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synced 2024-11-30 16:42:07 +00:00
Have explicit dict option "cache_entries" for passing CMake cache initializer key-values pairs to the rule. This gives us ability to join user initializers and toolchain initializers. This might be useful with flags option.
142 lines
5.1 KiB
142 lines
5.1 KiB
""" Defines the rule for building external library with CMake
load("//tools/build_defs:cc_toolchain_util.bzl", "absolutize_path_in_str", "getFlagsInfo", "getToolsInfo")
def _cmake_external(ctx):
options = " ".join(ctx.attr.cmake_options)
root = detect_root(ctx.attr.lib_source)
tools = getToolsInfo(ctx)
flags = getFlagsInfo(ctx)
cache_entries = _join_cache_options(ctx, _get_toolchain_entries(ctx, tools, flags), ctx.attr.cache_entries)
install_prefix = _get_install_prefix(ctx)
cmake_string = " ".join([
" ".join(_get_toolchain_variables(ctx, tools, flags)),
" cmake",
" ".join(cache_entries),
"$EXT_BUILD_ROOT/" + root,
copy_results = "copy_dir_contents_to_dir $TMPDIR/{} $INSTALLDIR".format(install_prefix)
attrs = create_attrs(
configure_name = "CMake",
configure_script = cmake_string,
postfix_script = copy_results + "\n" + ctx.attr.postfix_script,
return cc_external_rule_impl(ctx, attrs)
def _get_install_prefix(ctx):
if ctx.attr.install_prefix:
return ctx.attr.install_prefix
if ctx.attr.lib_name:
return ctx.attr.lib_name
return ctx.attr.name
def _get_toolchain_variables(ctx, tools, flags):
vars = []
if tools.cc:
vars += _env_var(ctx, "CC", [tools.cc])
if tools.cxx:
vars += _env_var(ctx, "CXX", [tools.cxx])
if flags.cc:
vars += _env_var(ctx, "CFLAGS", flags.cc)
if flags.cc:
vars += _env_var(ctx, "CXXFLAGS", flags.cxx)
if flags.assemble:
vars += _env_var(ctx, "ASMFLAGS", flags.assemble)
return vars
def _get_toolchain_entries(ctx, tools, flags):
options = {}
if tools.cxx_linker_static:
options["CMAKE_AR"] = [tools.cxx_linker_static]
# this does not work by some reason
# options += _option(ctx, "CMAKE_CXX_ARCHIVE_CREATE", ["<CMAKE_AR> <LINK_FLAGS> qc <TARGET> <OBJECTS>"])
# options += _option(ctx, "CMAKE_CXX_ARCHIVE_APPEND", ["<CMAKE_AR> <LINK_FLAGS> qc <TARGET> <OBJECTS>"])
# options += _option(ctx, "CMAKE_CXX_ARCHIVE_FINISH", ["<CMAKE_RANLIB> <TARGET>"])
if tools.cxx_linker_executable:
# https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/master/Modules/CMakeCXXInformation.cmake
rule_string = " ".join([
"-o <TARGET>",
]).format(absolutize_path_in_str(ctx, tools.cxx_linker_executable, "$EXT_BUILD_ROOT/"))
options["CMAKE_CXX_LINK_EXECUTABLE"] = [rule_string]
# commented out for now, because http://cmake.3232098.n2.nabble.com/CMake-incorrectly-passes-linker-flags-to-ar-td7592436.html
# if flags.cxx_linker_static:
# options += _option(ctx, "CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS", flags.cxx_linker_static)
if flags.cxx_linker_shared:
options["CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS"] = flags.cxx_linker_shared
if flags.cxx_linker_executable:
options["CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS"] = flags.cxx_linker_executable
return options
def _join_cache_options(ctx, toolchain_entries, user_entries):
cache_entries = dict(toolchain_entries)
for key in user_entries:
existing = cache_entries[key] or []
cache_entries[key] = existing + [user_entries[key]]
return [_option(ctx, key, cache_entries[key]) for key in cache_entries]
def _env_var(ctx, cmake_option, flags):
return ["{}=\"{}\"".format(cmake_option, _join_flags_list(ctx, flags))]
def _option(ctx, cmake_option, flags):
return "-D{}=\"{}\"".format(cmake_option, _join_flags_list(ctx, flags))
def _join_flags_list(ctx, flags):
return " ".join([absolutize_path_in_str(ctx, flag, "$EXT_BUILD_ROOT/") for flag in flags])
def _attrs():
# Relative install prefix to be passed to CMake in -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
"install_prefix": attr.string(mandatory = False),
# CMake cache entries to initialize (they will be passed with -Dkey=value)
# Values, defined by the toolchain, will be joined with the values, passed here.
# (Toolchain values come first)
"cache_entries": attr.string_dict(mandatory = False, default = {}),
# Other CMake options
"cmake_options": attr.string_list(mandatory = False, default = []),
return attrs
""" Rule for building external library with CMake
cmake_options - (list of strings) options to be passed to the cmake call
Other attributes are documented in framework.bzl:CC_EXTERNAL_RULE_ATTRIBUTES
cmake_external = rule(
attrs = _attrs(),
fragments = ["cpp"],
output_to_genfiles = True,
implementation = _cmake_external,