#![allow(deprecated)] // Conduit implements the older APIs use std::{ collections::BTreeMap, fmt::Debug, mem, net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr}, sync::Arc, time::{Duration, Instant, SystemTime}, }; use axum::{response::IntoResponse, Json}; use futures_util::future::TryFutureExt; use get_profile_information::v1::ProfileField; use http::header::{HeaderValue, AUTHORIZATION}; use ipaddress::IPAddress; use ruma::{ api::{ client::error::{Error as RumaError, ErrorKind}, federation::{ authorization::get_event_authorization, backfill::get_backfill, device::get_devices::{self, v1::UserDevice}, directory::{get_public_rooms, get_public_rooms_filtered}, discovery::{get_server_keys, get_server_version, ServerSigningKeys, VerifyKey}, event::{get_event, get_missing_events, get_room_state, get_room_state_ids}, keys::{claim_keys, get_keys}, membership::{create_invite, create_join_event, prepare_join_event}, query::{get_profile_information, get_room_information}, transactions::{ edu::{DeviceListUpdateContent, DirectDeviceContent, Edu, SigningKeyUpdateContent}, send_transaction_message, }, }, EndpointError, IncomingResponse, MatrixVersion, OutgoingRequest, OutgoingResponse, SendAccessToken, }, directory::{Filter, RoomNetwork}, events::{ receipt::{ReceiptEvent, ReceiptEventContent, ReceiptType}, room::{ join_rules::{JoinRule, RoomJoinRulesEventContent}, member::{MembershipState, RoomMemberEventContent}, }, StateEventType, TimelineEventType, }, serde::{Base64, JsonObject, Raw}, to_device::DeviceIdOrAllDevices, uint, user_id, CanonicalJsonObject, CanonicalJsonValue, EventId, MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch, OwnedEventId, OwnedRoomId, OwnedServerName, OwnedServerSigningKeyId, OwnedUserId, RoomId, ServerName, }; use serde_json::value::{to_raw_value, RawValue as RawJsonValue}; use tokio::sync::RwLock; use tracing::{debug, error, info, warn}; use trust_dns_resolver::{error::ResolveError, lookup::SrvLookup}; use crate::{ api::client_server::{self, claim_keys_helper, get_keys_helper}, service::pdu::{gen_event_id_canonical_json, PduBuilder}, services, utils, Error, PduEvent, Result, Ruma, }; /// Wraps either an literal IP address plus port, or a hostname plus complement /// (colon-plus-port if it was specified). /// /// Note: A `FedDest::Named` might contain an IP address in string form if there /// was no port specified to construct a SocketAddr with. /// /// # Examples: /// ```rust /// # use conduit::api::server_server::FedDest; /// # fn main() -> Result<(), std::net::AddrParseError> { /// FedDest::Literal("".parse()?); /// FedDest::Literal("[2001:db8::4:5]:443".parse()?); /// FedDest::Named("matrix.example.org".to_owned(), "".to_owned()); /// FedDest::Named("matrix.example.org".to_owned(), ":8448".to_owned()); /// FedDest::Named("".to_owned(), "".to_owned()); /// # Ok(()) /// # } /// ``` #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum FedDest { Literal(SocketAddr), Named(String, String), } impl FedDest { fn into_https_string(self) -> String { match self { Self::Literal(addr) => format!("https://{addr}"), Self::Named(host, port) => format!("https://{host}{port}"), } } fn into_uri_string(self) -> String { match self { Self::Literal(addr) => addr.to_string(), Self::Named(host, port) => host + &port, } } fn hostname(&self) -> String { match &self { Self::Literal(addr) => addr.ip().to_string(), Self::Named(host, _) => host.clone(), } } fn port(&self) -> Option { match &self { Self::Literal(addr) => Some(addr.port()), Self::Named(_, port) => port[1..].parse().ok(), } } } pub(crate) async fn send_request(destination: &ServerName, request: T) -> Result where T: OutgoingRequest + Debug, { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } if destination == services().globals.server_name() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Won't send federation request to ourselves")); } if destination.is_ip_literal() || IPAddress::is_valid(destination.host()) { info!( "Destination {} is an IP literal, checking against IP range denylist.", destination ); let ip = IPAddress::parse(destination.host()).map_err(|e| { warn!("Failed to parse IP literal from string: {}", e); Error::BadServerResponse("Invalid IP address") })?; let cidr_ranges_s = services().globals.ip_range_denylist().to_vec(); let mut cidr_ranges: Vec = Vec::new(); for cidr in cidr_ranges_s { cidr_ranges.push(IPAddress::parse(cidr).expect("we checked this at startup")); } debug!("List of pushed CIDR ranges: {:?}", cidr_ranges); for cidr in cidr_ranges { if cidr.includes(&ip) { return Err(Error::BadServerResponse("Not allowed to send requests to this IP")); } } info!("IP literal {} is allowed.", destination); } debug!("Preparing to send request to {destination}"); let mut write_destination_to_cache = false; let cached_result = services().globals.actual_destination_cache.read().await.get(destination).cloned(); let (actual_destination, host) = if let Some(result) = cached_result { result } else { write_destination_to_cache = true; let result = find_actual_destination(destination).await; (result.0, result.1.into_uri_string()) }; let actual_destination_str = actual_destination.clone().into_https_string(); let mut http_request = request .try_into_http_request::>( &actual_destination_str, SendAccessToken::IfRequired(""), &[MatrixVersion::V1_5], ) .map_err(|e| { warn!("Failed to find destination {}: {}", actual_destination_str, e); Error::BadServerResponse("Invalid destination") })?; let mut request_map = serde_json::Map::new(); if !http_request.body().is_empty() { request_map.insert( "content".to_owned(), serde_json::from_slice(http_request.body()).expect("body is valid json, we just created it"), ); }; request_map.insert("method".to_owned(), T::METADATA.method.to_string().into()); request_map.insert( "uri".to_owned(), http_request.uri().path_and_query().expect("all requests have a path").to_string().into(), ); request_map.insert("origin".to_owned(), services().globals.server_name().as_str().into()); request_map.insert("destination".to_owned(), destination.as_str().into()); let mut request_json = serde_json::from_value(request_map.into()).expect("valid JSON is valid BTreeMap"); ruma::signatures::sign_json( services().globals.server_name().as_str(), services().globals.keypair(), &mut request_json, ) .expect("our request json is what ruma expects"); let request_json: serde_json::Map = serde_json::from_slice(&serde_json::to_vec(&request_json).unwrap()).unwrap(); let signatures = request_json["signatures"] .as_object() .unwrap() .values() .map(|v| v.as_object().unwrap().iter().map(|(k, v)| (k, v.as_str().unwrap()))); for signature_server in signatures { for s in signature_server { http_request.headers_mut().insert( AUTHORIZATION, HeaderValue::from_str(&format!( "X-Matrix origin={},key=\"{}\",sig=\"{}\"", services().globals.server_name(), s.0, s.1 )) .unwrap(), ); } } let reqwest_request = reqwest::Request::try_from(http_request)?; let url = reqwest_request.url().clone(); debug!("Sending request to {destination} at {url}"); let response = services().globals.federation_client().execute(reqwest_request).await; debug!("Received response from {destination} at {url}"); match response { Ok(mut response) => { // reqwest::Response -> http::Response conversion let status = response.status(); let mut http_response_builder = http::Response::builder().status(status).version(response.version()); mem::swap( response.headers_mut(), http_response_builder.headers_mut().expect("http::response::Builder is usable"), ); debug!("Getting response bytes from {destination}"); let body = response.bytes().await.unwrap_or_else(|e| { info!("server error {}", e); Vec::new().into() }); // TODO: handle timeout debug!("Got response bytes from {destination}"); if !status.is_success() { debug!( "Response not successful\n{} {}: {}", url, status, String::from_utf8_lossy(&body).lines().collect::>().join(" ") ); } let http_response = http_response_builder.body(body).expect("reqwest body is valid http body"); if status.is_success() { debug!("Parsing response bytes from {destination}"); let response = T::IncomingResponse::try_from_http_response(http_response); if response.is_ok() && write_destination_to_cache { services() .globals .actual_destination_cache .write() .await .insert(OwnedServerName::from(destination), (actual_destination, host)); } response.map_err(|e| { warn!("Invalid 200 response from {} on: {} {}", &destination, url, e); Error::BadServerResponse("Server returned bad 200 response.") }) } else { debug!("Returning error from {destination}"); // remove potentially dead destinations from our cache that may be from modified // well-knowns if !write_destination_to_cache { info!("Evicting {destination} from our true destination cache due to failed request."); services().globals.actual_destination_cache.write().await.remove(destination); } Err(Error::FederationError( destination.to_owned(), RumaError::from_http_response(http_response), )) } }, Err(e) => { // we do not need to log that servers in a room are dead, this is normal in // public rooms and just spams the logs. match e.is_timeout() { true => debug!( "Timed out sending request to {} at {}: {}", destination, actual_destination_str, e ), false => match e.is_connect() { true => debug!("Failed to connect to {} at {}: {}", destination, actual_destination_str, e), false => match e.is_redirect() { true => debug!( "Redirect loop sending request to {} at {}: {}\nFinal URL: {:?}", destination, actual_destination_str, e, e.url() ), false => { info!("Could not send request to {} at {}: {}", destination, actual_destination_str, e) }, }, }, } Err(e.into()) }, } } fn get_ip_with_port(destination_str: &str) -> Option { if let Ok(destination) = destination_str.parse::() { Some(FedDest::Literal(destination)) } else if let Ok(ip_addr) = destination_str.parse::() { Some(FedDest::Literal(SocketAddr::new(ip_addr, 8448))) } else { None } } fn add_port_to_hostname(destination_str: &str) -> FedDest { let (host, port) = match destination_str.find(':') { None => (destination_str, ":8448"), Some(pos) => destination_str.split_at(pos), }; FedDest::Named(host.to_owned(), port.to_owned()) } /// Returns: actual_destination, host header /// Implemented according to the specification at /// Numbers in comments below refer to bullet points in linked section of /// specification async fn find_actual_destination(destination: &'_ ServerName) -> (FedDest, FedDest) { debug!("Finding actual destination for {destination}"); let destination_str = destination.as_str().to_owned(); let mut hostname = destination_str.clone(); let actual_destination = match get_ip_with_port(&destination_str) { Some(host_port) => { debug!("1: IP literal with provided or default port"); host_port }, None => { if let Some(pos) = destination_str.find(':') { debug!("2: Hostname with included port"); let (host, port) = destination_str.split_at(pos); FedDest::Named(host.to_owned(), port.to_owned()) } else { debug!("Requesting well known for {destination}"); match request_well_known(destination.as_str()).await { Some(delegated_hostname) => { debug!("3: A .well-known file is available"); hostname = add_port_to_hostname(&delegated_hostname).into_uri_string(); match get_ip_with_port(&delegated_hostname) { Some(host_and_port) => host_and_port, // 3.1: IP literal in .well-known file None => { if let Some(pos) = delegated_hostname.find(':') { debug!("3.2: Hostname with port in .well-known file"); let (host, port) = delegated_hostname.split_at(pos); FedDest::Named(host.to_owned(), port.to_owned()) } else { debug!("Delegated hostname has no port in this branch"); if let Some(hostname_override) = query_srv_record(&delegated_hostname).await { debug!("3.3: SRV lookup successful"); let force_port = hostname_override.port(); if let Ok(override_ip) = services() .globals .dns_resolver() .lookup_ip(hostname_override.hostname()) .await { services().globals.tls_name_override.write().unwrap().insert( delegated_hostname.clone(), (override_ip.iter().collect(), force_port.unwrap_or(8448)), ); } else { debug!( "Using SRV record {}, but could not resolve to IP", hostname_override.hostname() ); } if let Some(port) = force_port { FedDest::Named(delegated_hostname, format!(":{port}")) } else { add_port_to_hostname(&delegated_hostname) } } else { debug!("3.4: No SRV records, just use the hostname from .well-known"); add_port_to_hostname(&delegated_hostname) } } }, } }, None => { debug!("4: No .well-known or an error occured"); match query_srv_record(&destination_str).await { Some(hostname_override) => { debug!("4: SRV record found"); let force_port = hostname_override.port(); if let Ok(override_ip) = services().globals.dns_resolver().lookup_ip(hostname_override.hostname()).await { services().globals.tls_name_override.write().unwrap().insert( hostname.clone(), (override_ip.iter().collect(), force_port.unwrap_or(8448)), ); } else { debug!( "Using SRV record {}, but could not resolve to IP", hostname_override.hostname() ); } if let Some(port) = force_port { FedDest::Named(hostname.clone(), format!(":{port}")) } else { add_port_to_hostname(&hostname) } }, None => { debug!("5: No SRV record found"); add_port_to_hostname(&destination_str) }, } }, } } }, }; debug!("Actual destination: {actual_destination:?}"); // Can't use get_ip_with_port here because we don't want to add a port // to an IP address if it wasn't specified let hostname = if let Ok(addr) = hostname.parse::() { FedDest::Literal(addr) } else if let Ok(addr) = hostname.parse::() { FedDest::Named(addr.to_string(), ":8448".to_owned()) } else if let Some(pos) = hostname.find(':') { let (host, port) = hostname.split_at(pos); FedDest::Named(host.to_owned(), port.to_owned()) } else { FedDest::Named(hostname, ":8448".to_owned()) }; (actual_destination, hostname) } async fn query_srv_record(hostname: &'_ str) -> Option { fn handle_successful_srv(srv: &SrvLookup) -> Option { srv.iter().next().map(|result| { FedDest::Named( result.target().to_string().trim_end_matches('.').to_owned(), format!(":{}", result.port()), ) }) } async fn lookup_srv(hostname: &str) -> Result { debug!("querying SRV for {:?}", hostname); let hostname = hostname.trim_end_matches('.'); services().globals.dns_resolver().srv_lookup(hostname.to_owned()).await } let first_hostname = format!("_matrix-fed._tcp.{hostname}."); let second_hostname = format!("_matrix._tcp.{hostname}."); lookup_srv(&first_hostname) .or_else(|_| { debug!("Querying deprecated _matrix SRV record for host {:?}", hostname); lookup_srv(&second_hostname) }) .and_then(|srv_lookup| async move { Ok(handle_successful_srv(&srv_lookup)) }) .await .ok() .flatten() } async fn request_well_known(destination: &str) -> Option { let response = services() .globals .default_client() .get(&format!("https://{destination}/.well-known/matrix/server")) .send() .await; debug!("Got well known response"); debug!("Well known response: {:?}", response); if let Err(e) = &response { debug!("Well known error: {e:?}"); return None; } let text = response.ok()?.text().await; debug!("Got well known response text"); debug!("Well known response text: {:?}", text); if text.as_ref().ok()?.len() > 10000 { debug!( "Well known response for destination '{destination}' exceeded past 10000 characters, assuming no \ well-known." ); return None; } let body: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&text.ok()?).ok()?; debug!("serde_json body of well known text: {}", body); Some(body.get("m.server")?.as_str()?.to_owned()) } /// # `GET /_matrix/federation/v1/version` /// /// Get version information on this server. pub async fn get_server_version_route( _body: Ruma, ) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } Ok(get_server_version::v1::Response { server: Some(get_server_version::v1::Server { name: Some("Conduwuit".to_owned()), version: Some(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_owned()), }), }) } /// # `GET /_matrix/key/v2/server` /// /// Gets the public signing keys of this server. /// /// - Matrix does not support invalidating public keys, so the key returned by /// this will be valid /// forever. // Response type for this endpoint is Json because we need to calculate a // signature for the response pub async fn get_server_keys_route() -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } let mut verify_keys: BTreeMap = BTreeMap::new(); verify_keys.insert( format!("ed25519:{}", services().globals.keypair().version()) .try_into() .expect("found invalid server signing keys in DB"), VerifyKey { key: Base64::new(services().globals.keypair().public_key().to_vec()), }, ); let mut response = serde_json::from_slice( get_server_keys::v2::Response { server_key: Raw::new(&ServerSigningKeys { server_name: services().globals.server_name().to_owned(), verify_keys, old_verify_keys: BTreeMap::new(), signatures: BTreeMap::new(), valid_until_ts: MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::from_system_time( SystemTime::now() + Duration::from_secs(86400 * 7), ) .expect("time is valid"), }) .expect("static conversion, no errors"), } .try_into_http_response::>() .unwrap() .body(), ) .unwrap(); ruma::signatures::sign_json( services().globals.server_name().as_str(), services().globals.keypair(), &mut response, ) .unwrap(); Ok(Json(response)) } /// # `GET /_matrix/key/v2/server/{keyId}` /// /// Gets the public signing keys of this server. /// /// - Matrix does not support invalidating public keys, so the key returned by /// this will be valid /// forever. pub async fn get_server_keys_deprecated_route() -> impl IntoResponse { get_server_keys_route().await } /// # `POST /_matrix/federation/v1/publicRooms` /// /// Lists the public rooms on this server. pub async fn get_public_rooms_filtered_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } if !services().globals.allow_public_room_directory_over_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Room directory is not public.")); } let response = client_server::get_public_rooms_filtered_helper( None, body.limit, body.since.as_deref(), &body.filter, &body.room_network, ) .await?; Ok(get_public_rooms_filtered::v1::Response { chunk: response.chunk, prev_batch: response.prev_batch, next_batch: response.next_batch, total_room_count_estimate: response.total_room_count_estimate, }) } /// # `GET /_matrix/federation/v1/publicRooms` /// /// Lists the public rooms on this server. pub async fn get_public_rooms_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } if !services().globals.allow_public_room_directory_over_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Room directory is not public.")); } let response = client_server::get_public_rooms_filtered_helper( None, body.limit, body.since.as_deref(), &Filter::default(), &RoomNetwork::Matrix, ) .await?; Ok(get_public_rooms::v1::Response { chunk: response.chunk, prev_batch: response.prev_batch, next_batch: response.next_batch, total_room_count_estimate: response.total_room_count_estimate, }) } pub fn parse_incoming_pdu(pdu: &RawJsonValue) -> Result<(OwnedEventId, CanonicalJsonObject, OwnedRoomId)> { let value: CanonicalJsonObject = serde_json::from_str(pdu.get()).map_err(|e| { warn!("Error parsing incoming event {:?}: {:?}", pdu, e); Error::BadServerResponse("Invalid PDU in server response") })?; let room_id: OwnedRoomId = value .get("room_id") .and_then(|id| RoomId::parse(id.as_str()?).ok()) .ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Invalid room id in pdu"))?; let room_version_id = services().rooms.state.get_room_version(&room_id)?; let (event_id, value) = match gen_event_id_canonical_json(pdu, &room_version_id) { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => { // Event could not be converted to canonical json return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Could not convert event to canonical json.", )); }, }; Ok((event_id, value, room_id)) } /// # `PUT /_matrix/federation/v1/send/{txnId}` /// /// Push EDUs and PDUs to this server. pub async fn send_transaction_message_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } let sender_servername = body.sender_servername.as_ref().expect("server is authenticated"); let mut resolved_map = BTreeMap::new(); let pub_key_map = RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new()); // This is all the auth_events that have been recursively fetched so they don't // have to be deserialized over and over again. // TODO: make this persist across requests but not in a DB Tree (in globals?) // TODO: This could potentially also be some sort of trie (suffix tree) like // structure so that once an auth event is known it would know (using indexes // maybe) all of the auth events that it references. // let mut auth_cache = EventMap::new(); let mut parsed_pdus = vec![]; for pdu in &body.pdus { let value: CanonicalJsonObject = serde_json::from_str(pdu.get()).map_err(|e| { warn!("Error parsing incoming event {:?}: {:?}", pdu, e); Error::BadServerResponse("Invalid PDU in server response") })?; let room_id: OwnedRoomId = value .get("room_id") .and_then(|id| RoomId::parse(id.as_str()?).ok()) .ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Invalid room id in pdu"))?; if services().rooms.state.get_room_version(&room_id).is_err() { debug!("Server is not in room {room_id}"); continue; } let r = parse_incoming_pdu(pdu); let (event_id, value, room_id) = match r { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { warn!("Could not parse PDU: {e}"); info!("Full PDU: {:?}", &pdu); continue; }, }; parsed_pdus.push((event_id, value, room_id)); // We do not add the event_id field to the pdu here because of signature // and hashes checks } // We go through all the signatures we see on the PDUs and fetch the // corresponding signing keys services() .rooms .event_handler .fetch_required_signing_keys(parsed_pdus.iter().map(|(_event_id, event, _room_id)| event), &pub_key_map) .await .unwrap_or_else(|e| { warn!("Could not fetch all signatures for PDUs from {}: {:?}", sender_servername, e); }); for (event_id, value, room_id) in parsed_pdus { let mutex = Arc::clone(services().globals.roomid_mutex_federation.write().await.entry(room_id.clone()).or_default()); let mutex_lock = mutex.lock().await; let start_time = Instant::now(); resolved_map.insert( event_id.clone(), services() .rooms .event_handler .handle_incoming_pdu(sender_servername, &event_id, &room_id, value, true, &pub_key_map) .await .map(|_| ()), ); drop(mutex_lock); let elapsed = start_time.elapsed(); debug!( "Handling transaction of event {} took {}m{}s", event_id, elapsed.as_secs() / 60, elapsed.as_secs() % 60 ); } for pdu in &resolved_map { if let Err(e) = pdu.1 { if matches!(e, Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, _)) { warn!("Incoming PDU failed {:?}", pdu); } } } for edu in body.edus.iter().filter_map(|edu| serde_json::from_str::(edu.json().get()).ok()) { match edu { Edu::Presence(presence) => { if !services().globals.allow_incoming_presence() { continue; } for update in presence.push { for room_id in services().rooms.state_cache.rooms_joined(&update.user_id) { services().rooms.edus.presence.set_presence( &room_id?, &update.user_id, update.presence.clone(), Some(update.currently_active), Some(update.last_active_ago), update.status_msg.clone(), )?; } } }, Edu::Receipt(receipt) => { for (room_id, room_updates) in receipt.receipts { for (user_id, user_updates) in room_updates.read { if let Some((event_id, _)) = user_updates .event_ids .iter() .filter_map(|id| { services().rooms.timeline.get_pdu_count(id).ok().flatten().map(|r| (id, r)) }) .max_by_key(|(_, count)| *count) { let mut user_receipts = BTreeMap::new(); user_receipts.insert(user_id.clone(), user_updates.data); let mut receipts = BTreeMap::new(); receipts.insert(ReceiptType::Read, user_receipts); let mut receipt_content = BTreeMap::new(); receipt_content.insert(event_id.to_owned(), receipts); let event = ReceiptEvent { content: ReceiptEventContent(receipt_content), room_id: room_id.clone(), }; services().rooms.edus.read_receipt.readreceipt_update(&user_id, &room_id, event)?; } else { // TODO fetch missing events debug!("No known event ids in read receipt: {:?}", user_updates); } } } }, Edu::Typing(typing) => { if services().rooms.state_cache.is_joined(&typing.user_id, &typing.room_id)? { if typing.typing { services() .rooms .edus .typing .typing_add(&typing.user_id, &typing.room_id, 3000 + utils::millis_since_unix_epoch()) .await?; } else { services().rooms.edus.typing.typing_remove(&typing.user_id, &typing.room_id).await?; } } }, Edu::DeviceListUpdate(DeviceListUpdateContent { user_id, .. }) => { services().users.mark_device_key_update(&user_id)?; }, Edu::DirectToDevice(DirectDeviceContent { sender, ev_type, message_id, messages, }) => { // Check if this is a new transaction id if services().transaction_ids.existing_txnid(&sender, None, &message_id)?.is_some() { continue; } for (target_user_id, map) in &messages { for (target_device_id_maybe, event) in map { match target_device_id_maybe { DeviceIdOrAllDevices::DeviceId(target_device_id) => { services().users.add_to_device_event( &sender, target_user_id, target_device_id, &ev_type.to_string(), event.deserialize_as().map_err(|e| { warn!("To-Device event is invalid: {event:?} {e}"); Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Event is invalid") })?, )?; }, DeviceIdOrAllDevices::AllDevices => { for target_device_id in services().users.all_device_ids(target_user_id) { services().users.add_to_device_event( &sender, target_user_id, &target_device_id?, &ev_type.to_string(), event.deserialize_as().map_err(|_| { Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Event is invalid") })?, )?; } }, } } } // Save transaction id with empty data services().transaction_ids.add_txnid(&sender, None, &message_id, &[])?; }, Edu::SigningKeyUpdate(SigningKeyUpdateContent { user_id, master_key, self_signing_key, }) => { if user_id.server_name() != sender_servername { continue; } if let Some(master_key) = master_key { services().users.add_cross_signing_keys(&user_id, &master_key, &self_signing_key, &None, true)?; } }, Edu::_Custom(_) => {}, } } Ok(send_transaction_message::v1::Response { pdus: resolved_map.into_iter().map(|(e, r)| (e, r.map_err(|e| e.sanitized_error()))).collect(), }) } /// # `GET /_matrix/federation/v1/event/{eventId}` /// /// Retrieves a single event from the server. /// /// - Only works if a user of this server is currently invited or joined the /// room pub async fn get_event_route(body: Ruma) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } let sender_servername = body.sender_servername.as_ref().expect("server is authenticated"); let event = services().rooms.timeline.get_pdu_json(&body.event_id)?.ok_or_else(|| { warn!("Event not found, event ID: {:?}", &body.event_id); Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Event not found.") })?; let room_id_str = event .get("room_id") .and_then(|val| val.as_str()) .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("Invalid event in database"))?; let room_id = <&RoomId>::try_from(room_id_str) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid room id field in event in database"))?; if !services().rooms.state_cache.server_in_room(sender_servername, room_id)? { return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::Forbidden, "Server is not in room")); } if !services().rooms.state_accessor.server_can_see_event(sender_servername, room_id, &body.event_id)? { return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::Forbidden, "Server is not allowed to see event.")); } Ok(get_event::v1::Response { origin: services().globals.server_name().to_owned(), origin_server_ts: MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now(), pdu: PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event(event), }) } /// # `GET /_matrix/federation/v1/backfill/` /// /// Retrieves events from before the sender joined the room, if the room's /// history visibility allows. pub async fn get_backfill_route(body: Ruma) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } let sender_servername = body.sender_servername.as_ref().expect("server is authenticated"); debug!("Got backfill request from: {}", sender_servername); if !services().rooms.state_cache.server_in_room(sender_servername, &body.room_id)? { return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::Forbidden, "Server is not in room.")); } services().rooms.event_handler.acl_check(sender_servername, &body.room_id)?; let until = body .v .iter() .map(|eventid| services().rooms.timeline.get_pdu_count(eventid)) .filter_map(|r| r.ok().flatten()) .max() .ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "No known eventid in v"))?; let limit = body.limit.min(uint!(100)); let all_events = services() .rooms .timeline .pdus_until(user_id!("@doesntmatter:conduit.rs"), &body.room_id, until)? .take(limit.try_into().unwrap()); let events = all_events .filter_map(std::result::Result::ok) .filter(|(_, e)| { matches!( services().rooms.state_accessor.server_can_see_event(sender_servername, &e.room_id, &e.event_id,), Ok(true), ) }) .map(|(_, pdu)| services().rooms.timeline.get_pdu_json(&pdu.event_id)) .filter_map(|r| r.ok().flatten()) .map(PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event) .collect(); Ok(get_backfill::v1::Response { origin: services().globals.server_name().to_owned(), origin_server_ts: MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now(), pdus: events, }) } /// # `POST /_matrix/federation/v1/get_missing_events/{roomId}` /// /// Retrieves events that the sender is missing. pub async fn get_missing_events_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } let sender_servername = body.sender_servername.as_ref().expect("server is authenticated"); if !services().rooms.state_cache.server_in_room(sender_servername, &body.room_id)? { return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::Forbidden, "Server is not in room")); } services().rooms.event_handler.acl_check(sender_servername, &body.room_id)?; let mut queued_events = body.latest_events.clone(); let mut events = Vec::new(); let mut i = 0; while i < queued_events.len() && events.len() < u64::from(body.limit) as usize { if let Some(pdu) = services().rooms.timeline.get_pdu_json(&queued_events[i])? { let room_id_str = pdu .get("room_id") .and_then(|val| val.as_str()) .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("Invalid event in database"))?; let event_room_id = <&RoomId>::try_from(room_id_str) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid room id field in event in database"))?; if event_room_id != body.room_id { warn!( "Evil event detected: Event {} found while searching in room {}", queued_events[i], body.room_id ); return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Evil event detected")); } if body.earliest_events.contains(&queued_events[i]) { i += 1; continue; } if !services().rooms.state_accessor.server_can_see_event( sender_servername, &body.room_id, &queued_events[i], )? { i += 1; continue; } queued_events.extend_from_slice( &serde_json::from_value::>( serde_json::to_value( pdu.get("prev_events") .cloned() .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("Event in db has no prev_events field."))?, ) .expect("canonical json is valid json value"), ) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid prev_events content in pdu in db."))?, ); events.push(PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event(pdu)); } i += 1; } Ok(get_missing_events::v1::Response { events, }) } /// # `GET /_matrix/federation/v1/event_auth/{roomId}/{eventId}` /// /// Retrieves the auth chain for a given event. /// /// - This does not include the event itself pub async fn get_event_authorization_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } let sender_servername = body.sender_servername.as_ref().expect("server is authenticated"); if !services().rooms.state_cache.server_in_room(sender_servername, &body.room_id)? { return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::Forbidden, "Server is not in room.")); } services().rooms.event_handler.acl_check(sender_servername, &body.room_id)?; let event = services().rooms.timeline.get_pdu_json(&body.event_id)?.ok_or_else(|| { warn!("Event not found, event ID: {:?}", &body.event_id); Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Event not found.") })?; let room_id_str = event .get("room_id") .and_then(|val| val.as_str()) .ok_or_else(|| Error::bad_database("Invalid event in database"))?; let room_id = <&RoomId>::try_from(room_id_str) .map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Invalid room id field in event in database"))?; let auth_chain_ids = services().rooms.auth_chain.get_auth_chain(room_id, vec![Arc::from(&*body.event_id)]).await?; Ok(get_event_authorization::v1::Response { auth_chain: auth_chain_ids .filter_map(|id| services().rooms.timeline.get_pdu_json(&id).ok()?) .map(PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event) .collect(), }) } /// # `GET /_matrix/federation/v1/state/{roomId}` /// /// Retrieves the current state of the room. pub async fn get_room_state_route(body: Ruma) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } let sender_servername = body.sender_servername.as_ref().expect("server is authenticated"); if !services().rooms.state_cache.server_in_room(sender_servername, &body.room_id)? { return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::Forbidden, "Server is not in room.")); } services().rooms.event_handler.acl_check(sender_servername, &body.room_id)?; let shortstatehash = services() .rooms .state_accessor .pdu_shortstatehash(&body.event_id)? .ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Pdu state not found."))?; let pdus = services() .rooms .state_accessor .state_full_ids(shortstatehash) .await? .into_values() .map(|id| { PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event( services().rooms.timeline.get_pdu_json(&id).unwrap().unwrap(), ) }) .collect(); let auth_chain_ids = services().rooms.auth_chain.get_auth_chain(&body.room_id, vec![Arc::from(&*body.event_id)]).await?; Ok(get_room_state::v1::Response { auth_chain: auth_chain_ids .filter_map(|id| match services().rooms.timeline.get_pdu_json(&id).ok()? { Some(json) => Some(PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event(json)), None => { error!("Could not find event json for {id} in db."); None }, }) .collect(), pdus, }) } /// # `GET /_matrix/federation/v1/state_ids/{roomId}` /// /// Retrieves the current state of the room. pub async fn get_room_state_ids_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } let sender_servername = body.sender_servername.as_ref().expect("server is authenticated"); if !services().rooms.state_cache.server_in_room(sender_servername, &body.room_id)? { return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::Forbidden, "Server is not in room.")); } services().rooms.event_handler.acl_check(sender_servername, &body.room_id)?; let shortstatehash = services() .rooms .state_accessor .pdu_shortstatehash(&body.event_id)? .ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Pdu state not found."))?; let pdu_ids = services() .rooms .state_accessor .state_full_ids(shortstatehash) .await? .into_values() .map(|id| (*id).to_owned()) .collect(); let auth_chain_ids = services().rooms.auth_chain.get_auth_chain(&body.room_id, vec![Arc::from(&*body.event_id)]).await?; Ok(get_room_state_ids::v1::Response { auth_chain_ids: auth_chain_ids.map(|id| (*id).to_owned()).collect(), pdu_ids, }) } /// # `GET /_matrix/federation/v1/make_join/{roomId}/{userId}` /// /// Creates a join template. pub async fn create_join_event_template_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } if !services().rooms.metadata.exists(&body.room_id)? { return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Room is unknown to this server.")); } let sender_servername = body.sender_servername.as_ref().expect("server is authenticated"); services().rooms.event_handler.acl_check(sender_servername, &body.room_id)?; let mutex_state = Arc::clone(services().globals.roomid_mutex_state.write().await.entry(body.room_id.clone()).or_default()); let state_lock = mutex_state.lock().await; // TODO: Conduit does not implement restricted join rules yet, we always reject let join_rules_event = services().rooms.state_accessor.room_state_get(&body.room_id, &StateEventType::RoomJoinRules, "")?; let join_rules_event_content: Option = join_rules_event .as_ref() .map(|join_rules_event| { serde_json::from_str(join_rules_event.content.get()).map_err(|e| { warn!("Invalid join rules event: {}", e); Error::bad_database("Invalid join rules event in db.") }) }) .transpose()?; if let Some(join_rules_event_content) = join_rules_event_content { if matches!( join_rules_event_content.join_rule, JoinRule::Restricted { .. } | JoinRule::KnockRestricted { .. } ) { return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::UnableToAuthorizeJoin, "Conduit does not support restricted rooms yet.", )); } } let room_version_id = services().rooms.state.get_room_version(&body.room_id)?; if !body.ver.contains(&room_version_id) { return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::IncompatibleRoomVersion { room_version: room_version_id, }, "Room version not supported.", )); } let content = to_raw_value(&RoomMemberEventContent { avatar_url: None, blurhash: None, displayname: None, is_direct: None, membership: MembershipState::Join, third_party_invite: None, reason: None, join_authorized_via_users_server: None, }) .expect("member event is valid value"); let (_pdu, mut pdu_json) = services().rooms.timeline.create_hash_and_sign_event( PduBuilder { event_type: TimelineEventType::RoomMember, content, unsigned: None, state_key: Some(body.user_id.to_string()), redacts: None, }, &body.user_id, &body.room_id, &state_lock, )?; drop(state_lock); pdu_json.remove("event_id"); Ok(prepare_join_event::v1::Response { room_version: Some(room_version_id), event: to_raw_value(&pdu_json).expect("CanonicalJson can be serialized to JSON"), }) } async fn create_join_event( sender_servername: &ServerName, room_id: &RoomId, pdu: &RawJsonValue, ) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } if !services().rooms.metadata.exists(room_id)? { return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Room is unknown to this server.")); } services().rooms.event_handler.acl_check(sender_servername, room_id)?; // TODO: Conduit does not implement restricted join rules yet, we always reject let join_rules_event = services().rooms.state_accessor.room_state_get(room_id, &StateEventType::RoomJoinRules, "")?; let join_rules_event_content: Option = join_rules_event .as_ref() .map(|join_rules_event| { serde_json::from_str(join_rules_event.content.get()).map_err(|e| { warn!("Invalid join rules event: {}", e); Error::bad_database("Invalid join rules event in db.") }) }) .transpose()?; if let Some(join_rules_event_content) = join_rules_event_content { if matches!( join_rules_event_content.join_rule, JoinRule::Restricted { .. } | JoinRule::KnockRestricted { .. } ) { return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::UnableToAuthorizeJoin, "Conduit does not support restricted rooms yet.", )); } } // We need to return the state prior to joining, let's keep a reference to that // here let shortstatehash = services() .rooms .state .get_room_shortstatehash(room_id)? .ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Pdu state not found."))?; let pub_key_map = RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new()); // let mut auth_cache = EventMap::new(); // We do not add the event_id field to the pdu here because of signature and // hashes checks let room_version_id = services().rooms.state.get_room_version(room_id)?; let (event_id, value) = match gen_event_id_canonical_json(pdu, &room_version_id) { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => { // Event could not be converted to canonical json return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Could not convert event to canonical json.", )); }, }; let origin: OwnedServerName = serde_json::from_value( serde_json::to_value( value.get("origin").ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Event needs an origin field."))?, ) .expect("CanonicalJson is valid json value"), ) .map_err(|_| Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Origin field is invalid."))?; services().rooms.event_handler.fetch_required_signing_keys([&value], &pub_key_map).await?; let mutex = Arc::clone(services().globals.roomid_mutex_federation.write().await.entry(room_id.to_owned()).or_default()); let mutex_lock = mutex.lock().await; let pdu_id: Vec = services() .rooms .event_handler .handle_incoming_pdu(&origin, &event_id, room_id, value, true, &pub_key_map) .await? .ok_or(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Could not accept incoming PDU as timeline event.", ))?; drop(mutex_lock); let state_ids = services().rooms.state_accessor.state_full_ids(shortstatehash).await?; let auth_chain_ids = services().rooms.auth_chain.get_auth_chain(room_id, state_ids.values().cloned().collect()).await?; let servers = services() .rooms .state_cache .room_servers(room_id) .filter_map(std::result::Result::ok) .filter(|server| &**server != services().globals.server_name()); services().sending.send_pdu(servers, &pdu_id)?; Ok(create_join_event::v1::RoomState { auth_chain: auth_chain_ids .filter_map(|id| services().rooms.timeline.get_pdu_json(&id).ok().flatten()) .map(PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event) .collect(), state: state_ids .iter() .filter_map(|(_, id)| services().rooms.timeline.get_pdu_json(id).ok().flatten()) .map(PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event) .collect(), event: None, // TODO: handle restricted joins }) } /// # `PUT /_matrix/federation/v1/send_join/{roomId}/{eventId}` /// /// Submits a signed join event. pub async fn create_join_event_v1_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { let sender_servername = body.sender_servername.as_ref().expect("server is authenticated"); let room_state = create_join_event(sender_servername, &body.room_id, &body.pdu).await?; Ok(create_join_event::v1::Response { room_state, }) } /// # `PUT /_matrix/federation/v2/send_join/{roomId}/{eventId}` /// /// Submits a signed join event. pub async fn create_join_event_v2_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { let sender_servername = body.sender_servername.as_ref().expect("server is authenticated"); let create_join_event::v1::RoomState { auth_chain, state, event, } = create_join_event(sender_servername, &body.room_id, &body.pdu).await?; let room_state = create_join_event::v2::RoomState { members_omitted: false, auth_chain, state, event, servers_in_room: None, }; Ok(create_join_event::v2::Response { room_state, }) } /// # `PUT /_matrix/federation/v2/invite/{roomId}/{eventId}` /// /// Invites a remote user to a room. pub async fn create_invite_route(body: Ruma) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } let sender_servername = body.sender_servername.as_ref().expect("server is authenticated"); services().rooms.event_handler.acl_check(sender_servername, &body.room_id)?; if !services().globals.supported_room_versions().contains(&body.room_version) { return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::IncompatibleRoomVersion { room_version: body.room_version.clone(), }, "Server does not support this room version.", )); } let mut signed_event = utils::to_canonical_object(&body.event).map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to convert invite event to canonical JSON: {}", e); Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Invite event is invalid.") })?; ruma::signatures::hash_and_sign_event( services().globals.server_name().as_str(), services().globals.keypair(), &mut signed_event, &body.room_version, ) .map_err(|_| Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Failed to sign event."))?; // Generate event id let event_id = EventId::parse(format!( "${}", ruma::signatures::reference_hash(&signed_event, &body.room_version) .expect("ruma can calculate reference hashes") )) .expect("ruma's reference hashes are valid event ids"); // Add event_id back signed_event.insert("event_id".to_owned(), CanonicalJsonValue::String(event_id.to_string())); let sender: OwnedUserId = serde_json::from_value( signed_event .get("sender") .ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Event had no sender field."))? .clone() .into(), ) .map_err(|_| Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "sender is not a user id."))?; let invited_user: Box<_> = serde_json::from_value( signed_event .get("state_key") .ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Event had no state_key field."))? .clone() .into(), ) .map_err(|_| Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "state_key is not a user id."))?; if services().rooms.metadata.is_banned(&body.room_id)? && !services().users.is_admin(&invited_user)? { info!( "Received remote invite from server {} for room {} and for user {invited_user}, but room is banned by us.", &sender_servername, &body.room_id ); return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::Forbidden, "This room is banned on this homeserver.", )); } if services().globals.block_non_admin_invites() && !services().users.is_admin(&invited_user)? { info!( "Received remote invite from server {} for room {} and for user {invited_user} who is not an admin, but \ \"block_non_admin_invites\" is enabled, rejecting.", &sender_servername, &body.room_id ); return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::Forbidden, "This server does not allow room invites.", )); } let mut invite_state = body.invite_room_state.clone(); let mut event: JsonObject = serde_json::from_str(body.event.get()) .map_err(|_| Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Invalid invite event bytes."))?; event.insert("event_id".to_owned(), "$dummy".into()); let pdu: PduEvent = serde_json::from_value(event.into()).map_err(|e| { warn!("Invalid invite event: {}", e); Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Invalid invite event.") })?; invite_state.push(pdu.to_stripped_state_event()); // If we are active in the room, the remote server will notify us about the join // via /send if !services().rooms.state_cache.server_in_room(services().globals.server_name(), &body.room_id)? { services() .rooms .state_cache .update_membership( &body.room_id, &invited_user, RoomMemberEventContent::new(MembershipState::Invite), &sender, Some(invite_state), true, ) .await?; } Ok(create_invite::v2::Response { event: PduEvent::convert_to_outgoing_federation_event(signed_event), }) } /// # `GET /_matrix/federation/v1/user/devices/{userId}` /// /// Gets information on all devices of the user. pub async fn get_devices_route(body: Ruma) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } if body.user_id.server_name() != services().globals.server_name() { return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Tried to access user from other server.", )); } let sender_servername = body.sender_servername.as_ref().expect("server is authenticated"); Ok(get_devices::v1::Response { user_id: body.user_id.clone(), stream_id: services() .users .get_devicelist_version(&body.user_id)? .unwrap_or(0) .try_into() .expect("version will not grow that large"), devices: services() .users .all_devices_metadata(&body.user_id) .filter_map(std::result::Result::ok) .filter_map(|metadata| { let device_id_string = metadata.device_id.as_str().to_owned(); let device_display_name = match services().globals.allow_device_name_federation() { true => metadata.display_name, false => Some(device_id_string), }; Some(UserDevice { keys: services().users.get_device_keys(&body.user_id, &metadata.device_id).ok()??, device_id: metadata.device_id, device_display_name, }) }) .collect(), master_key: services().users.get_master_key(None, &body.user_id, &|u| u.server_name() == sender_servername)?, self_signing_key: services() .users .get_self_signing_key(None, &body.user_id, &|u| u.server_name() == sender_servername)?, }) } /// # `GET /_matrix/federation/v1/query/directory` /// /// Resolve a room alias to a room id. pub async fn get_room_information_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } let room_id = services() .rooms .alias .resolve_local_alias(&body.room_alias)? .ok_or(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Room alias not found."))?; Ok(get_room_information::v1::Response { room_id, servers: vec![services().globals.server_name().to_owned()], }) } /// # `GET /_matrix/federation/v1/query/profile` /// /// Gets information on a profile. pub async fn get_profile_information_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } if body.user_id.server_name() != services().globals.server_name() { return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "User does not belong to this server", )); } let mut displayname = None; let mut avatar_url = None; let mut blurhash = None; match &body.field { Some(ProfileField::DisplayName) => { displayname = services().users.displayname(&body.user_id)?; }, Some(ProfileField::AvatarUrl) => { avatar_url = services().users.avatar_url(&body.user_id)?; blurhash = services().users.blurhash(&body.user_id)?; }, // TODO: what to do with custom Some(_) => {}, None => { displayname = services().users.displayname(&body.user_id)?; avatar_url = services().users.avatar_url(&body.user_id)?; blurhash = services().users.blurhash(&body.user_id)?; }, } Ok(get_profile_information::v1::Response { blurhash, displayname, avatar_url, }) } /// # `POST /_matrix/federation/v1/user/keys/query` /// /// Gets devices and identity keys for the given users. pub async fn get_keys_route(body: Ruma) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } if body.device_keys.iter().any(|(u, _)| u.server_name() != services().globals.server_name()) { return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "User does not belong to this server.", )); } let result = get_keys_helper( None, &body.device_keys, |u| Some(u.server_name()) == body.sender_servername.as_deref(), services().globals.allow_device_name_federation(), ) .await?; Ok(get_keys::v1::Response { device_keys: result.device_keys, master_keys: result.master_keys, self_signing_keys: result.self_signing_keys, }) } /// # `POST /_matrix/federation/v1/user/keys/claim` /// /// Claims one-time keys. pub async fn claim_keys_route(body: Ruma) -> Result { if !services().globals.allow_federation() { return Err(Error::bad_config("Federation is disabled.")); } if body.one_time_keys.iter().any(|(u, _)| u.server_name() != services().globals.server_name()) { return Err(Error::BadRequest( ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Tried to access user from other server.", )); } let result = claim_keys_helper(&body.one_time_keys).await?; Ok(claim_keys::v1::Response { one_time_keys: result.one_time_keys, }) } /// # `GET /.well-known/matrix/server` pub async fn well_known_server_route() -> Result { let server_url = match services().globals.well_known_server() { Some(url) => url.clone(), None => return Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Not found.")), }; Ok(Json(serde_json::json!({ "m.server": server_url }))) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{add_port_to_hostname, get_ip_with_port, FedDest}; #[test] fn ips_get_default_ports() { assert_eq!( get_ip_with_port(""), Some(FedDest::Literal("".parse().unwrap())) ); assert_eq!( get_ip_with_port("dead:beef::"), Some(FedDest::Literal("[dead:beef::]:8448".parse().unwrap())) ); } #[test] fn ips_keep_custom_ports() { assert_eq!( get_ip_with_port(""), Some(FedDest::Literal("".parse().unwrap())) ); assert_eq!( get_ip_with_port("[dead::beef]:8933"), Some(FedDest::Literal("[dead::beef]:8933".parse().unwrap())) ); } #[test] fn hostnames_get_default_ports() { assert_eq!( add_port_to_hostname("example.com"), FedDest::Named(String::from("example.com"), String::from(":8448")) ) } #[test] fn hostnames_keep_custom_ports() { assert_eq!( add_port_to_hostname("example.com:1337"), FedDest::Named(String::from("example.com"), String::from(":1337")) ) } }