# `pSoxIzsh` ## About this Over the years I have collect various bits from various locations. I often share what I have done with work colleagues and finally made this repository so people can pull the latest. if you already have an installation cd to the `~/.psoxizsh` directory and make sure you have not make any changes. If you have stash them and then run the following commands. ```bash ( git pull --recurse-submodules=yes git submodule foreach git fetch --all --prune git submodule foreach git checkout master git submodule foreach git pull git pull --recurse-submodules=yes ) src ``` ## Install ### User ```bash git clone --recurse-submodules --recursive --config http.sslVerify=false https://github.com/psox/psoxizsh.git ~/.psoxizsh ~/.psoxizsh/fresh-system ``` ### Root - System Wide ```bash # Make sure you are root git clone --recurse-submodules --recursive --config http.sslVerify=false https://github.com/psox/psoxizsh.git /etc/psoxizsh # for each user that wants to use this /etc/psoxizsh/fresh-system ``` ## Configure Vim or NeoVim Make sure you have vim 8 installed and after starting zsh check that the following variable are set by typing ```bash echo $VIMINIT echo $MYVIMRC echo $VIMHOME ``` Also check your `/etc/vimrc` or `/etc/vim/vimrc` to see if they do something funny. A good example of a `vimrc` that can be appended to the end of the `vimrc` file off the `/etc` directory can be found in `~/.psoxizsh/etc/`. If these are not set try adding the following to the beginning of your `~/.zshrc` file. ```bash export VIMINIT='source $MYVIMRC' export MYVIMRC=$HOME/.psoxizsh/vimrc export VIMHOME=$HOME/.psoxizsh/vim ``` Once these values are set in your environment you can start vim and type. ```viml :PlugInstall ``` Exit vim and start again, if you get an error with the YouCompleteMe plugin, go to the [You Complete Me](https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe#full-installation-guide) page and see if you can fix it. Normally install a more complete version of vim will solve the problem. Enjoy