nvim/plug: +nvim-lspconfig@master
This plugin provides the tools for initializing language servers, using the builtin neovim LSP client. It provides the major low level glue for actually starting and configuring a given language server; however it **does not** ensure that the actual language server is present on the system / in PATH. That function is handled by mason / mason-lspconfig, which will prompt the user to install the necessary server(s) upon calling `lspconfig[$server].setup { ... }`. We provide a default on_attach function the sets up some default key maps for LSP related functionality, loading a user overridable map of language servers and their associated setup objects or functions. Note that "setting up" a language server is not the same as loading it, which is a considerably more expensive operation. Hence, we make no effort to lazily setup language servers.
This commit is contained in:
@ -74,4 +74,35 @@ M.Buffer.N {
CloseNetrw = B { 'Force close netrw windows', key = '<ESC>' }
-- ###################################
-- ## NORMAL LSP on_attach bindings ##
-- ###################################
M.Buffer.Lsp.N {
{ mode = 'n' },
-- #####################
-- ## Leader Mappings ##
-- #####################
Leader = G {
{ prefix = '<Leader>' },
-- ##################
-- ## LSP Mappings ##
-- ##################
RenameSymbol = B { 'Rename <cword> symbol' , key = 'rn' , action = vim.lsp.buf.rename , } ,
FormatDocument = B { 'Format current document' , key = 'F' , action = vim.lsp.buf.formatting , } ,
ShowSignature = B { 'Display function signature help of <cword> symbol' , key = 'K' , action = vim.lsp.buf.signature_help , } ,
-- ##################
-- ## LSP Mappings ##
-- ##################
GotoDefinition = B { 'Jump to definition of <cword> symbol' , key = 'gd' , action = vim.lsp.buf.definition , } ,
ShowDocumentation = B { 'Display documentation of <cword> symbol' , key = 'K' , action = vim.lsp.buf.hover , } ,
return M
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
return function()
local lspconfig, util = require 'lspconfig', require 'psoxizsh.util'
local keys, servers = require 'psoxizsh.key', require 'psoxizsh.lsp.servers'
local defaults = {}
-- This is the default key mappings that are applied on attaching to a LSP.
defaults.on_attach = function(_, bnum)
keys.Buffer.Lsp:register({ buffer = bnum })
-- Ideally, this would be registered on some Psoxizsh.Plug.Post autocmd
-- but I don't feel like refactoring psoxizsh.plugin now.
-- This is needed because many other lsp plugins expect:
-- 1. To be able to call "require 'lspconfig'" and not blow up (after lspconfig is loaded)
-- 2. To be able to configure lspconfig's defaults before servers are setup (before lspconfig is loaded)
-- Therefore, we must defer actually loading servers themselves until
-- after all other relevant plugins have had their say... but before
-- packer_compiled is finished as otherwise we risk starting too late
-- and skipping the first buffer neovim opens because we haven't
-- configured our servers yet. Fun.
-- Currently this is called during nlsp-settings's config, but we might
-- need to move this around
_G.PsoxizshLoadLSPServers = function()
-- Ensure we exit any active language servers in case of reloads
vim.cmd 'LspStop'
local user = util.try_mconfig('config.lsp.servers')
for server, spec in pairs(servers:extend(user):get()) do
spec(lspconfig[server], defaults)
@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ local plugins = {
after = 'mason',
config = require 'psoxizsh.plugins.config.mason-lsp'
{ 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig',
as = 'lspconfig',
after = { 'mason-lspconfig', 'cmp-nvim-lsp' },
config = require 'psoxizsh.plugins.config.lspconfig'
{ 'vim-perl/vim-perl',
ft = 'perl',
run = 'make clean carp dancer highlight-all-pragmas moose test-more try-tiny'
Reference in New Issue