may not work if you have already installed command line tools).

  4. Run Jekyll's server.

    bundle exec jekyll serve --config=_config.yml,_config_local_dev.yml

    We use bundle exec instead of running straight jekyll because bundle exec will always use the version of Jekyll from our Gemfile. Just running jekyll will use the system version and may not necessarily be compatible.

  5. The site will be served from http://localhost:4000.

Updating the Bundle

The site depends on Github Pages and the installed bundle is based on the github-pages gem. Occasionally that gem might get updated with new or changed functionality. If that is the case, you can run:

bundle update

to get the latest packages for the installation.