mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 16:42:07 +00:00
* Enable more tests for RBE * Turn off gn build for RBE * Fix to make_simple example * Turn off configure_with_bazel_transitive due to an issue with toolchain configuration * Add CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM to generate_args * Set CMP0074 policy for cmake to use the ZLIB_ROOT entry * Disable libpng build on rbe * Disable bison build on RBE * Disable cmake_android example on RBE * Fix typo in ZLIB_ROOT * Reenable libpng build * Address review comments
302 lines
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302 lines
11 KiB
""" Defines the rule for building external library with CMake
load("//foreign_cc/private:cmake_script.bzl", "create_cmake_script")
load("//foreign_cc/private:detect_root.bzl", "detect_root")
def _cmake_impl(ctx):
cmake_data = get_cmake_data(ctx)
tools_deps = ctx.attr.tools_deps + cmake_data.deps
env = dict(ctx.attr.env)
generator, generate_args = _get_generator_target(ctx)
if "Unix Makefiles" == generator:
make_data = get_make_data(ctx)
elif "Ninja" in generator:
ninja_data = get_ninja_data(ctx)
attrs = create_attrs(
env = env,
generator = generator,
generate_args = generate_args,
configure_name = "CMake",
create_configure_script = _create_configure_script,
tools_deps = tools_deps,
cmake_path = cmake_data.path,
return cc_external_rule_impl(ctx, attrs)
def _create_configure_script(configureParameters):
ctx = configureParameters.ctx
attrs = configureParameters.attrs
inputs = configureParameters.inputs
root = detect_root(ctx.attr.lib_source)
if len(ctx.attr.working_directory) > 0:
root = root + "/" + ctx.attr.working_directory
tools = get_tools_info(ctx)
# CMake will replace <TARGET> with the actual output file
flags = get_flags_info(ctx, "<TARGET>")
no_toolchain_file = ctx.attr.cache_entries.get("CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE") or not ctx.attr.generate_crosstool_file
cmake_commands = []
# If the legacy `make_commands` attribute was not set, use the new
# `targets` api for building our target.
if not ctx.attr.make_commands:
data = ctx.attr.data + getattr(ctx.attr, "tools_deps", [])
configuration = "Debug" if is_debug_mode(ctx) else "Release"
# Generate a list of arguments for cmake's build command
build_args = " ".join([
ctx.expand_location(arg, data)
for arg in ctx.attr.build_args
# Generate commands for all the targets, ensuring there's
# always at least 1 call to the default target.
for target in ctx.attr.targets or [""]:
# There's no need to use the `--target` argument for an empty/"all" target
if target:
target = "--target '{}'".format(target)
# Note that even though directory is always passed, the
# following arguments can take precedence.
cmake_commands.append("{cmake} --build {dir} --config {config} {target} {args}".format(
cmake = attrs.cmake_path,
dir = ".",
args = build_args,
target = target,
config = configuration,
if ctx.attr.install:
# Generate a list of arguments for cmake's install command
install_args = " ".join([
ctx.expand_location(arg, data)
for arg in ctx.attr.install_args
cmake_commands.append("{cmake} --install {dir} --config {config} {args}".format(
cmake = attrs.cmake_path,
dir = ".",
args = install_args,
config = configuration,
configure_script = create_cmake_script(
workspace_name = ctx.workspace_name,
generator = attrs.generator,
cmake_path = attrs.cmake_path,
tools = tools,
flags = flags,
install_prefix = "$$INSTALLDIR$$",
root = root,
no_toolchain_file = no_toolchain_file,
user_cache = dict(ctx.attr.cache_entries),
user_env = getattr(ctx.attr, "env_vars", {}),
options = attrs.generate_args,
cmake_commands = cmake_commands,
include_dirs = inputs.include_dirs,
is_debug_mode = is_debug_mode(ctx),
return configure_script
def _get_generator_target(ctx):
"""Parse the genrator arguments for a generator declaration
If none is found, a default will be chosen
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object
tuple: (str, list) the generator and a list of arguments with the generator arg removed
known_generators = [
"Borland Makefiles",
"Green Hills MULTI",
"MinGW Makefiles",
"MSYS Makefiles",
"Ninja Multi-Config",
"NMake Makefiles JOM",
"NMake Makefiles",
"Unix Makefiles",
"Visual Studio 10 2010",
"Visual Studio 11 2012",
"Visual Studio 12 2013",
"Visual Studio 14 2015",
"Visual Studio 15 2017",
"Visual Studio 16 2019",
"Visual Studio 9 2008",
"Watcom WMake",
generator = None
generator_definitions = []
generate_args = ctx.attr.generate_args + getattr(ctx.attr, "cmake_options", [])
for arg in generate_args:
if arg.startswith("-G"):
if len(generator_definitions) > 1:
fail("Please specify no more than 1 generator argument. Arguments found: {}".format(generator_definitions))
for definition in generator_definitions:
generator = definition[2:]
generator = generator.strip(" =\"'")
# Remove the argument so it's not passed twice to the cmake command
# See create_cmake_script for more details
if not generator:
execution_os_name = os_name(ctx)
if "win" in execution_os_name:
generator = "Ninja"
elif "macos" in execution_os_name:
generator = "Unix Makefiles"
elif "linux" in execution_os_name:
generator = "Unix Makefiles"
fail("No generator set and no default is known. Please set the cmake `generator` attribute")
# Sanity check
for gen in known_generators:
if generator.startswith(gen):
return generator, generate_args
fail("`{}` is not a known generator".format(generator))
def _attrs():
"build_args": attr.string_list(
doc = "Arguments for the CMake build command",
mandatory = False,
"cache_entries": attr.string_dict(
doc = (
"CMake cache entries to initialize (they will be passed with `-Dkey=value`) " +
"Values, defined by the toolchain, will be joined with the values, passed here. " +
"(Toolchain values come first)"
mandatory = False,
default = {},
"cmake_options": attr.string_list(
doc = "__deprecated__: Use `generate_args`",
mandatory = False,
default = [],
"env_vars": attr.string_dict(
doc = (
"CMake environment variable values to join with toolchain-defined. " +
"For example, additional `CXXFLAGS`."
mandatory = False,
default = {},
"generate_args": attr.string_list(
doc = (
"Arguments for CMake's generate command. Arguments should be passed as key/value pairs. eg: " +
"`[\"-G Ninja\", \"--debug-output\", \"-DFOO=bar\"]`. Note that unless a generator (`-G`) argument " +
"is provided, the default generators are [Unix Makefiles](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/generator/Unix%20Makefiles.html) " +
"for Linux and MacOS and [Ninja](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/generator/Ninja.html) for " +
mandatory = False,
default = [],
"generate_crosstool_file": attr.bool(
doc = (
"When True, CMake crosstool file will be generated from the toolchain values, " +
"provided cache-entries and env_vars (some values will still be passed as `-Dkey=value` " +
"and environment variables). If `CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE` cache entry is passed, " +
"specified crosstool file will be used When using this option to cross-compile, " +
"it is required to specify `CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` in the cache_entries"
mandatory = False,
default = True,
"install": attr.bool(
doc = "If True, the `cmake --install` comand will be performed after a build",
default = True,
"install_args": attr.string_list(
doc = "Arguments for the CMake install command",
mandatory = False,
"install_prefix": attr.string(
doc = "__deprecated__: This field is deprecated and is no longer used.",
mandatory = False,
"make_commands": attr.string_list(
doc = (
"__deprecated__: Optional hard coded commands to replace the `cmake --build` commands. It's " +
"recommended to leave this empty and use the `targets` + `build_args` attributes."
mandatory = False,
"working_directory": attr.string(
doc = (
"Working directory, with the main CMakeLists.txt " +
"(otherwise, the top directory of the lib_source label files is used.)"
mandatory = False,
default = "",
return attrs
cmake = rule(
doc = "Rule for building external library with CMake.",
attrs = _attrs(),
output_to_genfiles = True,
implementation = _cmake_impl,
toolchains = [