First commit
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,3 +58,7 @@ inc/
# Go workspace file
# editors
@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
use v5.36;
use utf8;
use strict;
use JSON;
use Text::CSV qw|csv|;
use YAML;
use open qw(:std :utf8);
local $YAML::UseAliases = 0;
sub normalize ($item) {
die "item must be a HASH refence" unless ref($item) eq 'HASH';
$item->{rdc} = [] unless exists $item->{rdc};
$item->{parsed} = "" unless exists $item->{parsed};
$item->{nest} = -1 unless exists $item->{nest};
return $item unless exists $item->{at};
my $nest = ++$item->{nest};
push @{ $item->{rdc} },
json => to_json( $item->{at} ),
type => ref( $item->{at} ),
source => $item->{at},
nest => $nest,
if ( ref( $item->{at} ) eq "" ) {
$item->{parsed} = $item->{at};
elsif ( ref( $item->{at} ) eq 'HASH' ) {
my %at = %{ $item->{at} };
my $parsed = join ", ", map {
my $key = $_;
$item->{at} = $at{$key};
} sort keys %at;
$item->{parsed} = $parsed;
elsif ( ref( $item->{at} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
my @at = @{ $item->{at} };
my $parsed = join "; ", map {
$item->{at} = $_;
} @at;
$item->{parsed} = $parsed;
elsif ( ref( $item->{at} ) eq 'SCALAR' ) {
$item->{parsed} = normalize( ${ $item->{at} } );
elsif ( ref( $item->{at} ) eq 'REF' ) {
$item->{parsed} = normalize( ${ $item->{at} } );
delete $item->{at} if exists $item->{at};
} ## end sub normalize
sub j2tn ( $json, $lol ) {
die "lol must be a HASH refence" unless ref($lol) eq 'HASH';
$lol->{data} = [ [] ] unless exists $lol->{data};
$lol->{index} = {"_normlized_" => 0} unless exists $lol->{index};
my $index = $lol->{index};
my $columns = 1;
my $rows = 1;
my $data = $lol->{data};
if ( ref $json eq "ARRAY" ) {
map {
my $item = $_;
my @row = ();
my $orig = {};
if ( ref($item) eq "HASH" ) {
map {
my $key = $_;
my $value = { at => $item->{$key} };
if ( not defined $index->{$key} ) {
$index->{$key} = $columns++;
if ( $value->{rdc}->[0]->{type} =~ /(HASH|ARRAY)/ ) {
$orig->{$key} = $value->{rdc}->[0]->{source};
$row[ $index->{$key} ] = $value->{parsed};
} keys %$item;
} ## end if ( ref($item) eq "HASH"...)
if ( scalar keys %$index > scalar @{ $data->[0] } ) {
map { my $key = $_; $data->[0]->[ $index->{$key} ] = $key } keys %$index;
$row[0] = to_json($orig);
$data->[ $rows++ ] = \@row;
} @$json;
} ## end if ( ref $json eq "ARRAY"...)
$lol->{columns} = $columns;
$lol->{rows} = $rows;
} ## end sub j2tn
# Standard output with nl
sub speak ( $cmd, $cli, $debug = 0 ) {
while ( my $s = shift @$cli ) {
$s =~ s/^\s+[|]//gm;
say $s;
# start
sub main ( $cmd, $cli, $debug = 0 ) {
my $d =
{ ( my $caller = [ caller(0) ] )->[3] => my $v =
{ cli => [@$cli], debug => $debug }, };
$d->{caller} = $caller if $debug & 2;
say Dump($d) if $debug;
my $command = shift @$cli;
if ( defined $command && ref( $cmd->{$command} ) eq "CODE" ) {
$cmd->{$command}->( $cmd, $cli, $debug );
else {
$cmd->{usage}->( $cmd, $cli, $debug );
} ## end sub main
# usage
sub usage ( $cmd, $cli, $debug = 0 ) {
my $caller = [ caller(0) ];
my $d = { $caller->[3] => my $v = { cli => [@$cli], debug => $debug }, };
$d->{caller} = $caller if $debug & 2;
say Dump($d) if $debug;
$cmd->{speak}->( $cmd, ["$0 help for more information."], $debug );
# help
sub help ( $cmd, $cli, $debug = 0 ) {
my $caller = [ caller(0) ];
my $d = { $caller->[3] => my $v = { cli => [@$cli], debug => $debug }, };
$d->{caller} = $caller if $debug & 2;
say Dump($d) if $debug;
"$0 command [options,...] [arguments,...]",
" ", "commands:",
" to-csv in-file-name out-file-name",
" debug [debug-bit-flag]",
} ## end sub help
# debug
sub debug ( $cmd, $cli, $debug = 0 ) {
my $caller = [ caller(0) ];
my $d = { $caller->[3] => my $v = { cli => [@$cli], debug => $debug }, };
$d->{caller} = $caller if $debug & 2;
my $dv = ( shift @$cli );
if ( ( defined $dv ) && ( $dv =~ /\d+/ ) ) {
$debug = $dv + 0;
else {
unshift @$cli, $dv if defined $dv;
$v->{"new-debug"} = $debug;
say Dump($d) if $debug;
$cmd->{main}->( $cmd, $cli, $debug );
} ## end sub debug
# to-csv
sub to_csv ( $cmd, $cli, $debug = 0 ) {
my $caller = [ caller(0) ];
my $d = { $caller->[3] => my $v = { cli => [@$cli], debug => $debug }, };
$d->{caller} = $caller if $debug & 2;
$d->{caller} = [ caller() ] if $debug & 2;
$v->{"input-file"} = shift @$cli;
$v->{"output-file"} = shift @$cli;
open( my $in, "<", $v->{"input-file"} )
or die "Could not open $v->{'input-file'} with\n $!";
my $js = join( "", <$in> );
$v->{in} = $js if $debug & 8;
my $j = from_json($js);
$v->{json} = $j if $debug & 4;
close $in;
j2tn( $j, my $lol = {} );
$v->{lol} = $lol if $debug & 16;
say Dump($d) if $debug;
csv(in => $lol->{data}, out => $v->{"output-file"}, encoding => "utf8");
} ## end sub to_csv
# call the main function
main => \&main,
debug => \&debug,
usage => \&usage,
"to-csv" => \&to_csv,
help => \&help,
speak => \&speak,
# end
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
"DOI": "10.5539/IJBM.V7N20P81",
"URL": "",
"abstract": "Management fashions have a strong effect on both managers and their decision-making. The phenomenon hasbeen observed since the late 1980s, with managers ostensibly continuing to be attracted by “fashionable” modelsand concepts. The present article has a twofold objective. On one hand, it analyses academic efforts in this fieldby undertaking a state of the art; on the other, it explores management fashions’ potential danger fororganizations by reviewing their characteristics, life cycles and processes of creation and dissemination. Theanalysis also reveals that management fashions constitute in and of themselves a minor risk and can even help todrive a company forward through incremental as opposed to major changes.",
"author": [
"family": "Lang",
"given": "G."
"family": "Ohana",
"given": "Marc"
"container-title": "International Journal of Biometrics",
"id": "426a0369a4a42a868f891102d0cf0cd1d0bdd1f2",
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"page": "81",
"title": "Are management fashions dangerous for organizations",
"type": "article-journal",
"volume": "7"
"URL": "",
"abstract": "The field of management and organization studies is known for its interactions with related scientific disciplines. Several influential theories in management and organization studies have been “imported” to the field from other disciplines. These theories have contributed significantly to the development of management and organization studies as a field of research, since they enabled scholars to gain new insights into organizations and management. A theory which might have the potential to make a valuable contribution to the field of management and organization studies is Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of practice. Although Bourdieu was one of the most influential social scientists of the 20th century, his theory has been largely neglected by management and organizational researchers. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the contributions of Bourdieu’s theory of practice to the field of management and organization studies. Particularly, the focus is on the contributions of Bourdieu’s concept of habitus.",
"author": [
"family": "Sieweke",
"given": "J."
"id": "5f2cfaed28a5d3c100b08395199f5b9502e470e6",
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"title": "“Putting bourdieu into action” – analyzing the contributions of pierre bourdieu’s theory of practice to research in management and organization studies",
"type": "article-journal"
"DOI": "10.1111/ijmr.12225",
"URL": "",
"abstract": "null",
"author": [
"family": "Piazza",
"given": "Alessandro"
"family": "Abrahamson",
"given": "Eric"
"container-title": "International Journal of Management Reviews",
"id": "1a169ed6a4e693a733e4dffdbc550a8f8657c852",
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"page": "264-286",
"title": "Fads and fashions in management practices: Taking stock and looking forward",
"title-short": "Fads and fashions in management practices",
"type": "article-journal",
"volume": "22"
"URL": "",
"abstract": "Management fashion theory is a growing research area in management studies. The focus of this management fashion literature is to understand why some management concepts spread quickly and widely, while others do not. However, doing research on fashionable management concepts is a difficult task, and many commentators have pointed out the limitations of the research methods used in extant research. A consequence of these difficulties is that the theory has many understudied areas and “blind spots.” This paper aims at providing a review of the research methods typically used in management fashion research, and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of various approaches. Based on this review, the paper suggests research strategies that can be used to illuminate the blind spots of the management fashion theory. The paper distinguishes between research strategies at four analytical levels: the managerial level, the intra-organizational level, the field-level and the cross-national level.",
"author": [
"family": "Madsen",
"given": "D."
"family": "Stenheim",
"given": "Tonny"
"container-title": "Problems and perspectives in management",
"id": "6691ddafbbdbc54d8c34da438d73cc7ee7f19117",
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"page": "68-76",
"title": "Doing research on “management fashions”: Methodological challenges and opportunities",
"title-short": "Doing research on “management fashions”",
"type": "article-journal",
"volume": "11"
"DOI": "10.1080/00014788.2021.1935685",
"URL": "",
"abstract": "Using the management fashion perspective as a theoretical lens, we explicate the limited success of the beyond budgeting (BB) concept in Sweden from a supply-side perspective. The fashion perspective assumes that management concepts do not emerge or diffuse by popular demand, instead viewing the activities of supply-side actors, such as management consultants, professional associations, and academics, as crucial to the success of management concepts in a marketplace of potential users. We conceptualize a management fashion-setting process that enabled us to explore how and why actors have selected or rejected BB, how and why BB has been processed, the channels through which BB has been disseminated, and how and why supply-side actors interact (or do not interact) with other supply-side actors and other parties in these activities. Our findings suggest that a weakly mobilized supply side has produced heavily reduced, heterogeneous packages of rhetoric and design characteristics regarding the BB concept that have reached only a small portion of the target audience of potential adopters. Our study illustrates how barriers to diffusion are created on the supply side in the absence of the localization of BB.",
"author": [
"family": "Ax",
"given": "Christian"
"family": "Ax",
"given": "Elin"
"container-title": "Accounting and Business Research",
"id": "6b36a718ade737b74684f3e41a69900c6e24b070",
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"page": "443 - 478",
"title": "When the supply side of a management accounting innovation fails – the case of beyond budgeting in sweden",
"type": "article-journal",
"volume": "52"
"DOI": "10.1177/0170840619856033",
"URL": "",
"abstract": "This article develops the idea of “interlinking theorization” in the context of management knowledge. We explain how management concepts are theorized through their direct co-occurrence with other management concepts, on the one hand, and their embeddedness in general business vocabulary, on the other. Conceptually, we extend a semantic network approach to vocabularies and suggest both cohesion between management concepts (i.e. a clustering in bundles) and their semantic equivalence (i.e. similar patterns of connectivity to general business vocabulary indicating specific types) as core dimensions of interlinking theorization. Empirically, we illustrate and further develop our conceptual model with data collected from magazines targeting management practitioners in the Austrian public sector. Our article contributes to existing literature by extending theorization to include different kinds of relationships between management concepts and focusing on direct and indirect relations across populations of management concepts as characteristics of the overall “architecture” of management knowledge.",
"author": [
"family": "Höllerer",
"given": "Markus A."
"family": "Jancsary",
"given": "Dennis"
"family": "Barberio",
"given": "V."
"family": "Meyer",
"given": "Renate E."
"container-title": "Organization Studies",
"id": "9bde5b4f484e102f48461ef70219eff0b3304edc",
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"page": "1284 - 1310",
"title": "The interlinking theorization of management concepts: Cohesion and semantic equivalence in management knowledge",
"title-short": "The interlinking theorization of management concepts",
"type": "article-journal",
"volume": "41"
"DOI": "10.1108/JMH-08-2012-0055",
"URL": "",
"abstract": "Purpose – The aim of this paper is to explore the development of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) and to map the foundation that specific individuals, historical works, and historians provided the founders of that organization and the field of sport management in general. The paper also aims to track the early beginnings of sport management and present sport as a viable area for business and management historians to conduct their research and discuss theory. Design/methodology/approach – Following the initial work started by deWilde et al., this study drew on a wide range of primary and secondary sources and took an antiquarian and reconstructionist approach. Specifically, time-specific sport-related/focused dissertations, research articles, and archives from NASSM, along with published books and archives, were used to work toward the purpose of the study. Findings – This paper illustrates that some of the critical founding members of sport management and NASSM drew upon the trainin...",
"author": [
"family": "Seifried",
"given": "C."
"container-title": "Journal of Management History",
"id": "6689de50813b8afb6495469fabc675e80d273da2",
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"page": "81-98",
"title": "A review of the north american society for sport management and its foundational core",
"type": "article-journal",
"volume": "20"
"URL": "",
"abstract": "null",
"author": [
"family": "Larsson",
"given": "Elin"
"id": "7f2a8360cdb3cf5fe2c3eebedc3b8660ef43d7aa",
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"title": "Management accounting fashion setting - studies on supply-side actors in sweden",
"type": "article-journal"
"DOI": "10.1016/J.IJME.2021.100529",
"URL": "",
"abstract": "null",
"author": [
"family": "Seifried",
"given": "C."
"family": "Agyemang",
"given": "Kwame J. A."
"family": "Walker",
"given": "Nefertiti A."
"family": "Soebbing",
"given": "B."
"container-title": "The International Journal of Management Education",
"id": "b29f2d66d43aad4fc2b4e2bcbd60632d5dc6179c",
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"page": "100529",
"title": "Sport management and business schools: A growing partnership in a changing higher education environment",
"title-short": "Sport management and business schools",
"type": "article-journal",
"volume": "19"
"DOI": "10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.732",
"URL": "",
"abstract": "Purpose- The aim of the paper is to shed light on the issue whether the fun work environments are of strategic importance for organizations or they are only a new management fad or fashion. Methodology- The research includes a qualitative study (interview with five Human Resource managers and five management consultants) and a quantitative study (surveys with 388 with Turkish private bank employees who work for the headquarters of these banks). Findings- The results of both studies indicate that the respondents do not believe that fun working environments are a management fad or fashion. The paper also provides evidence that there has been a sustained interest in workplace fun that it is quite unlike the other popular management techniques that are suggested as panaceas or quick-fixes for organizations. Conclusion- This study provides evidence that the workplace fun initiatives are neither management fads nor fashions and that they are believed to be one of those dominant management concepts that survive.",
"author": [
"family": "Bilginoğlu",
"given": "Elif"
"family": "Yozgat",
"given": "Uğur"
"id": "f03d3024096a2d450bf8a9392247eab2fa5b454b",
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"type": "article-journal"
Reference in New Issue