# Copyright 2024 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Test subjects for cc_toolchain_info providers.""" load("@bazel_skylib//lib:structs.bzl", "structs") load("@rules_testing//lib:truth.bzl", _subjects = "subjects") load( "//cc/toolchains:cc_toolchain_info.bzl", "ActionTypeConfigInfo", "ActionTypeConfigSetInfo", "ActionTypeInfo", "ActionTypeSetInfo", "ArgsInfo", "ArgsListInfo", "FeatureConstraintInfo", "FeatureInfo", "FeatureSetInfo", "MutuallyExclusiveCategoryInfo", "NestedArgsInfo", "ToolInfo", "ToolchainConfigInfo", ) load(":generate_factory.bzl", "ProviderDepset", "ProviderSequence", "generate_factory") load(":generics.bzl", "dict_key_subject", "optional_subject", "result_subject", "struct_subject", _result_fn_wrapper = "result_fn_wrapper") visibility("//tests/rule_based_toolchain/...") # The default runfiles subject uses path instead of short_path. # This makes it rather awkward for copybara. runfiles_subject = lambda value, meta: _subjects.depset_file(value.files, meta = meta) # The string type has .equals(), which is all we can really do for an unknown # type. unknown_subject = _subjects.str # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _ActionTypeFactory = generate_factory( ActionTypeInfo, "ActionTypeInfo", dict( name = _subjects.str, ), ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _ActionTypeSetFactory = generate_factory( ActionTypeSetInfo, "ActionTypeInfo", dict( actions = ProviderDepset(_ActionTypeFactory), ), ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _MutuallyExclusiveCategoryFactory = generate_factory( MutuallyExclusiveCategoryInfo, "MutuallyExclusiveCategoryInfo", dict(name = _subjects.str), ) _FEATURE_FLAGS = dict( name = _subjects.str, enabled = _subjects.bool, args = None, implies = None, requires_any_of = None, mutually_exclusive = ProviderSequence(_MutuallyExclusiveCategoryFactory), overridable = _subjects.bool, external = _subjects.bool, overrides = None, ) # Break the dependency loop. # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _FakeFeatureFactory = generate_factory( FeatureInfo, "FeatureInfo", _FEATURE_FLAGS, ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _FeatureSetFactory = generate_factory( FeatureSetInfo, "FeatureSetInfo", dict(features = ProviderDepset(_FakeFeatureFactory)), ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _FeatureConstraintFactory = generate_factory( FeatureConstraintInfo, "FeatureConstraintInfo", dict( all_of = ProviderDepset(_FakeFeatureFactory), none_of = ProviderDepset(_FakeFeatureFactory), ), ) _NESTED_ARGS_FLAGS = dict( nested = None, files = _subjects.depset_file, iterate_over = optional_subject(_subjects.str), legacy_flag_group = unknown_subject, requires_types = _subjects.dict, unwrap_options = _subjects.collection, ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _FakeNestedArgsFactory = generate_factory( NestedArgsInfo, "NestedArgsInfo", _NESTED_ARGS_FLAGS, ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _NestedArgsFactory = generate_factory( NestedArgsInfo, "NestedArgsInfo", _NESTED_ARGS_FLAGS | dict( nested = ProviderSequence(_FakeNestedArgsFactory), ), ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _ArgsFactory = generate_factory( ArgsInfo, "ArgsInfo", dict( actions = ProviderDepset(_ActionTypeFactory), env = _subjects.dict, files = _subjects.depset_file, # Use .factory so it's not inlined. nested = optional_subject(_NestedArgsFactory.factory), requires_any_of = ProviderSequence(_FeatureConstraintFactory), ), ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _ArgsListFactory = generate_factory( ArgsListInfo, "ArgsListInfo", dict( args = ProviderSequence(_ArgsFactory), by_action = lambda values, *, meta: dict_key_subject(struct_subject( args = _subjects.collection, files = _subjects.depset_file, ))({value.action: value for value in values}, meta = meta), files = _subjects.depset_file, ), ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _FeatureFactory = generate_factory( FeatureInfo, "FeatureInfo", _FEATURE_FLAGS | dict( # Use .factory so it's not inlined. args = _ArgsListFactory.factory, implies = ProviderDepset(_FakeFeatureFactory), requires_any_of = ProviderSequence(_FeatureSetFactory), overrides = optional_subject(_FakeFeatureFactory.factory), ), ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _ToolFactory = generate_factory( ToolInfo, "ToolInfo", dict( exe = _subjects.file, runfiles = runfiles_subject, execution_requirements = _subjects.collection, ), ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _ActionTypeConfigFactory = generate_factory( ActionTypeConfigInfo, "ActionTypeConfigInfo", dict( action_type = _ActionTypeFactory, tools = ProviderSequence(_ToolFactory), implies = ProviderDepset(_FeatureFactory), files = runfiles_subject, ), ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _ActionTypeConfigSetFactory = generate_factory( ActionTypeConfigSetInfo, "ActionTypeConfigSetInfo", dict( configs = dict_key_subject(_ActionTypeConfigFactory.factory), ), ) # buildifier: disable=name-conventions _ToolchainConfigFactory = generate_factory( ToolchainConfigInfo, "ToolchainConfigInfo", dict( features = ProviderDepset(_FeatureFactory), action_type_configs = dict_key_subject(_ActionTypeConfigFactory.factory), args = ProviderSequence(_ArgsFactory), files = dict_key_subject(_subjects.depset_file), ), ) FACTORIES = [ _ActionTypeFactory, _ActionTypeSetFactory, _NestedArgsFactory, _ArgsFactory, _ArgsListFactory, _MutuallyExclusiveCategoryFactory, _FeatureFactory, _FeatureConstraintFactory, _FeatureSetFactory, _ToolFactory, _ActionTypeConfigSetFactory, _ToolchainConfigFactory, ] result_fn_wrapper = _result_fn_wrapper subjects = struct( **(structs.to_dict(_subjects) | dict( unknown = unknown_subject, result = result_subject, optional = optional_subject, struct = struct_subject, runfiles = runfiles_subject, dict_key = dict_key_subject, ) | {factory.name: factory.factory for factory in FACTORIES}) )