| <aid="cc_args_list-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <ahref="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels#target-names">Name</a> | required | |
| <aid="cc_args_list-args"></a>args | (ordered) cc_args to include in this list. | <ahref="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">List of labels</a> | optional | `[]` |
| <aid="cc_args-name"></a>name | (str) The name of the target. | none |
| <aid="cc_args-actions"></a>actions | (List[Label]) A list of labels of `cc_action_type` or `cc_action_type_set` rules that dictate which actions these arguments should be applied to. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-allowlist_include_directories"></a>allowlist_include_directories | (List[Label]) A list of include paths that are implied by using this rule. These must point to a skylib [directory](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib/blob/main/docs/directory_doc.md#directory) or [subdirectory](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib/blob/main/docs/directory_subdirectory_doc.md#subdirectory) rule. Some flags (e.g. --sysroot) imply certain include paths are available despite not explicitly specifying a normal include path flag (`-I`, `-isystem`, etc.). Bazel checks that all included headers are properly provided by a dependency or allowlisted through this mechanism. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-args"></a>args | (List[str]) The command-line arguments that are applied by using this rule. This is mutually exclusive with [nested](#cc_args-nested). | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-data"></a>data | (List[Label]) A list of runtime data dependencies that are required for these arguments to work as intended. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-env"></a>env | (Dict[str, str]) Environment variables that should be set when the tool is invoked. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-format"></a>format | (Dict[str, Label]) A mapping of format strings to the label of the corresponding `cc_variable` that the value should be pulled from. All instances of `{variable_name}` will be replaced with the expanded value of `variable_name` in this dictionary. The complete list of possible variables can be found in https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_cc/blob/main/cc/toolchains/variables/BUILD. it is not possible to declare custom variables--these are inherent to Bazel itself. | `{}` |
| <aid="cc_args-iterate_over"></a>iterate_over | (Label) The label of a `cc_variable` that should be iterated over. This is intended for use with built-in variables that are lists. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-nested"></a>nested | (List[Label]) A list of [cc_nested_args](#cc_nested_args) rules that should be expanded to command-line arguments when this rule is used. This is mutually exclusive with [args](#cc_args-args). | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-requires_not_none"></a>requires_not_none | (Label) The label of a `cc_variable` that should be checked for existence before expanding this rule. If the variable is None, this rule will be ignored. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-requires_none"></a>requires_none | (Label) The label of a `cc_variable` that should be checked for non-existence before expanding this rule. If the variable is not None, this rule will be ignored. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-requires_true"></a>requires_true | (Label) The label of a `cc_variable` that should be checked for truthiness before expanding this rule. If the variable is false, this rule will be ignored. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-requires_false"></a>requires_false | (Label) The label of a `cc_variable` that should be checked for falsiness before expanding this rule. If the variable is true, this rule will be ignored. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-requires_equal"></a>requires_equal | (Label) The label of a `cc_variable` that should be checked for equality before expanding this rule. If the variable is not equal to (requires_equal_value)[#cc_args-requires_equal_value], this rule will be ignored. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-requires_equal_value"></a>requires_equal_value | (str) The value to compare (requires_equal)[#cc_args-requires_equal] against. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-requires_any_of"></a>requires_any_of | (List[Label]) These arguments will be used in a tool invocation when at least one of the `cc_feature_constraint` entries in this list are satisfied. If omitted, this flag set will be enabled unconditionally. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_args-kwargs"></a>kwargs | [common attributes](https://bazel.build/reference/be/common-definitions#common-attributes) that should be applied to this rule. | none |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-name"></a>name | (str) The name of the target. | none |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-args"></a>args | (List[str]) The command-line arguments that are applied by using this rule. This is mutually exclusive with [nested](#cc_nested_args-nested). | `None` |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-data"></a>data | (List[Label]) A list of runtime data dependencies that are required for these arguments to work as intended. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-format"></a>format | (Dict[str, Label]) A mapping of format strings to the label of the corresponding `cc_variable` that the value should be pulled from. All instances of `{variable_name}` will be replaced with the expanded value of `variable_name` in this dictionary. The complete list of possible variables can be found in https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_cc/blob/main/cc/toolchains/variables/BUILD. it is not possible to declare custom variables--these are inherent to Bazel itself. | `{}` |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-iterate_over"></a>iterate_over | (Label) The label of a `cc_variable` that should be iterated over. This is intended for use with built-in variables that are lists. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-nested"></a>nested | (List[Label]) A list of [cc_nested_args](#cc_nested_args) rules that should be expanded to command-line arguments when this rule is used. This is mutually exclusive with [args](#cc_nested_args-args). | `None` |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-requires_not_none"></a>requires_not_none | (Label) The label of a `cc_variable` that should be checked for existence before expanding this rule. If the variable is None, this rule will be ignored. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-requires_none"></a>requires_none | (Label) The label of a `cc_variable` that should be checked for non-existence before expanding this rule. If the variable is not None, this rule will be ignored. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-requires_true"></a>requires_true | (Label) The label of a `cc_variable` that should be checked for truthiness before expanding this rule. If the variable is false, this rule will be ignored. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-requires_false"></a>requires_false | (Label) The label of a `cc_variable` that should be checked for falsiness before expanding this rule. If the variable is true, this rule will be ignored. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-requires_equal"></a>requires_equal | (Label) The label of a `cc_variable` that should be checked for equality before expanding this rule. If the variable is not equal to (requires_equal_value)[#cc_nested_args-requires_equal_value], this rule will be ignored. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-requires_equal_value"></a>requires_equal_value | (str) The value to compare (requires_equal)[#cc_nested_args-requires_equal] against. | `None` |
| <aid="cc_nested_args-kwargs"></a>kwargs | [common attributes](https://bazel.build/reference/be/common-definitions#common-attributes) that should be applied to this rule. | none |
| <aid="cc_tool_map-name"></a>name | (str) The name of the target. | none |
| <aid="cc_tool_map-tools"></a>tools | (Dict[target providing ActionTypeSetInfo, Executable target]) A mapping between `cc_action_type` targets and the `cc_tool` or executable target that implements that action. | none |
| <aid="cc_tool_map-kwargs"></a>kwargs | [common attributes](https://bazel.build/reference/be/common-definitions#common-attributes) that should be applied to this rule. | none |