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mirror of https://github.com/bazel-contrib/rules_foreign_cc synced 2024-11-30 16:42:07 +00:00
irengrig 19ff39c6d8
cmake: add option cache_entries to pass cache initializers (#27)
Have explicit dict option "cache_entries" for passing CMake cache initializer key-values pairs to the rule.
This gives us ability to join user initializers and toolchain initializers. This might be useful with flags option.
2018-08-16 09:53:52 +02:00

142 lines
5.1 KiB

""" Defines the rule for building external library with CMake
load("//tools/build_defs:cc_toolchain_util.bzl", "absolutize_path_in_str", "getFlagsInfo", "getToolsInfo")
def _cmake_external(ctx):
options = " ".join(ctx.attr.cmake_options)
root = detect_root(ctx.attr.lib_source)
tools = getToolsInfo(ctx)
flags = getFlagsInfo(ctx)
cache_entries = _join_cache_options(ctx, _get_toolchain_entries(ctx, tools, flags), ctx.attr.cache_entries)
install_prefix = _get_install_prefix(ctx)
cmake_string = " ".join([
" ".join(_get_toolchain_variables(ctx, tools, flags)),
" cmake",
" ".join(cache_entries),
"$EXT_BUILD_ROOT/" + root,
copy_results = "copy_dir_contents_to_dir $TMPDIR/{} $INSTALLDIR".format(install_prefix)
attrs = create_attrs(
configure_name = "CMake",
configure_script = cmake_string,
postfix_script = copy_results + "\n" + ctx.attr.postfix_script,
return cc_external_rule_impl(ctx, attrs)
def _get_install_prefix(ctx):
if ctx.attr.install_prefix:
return ctx.attr.install_prefix
if ctx.attr.lib_name:
return ctx.attr.lib_name
return ctx.attr.name
def _get_toolchain_variables(ctx, tools, flags):
vars = []
if tools.cc:
vars += _env_var(ctx, "CC", [tools.cc])
if tools.cxx:
vars += _env_var(ctx, "CXX", [tools.cxx])
if flags.cc:
vars += _env_var(ctx, "CFLAGS", flags.cc)
if flags.cc:
vars += _env_var(ctx, "CXXFLAGS", flags.cxx)
if flags.assemble:
vars += _env_var(ctx, "ASMFLAGS", flags.assemble)
return vars
def _get_toolchain_entries(ctx, tools, flags):
options = {}
if tools.cxx_linker_static:
options["CMAKE_AR"] = [tools.cxx_linker_static]
# this does not work by some reason
# options += _option(ctx, "CMAKE_CXX_ARCHIVE_CREATE", ["<CMAKE_AR> <LINK_FLAGS> qc <TARGET> <OBJECTS>"])
# options += _option(ctx, "CMAKE_CXX_ARCHIVE_APPEND", ["<CMAKE_AR> <LINK_FLAGS> qc <TARGET> <OBJECTS>"])
# options += _option(ctx, "CMAKE_CXX_ARCHIVE_FINISH", ["<CMAKE_RANLIB> <TARGET>"])
if tools.cxx_linker_executable:
# https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/master/Modules/CMakeCXXInformation.cmake
rule_string = " ".join([
"-o <TARGET>",
]).format(absolutize_path_in_str(ctx, tools.cxx_linker_executable, "$EXT_BUILD_ROOT/"))
options["CMAKE_CXX_LINK_EXECUTABLE"] = [rule_string]
# commented out for now, because http://cmake.3232098.n2.nabble.com/CMake-incorrectly-passes-linker-flags-to-ar-td7592436.html
# if flags.cxx_linker_static:
# options += _option(ctx, "CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS", flags.cxx_linker_static)
if flags.cxx_linker_shared:
options["CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS"] = flags.cxx_linker_shared
if flags.cxx_linker_executable:
options["CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS"] = flags.cxx_linker_executable
return options
def _join_cache_options(ctx, toolchain_entries, user_entries):
cache_entries = dict(toolchain_entries)
for key in user_entries:
existing = cache_entries[key] or []
cache_entries[key] = existing + [user_entries[key]]
return [_option(ctx, key, cache_entries[key]) for key in cache_entries]
def _env_var(ctx, cmake_option, flags):
return ["{}=\"{}\"".format(cmake_option, _join_flags_list(ctx, flags))]
def _option(ctx, cmake_option, flags):
return "-D{}=\"{}\"".format(cmake_option, _join_flags_list(ctx, flags))
def _join_flags_list(ctx, flags):
return " ".join([absolutize_path_in_str(ctx, flag, "$EXT_BUILD_ROOT/") for flag in flags])
def _attrs():
# Relative install prefix to be passed to CMake in -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
"install_prefix": attr.string(mandatory = False),
# CMake cache entries to initialize (they will be passed with -Dkey=value)
# Values, defined by the toolchain, will be joined with the values, passed here.
# (Toolchain values come first)
"cache_entries": attr.string_dict(mandatory = False, default = {}),
# Other CMake options
"cmake_options": attr.string_list(mandatory = False, default = []),
return attrs
""" Rule for building external library with CMake
cmake_options - (list of strings) options to be passed to the cmake call
Other attributes are documented in framework.bzl:CC_EXTERNAL_RULE_ATTRIBUTES
cmake_external = rule(
attrs = _attrs(),
fragments = ["cpp"],
output_to_genfiles = True,
implementation = _cmake_external,