mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 14:53:19 +00:00
338 lines
12 KiB
338 lines
12 KiB
#undef NDEBUG
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "../src/check.h" // NOTE: check.h is for internal use only!
#include "../src/re.h" // NOTE: re.h is for internal use only
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
namespace {
// ========================================================================= //
// -------------------------- Testing Case --------------------------------- //
// ========================================================================= //
enum MatchRules {
MR_Default, // Skip non-matching lines until a match is found.
MR_Next, // Match must occur on the next line.
MR_Not // No line between the current position and the next match matches
// the regex
struct TestCase {
std::string regex_str;
int match_rule;
std::shared_ptr<benchmark::Regex> regex;
TestCase(std::string re, int rule = MR_Default)
: regex_str(re), match_rule(rule), regex(std::make_shared<benchmark::Regex>()) {
std::string err_str;
regex->Init(regex_str, &err_str);
CHECK(err_str.empty()) << "Could not construct regex \"" << regex_str << "\""
<< " got Error: " << err_str;
void Check(std::stringstream& remaining_output,
std::vector<TestCase>& not_checks) const {
std::string line;
while (remaining_output.eof() == false) {
std::getline(remaining_output, line);
for (auto& NC : not_checks) {
CHECK(!NC.regex->Match(line)) << "Unexpected match for line \""
<< line << "\" for MR_Not regex \""
<< NC.regex_str << "\"";
if (regex->Match(line)) return;
CHECK(match_rule != MR_Next) << "Expected line \"" << line
<< "\" to match regex \"" << regex_str << "\"";
CHECK(remaining_output.eof() == false)
<< "End of output reached before match for regex \"" << regex_str
<< "\" was found";
static void CheckCases(std::vector<TestCase> const& checks,
std::stringstream& output) {
std::vector<TestCase> not_checks;
for (size_t i=0; i < checks.size(); ++i) {
const auto& TC = checks[i];
if (TC.match_rule == MR_Not) {
TC.Check(output, not_checks);
std::vector<TestCase> ConsoleOutputTests;
std::vector<TestCase> JSONOutputTests;
std::vector<TestCase> CSVOutputTests;
std::vector<TestCase> ConsoleErrorTests;
std::vector<TestCase> JSONErrorTests;
std::vector<TestCase> CSVErrorTests;
// ========================================================================= //
// -------------------------- Test Helpers --------------------------------- //
// ========================================================================= //
class TestReporter : public benchmark::BenchmarkReporter {
TestReporter(std::vector<benchmark::BenchmarkReporter*> reps)
: reporters_(reps) {}
virtual bool ReportContext(const Context& context) {
bool last_ret = false;
bool first = true;
for (auto rep : reporters_) {
bool new_ret = rep->ReportContext(context);
CHECK(first || new_ret == last_ret)
<< "Reports return different values for ReportContext";
first = false;
last_ret = new_ret;
return last_ret;
virtual void ReportRuns(const std::vector<Run>& report) {
for (auto rep : reporters_)
virtual void Finalize() {
for (auto rep : reporters_)
std::vector<benchmark::BenchmarkReporter*> reporters_;
#define CONCAT2(x, y) x##y
#define CONCAT(x, y) CONCAT2(x, y)
#define ADD_CASES(...) \
int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddCases(__VA_ARGS__)
int AddCases(std::vector<TestCase>* out, std::initializer_list<TestCase> const& v) {
for (auto const& TC : v)
return 0;
template <class First>
std::string join(First f) { return f; }
template <class First, class ...Args>
std::string join(First f, Args&&... args) {
return std::string(std::move(f)) + "[ ]+" + join(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
std::string dec_re = "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?";
} // end namespace
// ========================================================================= //
// ---------------------- Testing Prologue Output -------------------------- //
// ========================================================================= //
ADD_CASES(&ConsoleOutputTests, {
{join("^Benchmark", "Time", "CPU", "Iterations$"), MR_Next},
{"^[-]+$", MR_Next}
ADD_CASES(&CSVOutputTests, {
// ========================================================================= //
// ------------------------ Testing Basic Output --------------------------- //
// ========================================================================= //
void BM_basic(benchmark::State& state) {
while (state.KeepRunning()) {}
ADD_CASES(&ConsoleOutputTests, {
{"^BM_basic[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]+$"}
ADD_CASES(&JSONOutputTests, {
{"\"name\": \"BM_basic\",$"},
{"\"iterations\": [0-9]+,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": [0-9]{1,5},$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": [0-9]{1,5},$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\"$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}
ADD_CASES(&CSVOutputTests, {
{"^\"BM_basic\",[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,,,$"}
// ========================================================================= //
// ------------------------ Testing Error Output --------------------------- //
// ========================================================================= //
void BM_error(benchmark::State& state) {
while(state.KeepRunning()) {}
ADD_CASES(&ConsoleOutputTests, {
{"^BM_error[ ]+ERROR OCCURRED: 'message'$"}
ADD_CASES(&JSONOutputTests, {
{"\"name\": \"BM_error\",$"},
{"\"error_occurred\": true,$", MR_Next},
{"\"error_message\": \"message\",$", MR_Next}
ADD_CASES(&CSVOutputTests, {
// ========================================================================= //
// ----------------------- Testing Complexity Output ----------------------- //
// ========================================================================= //
void BM_Complexity_O1(benchmark::State& state) {
while (state.KeepRunning()) {
BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O1)->Range(1, 1<<18)->Complexity(benchmark::o1);
std::string bigOStr = "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+ \\([0-9]+\\)";
ADD_CASES(&ConsoleOutputTests, {
{join("^BM_Complexity_O1_BigO", bigOStr, bigOStr) + "[ ]*$"},
{join("^BM_Complexity_O1_RMS", "[0-9]+ %", "[0-9]+ %") + "[ ]*$"}
// ========================================================================= //
// ----------------------- Testing Aggregate Output ------------------------ //
// ========================================================================= //
// Test that non-aggregate data is printed by default
void BM_Repeat(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) {} }
ADD_CASES(&ConsoleOutputTests, {
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]+$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]+$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]+$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]+$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]+$"}
ADD_CASES(&JSONOutputTests, {
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean\",$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev\",$"}
ADD_CASES(&CSVOutputTests, {
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,,,$"},
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,,,$"},
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,,,$"},
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean\",[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,,,$"},
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev\",[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,,,$"}
// Test that a non-repeated test still prints non-aggregate results even when
// only-aggregate reports have been requested
void BM_RepeatOnce(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) {} }
ADD_CASES(&ConsoleOutputTests, {
{"^BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]+$"}
ADD_CASES(&JSONOutputTests, {
{"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1\",$"}
ADD_CASES(&CSVOutputTests, {
{"^\"BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1\",[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,,,$"}
// Test that non-aggregate data is not reported
void BM_SummaryRepeat(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) {} }
ADD_CASES(&ConsoleOutputTests, {
{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not},
{"^BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]+$"},
{"^BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]{1,5} ns[ ]+[0-9]+$"}
ADD_CASES(&JSONOutputTests, {
{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not},
{"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\",$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\",$"}
ADD_CASES(&CSVOutputTests, {
{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not},
{"^\"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\",[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,,,$"},
{"^\"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\",[0-9]+," + dec_re + "," + dec_re + ",ns,,,,,$"}
// ========================================================================= //
// --------------------------- TEST CASES END ------------------------------ //
// ========================================================================= //
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);
benchmark::ConsoleReporter CR(benchmark::ConsoleReporter::OO_None);
benchmark::JSONReporter JR;
benchmark::CSVReporter CSVR;
struct ReporterTest {
const char* name;
std::vector<TestCase>& output_cases;
std::vector<TestCase>& error_cases;
benchmark::BenchmarkReporter& reporter;
std::stringstream out_stream;
std::stringstream err_stream;
ReporterTest(const char* n,
std::vector<TestCase>& out_tc,
std::vector<TestCase>& err_tc,
benchmark::BenchmarkReporter& br)
: name(n), output_cases(out_tc), error_cases(err_tc), reporter(br) {
} TestCases[] = {
{"ConsoleReporter", ConsoleOutputTests, ConsoleErrorTests, CR},
{"JSONReporter", JSONOutputTests, JSONErrorTests, JR},
{"CSVReporter", CSVOutputTests, CSVErrorTests, CSVR}
// Create the test reporter and run the benchmarks.
std::cout << "Running benchmarks...\n";
TestReporter test_rep({&CR, &JR, &CSVR});
for (auto& rep_test : TestCases) {
std::string msg = std::string("\nTesting ") + rep_test.name + " Output\n";
std::string banner(msg.size() - 1, '-');
std::cout << banner << msg << banner << "\n";
std::cerr << rep_test.err_stream.str();
std::cout << rep_test.out_stream.str();
TestCase::CheckCases(rep_test.error_cases, rep_test.err_stream);
TestCase::CheckCases(rep_test.output_cases, rep_test.out_stream);
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;